Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1929, p. 60

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60 WILMETTE LIFE February 15, 1929 Teatro de · l La go in "No Man'1 Land" Sheridan Road Between Wilmette and Kenilworth Ph. Kenilworth 3980-3981 MATINEES SATURDAY. SUNDAY SUNDAY Doors Open 1 : 3 o Show Starts at 1 p. m .· Continuous SATURDAY~ Buck, Uptown theater master I of Verne ----------------! ceremonies, who has been guest Rnturday, February 16 ! Bill-O-Fare IVerne BELLE BENNETT FILM Buck at, Norshore in New Stage Show Sat. Noted Actress Stars in Title Role of "Mother Machree," Now Showing at Varsity Theater "Mother Machree," the film of Rida· ] ohns on Young's great song anq story of mother love, is now showmg at the Varsity th eater in Eyanston. Belle Benn ett, who plays the title role, is of .J rish ancestory and was brought up in an atmosphere of Irish tradition and folk lore. With these early influences she became a great ·emotional actress, and is well fitted for the part she play s in this picture. Victor McLaglen, remembered for his excellent work in "What Price Glory" and other films, plays opposite her. Neil Hamilton also has an important r ole as Mother Machree's son . "Taxi 13," the high speed comedy of a nighthawk taxi driver and hi s uproariou s adventures with crooks police, eleven children, and a double crossing pal, is to be the Varsity attracti on for three days next ·w eekMonday, Tuesday, and Wednesday , February 18, 19, and 20. Chester Conklin, funnier than ever, is seen in th e £eatur P. role of Andy Smith, . the hapless cabby, and the fast action of thrills and comedy is sustained by a cast that includes Martha Sleeper~ Hugh Tr evor, Lee Moran, and others. Th e story was written by Vv. Scott Darling. Announcement of special interest to north shore theater-goers is that Al .Tolson's "The Singing Fool," whi ch broke all records for attendance in tl1e ioop theaters where it was fir : t sl10wn, is to be at the Varsity soon. Evenings During Week Doon Open 6 : 30 Show Starts 7 p. m. PROGRA'!\f STARTING FEB. 16 Saturday, Ft>b. 16 JACK HOLT ""SUNSET PASS" "f'lunkl'd on thP Corner" liRII4ly . Andy Puthf' n.-,·l··w arHl Aesop's Fables Addl'd Attrnl'Uon-l\fatlnee Only "THl~ f ' AT AND CANARY" with J,Jtura J.,a Plante SurHluy, Feb. 17 Gl~ ORGE SIDNEY and .JF.AX llERSHOLT " Mother Machree" ................ Var s ity "Runse t P ass" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. T eatro "Conquest" . . . . . . . . . . No rshore Sunday, February 17 "Give a nd T a k e" ... T eatro "Conqu est" ..... . X or sh or e :'\londay, February 18 "T a xi 13" . . . . Va r s ity "Conquest" . . . . . . . . Xorsh ore .. Teatro " Ma rqui s Preff' JTE-d' ' Tuesday, Februnry 19 "Wom en They Talk Abo ut" . . ........ . .... C9mmunity H ouse " Marqui s Pre fe rrf'd " . . . . T ea trr) "T a xi 13" Vars ity " Conqu est" .. Xor sh o re Wcdn·· s rlay, Fl'bruary 20 "The Kid' s Cl Ye r" ......... .. .... T eatro "Conqu est" . . . ......... . . . ... N orshore "Ta xi J3" ... Varsity .. T,hursday, ·F ebruary 21 · ConC]uest ......... i\ orshore "A L a dy o f Cha n cp" .. Teatro }, rhlay, Fl'brunry 22 "Show P eopl <·" ........ Community Ho use "A Lady of Ch a nce" ...... T eatro "Con u est" ......... . ... Norshor e COMMUNITY HOUSE Tues. Feb. 19 } ' ri. conductor at the Norshore this week, will be there for another week in a new production called "V erne's GrabBag." The new show begins this Saturday, February 16. On the screen the Norshore is offering "Conquest," all-talking air picture starring Monte Blue, Lois .W ilson, and H. B. Warner. The film recently was ranked among the fir st six in a list of be st pictures for the month of Decemb er. "Conquest" is a story of two aviators who set out to reach the south pole and plant the American flag . in it s snows. Both love the same g1rl, the lovely Diane, played by Lois Wilson. One of the aviators is regular and the other is "yellow. " Tragedy stalks into their friend ship, their exploits, and their r elationship to the girl. The film is said to have an unusual start and fini sh, " ·ith s .:veral unexpected scenes. ""GIVE AND TAKE" "Should Sl'otchm('n 1\larry" ~lncDutr "Dyln~ .Jun~lf's"-Oddlty Feh. 22 ·wm. Dully Nt'\'f S nnd Klno~rnm News Irene Rich CoiiJer, Jr. Claorle G llllngwa tt>r )lnrion na,·ies William Haines NORMA IN TRAINING Norma Talmadge is in training for her first talking picture, which IS understood to be adapted from a Broadway stage play. Laura Hope Crews, famous New York actress, is coaching her. Gilbert Roland will again appear opposite Norma. ] ack Mulhall has signed a new contract calling for a series of First-National- Vita phone pictures in which he will talk and si :'\fon. and Tnt's ·· Ft'b. 18·19 A DOJ,J,H l\JKN.TOU and CHESTER CONKLIN "Women They Talk About" "Show People" "'MARQUIS . PREFERRED" "Bl'nntlt's Deware"-.Jerry Drew Jlnrnmount News WNIIIl'Stlay, Feb. 20 f:J,l:N TRYON Marriage Pro and Con Expounded by Players "Why Marry?" given by the Karl Way players at the New Evanston thi s week, is a sparkling comedy meritin g a good bit of praise for the ·s mooth way in which it is put over. The lines include any number of bright and notso-bright ideas on marriage pro and con and you'll probably find yours among them. The part centers around ] ohn, a wealthy mill owner, ably played by Karl Way, and his two sisters. whose live·3 he is trying to shape to conform to his interests. Dorothv Holmes goes over as the older and more self-willed of the two, while Joan Pears does nicely with the part of the younger, who is about resigned to her fate-a loveless marriage. Karl Hackett is better than ever as the young scientist who is in love with the older girl, Helen. Lew Welch i·s uproarious as the uncle who "fixes" things. Genevieve Ru.ssell and Edward Harvey lend a great deal of conviction t'o their parts but William Noltner is just so-so. The play ends with a crashing surprise that brings down the house. See it; you'll like it. ""The Kid's Clever" "A Taxi SNtntlni"-.Tack Cooper "Six f':rlln41Hs"-0swald Klnogram Nt'ws Thurs. nnd Fri., ]<('b. 21-22 :XOR~L\ SHEARl~ R "'A Lady or Chanee" · "Ncwlyw··ds Vlslt"-Newlyw.eds Pnramount NPws Saturday: Feb. 2~ LON CHANEY Bring the children to our Saturday Matinees THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY In Beautiful Sound ""The Hunehbaek or Notre Dame" "Going Ga·Ga"-1'\fax Da\·Jdson Pnthe Unlt'w nnd AeRop's Fables Added Attractlon-1\lntlnee Only "TJH: DUOP KICK" with JUcllllrtl UarthelmPSS Sundny, Feb. 2-l SIN" Coll.-en 1\loortl :'\lon. nnd Tues., F.-b. 2:i·26 "WJIAT A NIGH'l"' Debe Daniels Wednesday, Feb. 27 "THE SPIELER" Alan Hale and Renee .Adoree ThurR., Feb. 28 and, Fri., March 1 "WHITE SJf ADOWS IN THF. SOUTH SEAS" "S\' ~TJIE'l'IC "MOTHER MACBBEE" BELLE BENNETI and VICTOR McLAGLEN The greatest mother story ever 6lmed. Sparkling with Irish Wit and beauti6~ by Irish smiles. Star Acta In Sound "THE ROLLICKERS" MARY HAYNES In the land of Songs In a Comedy Sketch News Events Extra-Sound Cartoon MONDAY,TUESDA~WEDNESDAY CHESTER CONKLIN in G. R. K. TO PLAY REPORTER Grant Withers has been cast as the reporter in "Headlines," the newspaper story by Jimmy Starr. Mr. Withers is under contract to Warner's and is now playing the lead in "Th~ Time the Place and the Girl." ' MURDER TRIAL FILM Production of "Thru Different Eyes," a sensational murder trial mystery, was begun recently. Work on the film had been delayed on account of the illness of Mary Duncan who shares the leading roles with Warner Baxter and Edmund Lowe. I -CO~HNG SOON"Conquest." 1\fonte Blue "The Flying Fleet," Ramon Nova.rro "The Case of Lena Smltll," Esther Ralston · "ObJe<'t Alimony," Lois Wilson · "The Singing Fool," AI Jolson · "The Shopworn Angel," Naney Carroll · "Red Hot Speed," Rf'glnald Dt>nny "Loves of Casano1·a" "Ned 1\IeCobb's Daughter," Irene Rich "The Rfoseut," Ronald Colman · "Wind," Lillian Gbh · "Simba" - "Interferenre" · "Unele Tom's Cabin" "A Woman of Atratrs" ··TAXI 13" In Sound The greatest comedy by the daddy of all the comedians. There are laughs, thrills, and more laughs. Don't misa thia ahow. Star Vaudeville Acts In Sound Fox Movietone and Universal News AL JOLSON in "T..e Singing Fool" will be at the Varsity aoon.

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