February 15, 1929 FOR SALE-HOUSES 'w I L M E T T E L I F E 77 . FOB SAJJE-HOUSES , 79 63 10! FOB SALE-MISC. FOR SALE-DRESSES, SIZE 16, LIKE new, $5-$7. Tel. Winn. 2672. 102LTN21-ltc CONN MELLOPHONE, LIKE NEW, cost $115, will sell for $6~. Tel. Wtnn. 1127. 102LTN21-ltc · FOR SALE-ACREAGE (Gll<ellll~@® (Q)w®lfll@@ilKniiTl ~ <BJ. SPLENDID MODERN RESID. NOW under construction, finest central location, block fmm lake and park, 3 from CIRCUMSTANCES FORCE OWNER. TO sell immediately, Beautiful Colonial stores and tran.sp., a home of spacious brick residence, 4 large bedrooms, sleepproportions with the maximum of light ing porch, 2 baths, sun parlor, breakand air; liv. rm. 36x20, beaut. library last room, toilet and lavatory, canfive big master bedrms., 2 servants; vassed walls, new carpets throughout. rms., recreation rm. in basement, 4 Newport Boiler. Large landscaped lot baths; double garage; large landscaped with unusually attractive rock garden. lot, south fr·ont; all metal lath ceiling Priced for quick sale considerably beall metal lath ceiling, all plate doors: low present market values. $45,000. steel casement windowR, complete insulation, oil burner, frigidaire. Provable Yalue at $75 ,000. HALF ACRE-BEAUTIFULLY WOODed, highly restricted, on private roadway, surrounded by fine homes-close Inc. 746 B1m St., Winnetka to schools and not too far from transWinnetka 1617 portation-to acceptable purchaser only, 77LTN21-ltc In e . at lowest price for high-class property 746 Elm St., 'Vinnetka \Vinnetka 1617 in Village. Address Talk A-221. 77LTN21-ltc 78L'rN13-tfc 1 () room brick on well landscaped lot 1 70x132. 2 car garage ; canvased walls ; FOR SAI...E IN ·wEST w·rLMETTE, extra lavatory; radiator cabinets; eleclot 66x187, landscaped and ready for tric refrigeration ; gas stove. Price building. $2,800, very easy terms, no $21.000.00 BUYS BRAND NEW BRICK with 4 bedrooms, 2 colored tile baths $25,000. brokers. Wilmette 1582. 78L21-ltc extra toilet and lavatory on first floor: Also hot watP.r heat, on about a quarter acre WTD. TO BUT-HOUSE!"\ Attractive 6 room shingle. Garage; 96 lot, in desirable neighborhood. splendid location ; gas stoye ; ice box ; _W_A_N_T_E_D ___R_O_O_M_H_O_U_S_E __ E_A_S_T_O_F $35,000.00 buys almost new brick with 5 6 carpets and drapes. Price $23,500. bedrooms, 3 baths, extra toilet and railroad and north of Greenleaf street. lavatory on fir st t1oor, hot water heat, '.1 Prefer under $20,000. Must be in good 2 car brick garag·e, beautiful wooded 736 E lm St. Winnetka 142-147 condition and represent good Yalue. lot in choice north east Winnetka. 77LTN21-ltc Have substantial cash payment. Write $55,000.00 buys almost new 10 room brick ·wilmette Life A-278. 96L21-1tc in southeast Winnetka, near beach, both grammar and high schools and transW ANTED-6 ROOM HOUSE NOT OVER portation. It has 3 baths, an extra 7 years old, on East side. Will pay SETTING OF toilet and lavatory on first floor, large IN A BEAUTIFUL up to $20,000. All cash for bargain. state}}' old trees, this well planned sun and sleeping porc.:hes. There is Write Wilmette Life A-286. Connecticut Colonial house on attracabout one-half acre of the finest ground 96LTN21-ltc in the village. tively landscaped lot with 120 foot frontage. Abundance of shrubbery and perennials ; 3 baths, tile sun room ; 99 ANTIQUES 720 Elm Street Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 breakfast room ; oil heat; heated gar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - age. Owner has installed every con- 4 POS'.r & SPINDLE BEDS, $12 TO $15. 77LTN21-ltc venience of a well appointed home. Sewing, tilt top and card table[.;. Lustre, Owner leaving city. Carpets, drapes, glass, prints, books and rug[.;. 808 etc. will go with this house. Washington St., Evanston. 1 bl. S. of Main St. Open eve. and Sunday. 99LTN21-ltc 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 INN. EAST WILMETTE, 1h BLOCK TO 77LTN21-ltc LOVE SEAT, SIMPLE GRACEFUL lak e, we offer a very de!'irable 8 room frame, beautifully upholster ed, perfect brick residence on a lot DOx150. 2 car - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cond. Bargain $50. Ph. GlencoP. 1333. garage ; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. maid's & 99LTN21-ltc butl e r's quarters, music & breakfast $22,500 room. Large sun and s lee ping porch. $2,000 cash down and monthly payments GORGEOUSLY r::ARVED 17TH CENH. \V. oil h eat. Thi s is of exceptional buys this 7 room m odern home with 2 tury chairs, desk, chest, Gothic clock. constru ction; German tile roof. Will inbaths, hot water heat, double garage, Sacrifice. Tel. Winn. 1474. clude floor coverings and c1mpes. Owner in locality convenient to schools and 99LTN21-ltc will con si der trade fot· small apartment d epot. See this today. building or will sell nt a real bargain. 100 FOU. SALE-IISEHOLD GOODS ttlffice. IL~ilK® UNUSUAL VALUE IN NEW DISTINCtive English brick residence, 4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, sun parlor, lavatory, elec. refrig., ample space for room third floor, heated garage. $25,000. , W niTiliTilcettlk PRACTICALLY N E W NATIONAL Cash Register, $275 value, priced reaCOMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL. 143 sonable. Tel. Winn. 653. 102LTN21-2tc ACRES. HOUSE, S'rABLES & BARNS ALL TWO YEARS OLD. HILLS, BOY'S ROTHCHILD OVERCOAT, EXBEAUTIFUL STATELY TREES AND cellent condition, price $10. Glencoe ORCHARD. NIPPERSINK CREEK 1140. 102L21-ltp THROUGH THE ESTATE. CONVENIENT TO TRANSPORTATION. REAL BARGAIN OR WILL TRADE FOR FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO, RADIO Super Hetrodyne, and a Victrola. Wil HIGH CLASS HOME ALONG THE mette 2305. 102L21-ltc NORTH SHORE. NO BROKERS. WRITE WILMETTE LIFE A-285. WANTED TO BUY-MISC. 79LTN21-ltc 103 FOR SAI4E GENTLEMAN'S UNUSUAL COUNTRY ESTATE I IHI©1k~1Ill~©1Ill & JJ ®IITloc~ · SPECIALS VA CANT-WINNETKA WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wtlmette. 103LTN48-tfp SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. !11 COLONIALS HEINSEN REALTY CO. A lR®<ID.ll lElilly PAUL SCI-IROEDER & CO. ·w iNNETKA I-IOME 1108 Da Yis St. UniYersity 8080 77L21-ltc . REAL VALUE NEW ENGLISJ.! STONE H 0 U S E close to transportation and schools. 5 sleeping rooms; 3 baths; box shower; breakfast nook; butler's pantry; huge recessed studio l.iving room. Frigidaire, gas stove. You may ch oose your own finish and fixtures. Heated garage. The interior of this hou:-;e is most appealing and spaciousness is an outstanding feature>. The only house of this class un<ler $30,000. Small down payment. PL \UL SCHROEDER & 418 Linden A vc. Wilmette 698 77LTN21-ltc co. NEW BRICK, 7 ROOMS, TILE BATH and shower stall. 1 bedrm. and extra lavatory on 1st floor. Side drive garage. H. W. heat. Good location. Price $23,000. M©un~U: & JFll~IID®wity Wilmette 273 77L21-ltc 1177 Wilmette Ave. You Will Like This 8 RM. COMFORTABLE HOME NR. lake & "L." Lge. liv. rm. & sun par., vapor oil heat, 2 car heated gar. Owner gone. Must sell-$25,000-Make offer. IE©lcdlilrrru~it©ITil End "L," 410 Linden. & Allll®rm Ph. Wil. 407-408 77L21-ltc GLENCOE, NEW 6 ROOM RESIDENCE, 2 ttle baths, 2 extra lavatories, and 2 car garage. Wooded corner lot 148x48. Call owner, Wilmette 765-W. 77LTN21-ltc IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wtl mette for the improvement of the first alley north of Forest A venue from the west curb line of Main Street to the east curb line of Fifteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and othen··ifle improving same, in the Vii lage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois Special Assessment No. 211, in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois NOTICE is hereby given to all per sons interested that the Board of Loca Improvements of said Village, has here tofore filed in said Court, in said cause a certificate showing the cost of the 1m provement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving a deficiency of Four hundred and fifty dollars ($450.00) to be raised by supplemental assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordi nance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 25th day of February, A . D 1929 at ten o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing OJ1 said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court befo1 e said day and may appear on the hear ing and make their defense. Dated February 7th, A. D. 1929. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES MeDON ALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON 8% YDS. TAUPE & ROSE WILTON Board of Local Improvements STAIR CARPET, 14 STAIR PADS. rrEL. WINN. 1544 WINNETKA of the Village of Wilmette. USED 2 MONTHS. ALSO 9 YDS. TO 77LTN21-ltc L20-2tc MATCH BUT IN 3 PIECES. A BARGAIN FOR $35. TEL. WINN. 2006. 100LTN21-ltc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE VERY ATT. ENGLISH BRICK; COM- FOR SALE-PIANO, OQNSOLE VICWtlmette Special Assessment No. !!0 plete in every detail, 4 bedrooms, 3 col. trola and record::;, porcelain lined retile baths, stone fireplace, lav. on first IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL frigerator, walnut bed and spring alft., Frigidaire, disappearing breakfast most new and other furniture. Reason- ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wil nk., new kitchen range, screened pch., able. 1406 Washington Ave. Ph. Wil- mette for the improvement of Locust cedar closet, radiator covers, 2 car att. m~tte 3281. 100LTN21-ltp Road from Lake A venue to Ashland Ave gar., 75 ft. corner lot. Price $36,500. nue and other streets, roads and lanes .DINING SET, 6 OVER STUFFED by grading, adjusting manholes, paving, chairs covered in mohair frieze, buffet curbing, constructing storm water sewSpanish Ct. (W. of Theater) Ph. Wil. 3740 and china closet. Cost $800. 1% years ers, concrete sidewalks and otherwise 77LTN21-ltc improving same, in the Village of Wilold, very cheap, call Glencoe 1364. Cook County, Illinois. 100LTN21-ltp mette, Special Assessment No. 220 in the Winnetka's Best Buy County Court of Cook County, IlUnois. IS A 7 RM. HOME AND ENCL. HEAT- BEAUTIFUL 9x12 ROYAL KitRMANNOTICE is hereby given to all persons shah rug, used 2 years, cost a thousand interested ed slpg. pch. Nr. lake, lg. wooded that the Board of Local Imgrounds. Can be bought under $25,000. dollars, will take $350. Lincoln 4390. provements of said Village, has heretoReas. terms. For information 100LT21-ltp fore flied In said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the MAHOGANY AND BLUE VELVET improvement, and the amount reserved Winn. 382 526 Center St. davenport. Fada radio, tubes, trickle for interest, leaving a deficiency of 77LTN21-ltp charger, $10. Tel. Glencoe 1428. Twenty-seven thousand ($27,000.00) to be 100LTN21-ltc raised by supplemental assessment, and SOUTHWEST WILMETTE, STUCCO also that said improvement has been house, 6 rooms, 2 heated porches, newly 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS completed in substantial C"lnformlty to decoratec'l . 2 car garage. Lot 50x128. the requirements of the original ordiSee this and make offer. ,Owner, Wil- WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND nance therefor, and ha~ applied to said mette 765-W. 77L21-ltc furniture and other household goods. court to consider and determine whether Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- or not the facts stated in said certificate FOR SALE-VACANT 78 ture store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- are true, and that said court has fixed ton, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc Monday, the 25th day of February, A. D. 1929, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court lOl! FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS will permit, at the room or said County Court in the County Building, in the FOR SALE-LARGE BOOK CASE WITH. City of Chicago, In said Cook County, as HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUdoors, dresser, both very reasonable. the time and place for the hearing on tiful lots left of the few remaining in Boy's handsome heavy coat, hardly said application. persons desiring Winnetka. Building restriction. On a worn, size 13. Large floor lamp shade. may file objections All In said Court before quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful Winnetka 1158. 102L21-ltc said day and may appear on the hearoutlook at a price at least $30 a foot ing and make their defense. under anything comparable. Address A MARSHALL FIELD $1,500 LADIES' Dated February 7th, 1929. Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc mink fur coat, knee length, size 36, in EARL E. ORNER good condition. Can be purchased at a ERNEST C. CAZEL bargain, $200. For appointment Addrese ALBERT L. GRINNELL Talk A-283. 102LTN21-ltc PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD CHOICE VACANT AS LOW AS $15.00 WILL SACRIFICE NEW SILK FAILLE HANS von REINSPERG per foot. Convenient to transpor1 atlon, Fauchon blue dress, latest style, size GORDON WILSON schools and stores. Easy terms. ' Ad18 ; also black and white check 3-piece Board of Local Improvements dress Charles Van Deursen, Deerrfield, wool suit, Cardigan style, size 18. Ph. of the Vtllage of Wilmette. Ill. 78L21-ltp Greenleaf 5531. 102LTN21-1tp L20-2tc SI\IfiTH & BROWN, INC. SACRIFICE GLENCOE BILLS REALTY, INC. C. P. RORICK & CO. VACANT-125x160 WINNETKA