Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1929, p. 46

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WILMETTE LIFE February 15, 1929 News of Interest to the Chur-ch-Goers of Our Village Metliodist Church This church co-operates In the Sunday Evening club which m e ts. in the Congregational church at 7:30. Thi.· Sunday Captain Denis Rook , a\'iator, will b the speaker and will show some stereopticon views. Mr. Rollin Pf'ase will s ing. ner. And since the very foundation of a congregation is thorough indoctrination, that is, a knowledge of its teachings, the members of St. John's' have decided to make use of the Catechism in the public service. A short period in every service will be devoted to a review of the chief pnrts of the Catechism,· this review to be in the form of a lecture by the pastor. The suggestion l's offered to all members of the church to bring their Catechisms to the church with them so as to enable the m to follow the lecture more easily. An announcement will be made when these studies in the Catechism will begin. Neighborhood House. Mrs. David More- of Prayer " a small pamphlet prepared ton, 431 Laurel avenue, Wil. 3664, will by the Ft>'deral Council of the Churc~es of Christ in America, a!ld contaimng receive contributions for this cause. brief readings and sug~e~twns for family worship or pri\·ate. d eYotwn for each day Recreational program: Monday, 7 :30 P. l\1., Troop 5, Boy Scouts. during Lent. Copies may be had on request. Tuesday, 7 :30, Troop 5B, Boy Scouts. Thursday, Young People, bowling and Sunday, March 31, Easter SundaY ·. t~e basketball. · ordinance of baptism will be .admi?lSFriday, February 22, Intermediate de- tered new members will be received · mto partment party. the ~hurch, and the Lord' s Suppe~ will be celf·brn.ted. Those who have ~h1Idren tu be baptiz d are asked to notify Dr. Willett or :\fiss Little. Those who de"Full Pay for Pa'r t Time" is the sub- l:3ire to unitt> with the Church o~ <;onfession of faith or by l tte r are mvited ject of Dr. Alllson'R sermon on Sunday to con!er with the minister, who will be morning. It continues the study of the glad to arrange an inter\'ie w. teachings of Jesus in the parables which have proved so interesting to our congre- 1 '£he names of all little children . in gation. There will also be another families connected in any manner with . address about Abraham Lincoln for our the church are desired for the Cradle. boys and girls. The chorus choir will Roll. Parents are asked to hand such · J>l'el'E>nt a special anthem under the direc- names to l\Ii~s Little or Mr. Carter. A tion of Madame Gilderoy Scott. complete list is greatly desired. The Junior Hi league will meet Sunday e\·ening at 5:30 in the Junior d epartment · room. Several m e mbers of the group will take part in the program. A short social period will follow the d Yotional service. All boys and girls In the seYenth, eighth, and ninth grades are cordially invited to The Ladle~· Aid and Missionary society attend. i;o; giving a Bakt>l'Y Sale next Saturday, l·'ebruary 16, at Van Deusen·~ Grocery The Senior High league will meet Sun- and Marlte t. t~xperienc e has shown that day evening at 5 :30 in the church chapel. the:Re goods are \'e ry quickly sold, so The leader is Jack Spenner. The topi come o1· place your ordet· early. is "Finding Our Way Trough," and the speakers are Howard Williams and John The pastor is deli n:·l'ing a series of serWaldner. Betty Schwarm will furnish mons on the Sunday!-> during the s ason the special music. A social hour will be of Lent based on the Epbtles 4>1' the held at the home of Bradford Fike. Go~pels of th respedi\'e Sundays; the subjeet~ a1·e as follows: BoY, Scouts Troop Three will be the Ft.>bruary 17: "The Great Temptatinu." ~lath. 4, R-ll. guests of honor at the morning sen·ice next Sunday morning. The boys will come Febntary 24: "Callt:'d to Holin e ~s." Thess. 4, 7. in uniforms and be seated in a body in the church. The pastor will preach a ser- ~larch 3: "Po~itiYt· ( 'hristianit v." Luke 11, 2;j. · mon suitable to hoys on the theme, "I<'indlng the Trail." A boy~' quartet will ~lar<: h 10: "t'hildn·n of l'rumi sL·." Lul,:e 11, 2:t sing at the service. ~larch li: "Dead \\'( 1rks and a Li\'ing<lod." Heb. !J. 14. The First dlvisivn held a Progref'sive dinner last Saturday e\'ening. Following ~1ar('h 24: ·· 'hrlstlikeness." l'hil. 2, 5. the main course at the church, salnd was St. .Tnhn'~ exteuds to all, espec·ially to served at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith. The group then enjoyed theiJ' the unl'hun:hNI, a ,.,,. ,.y ("ordial welcome dessert and a fine prograrn at the home to attend its SE'l'\'kt-'s. Our church exist:; to foster the spii'itual lif<' of its mem?f Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Page. beJ·s and to bn11g· to others the mes:sage The W. F. 1\1. S. met on Thursday at whieh i~ ahle to ~a\'e, and whkh is gi\'t:·n the home of Mrs. T. C. Moulding, 1004 to mt>IJ a!' a rule of faith and a g-uicle Greenwood aventte. Mr·s. R. H. \Valton for their lives. led the de\'otions, and Mr~. H . G. Smith 'l'lw l't'JHll't of tht> ::-\orthern Illinois DisreYiewed the lesson. tri ·t of he \Valther league g-h·es both the The Thank Offering ·>f the ·w. F . M. s. St>nior and the Junior Walth r leagues last Sunday netted three hundred and nf St. John'~ a Yery high staiHling·. ln thirty dollars. Pledges are still ('oming fad our· :-:o<:ieties are right up at the In that promise to run . thiF! to a total of top. Thi~ is not a buast but a boost to aim still higher. Xo rloubt this :-:tH:cess four hundred dollars. i::-: due, first. to the tn1e spirit nf <-·onWith the beginning of Lent on \Ved- ~Pcration among the members, and next , nesday of this week plan~ are b~ing de- to the tine attention to duty giw·n thl· veloped leading up to the Eastertide. The ~P<:it.>ty h~· its otli ·e1·~. Keep il up~ series of family supper~ that pJ·on' <l ~n Pastor :\ft' Yel· i~ leaving for St. Louis popular in the last .two years will be resumed Wednesday night, l<"'ebrun rv on 'Vednt>sday nig·ht ill IH'deJ' to <·onfer twenty-seventh, the Girl Scouts having with se\·E-ral boa1·ds nnd eommittE-e~ of tht- c·hurch regarding a hu·ge e xhibition charge of the first of th~ series. to be h e ld at Chi<:ago immediately following the tPll da~· :-;e::-:~ions ( I f tlw !"ynod. The February meeting of th e \\'oman·~ Home Missionary ~ociety is to he a "New li t- will return 011 F'J'iclay m· Satul'(lay, Membership Meeting-." Eve1·y woman who comes is asked to brine- a new membe1·. The meeting is to be held nt thE' home of Mrs. C. H. Older, 1026 Elmwood nYenue . Xinth strt>et and GrPenleaf avenu t> Thursday, February 21. Miss Lulu Irwin l~ t·\·. t 'lyde Tiandolph Wlweland, I:. ll. will speak ot us on our Lepe1· work. 5:H Sheric1a ll road, E\·a nston Wilmette Baptist Large attt>nclan C'E's ancl genuine interest comprise our \Vedne~ay night programs which begin with supper at 6 : 15 af!d are followed by a Big Sing, a stirring inspirational address and an ho ur of Bible study. The missionary !'peaker next Wednesday will be ReY. W. L. Fe1·gu~on nf India. \Ve C'an aC'C'ommodate a fe w more at the Rupper p(·riod. Lin!' F, :\lrs. A. E . Gebert, leadei', will met't at th e home of Mr:;;. 0. S<·hmidt. 1~2i Elmwood aYenue for a 1 o'cloc~ luncheon \\'edne~day, February 20. Link R, Mrs. W. Huggins, Ieaclf'r, will meet at the home of :\'Irs. Z. A. Parkhurl't, 1450 Lake avenue, fnr a 1 o'clock lu~1 eheon Thursday, February 21. Link D, M1·s. ,V, l\f. Bums, leade1·, will meet at the home of MrR D. Nelson, 1821 l~lmwood avenue. for a 1 o'clock lun cheon Thu1·sday, February 21. Link S, Mrs. J. D. Dingle, lead r, \vill meet at the home of Mrs. D. M. Davi~. !120 Park avenue, fo1· a 1 o'elock luncheon Thursday, February 21. February 24, Dr. be, "The St~ry of Jesus Christ: The Drama," the third of the Lenten theme:-;. Willett'~'. :--ubject will SundaY morning, The Young People's club meets each SundaY eYening at ti o'clock. All young people· of high ~C"hool age are invited. First Cong'l Church Vere V. Loper, Minister William E. ~IcCormack., ~Iinister of Education On ~undav the Church school meets in Lhe following department~'>: 9 :30 A. M., Primary, Junior and Intermediate departments : 10 :45 A. ~I.. Cradle Roll and Beginners' departments ; 12 noon, Senior department and Forum for Adults. 10 :45 ~lr. Lopt:'r will preaC'h the first of Discover~· ~ature." At th morning wor:;hip ~e rvice at his Lenten ~t.'rmons on "The · of God"- this one entitled, "In First Presbyterian The women of the C'hurch a1·e looldng Sunday, February 1 i. at 11 .-\. :'11.. lk forward to th e annual Lenten lunch eo n \Yheeland' s senuon suhjeC't will ht· "Tiw which will be held this year in the new Heal Reason of Irreligion." All people Shawnee club. The date set for this of the community not identifiefl with somp significant eYent is Tuesday, l\lan:h 7. · othe1· churC'h art' in\·ited to a 11 tlw se rvices of this ('hureh. Sunday :-;cho(Jl at 9:30 A. M. C'Iass e s fo1· all nge~ undt>J' graded instru<'tion. Hihl~ elas~ps for men Wilmette and Park avt-nnes, \\' ilm ette :uacl wom t> n. C'hl'istian Ench·;l \'OJ' ;at ;) ~: lO 1'. l\J. . Herman W. Meyer, :\f .. A .. pa~tCir 406 Prairie avenue Telephon e 1:1% 1\Tid-weel\ meeting, \\-l·du t>sday at S Church telephon<' 3111 P. M. The lectures on tlw Bo(tk uf Hevelation ha \·e pro\·f'n sufticientl\· inSenlN·s t Presti n~ to n ttrnC't large attendam:e: A Sunday Invoca\'it 9 :30 A. M. Sunday schonl and T1ihl e (·ordial invitation is gin·n Rihle ~tuclt"nts, c lasses. tt'aC'hers and those intereRtt-<1 in n n in9:45A.M. First sen·ice and ~ermon. tt>rpretation of thb difficult hook. 11 :00 A. 1\J. Second serYice nnd sermon St-rmon: "Th Great Temptation." · Following is the mu!'dcal progTam fn1 · :Math . 4, -1. Sunday monling: Organ PreludeJ.~t>ntt>n f'\(·rl'l('f' "Romance Sans Parolt' f'" Rnnn 0t AnthemW ednesday, February 20, at 7:45: Sermon: "The lnviolable \\'o1 ·d of God "The Lord Is Exalted" Anthemand tht~ Suffering of Our Savio1·." "Art Thou Wt>ary" C"haclwick Organ OffeJ·torY)ft>t>tln~s ' "Prayer" . · 1\fonda;v and Friday at 4: C'lass('s for the .. }'reye1· Solohristlan duC'ation of child1·en. "The Ln1·d ls :\Iy Li~· ht" Mr: 1day at 7 :30: f'hoir rehenrsal. F11day, F lJruary 22: Junior \\'althf'r Mr·. ~Till er league. Organ Postlude"Festal Postlude" The triennial conwntion of the LuthSchminke eran Synod of Ml · ouri, Ohio and other QuartetC'atherine Rushouse, !-!opJ·ann states will be held from June · 19-29 at Rose Lutiger Gann(·n, contralto the River Forest T eaC'hers' college. DelE>.John B. Mil.ler, tenor gates from every part of the world will Edward Oti~. bass attend, every seven congregations within Erma E. Rounds, organi~t and di1·ector the Synod being entitled to one delPgate from the clergy and one from the laity. RebeC'ca Spoke, regular meeting at the .Mr. C. SchmelssPr has been elected to represent the sew·n North Shore Luth- (·hurch, Tuesday evening, Febntary l!l. pinner at 6 :30. Special pmgram followeran churches of this Synod. Ill~ the dinner. All members of the WornIn view or the fact that thiH year au s society a1·e inYited to attend this marks the 400th anniversary of the !Jrogram at 8 o'clock. Lutheran Catechism. congregation~ or the Lutheran church are making plans to February is the month for renewal or celebrate the event In a suitable man- I ne w Auxiliary membership for Howell The Sunday E\·e ning: club, which meets The Young People'~' socif'ty meE>ts Sun- in the auditorium of this church, will flay afternoon at 5:30 and the Steward- han Capt. Denis Rooke, who made a ~hip comm i~si on will ha ,.e cha1·ge of the solo tlight from London to India, a dismeeting. · tance of 7,000 mile~. as its speaker. Rollin Pea~t>. well known baritone of Our new chapter of the \Vorld 'Vide Evanston, will be the ~oloist. Captain Guild. Elennor ".i llinm~. pref'iclent, meet!' Rooke will haYe stereoptil'on pil-tures to l\Ionday, February 18, at 3 ::~o in th e illustrate his lecture. Cuild room. Additional charte1· mernlwn.; a1·e ilwited .to join this group who~<, pmOn Tuesday th Xeighborhood Ci r c le ~ram Pl,'Oll1Jses to be unusually intt·rt:st- will meet at the home of ~Irs. Ray 'Varmg to girls. ren, !)32 Forest a \·enue. ::\Irs. '\Varren will be a~si~ted by :\Irs. A. H. Howard The .Junior choir continues its re- and ::\lr~. F. J. i'\e\\'e\·. Lun('heon will be h earRa ls Thm·Rdays at 7 in preparation serYed at 1 o'clock. · for Palm Sunday and Easter. The ' "ekeaC"afila Camp Fire Girls All tt·aC"hPJ'!o; and ofticf'J's of tht> Su1ul;n· mt-et at the church at 4 ::)fl P. ~r. !-;1'110~>1 .~u:e ill\'ited to meet with tlw Bo~u(l RooseYelt Troop :-\o. 2 Boy Scouts of J ,Phg-Jons Education of th <"hun·h on Tues<la~: ('\'E'ning·, Pebrua1·~· HI, at the- meets at the church at 7 :~0 P. ~I. home (1f tlw sti)WJ'intt-nch·nt. Eal'l C. ('arlSea ~<.:out Ship Xo. 7 abo meets at f'Oil. the church at i ::~o .P. :'II. on Tuesday. On " edne~day t'\·ening at 8 o'clock a Lenten sen-ice will be held at which .\I r. L·Jpt:'r will f'peak on "ChrysostomTlw Boy ScoutR will hold their n·o·ular Si J\·er Tong-uPd Ora t(1r." the :;econd in \\'e~ld~· meeting- Thun·day t:Yening at "'7 :~0. his ~eri e~ of tali{ on "C'reatorR of Christian Epo('hs" to be ginn on \Vednesday The "~illn ttt=> Baptist C'hlll'C'h is tht' t'n·nings during Lent. ('htii'<.J~ of the lightt-d cross at th · <.:ctrnt-r of \\ l!nwttt· and Forest aYt>nue~ . The Xorth\\'E' St Cirde will meet on Thursday at the homE· Clf ::\lrl'. Earle D. Lyon, 1504 Elmwood a \·enue, for Iunch\"011 at 1 o'dock. Kc·nilworth nYf'nuP and '\\·arwiC'k r(lad The BIJys· C"luh nwt-t~ at thP ('hurch on Kenil\. \·orth fhursda~· nt 4 o'clock D1·. Herb J't L. \Villett, minist<·r St. John's Lutheran Kenilworth Union The .Junior C'hoir meet~ for rehearsal . ~unday morn!ng,-Ff'hrunn· 1 i, nt 11 IJr. '\V11Iett 's !-!uhjec-t will be al 4 o' ·lock. rhe StotT of .Tesu~ C"hrist: The Tim(·S " Tht· ~t.·ni11r ('hoir rehear:- s at 7:30 the. secon.d o,r a !=:erif'. · of Lenten f-'ermo~s ~~- hJ('h. Will mdude "The Drama." "The P. ::\I. I ea~.: hwgs." "The ~lira<"le~." and "The ProgTam.·· The Ea~t End Cirt-le will meet on Friday at tlw home of )frH. C. S. l\IcCoy, Sunday school at !l :45. C'lasses for all 1:w ....\::-:hland aven u e, for luncheon at 1 and all welc:onw. The mat rial used ~~ o'clock. ~!H' clasf.:e~ · 1~ the Re\'h;ed International <.raded l e~son~. The Blut- Bird~ \\'ill meet at the church at 3 :30 P. ~I. . The ,Lad l e~· Guild 1~1eets on ~To 11 day ~lt 10 o cloC'k for work 1n connection with JtR program of hene\'(>lem:e. The ladies are asked to come in for as much time · Sundar,. Fehruary li, will be the first as they can devote to the work. ~unday .m Lent. There will be Holy ( omnn:'n10n at R a. m., Church School Wednesday ~vening Februan· 20 Dr and B1ble das!"es at !t :45, and l\Jorning Willett will gfye the ~econd of the ~'rie~ Prayer with addre~s at 11 a. m. of addresses on "Pilgrim's Progress," the gr;at Christian ~lassie, which is parToday , Friday, February 15 and ev r t_ lc ularly approJ?riate to the Lente~ sea- Friday in Lt.>nt, except Good 'Frid ihy ~on, and to th1s C'Urrent year, whJCh is 'Vomen's Al'sociated Guild ·n ay,t i e the tercentenary of the birth of John I the Club Hou~e at 11 "": 1 mee n ~~myon ... !he R~bject for the evening after the ~er~lce in t~ n1 Imhed~~ely ""Ill be 'I he Wicket Gate." Preceding will be lunc heon at noon c urc . ere each addreRR there will be an organ solo · ~~?oct. vocal number. The hour is 8 . Duri.ng Lent there will be extra servIces of Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 7 a. m. and on Fridays, except Good During the Lenten season members Friday, at 10 :30 a. m. There will be and friends are using "The Fellowship services in the chm·ch every Wednesday ~}·l(JCk, St~ Augustine's

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