. Sl WILMETTE LIFE Febr-uary 15, 19ZJ ·························· Mn. Sanh Jane Capper WBY ROT! ---eTold tile uul wprlatr n·· by aUowlatr ·· to do yoar palatfnlf aad dfeoratJDtr DOW. Taken by Death S~turday M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator 1030 Greealeaf Phone 2764 ~-------------~----------· Mrs. Sarah Jane Capper; 82, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Humphries, 255 Wood court, Wilmette , Saturday, February 9. Mrs. Capper was the mother of John S. Capper, founde r and president of Capper and Capper, Chicago clothiers, and of George Capper, of Riverside, who until last Decembt!r had been associated with the same firm for h\·enty.five years. Other sons and daughters who ~urvive are: Mrs. Grace Phelps, Mrs. Harriet Milner, and Henry A. C.apper, all of Chicago, Mrs. Jennie Huts, of Bismarck, Ill, and Mrs. Lillian Tibbetts, of Holton, Ind. Mrs. Capper suffered a stroke ·three years ago from which she never fully recovered. Funeral services were held from her late home, 255 Wood court, \\r'iltu ~ tte. Tusedav afternoon at 1 · 1'clock. Burial took place at ~fount Greenwood cemetery. Theater Guild to Revive ~ ·. dauic "Old Homestead" XERCISE and HEALTH By a New M.etlwtl So Convenient You Won't Nf!!Jlect It . W ITH the new Master Healthizer located in a comer of bathroom or dressing room, you can easily keep fit in a minimum of time o o o Use it a few minutes a day 'to stimulate tired muscles,speed circulation, help digestion and induce restful sleep ··· Can be purchased for a few dollars per month- operates electrically from any socket. Come in and ask for demonstration. · (Contributed) The North Shore Theater guild has selected "The· Old Homestead" by Denman Thompson as itS third production of the present season. Older members of the present generation will recall having seen old Josh \\t'hitcomb and hi's wayward son ~Irs. Fred \Vild, 628 Greenleaf ave- when they were the bi~gest success ?f nue, entertained tweh·e gue ts at din- the dramatic world. Ftrst produced m the Boston theater in 1886, the play ran ner and card.; Thursday evening. Feb- almost constantly for over 20 years and ruary 7, on the occasion of ~~ r. \Yild's earned in that time over $3,000,000, a birthday. record earning for a dramatic endeavor in the gay nineties. The guild_ production will be directed by rlavtd Owen , and will be presented on the regular guild schedule in the early weel~s of March. "The Old Homestead" is a play which seems to defy the canons of dramatic criticisms. Its plot, insofar as it has any, is as old as the hills. Its technique would be denounced by any dramatic critic as lacking, to say the least. It is a melodrama, and yet it has no villain and no love story. It is just the story of the old homestead and of a father who seeks his wayward son in the big city. It is the story of the prodigal son in modern guise. The costumes and songs of the nineties will prove a great attraction in themselves, and the knowledge that the guild production is a revival of an old masterpiece of our nat.ve drama will stimulate much interest in the play alone. Roy Dickinson W elcb to Lecture at Indian Hill Ho~- Dickinso~ \\" elch, dean of the school of music at Smith college, will give a lecture-recital on "~usic that wears, and music that wears out." Saturday morning, February 23, at 11 o'clock at the Indian Hill club. ~I r. \\"elch is lecturing at the Cni\·ers~t.\· of Illinois during his vacation, and \\·ill be on the ~orthshore for just this one engagement. He has been heard at the College club in Chicago. and gave a series of lectures last summer in Lake Forest, at the home oi ~Irs. Tiffany Blake. "The \Vinnetka Music club fe.:ls that it is very fortunate in securing ~I r. \\' elch ," says Mrs. Evrett L. Harris, and adds that tickets may be pur·chased through Mrs. Harry Street. All-Porcelain Kitchen Lighting Units lutollation EXTIU 8 }20up This Very Popular Fedelco Vacuum Cleaner Debate Teams Plan Dinner and Theater Party Soon The third practice debate bet\'\·een the sophomore and senior debate team :: of ~ ew Trier High school, which was to l1ave been held last Friday, has been postponed until next week. In the first clash between the two team s several weeks ago the sophomores won, 1 to 0, but the seniors evened the count three weeks ago by winning a 2 to 1 decision. Abolishion of the jury system was the subject of debate. Tl!e debaters plan to follow the next practice clash with a dinner and theater partv. Chester E. MacLean is the debate- coach. Cabinet EXTRA. Bottle Lampwith glaaa base which can be filled with choice of colored waters, special value at Auar.lamenta HOLIDAY NEXT FRIDAY 1\ext Friday, vVashington's birthday. will be a holiday for pupils of the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth. No das ses will be held. Plans are under way for a combined Lincoln and \Vashington observance to be held c-.t the school as soon as new chairs to be purchased for the gymnasium have urhcd. 15&uo Puauc SERVICE CoMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wil. 2899 JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager EXTINGUISH AUTO BLAZE The Wilmette Fire department \vas called to Ridge road and \Valnut avenue, \Vilmette on Mondav to extinguish a fire in a car belonging to the Central Coal and Material company of Evanston. Small damage resulted from the fire.