Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1929, p. 62

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62 WILMETTE LIFE HELP WANTED~FEMALE February 15, 1929 61 BOARD AND ROOM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ·Nott"ce-Classitled advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to regular subscribers to etther WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. , --30 cents a line in all three papers. MINIMUM CHABG E eents. Average of five words ~o the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Whinetka. ...etal Geu Rates «o advertisements wlll be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK an<l Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2.000-2001. Classified . f Ot lnsettt"ons--cepted Deadltne up YOUNG LADY, PART OR FULL TIME, IDEAL HOME FOR CONVALESCENT or elderly people with resident nurse. to represent well known firm in this Ph. University 7483. 63LTN21-4tc locality. Reflne!l work, no door to door canvassing., Very profitable to right person. Write Wilmette Life A274. e6 FOR RENT-ROOl\IS 56LT21-ltc :..::....-------:-=:--:::-:-::::::--:~;:::; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LARGE CHEERFUL WARM .ROOM, WANTED, YOUNG WHITE WOMAN private bath, garage. Ph. Wmnetka for general ho'usework and cooking ; 1543. 66LTN21-ltc good home. Ph. Wilmette 1608. 56LT21-lte FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULT":. employed; light and pl easant; hot a .td cold running water. Garage space if WANTED - COOK, WHITE, EXPERIdesired Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp enced and reliabl e. Refs. r eq. T e l. Winn. 1779. 56LTN21-ltc NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BEDroom, in private home. Garage spa~e WANTED-WHITE GIRL AS MOTHif desired, gentleman preferred. Wiler's helper. Go home nights. · Tel. mette 3328. 66L20-2tc Winn. 2111. 56LTN21-ltc WANTED- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- FOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOM ONE block from transportation. Also gareral housework, 4 adults. Ph. Winage 633 Park Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3566. netka 1057. 56LTN21-ltc ' 66L21-ltp WANTED - COMPETENT C 0 0 K white. Tel. Glencoe 58. 56LTN21-ltc FOR H.ENT-FURNISHED ROOM NEAR tl...,n~}Jortation. Ph. Wilmette 2399. " · 66L20-tfc ;)8 JIELP WAXTED-JIALE & FE"!\fALF. WANTED - COMPETEN1' WHITE ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR couple with N. S. refK No washing. portation, 725 Prairie Ave. Good wages. Tel. Winn. 2838. 442. G-entleman prefe rred. 58LTN21-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR RE~'l'-1 ROO:NI FOR .. peoplE> near tran~portation ; 60 SITUA't'ION wA::o -·rEJJ-FEJIALE Wilml te 116. TRANS Wilmette 66L21-tfc OR '> 1 .... also gar. 66L21-ltc FOR SALE-AUTOS 38 PAI.N'fi.XG AND DECORATING BUICK B.ARGAINS GOLD SEAL MEANS 90-DA Y GUARANTEE '28-Buick Broughan1. .$1500 '27-Buick Broughan1. .$1150 a9 PE'I's '27-But.ck C. C. Coupe .. $900 EXCEPTIONALLY ----------FINE PEKINGESE, $GO. Also r d male Chow, 4 mos. Winn. North Shore Buick Co. 3085. 688 center st. 39LTN21-ltc- PAINTING AND DECORATING, ESTImates furnished on old and new work. First class work, lowest prices. C. Franken. Ph. Wilmette 3104. 38L1'N2l-4tp PLEASANT FROXT ROOM FOR ONE or two adults, also single room. 731 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS WHAT OF THE CHILDREN? Tenth Street, Wilme tte. 66L18-4tc 1027 nAVIS ST. 43 REPAIRING AND REFINISHING · H.e fin~d and !-'ducated young lady, exEVANSTON perrenced wtth children and household FOR RENT-APAR'f~IE~TS 7 ma!"lagement, will supervise your home 6 -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4L21-ltc UPHOLSTERING AND M A T T RES S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~ renovating, by expert at your home or " 'htle you are gone. Best reft-rences Ph. Wilmette 1068. 60LTN21-ltc our shop. In Evanston since 1916. M. BUILDING & CONTRACTING 11 Okman. Univ. 5676. 43LTN18-4tp FAMILY AND BUNDLE W ASHil';Q WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXby experienced and reliable laundref;f;; New and repair work. Get our estimate. pert. Watches clea1wd and adjusted. guara.n te e satisfaction, reasonable pricel". Callt>d for and delivered. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Gl"e(·nleaf 5474. 60LTN21-ltc ATTRACTIVE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~ Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc 2-3-4 RM: APART ments, light and airy rooms of good 21 ELECTRICAL REP AIRS \VASHI~G- AND IRONING TO TAKE size and arrangements, convenient to <&oA SILVER PLATING ho!11e, will call for and deliver. Phone :-:l'hools and transportation. CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. Wtlmette ~ 479. 60LT21-ltc Clocks cal1ed for and delivered . Paul SILVER PLATING HA\rE YOUR ' \VANTED WASHI~G, IRONING AND Davey. Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avegood old pieces rt:'IIPWN'I at a reasonnue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc able price. Paul Da ,·ey, .Jeweler, 1165 c·leaning- by the day by a Swet.li~h \Vilmett e A \'enut:>. Phon "\\'ilmett 6. woman . Tel. Wilmette 481. Winnetka 1800-01 · 460 Winnetka AYe. 60L21-1tp 61LTN21-ltc 45A-L34-tfc INSTRUCTIO~ ~~~~~~~~~~-~~--~ ... ('0).IP. \\<TriTE \VO:i\fAX WA~TS CLASSES ARE NOW FORMING FOR ;;o GENERAJJ RF.PAIRS hou s(· w0rk for 2 dRys a week, Tues. the Helen Curtis Cla!';s Piano System. and Fri. Ph. \Vilm ette 4207. Edith Ray Young, 1159 Wilmette Ave . .JEWELnY REPAIRING AND HE60L21-tfc Ph. Wilmette 3651. 25L21-1tp modeling by a craftsman of rare abil2, 4 and 6 ROOMS ity. Paul Davey, .J ewt> ler, 1165 Wil- PLAT:'\. DTX~ERS, SERVING OR mette Avenu e. Ph01w \Vilnwtte 6. cleamng hy the day. GrRce Dahl, Here in Wilmette's most convenient and INTERIOR DECORATING exclusive location, you will f'.nd well-ar 50L34-tfc Northbrook 23. 60LT~21-1tc ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an \VA~TED, LAU~DRY TO TAKE HOMK abundance of light and air. Ample LOST AND FOU~ll Wtll <'Rll for Rnd d elive r. ·wnmette closet space. Schools, churches, and 4330. 60L21-ltc shopping facilities within immediate LOST- TAN BEAD TH.Il\:IMED C'lJANUE access. See these apartments today. Ideal effects in home decoration can only purse, containing more than $5, in vii- XURSEGIRL, EXP., \VJTITE , N S. be realized when your lamps and Agent on premises. !age Saturday evening. Wilmette 334!1 refs. , whitt·, $25. T el. Longbea ch 6257 hades are in perfect harmony. will gratefully appreciate h earing fmm · 60LTN2l-ltp Bring in your lamp bai'es and let u~ tinder. 55L21 -ltc \V.<\SHIXG, ITIOXTXG AXD CLEANING, 424 Linden Ave. de~ign shades that are di!-;tincti\'e and Wil. 460 different. hy the clay. Call eYening-:-:. TPl. Uni67LTN2-tfc LOST-DIAMOND PLATINUM PIN AND We carry a large stock of Early Amer' .'ersity 28:11. 60L21-ltp chain, in front Hlavacek's, Florist, on ican and English period lamp:-:. A I ways 7 RM. DUPLEX, IN Fl~E CONDITIOl'\, H.idge, while getting out of car, bereasonably priced. BXPERIEN'CED, ~ E A T COLORED good loc..~.tion n ear schools, transportatween 2:30 and 3:00 P. M. Sun .. F eb. 10. girl wants laundry work by the clay. tion, 811 15th St. Ph. Wilmette 1243. n eward. Wilmette 1180. 55LT21-ltp Ph. ·wi lm ette 1058. 60L2l-ltp 67LTN21-4tc 632 Church St. Greenleaf 816 AN. 31ST, YEAR OLD :\1ALE \-\·A~T.ED-POSITJON AS INFANT OR FOH. RENT- 2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 27LTN21-ltc LOST, J" Police dog, black with som e tan, wearcht ld s nurse. Experienced and ref apartment, steam heat, janitor service, F. S. BRASOR ART STORE ing no collar when lost. Reward. Call Ph . ·wilmette 3180. 60L21-lt~ near transportation. Call Wilmette Virginia Johnston, Kenilworth 2051. 1800. 67L20-tfc Silhouettes, Individual 55 LTN 2l-ltc 61 Cuttings by Appointment . SITT:ATION WANTED-1IALE ·1312 Chicago Ave., E ANSTON. Unlv. FOR RENT - 5 ROOMS & BATH, 9179. 27LTN4-16tp LOST-1 SMALL SHOE SKATE BEh eated, 2nd floor, $60. 491 Madison tween 8th St. and "L" terminal. Finder EXP. C HAUFF E U R, HOUSEMAN, Ave. Tel. Glencoe 1258. 67LTN21-ltc please call Wilmette 2775. 55L21-ltc ga.rdpne1·, do anything around the ao LOANS house. \Vill accept day work. Best N. R. refs. Tel. Winu . 204 or 2764 . ~69 ____ F_o_R __ n_E_N_T__ H_o_u_s_E_s_ _ __ LOST, WHITE WIRE HAIRED FOX 61LTN20-4tc Terrier ; has brown and black spotK TO RENT-7 RM. PRETTY BUNGACall Kenilworth 4137. 55L21-1tc EXPERIENCED COL. 0HAUFFEUTI. low, 3 blks. from transportation, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable, LOST, A LARGE WHITE FOX TERperm. Pl"\<lition. Refs. Tel. Kenwood owner and 9 year old daughter willing 3744. 61LTN21-ltp rier; has brown spots. Wilmette 4407. 1st and 2nd Mortgages to share all expense. Phone evenings 55L21-ltc CHAUFFEUR, COLORED, BEST REFWilmette 2456, days, Wabash 0060, Mr. 545 Main St .. Wilmette Tel. 65 ~~~~=~=~=~~~~~=~~ erences, G ~·ears experience. Victory Rogers. 69L21-ltp 10114. 61LTN21-ltp :.6 HELP WANTED-FEMALE GOING SOUTH? nliD cdlii a1 liD IHI nnn A~ a11f11IO?l®IIDit~ Eo Eo §1t\lllllfc~ ~®a1ll\ty·C© LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE LAI\1P SI-IADES ·ro ORDER QUINLAN & 'I'YSON, INC GOODRICH STUDIO Charles H. Brethold 30Ll~-t!c 1icKENDRY REALTY CO. WANTED-JANITOR WORK & GARWANTED-MAID, WHITE, PROTESd i T 1 G tant, between 25 and 40 yrs. General en ng. · e · lenview 26-W-2. hswk., 2 adults, 2 small children. Nr. 61LTN20-4tp ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES transp. A-1 refs. req. 379 Ridge Ave. CUBAN CH . 1379 . 56LT211t HOUSEMA~, T e 1· W mn. at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, - c B t1 · B AUFFEUR, t f C confidential service. u er. es · re · all Rupert, Kenwood 5279. 61LTN21-ltp MAID, WHITE, GENERAI.J HOUSEwork. Only exp. need apply. $18. ·w oRK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Unlv. 8383 3 blks. to Hubb. Wds. station. Tel. Cleaning woodwork or windows and \Vlnn. 1080. 56LTN21-ltc 30LTN16-tfc waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT20-2tp HOUSE OR GARDEN WORK BY HOUR or day. Tel. Winn. 1288. 61LTN21-tfc J'OU 70 FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSES MONEY TO LOAN FURN. 9 RM. HSE .. S. E. WINN. UNus tal opportunity to rent 4 to 6 months, wl.ile looking to buy or build. 4 hedrms., ::;lpg. prch., sun prlr., scrnd. prch., gar., Nokol, Frigid., piano. 2 blks. lake, "'chools. N. W. Poss. now. $225. Tel. Winn. 1796. 70LTN21-ltc 73 FOR BENT-STORES & OFFICES -0-F~-F-IC_E_F_O_R_R_E_N_T __ L_A_R_G_E-SP-A-CE \ . _ on main floor, desirable · location. , 221hx17%. Tenant can sublet space. Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN4-tfc FOR SALE-HOUSES Baa Waat Ad Ia Bvaaltoa, too - This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p.m. on Tuesday. CARPENTER WANTS Call Wilmette 4407. ::-:--::-:::-=:------------ODD JOBS. 61L21-ltp 77 6! SIT. W ANTED-:(WALE & FEMALE lST CLASS GARDENER, MARRIED, wants position on private place. Best refs. Wife will do laundry. Tel. Lake 1 Forest 762. 62L1'N21-ltp --------------------------F'OR SALE-BRICK VENEER HOUSE, 2300 Thornwood Ave., Wil. Lot 88x125. 2 flat with glassed porch. H. W. heat. Also 3 rm. house and glassed porch, 2 car gar. Rents for $150 per mo., will sell for $15,000. Ph. Wilmette 3195. 77LTN21-ltp Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 -

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