Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1929, p. 44

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I Latest School News '-=======l:l JUNIOR- LIFE l WILMETTE, ILLINOIS; FEBRUARY 15, 1929 Told by the Pupils Publiahtd weekly by the tchool children of Wilmette under a uperviaion of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board VOL 2. NO 1 Bill Melchior Enjoys Study of Winter Birds I bave been very successful in seeing Carlo, a Brave Boy l QUIZ ON THE MOVIES 1. 2. 3. birds this year. I have seen nine ditrerent kinds. They are the sparrow, the three different kinds of woodpeckers, the Downy-' Harry, and Rep headed, the Brown Creeper, the Nuthatcher, Bluejay, and the Chicadee. The chicadees and nuthatchers are very tame. Tbey come right up to our window sill, where we have sunflower seed out for them. The chicadees eat tnormous amounts of seed as they eat almost all day. One day, the seed was all gone off the sill. I thought they might f'at from my itand. I put my hand out with some seed and in about two or three minutes a chicadee came. l was talking to mother and did not see it. I gues:s it t-hought my hand was a piece of fat, it · took a peck at it and I yelled, "Ouch" and shut my hand . The chicadee fl ew away but I had the pleasure of having a chicadee try eating. part of my hand. We also have a nuthatcher that is banded ; that is, having little m etal clips on its foot put on by some bird society to Aee how they mignite.-Bill Melchior, 7A Stolp. ~-----------------...J Carlo wa s a Venetian boy. His mother worked hard every day to buy their scanty needs. Carlo did not have a father, though he often wished he had. But he was not the kind of boy to leave the burden to his moth er. He did P.Verything he could to make her happy. After school Carlo, who owned a small boat, went to the hotel where the tourists stayed or to the governor's beautiful home. The governor's daughter liked Carlo because he used to sing for her when she was riding with him. Felicia, the governor's daughter, was only six years old while Carlo was sixteen. She liked him to tell h er s tories. Carlo r eceived a few pennies for taking F elicia riding. One afternoon after school, Carlo was going to the lovely house , where Felicia would be waiting fo r him . He was ·Singing gaily when he looked toward the house to see F elicia slip and fall in the canal She did not know how to swim and wa s drow,ning. Carlo stopped singing quickly and paddled as hard as he kn ew how toward the clrowning child. Then he .nnped and caught hold of h er and swam toward the hou se. Felicia had fainted. He finally got h r to the small p orch. The butl er came running and took Felicia to the nursery. He came back to tell Carlo to co m e in as h(' had forgot but Carlo had ~onf': Felicia was sick for many days after and was so weak sh could scarcely talk. Wh en finally she co uld ta lk with little effort, she told h er fath er of the incident. At once h e d f" ma nd d that Carlo would be brought to him. 1Vhere Carlo lived no one kn ew. But one day he came t o th e hou se to bring F elicia a f w ftow e t·s which h e had bought with the small !':Urn h e had for spending money. It had m eant a great sncrifict> f o r him, but F elicia was his fri end, the only one, besid e his moth er, who under~tood his ambition!'; and his strnnge ways. The governor ~av t> C:ulo ten sh ining gold pieces for hi!'; braw·ry. The n Carlo \tent home happy for two r easons. First, he lwei saved his friend's life and second, th e mon ey \\'(·uld plt' nse hi ~ mothf"r and make h Pr h a ppr.- \\.inif n' d· Barry, 8th grade, St. Francis. )1.\ KE POSTF.RS :\Ionday, Ft·hruarr 4. :\Iiss ficht·idler, th e Art t eac ht·r announc d to the seventh g-rade girlH of Howa rd that th ~· ,- would have four p eri ods for pnstt-t· making. On th e following \\·t> dn PF:cla y we brought in lwn lth pict ur es. \\'e simplified these irlt·ns, changed them somewhat and made th l' post ers. :\lost of tlw 11nsters t urnt>cl out fairly w ell. Th e practicf· w e are now ha ,-ing ""ill be ~1 e lpful to us next :.·par when w e will be abl«> t o (·nt er the pos tt·r C"ontest sponsorf'd by th e \.\"oman 's club. -H elen P erry, 7B Howard. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. QUESTIONS What is unusual about Harold Lloyd's spectacles? In what type of picture does Edward (Hoot) Gibson play? What motion picture producing company ls known as the M. G. M. ? What is the name of Tom Mix's horae? What movie centers about the U. S. S. Constitution? Who played the title role in The Kid? Who is known as "the man of a thousand faces"? What is the average length. in feet, of a five-reel film? What actor won the chariot race in Ben Hur? In what pictures did Douglas Fairbanks (A) capture a ship single handed, (B) use a long whip (C) take a trip on a carpet? Horsefeathers Get Bad Start; Hope to Improve The Horsefeathers basketball team of Stolp school started out a very unsuccessful basketball season. They played their first game '"ith one of the teams of 8B the Battling Warriors. My 'how we fought! Next game we will have to fight harder and maybe get som e place. We started out with one ba~ket during the fir~t half. The Batthng Warriors made two baskets and a free throw which made the score 5 to 2 in their favor. At the end of 1 1e game we had lost with a score of 8 t< 6. SA lost the first two games of the vo~leyball season and won the champwnship by winning all the r est of the games. This is what gives us confidence. We certainly hope we are su ccessful .from now on.--Beth Mcilrailh, SA Stolp Answers 1. They contain no lenses. 2. Western pictures. 3. Merto-Go}den-Mayer. 4. "Tony." 5. Old Ironsides. 6. Jackie Coogan. 7. Lon Chaney. 8. 5000 feet. 9. Ramon Navarro. 10. (A) The Black Pirate (B) Don Q Son of Zarro (C) The Thief of Bagdad. - Lawrence Buckmaster 8B-(Another quiz next week.) Tests Make This Day Unlucky for Scholars Friday, February 8, was the 7 A class of Stolp school's unlucky day . The fi~st period in the morning th ey had a Soc1al Science test on the pamphl et they had finished. Then, at the period they went into Miss Perring's room, Miss PetTing was out and a substitute had charge of the room and they were greeted with an English test. Aft er recess they had .an Arithmetic t est. They left there hopmg against hope that that was all and their wish came true. They had no more tests that day.-Eleanor Rick s, 7 A Stolp. Practice on Saturday for Basketball Games Every Saturday morning, boys who wish to make the school basketball team come up to Howard and practice. There are four divisions in we ight. They are as follows: Featherweights, S5 pounds and under ; lightweights, 85 to 100 pounds; middleweights, 100 to 115 pounds; heavyweights, 115 to 130 pounds. Hopes for a good t eam in the featherweight and lightweight division are high. Mr. Ball, the coach for all f our teams, po~ted the names of f e llows who w ere to come during the r est of the practices. All have good material t o pick from . · The first game in all di\"i :s ion s will b e F ebruary 16 at Howard with l"i<:hols. The time is 9 o'clock.-Dick Rteen. Howard SA. - - - - - - - - --- Eighth Graders Have Wonderful Experience Witnessing "Macbeth" nf"s~ed ":\Iaeheth," Shakespeare's tragedy, \\~t:· dn e~ day afternoon the 6th of Febru- Greens Win Over Golds in Stolp School Contest The 7A Stolp schoolroom is divid ed up into two t eams. Phyllis Carleton is the captain of the Green t ea m and .J ohn Beam is captain of the Gold t eam. Th er e are ·c ontests such as each side trying to get its report cards back, being the first to br;ng back signed notices, or selling the : .1ost Christmas Seals. The green side is ahead as they bought the most Christmas seals, bought th eir New Trier concert tickets b efore, and were the first to bring back all the report cards. The eold side has won once.--Eleanor Ricks 7A Stolp. EXClTI~G EXPERDIF.XT One morning I w ent in th e gymnasium before orchestra practice and climbed all the way up to the top, nnd slid down again. ,V,1ile I was climbing it our school mascot walked in 'vhen I wasn't looking. " ' hen I slid down the rope t·he cat got so scared that when h e ran away h e ran so fast that h e slipped on his ear.-Marshall P et e rson, 7 B H ow a rd 'l'he eighth grade of Stolp school wit- Mice Chew up Patterns; Set Traps for Raiders Tu esday morning w l11 n the H oward eighth grade girls \H n to the s wing room they found severul of the draw rs where w e k t.> pt our s wing were open and we w er e told that the mice had b ee n in th ere and chew ed up several patterns that were in there. Luckily they had not reached the uppe r drawers whe rt we have our matt- rial and the patterns . were old ones that had been le ft there. Traps have bee n set and we hope that the mice will not chew up anything eh;e. -Ruth B ersch, Howard 8B 1'00 ~JUCll HURRY In manual training one day I decid ed that a de s k set would be nice for the home. I had made them before and sn l thought 1t would not take long, so 1 stal·t ed. I took some wood and started cutting it. I went too fast and cut by the line so I had to start ove r again, and spoiled the ~f"cond pi ece when I wa.;; planing it by ~plitting it. I started agail'! and spoilt>d it by puttin~ it on the table in a hurry and letting it fall off and brt-akin~. I got so di~co urag c d that I quit and had to pay fifty ce nts for the wood. That shows that haste makes wa s te.-John Pearson, SA Howard ------------------- "HASTE 1'1.\KE. WASTE" It is an old saying that "Ha, te Makes \Vaste," but it alway~ comes true when you are in a hurry. Ont> day while out In the country I was making a sa ilboat that r equired a triangular sail about two f et by about one and a half feet. I had had a quarrel with my i::;ter so she wouldn't :-;ew the sail::;. Half an hour later I wa . ripping stitches out of my pants and also the sail. I had sewed the sail to my pants without knowing it.- Dick Stee n, 8A Howard L"XSCCCESSFUL GAME LaFt 'Wt·dnesday, 7B Howar<l had a hoch ey gamt with Stolp 'iC'. The game was a v ery unF:uc·cf"ssful one for us on account of losing 6 to 1. After the game when some of th boys w re feeling sort of glum, some ' of the others wanted to play again so Walter Foslund said, "Come on fellows let's praNice for next year." Then we all joined him and had a lot of fun.-George Rein 11ardt, 7B SEVEN ABSEXTEES The 7R r oom of Howard had !'even absf' nt t>es Thursday morning F ebruary 7. \\·e usually have only from one to three ahsente s but on account of the changing weather conditions, peo ple have forgot about the "flu" and have turned their thoughts to colds instead. In the afternoon we went down to six as Katherine Hoffmeyer came' back.-l\largery Taylor, iB Howard. XA:iUE NEW (.' 1 \PTAIN 0ne day last w eek 7 B Howard girls \"Ot t'd for a new basketball captain. It was ::t tie between Lois San~berg, Nancy ~fay . and Katherine Hoffmeyer, and as Loil' was captain for kickball and voll ey ball, her name was withdrawn. 'Ve ,·oted again and Nancy r eceived six votes while Katherine receivt>d seven votes.:\farjorie Weddell, 7B Howard. HEAR ART J,ECTURE Last Saturday l\lartin Rerberholz and Bill Sorsen enjoyt>d a lecture on art g·i,·en by Dudley Crafts Watson at the Art institute. We plan to attend again next Saturday.-Bill Sorsen, SA Howard. WRITE TO JAMES Letters were written to James Kraft by the eighth grades of Howard school. .Tames has been ill for several days and will not be back in school before March. Ruth Robinson, SA Howard. ary at the Auditorium theater, Chicago. About 100 pupils went on special North Shore trains, leaving WilmHte at I :08 , arriving home at 6 :45 o'clock. The pupils f:at in box seats with six in a box. The r egular price for box !';f"a t s is thrf'e dollars but thev were ~l'l'Ured for a dollar and a half ·because they want S<'hool children to see it. ":\[a beth" is ()n e of Shakespeare's b('st play~ . The plot i;;; laid in Scotland. :\Tacbeth murders the king and becomes king but to stay king he has to do more murdering. The !'itory 'from then on is of his remorse. Witch scenes and court :-;cen es are worked in with the utmost t'are not to spoil the plot. There is only one funny incide nt in the play but that is enough. Th e d es igning of all the scenf"ry was done by Gordon C raig, an English de!':igner. The scenery is said to be the bt>st that has been in Chicago for some time. The !'arne scenery is not repeated in the 13 scenes. The cast is the be~t of the country with fifty actors. including William Farnum as :\IacDuff, Florence Reed as Lady MacbPth and others. The synop~is of scenes: 1040-1057 A. D. Act I.--SC"ene 1. A place near Forres ; Scene 2. Forres, King Duncan's palace; Scene 3. Macbeth's castle. Act II.--,.Macbeth's castle. Act III.--Scene 1. Forres, the palace : Scene 2. Near the palace; Scene 3. Hall In the palace ; Scene 4. A ('avern. Act IV.--Scene 1. England; Scene~-· Dunsid:mt> ; Scene 3. The castle : Scene . Near Burnham wood; Scene 5. The astle. Laurence Buckmaster, 8B R'F.ORG :\NlZE GLEE CI~UB Tuesday, January 29, the How a rd school Glee club r eorganized. Some of the boys who did not want to be in the club resign ed. Mrs. Clark, our teacher, gave us a n ew song to sing. 'Ve hope to do bett('r w ork in the Glee club. - Jack Stein, 7B Howard. NOON GYM CL~SSES The girls of th e eighth grades, Howard, have had a hard time getting a noon gymnasium period, but at last they have permisf:ion to have it once a week. We have the gymnasium on Monday noon. The chair committee and the boys have the gymnasium the other four days. -Elsa Carlen. 8A Howard. Howard. NEW GYM APPARATUS The children of Howard school are very lucky for W«> have som«> new apparatus in the gymnasium and we are going to. get some more 'Ve now have a chinning bar, parallel bars. and a climbing rope. BOOST FOR WORKJIE'Y The men who work at the Howard They intend to get us a horse . We enjoy school rink should receive a lot of cr adit using the appar: ' us very much.-Marjorfe for the splendid ice · they · are flooding. Iverson, SA Howard. E,·ery day ::;ince January 5, there has been good ::;kating and good ice mornMAKE GOOD GRADES ing. noon, ad night. The school ice The eighth gradf's of Howard thought hoc·key program from 3 :15 to 5 o'clock the social science test was a little harder after school is an interesting event. than the first one. The grades made on "Hap" Gathercoal referee::; all games.- the test, though, were very good. Elsa George Green, 6B Howard Carlen led with the least number of mistakes, which was eight. The majority of TEACHERS WORRIED! the class had under twenty mistakes. All of our teachers have been quite -Evelyn Howard, SA Howard. worried because so few articles have been submitted from Howard to the JUNIOR ABSENTEES Ln·E. Though Howard has worked quite Mildred Waugh and Howard Fogg have hard It does not come up to the standard bf"«>n the absentees at 7B Stolp this week. set by our teachers.-Virginia McConnell, We hope we haye no more this week or Howard SA. next.-Lucy Jonas, 7B Stolp.

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