· William· Butterworth Talks on Advantages grounds of City Play. Excerpts from an address made to recreation workers by WilJiam Butter- . worth, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, dealing with the values of city supervised recreation for · adult s. ha\'e been compiled by Daniel M . Davis and are re printed on this page by special request : WILMETTE LIFE February 15~ 1929 SpOrts · and Other Wilmette Recreation Board News ·w ith the Athletic Leagues With games scheduled for all four divis ions, the Wilmette grammar school baske tball teams will play their first games in the North Shore Grammar league tomorrow morning at Howard gymnasium. Nichols school of Evanston will be the fir st opponent and the games will start at 9 o'clock. · The feath erweight teams, boys we ighing 85 pounds and under , will play first and will be followed by th e lightweights, boys . weighing 100 pounds and under. Boys weighing from 100 to 115 pounds are in the middleweight divi sion, a nd the heavyweight division includes boys weighing over 115 pounds. Lester F . Ball is coach of all four Wilm ette teams. Other gam es to be played in the schedule with north shore schools are: F ebruary 16- 9 a. m., Nichol s teams at H o wa rd. March 2-9 a . m ., h eavies at Kenilworth . 9 :45 a . m ., lightweights at Kenilworth. 10:30 a . m., middlew e ights a t Kenilworth. 11 :15 a. m ., featherweights at K e nilworth. Ma rch 5- 4 p . m ., f eath ers and lights a t Have n , Evanston. Ma r ch 12-4 p. m., middl es and h eavies nt H a ven. Ma rc h 16- 9 a. m ., a ll K enilworth t eams fl t Howard. Mn rc h !!0- 4 p . m ., a ll H a ven t e nms at ".Y ilmette. l\Jn n ·h 23-9 n. m ., n il ' Vilme tte t eam::; at ~i c h o ls . Girls' Track Teams to CompeU Tuesday; Leaders Are Chosen· Claude Hill Erwin Brap1mer William Johnson Two teams carefully selected for Dale Gash equal strength have been announce~~~ Chester Stark Max Guier the executive committee of th.e Gtr.s Harvey Harloff, referee Athletic club for the first pubhc func- G. G. ~tion? "May I s ugg,e st, if it h a s not alre.ady occurred to you, that playground and r ecreationa l grounds could be obtained without cost by any city, whe re the land owner and the public officia ls put their heads together to work out an acce ptabl e plan of improvem e nt and basis of cooper- Me thodist (46) St. Joseph (13) Charles Varney Victor Deinlein Fred Waiden er Harold Schleuter Robert Martin James Hoffman L ow ell Todd Ed Phillips Clyde Hamilton, referee Presbyterian II (18) State Bank (25) R.F. J a ck Ryerson C. Schaef er L. F . Ed Ryerson · B ob Roth Harry Stone C. John Campbell B a llard Robinson R.G. Earl Leslie Fred Quayle L .G. Robert Smith Carl Clifton R.F. William B a bcock Jack Cullen R.G. Clyde Hamilton, refe ree P re!"b y t e rian I (32) K of C. I (19) H e rbert W e ld R. F . Robe rt Ludwig R a lph Whitsett L .F . Tom McArdle Frank R eynold s C. Pierre Ya n d e N o rth Ed Hill H.G. George Ludwig Frank Arnold L. G . Bernard Smith T rt Stone C. Ch ;" les Laue r L.G. Clyde Hamilton , ref er ee 'Vomen's Un!'kt>tball Th e w o men 's bas k e tb a ll league h as narrowt' cl to a contest for the c ha mpion ship hetweE:' n th e Poni es and the H or se feath er s. Th e Hinky Dinks wh o g-aYe the two lE:'acl ing t eam s a close run during the fir~>t round and s uccee d ed in f orming a pa rt of a thr e co rne r E:' d ti e f or fir st pl ace w c·r P f or ced out of the runnin g l\Tonday _, ,·ening when the R o ughn ck s d efeat ed the m 25 to 9. The H 6rsefeathe r s and Po ni e ~ won each of th eir ga m es and a re still ti ecl f ot· the lE:'ad. Th e sea son end s on l\I a r ch 11. "This thesis may be carried still further. If It is true that the orga nized r ec reation program h elps to reduce juvenile delinquency and if adult criminals generally begin their careers as juvenile delinquents - and both these propositions are trueit is obvious that a great saving is made to the community every time a delinquent is reclaimed to wholesome behavior , and eve ry time that the installation of a playground wipes out a bad street corner gang or a rendezvous of mischi ef. ··various estimates o n the ave rage cost of maintaining a boy o r girl in a re fo rm school place the figure at from $400 to $GOO per year. It does not require a n adding machine to d e monstra t e how big a bill a crowded reformatory presents annually to the state or county. "Numerous communiti es have benefited financially on Hallowe 'en and Fourth of" July by having lin·, w e ll orga nized r ec reation d epa rtme nts. Community celebration s org·a nized by these de pa rtments on· such days hase safE:'guarded the lives and property of the citizen s. 'Va ys have been found of gi\·ing yo ungste r s thrills tha t d o not involve hoodlumism and mischief. · · · · · "In 1916 the Boa rd of P a rk Commissioner s in Essex co unty, K . J., engaged the se rvi cE:'s of an e xpe rt t o make a r eport as to the a c tu a l Yaluc in d ollars and cents of the County Pa1·k s ystem . The report was made o n f o ur f th e K ewark parks. The following · extract is take n from a summary published in the N ew m ·k Sunday Call: Volleyball The Rid g E lec tri c v oll eyba ll team's hopes of fir l't pla ce in th e v o ll t- ~' ha II l(' agu <' s pon l'o r ed by th e Wilmette Playground and R ecr eation board, took a d e<:i<led s lump wlw n the y w er e d e feat ed b y t h e Ba pti ::;t t e:un in two ~ tra i g ht ga m <'~, 15 t o 12 a ncl lG to 14 1as t Monday e vening a t the H owa rrl gymn asium . Th e high po int of th e contE:'s t s w as the fa et th a t th e RidgE:' E lec tric led the Baptis t s 13 t o 3 in th e seco nd g a m e onl y t o lose out in the fin a l minute::;. Thi s defea t puts th e two contes ting t eam s in second place with th e PreRbyte ri:ln. en(' h uf the three h a vin g w o n te n gam es a nd los t three. Howard P . T. A . Pr es byt ,~ ri a n "'The property immediately adj oining the four parks named was assesse cl in 1905 for $4,143,850 and in 1916 f o r $29,266,000, an Increase of $25,122,150 or 606.3 per cent. At the same time property in the same taxing distric t and perhaps not wholly outside of what may be called the park in/lttence, was assessed in · 1905 at $36,606,907 and in 1916 at $.1 11,531,725, a gain of $7 4,924,818 or 204 .6 per cent In plainer words, while the property adjoining the parks has increased more than six times in value, prope rty in the remainder of the same taxing districts has about doubled in value. " .'If the increase in valuations adjoining these parks has been the same as in other property in the same taxing distri cts, and no more, it should have been $8,453,454, leaving an increaRe as a r c Rult of the parks of $16,668,700. The fortunat e owners of this property ha Ye been enriched by this large sum beyond what the y would ha\·e been had th e park s not been E:'Stablished. · Wilmette to Have Exhibit at Recreation Conference The date for the annual conference of recreation workers for the lllinoisN orthern Indiana district ha·s been changed from the March dates prt"viously announced to April 25, 26, 27. The conference will be held at Oak Park. Sessions are to open at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon and are to last through Saturday evening. Harry L. Allen, district represe'ntative of the National Playground an(l Recreation association, hats requested that · recreation centers maintaining particularly unique phases of work bring exhibits of those phases to be displayed at the Oak Park Arms hotel during the conference. In compliance with his reque.;t, Wilmette recreation work will be represented by outlines and pictures illustrating the physical education program conducted in the public schools, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announces. Mr. Davis and his atssistants will represent Wilmette at the conference. H.i nk y Dinks (!l) R oughn ecl<s ( 25 ) El ~i e Paterson Ve ra J ohn ~o n Ge raldine ·we ber l\fnrion P earso n P a hlyma Lee Burpee Eth el K een or P eggy B etts Lorraine J a nn e ~ R osa lin e Mill s Dorothy Smith (1 5, 13, 3) (9 , 15, 15) Fl or ence Frykman Rhed a W ebe r Ray R obinson E a rl LesliE:' Elin or Craig l\fartin Lynch Ed Ryt> r so n Skae r , r E:'fe ree AI StruE:'bing Ed Hill Ro~' Dick ens Vietor .Ton i's P.raYes ( 2 ) I1or sefea th ers (27) John B a ughman C ha rl es H e nd e r so n Eleanor Clifford Gladys F ehlen D. ('. Sto ne, umpire Ruth Braun Peggy Betts Yera Johnson Betty Ryerson English Luthe r a n ( 8, 3 ) ~t. J ose ph (1 5, J :)) Flor ence Clifford R oberta Muthe r \Valla ce Stark Ed Phillips Ka thlePn Kalmes Eliza beth Nelson Carl N ordbe rg 1 Ta mld Sc hle ute r H E:'len Bra un Alm~. . ] on e,, P a ul Kie r Vic t or D einle in Gertrude Koerpe r Ch ester Stark Joe Hoffman Skaer, r eferee Frank Abbott .Tames Hoffman D . C . Sto ne , umpire Wild ca t R (1 5 ) Ponies (36) Elizabeth Mu ehlbe rg Baptist (15 , 1 G) Ridg(' El ectric (12 , 11) Blanche K e il G eorg ia L>ffingwell Earl l\lcDow Earl MillN Be tty McC ann Eva B erndtson Earl Carlso n J aco b H11ffman Marjori e MillE:' r Vern eHe Lewi H AI Gruhn .Ta nH. '::; Schnefge n L Pona Hoffman Marjori e Thorsen George ·william s Bt' njamin Thalman n orothy Smith Hildur Ou se Frank Guthridge Donald Hartn E:'tt Margaret l\TcC ann Skae r, r cfE:' ree ·w alte r TTanR Edmund S c hildge n G. ,V. Gnth er coal, umpire TEAJI SiTANDIXGS Basketball VoJJf'yhall Tn spite of se vet·al lop~id e d scores som e Won Lost P r t . very interesting gam es we re played las t .. .. . 12 1 92 3 W edn esday e vening, the opening night Ba pti st . . 10 76!) 3 of the second round of the Playground Ridge ElE:'ctdc .... 10 76!) 3 ancl R ecreation board's schedule at th e Presbytf' rian ~t. J OSf> Ph . . . . . . .... 8 5 6Hi Stolp and Howard gymnasiums. .. . . . .5 7 416 F or example, the stron_g State Bank Methodis t !) 307 team was not sure until the last few Howard P . T. A . .. .. . ....... 4 ..... 4 !l 307 minutes of play that it could beat th<' English Luth eran 4 000 Presbyterian II team which is trailing in Th E' Printing Studi o . . . . . 0 eighth place. Th e Presbyterians were strengthened by the addition of three Du s'ketball new players, Jack and Ed Ryerson ~nd \Von Lost Pet. William Babcock. The final score wa s PreH bvterian . ............ 10 0 1000 25 to JR. 'ermii1al .fa. . f' . . . . .8 1 8S 'Result of the other games WE:' re: K. of C. II . . .. .. ... . . .8 2 800 The Printing Studio (12) K. of C . II ( 42) 1\frthodist .. ........... .. . . .. 7 2 777 Claude Hill F. James PhillipR Wilm ette Sh oe .... ... . . .... 8 3 720 Robert Waters F. Wesley Concidin (' State Bank .. .. . . .... ..... . 6 5 540 Richard Huck C. Roy Leonard K. of C. I .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. 4 7 360 Lawrence Huck G. Marvin Baker Presbyte r·ian II . . . .... . . . ... 3 7 300 Paul Jone~ G. Ed Seyler St. Joseph .. ..... . ... ... .. .. . 2 8 200 Harvey Harlo.ff, referee I. 0 . 0 . F . . . ... . ... . . .. .. . ... 2 9 180. Wilmette Ice . . . . . . . . .. . ... 1 9 100 Wilme tte Shoe Store (16) I. 0. 0. F. (15) Printing Studio . . .... . 0 1 000 W. UttenreuthE:' r F. Paul Jones Cqrtis Colegrove F. Carleton Thor:::<'n Women's Basketball Robrrt Wolf'!' C. Robert Cazel Won Lost Pet. Herbert Wolff G. George Scott Ponies . .. . ... .. .... . . . . .. . . 11 1 916o Robert 'W-Wson G. Erwin Brammer Horsefeathers . . . .. . .... . .. 10 1 833 Harvey Harloff, referee Rinky Dinks ........ . . . .... 8 3 727 O'Kays ... . . . . .. .. . . .. . : . .. .. 6 5 545 T rminal A. C. (60) English Lutheran (23) Roughnecks .. . . .. . . ... . .. .. . 6 5 545 Eugene Hardt F. William Melbye Braves . ......... ... ..... . . .. 3 8 272 Harold Johnson F. Carl Nordberg Wildcats . . . . ...... . .... ... . . 2 10 166 Lyman Goss C. Wallaee Stark Flappers .. .... .. ...... .. .. . 1 10 090 tion sponsored by the organization, an indoor track meet scheduled for Tuesday evening, February 26, at the Howard school. · Each captain i·3 responsible for the training of her own team, ~or the en-· tering of team members m the t e_n competitive everits, and for the umforms and insignia adopted by her group, according to rules 3:dopted b,Y the Playground and Recreation board s woman's division, which sponsors the athletic club. Mary Hoffman and Marguerite McCann ar e the two captains chosen to lead the competing teams and Marcella Kumm er champion hi g~.1 jumper of the club , and Doroth y Smith, I. W. A: C. runn er- both officers of the orgamzati on- have be en appointed by Miss Joe Skidmore, recreation as istant in .charge of women's activitie s·, to help w1th the coaching. Practice in all events is held each Tue3day eve_ ning at the :egular. ':"eekly meeting of the group m a?~ttwn to the outside practice and tra1n1n g rou tine gained under the direction of each team captain. Since each member of the club is required to enter three events and all ev ents are limited t o three competitors from each tean~, next Tuesday evening's practice will be limited for each girl to the three events she expects to enter in the me et. Members of the recreation staff headed by Daniel M. Davi·.; , dir ect~r of recreation, will officiate. Mr. Davis will act as director general of the affair and Dudley C. Stone, Glen \V. Gathercoal, and Miss Joe Skidmore will serve as starter, cl erk, and scorer respectively. Skokie Red Quintet Adds Another Win to Triumphs Skokie Reds, nortl shore basketball team, added anothe~ laurel to their string of victories, when the squad defeated the Evanston Why-Nots 24-16 Tuesday evening at the Evanston Y. M. C. A. High scorer for the Skokie Reds was Nelson, and for the WhyNots, Witt. Last Friday the north shore team beat the John Hahn Heavies at the Broadway armory by a score of 33-17. Six baskets and a free throw were shot by Whitsett of the Reds, and four baskets and three free throws by Hart on the Hahn team. The Skokie Reds played Kelvin Park last Saturday night at Evanston Y. M. C. A. and won that game by a score of 48-26. High scorers were Whitsett and Peletti for the Reds, and Sturn and Sandvik for Kelvin Park. STEPPING RIGHT ALONG Another young 'W ilmette athlete to win · honors elsewhere \\'as Else von Reinsperg, twelve-year-old daughter of Mr. and .Mrs: Hans von Reinsperg, who won a silver medal in a race for girls fifteen year3 and under in the Herald and Examin.er Ice Skating meet last Saturd~y afternoon. Else won the gold ~edal. 111 t~e ral:e ·for twelve-year-old gtrls m Wtlmette and also in the 220yard dash for girls 14 years and under. ELECT NEW SECRETARY Miss MaTy Hoffman was elected secretary of the Girls'. Athletic club to fill the place of Miss Naomi Price at the weekly club meeting Tue3day evening at Howard school.