l8 . WILMETTE LIFE February 15, 1929 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs The Bible program, which was presented by the fine arts department of Local Artists Win Pri7es at Insti- the Woman's Catholic club of . \Vil- A club institute and meeting of the Model Gardens at ChicaRO Garden mette last Friday at the residence of board of directors of the Tenth district and Flower Show More Nu· tute Show: Exhibit at Chim erous clubs will be held Wednesday, FebruMrs. Edward ]. :McArdle, 111 Broad- ary 20, at the Rogers Park Woman's cago Woman's Club and Varied Than Ever way avenue, proved to be a most im- club at the corner of Estes and North BY VERA McDERMID pressive and artistic one. . Mrs. Me- Ashland avenues. Model garden exhibits at the ChiThe board, it is announced, has re- cago Garden and Flower show which Hundreds of patrons and lovers of Ardle's home was beautifully decorated quested this institute and is eager to opem February 25, at the Hotel Sherart streamed through the halls of the with ferns and baskets of flowers. Chicago Art in titute last Thursday afhave large and interested groups from man, will be more numerous and varied Miss Margaret 'Hayes opened the each club attend the session for an in- than ever. te~noon .at the formal opening of the thtrty-thtrd annual exhibition bv Chi- program by reading a paper written by fomal exchange of ideas concerning ·Manager ] ohn A. Servas has made alwav M n. I abelle Beecher, formerly a general club problems. cago artists. The exhibition is an entirely new ayout for the gardens member of the faculty of Northwestanticipated with the deepest interest The program for the da): will be: in the exhibiti011 hall. Instead of two and conc~rn, for t~e two questions up- ern university, the subject of which is Board Meeting . . .... 10:00 a. m. rows of gardens. there will be three. permost m the mmds of those inter- "Our Cultural Heritage." "The Bible Luncheon. . . .... . .. 12:00 noon Dov.·n the center of the hall will be as Literature," which was written hv ested at all in art are: "\Vho will he Club Institute . . . . .......... 1 :30 p. m. large gardens of formal design elabthe prize winners and what will their !vlrs. W. L. Ballard, was read by Mr~. ~f usic . . . . bY Glenola Ensemble orately equipped with architectural Harry Bettinghaus. pictures be like? " "Is the Budget a -Cruel ·Master or a features. On either side of them will A group of tabeaux depicting Bible The Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logai1 \\'illing Servant:., . . . ~[ rs. Clarence be a broad garden path clown ·which medal and $750 was awarded to Vladi- scene . arranged and directed bv ~[rs . Goodwin mir Rousse£ for his picture "In the B. ~L Lupton. were posed by ~arious "Our Young Partners" ~[r · . B. A. ~fc spectators may walk. and agaitrt each \\·all will be another row of gardens, Open," which is one of the most beau - members of the club . "Rock of Ages" Gee smaller in ize. This arrangement was posed by ~Irs. Frank Oelerich. tiful things done in the so-called "modOpen Forum ~1rs. R. Ford gives a greater variety of si7es and ernistic" style that has yet been "\.isitation." the second tableau, wa s 11 rs. Harr~· S. Cradle is president of painted. There is a tender beautv and posed by ~frs. M . }. Kelling and ~[rs. the Tenth district, Mrs. ] . K. Farley. shapes. and permits of a larger number dream y atmosphere about the picture Frank Kutten. "] udith ., v..·as posed by Jr .. corresponding secretary: \Irs. F.]. of indiYidual exhibitors. \Vhile the garden_; 111 the center that never before has been o attained ~f rs. .I ohn Tracey and ~f rs. ] ames Oelerich. chairman of pre ss and pubrow will be formal in design. those through the se,·ere Jines of modern - Tarleton; "Rt! becca at the \Veil." bv licity. · against the east ""ill be naturali stic and istic painting. The second award. the 'Mrs. George Beaudin; ··~aomi. Ruth .. here there will be two wild gardens, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Logan medal and Orpha," by 1frs. Frank Oelerich, and $500, was (!iven to Edmund Gi'e s- ~frs. Andrew Burkhart. and ~frs . Surprises Fill Meeting showing reproductions of Cook counbe;t for hi "LTphill," a magnificent :\. \\'. Bovlston; "The Widow's Mite" of Evening Garden Club ty flora in its natural state. One will thmg of somber power and realism. was posed b.v ~frs . A. :M. Rodenkirk, be made by the Cook Countv Forest One of the most enjoyable meetings preserve. Wild flowers whi"ch have Trma Koen wa · presented the Fine Arts the widow. while the children were Building Purchase nrize of $500 for her .Joan Savage and Charles Krippes. the Evening Garden club of \Vilmette been '.3aved from destruction in the 11 White Wings." The John C. Shaffer These were all beautifully and artistic- ever has had took place Tuesday. Feb- county forests vvill be forced into flowruarv 5. at the \\'oman's club. It was er for the show. Beside it will be a prize was ~iven to "Mother and Chil- ally clone. dren" by Claude Buck. a heautifulh· Mrs. Charles Norman sang and read an evening filled with surprises. not ravine garden, in which blood-root. idealistic thing- don~ in academic stvle. se lection s from the "Story of the only from the standpoint of fifteen hepaticas, trilliums. lady slippers and The Mr. and Mrs. ] ule F. Brower prize Crucifixion." a cantata by Stainer. She minute talk · given by George Iliff and other shy denizens of the native forest of $300 was given to "Landscape" hv was accompanied on the piano by ~[ rs. Henry Beach. but from the fact 'that hereabouts will be '.3hown as theY "Mr. Beach went to great trouble and Flora Schofield: the William Randoloh F. B. Morris. spent much time in procuring for the used to inhabit the north shore ravines. Hearst prize of $300 to "Helen" b,· Modern gardens of living plants will club wild lemon trees which ·are used Francis Chapin, a portrait of M i ·s h · Helen Tavlor of Kenilworth; the Erl- t lS year's exhibition. Anthony Anga- for the purpo ·e of grafting with be made by seventeen garden clubs ward B. Butler purchase fund of $200 rola, \vh o has \VOn several prizes in oranges. lemon . and grapefruit. These and each will have a valuable les so~ to "Arrangement" bv Charles Edward previous years, is now exhibiting a new were exhibited in the several stages in fo.r the amateur garden dsigner. They Mullin, whose works- alwa\·s show ani- painting. Theodore Johnson. Francis the process of grafting, from the first wtll be small, and will he confined to a ·.3ingle feature, but it will sho"· the · Chapin, J. Jeffrey Grant. Oskar Gross. mation and are rich in color and spirit: E. Martin Henning . Rudolph F. In- inci~ion to the finished product. The correct solution of ome fairly general exhibit with its explanatorv lecture the Joseph N. Eisendrath prize of $200 crerle of Rav· 1 · ·111·a. ,..l,ose held ~r r. Beach's hearers with interest garden problems. 11any gardens it: · ""' n ptcture t O "Sh e~ h er d B oy.·· b Y 01 ga Ch assamg. "Swappin' Ground ·" ·011 th \\"11' 1 tam. while it brought them instruction. the Chicago areas have profited bv a charmmg work m sculpturv · and the R s ." e Mrs. Julius Rosenwald pri~e· of $200 · andolph Hearst prtze Ia t year, Carl I ,ater oranges and g1 ape fruit were dis- such lessons learned in the Chica~o "' to ··The Children's Boat," bv Richard Kraft, Ka~l Oberteuffer, whu h.a~ .won .tributed among the members and cakes flower and garden shciw. and orange juice were served for reGardens will be made bv several A. Chase, an outstanding work so far ~~~=~at Ph~Ife~ kat f tl~~;~ exkhtbtttpons · 1 as color and composition are concerned. Trebt'lcock' )r~lc 0 ,, p vvt 111 .1t et f-a. p .au 1 freshment. .-\11 of the fruit and the garden clubs. Each will .3how a typi"W k ·· b D G 'ff . '~ 10se or rat o a amt- trees ~fr. Beach brought from a grove cal neglected area. unsightly with de0~ C~ Y \V'aven~ort I I n .en er" ,.,.·on first prize last vear. \Vinifrerl near Davenport. Fla. bris, such as exists too often in subwon t e tra'!o oman s c u) prtze \Vilson of w·1 · E ·kl f 1 me tt e, p ercy of $200. The Harrv A. Frank prize of c 1art ~ F. ~f. Hamilton of Evanston gave an urban grounds; and bv its side will be $150 was given to "Pioneers" hv A. Loo Kemlwo~:h: and many ot.he: noted Cl:t- interesting 'talk on "Landscaping Pub- actual proof of the \vav in which it ... th "S. th Cl ·d M C · · f cago artist all ha,·e pa111t111gs 011 {its- lic Grounds." 11rs. John \Veedon, can be tran:;formed into beauty spot. M ... e\'Y . e ' e . arr pnze o 1 1 Th h ·1 · · '11 1 hv Ch~rles A \""'1·? ay. e ex 1)ttton "" )e on for president of the \\'ilmette Garden club, A tea room will be t:onducted in the $100 to "An ldvl" 1 1 . · : ·v . tour weeks was the guest of the evening. She show by members of the Garden Cluh mov kv: the Chtcago \Voman s Atd · . prize of $100 to "Green Apples" hy Hel- . One of the outsta~1d111g and popu.)ar spoke of her de sire to have the garden ?f Illinois. each member club assignen T. Tador of Kenilworth: the ~far- Picture~ at . t.he North . Shore Art dub co-operate with the vVilmette mg members to serve as waitresses . . shall Fuller Holmes prize of $100 to Leagues exht!Ht at the Chtcago \Vom- Garden club in every way possible so .. Boating" by Frances Foy: the Ens.de- an's club is "~ron~ the Bluff' by Law - that they may be a source of good in Woman, s Club Notes wood \Voman's club nrize to "Pont M~- renee Buck ot Htghland Park. Allen the community. The next in the series of book rerie, Paris" by David ~fcCosh: the Julia P.hill~.rick..als~ ha~ a picture he~e. "ZinSew foe Commons Today . view meetings at the \Voman's club of Knaop Mt"morial prize of $100 to "Mil- m~s, whtch 1 nch and deep tn color. \Vilmette occurs Wednesdav. Fehrudred" bv Madeleine Albert· the Muni- AltcP May Jackson' "Sunset on a The Chicago Commons is to bene- ary 20, at 10 :30 o'clock. at the \Vomcipal Art LeaJ?ue orize of ~1'00 to "~far- Xorthern Dune" is outstandit1g for its iorie" bv Edward T. F. Timmons: the color and depth. Cora Gould Davies lit hy the sewing done today at the an's club of Wilmette. Mrs. B. F. BlvMrs. Tohn C. Shaffer prize of $100 tn of V\:innetka has a. charming portrait \\'ilmette \Voman's club bv women of myer will give a review of "Elizabeth 11 Garden Grouo: Florence- Loui. e and of M lSS Helen Enghsh. Helen Ta~·lor the village \Yh o will assemble at 10 and Essex" by Strachev, and Mrs. Ruth" bv Ruth Sherwood· the !v[rs. oi Kenilworth has a splendid "Still o'cloc k, and. under the auo.:pices of Hope Thomp.3on, "The New Russia" ' William Ormonde Thomos~n nrize of Life" which is notable for its arranP'e- the philanthropy departmettt of the by Dorothy Thompson. Members of the club will have their ~100 to "Bov~ P1owing" lH· John T. ment .. co. m position, ~·o lor, and work- club, devote their time to charity. Naif: and the Robert Ric.e Tenkins manshtp. Another of the most strik- Luncheon is '5erved at noon to the annual View day at the Art institute orize of $50 to "Fragment" by ·~farvin ing- port.rait is ."El9a Dittbern" by adults, and to school children \vhose Thursday. February 21. Thev will meet at 10:30 o'clock and will be- conducted M:::.rr Albright . Irma Retsner. whtch 1s a large cam·as mothers wish them to join there. The exhibition is one of particular with a. brilJiant . red the. precl~min~te through the galleries by Miss Lucie Promise. and it" most trikincr feature color:. 1t fatrly tmgles wtth ammat10n Plan 0. E. S. Party Hartrath. is ito;; varietv. There are naintings rlone and vtvactty. A card partv for members of the in aft mann-er of style. : imnre,.sioni. tic. Other north shore artists who are Wilmette chapter, Order of Eastern Announce Marriage modernistic, futuristic. acade1ftic. cuhis- exhibitinll painting-s are: Unitah Ship- Star, and their friends will be given Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Neal of Evtic, old and new schools. and while pen . of Glencoe. Helena Chase Tohnson ~ebruary 20, at the home of Mrs. Wilthere are manv portraits tl...,.re are just of Winnetka, Bertha Baker Alting- of ham rl'. Jones, 1232 Elmwood avenue anston announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth. to Walter Delano as manv land cane and still lifes. Lake Forest. Winifred Wilson of Wit- from"S2 until 5 o'clock. Mrs. R. Ivan Lt" Lorraine Albrig-ht. who w0n mette. MarJ?uerite Calkins Taylor. Wit- Saxer, Mrs. R. L. Young, Mrs. Sam Burr, Jr. of .Evanston, February 4, 1928. the Shaffer ori.t.e Ia . t vear with his mette. Buell Mullen, Highland Park Wilson, and Mrs. ] ohn H. Brumbaugh Mrs. Burr 1s a graduate of Wellesley college and Mr. Burr attended Dart"Lineman," has two more paintings in Hazel Belt Risk, \Vinnetka. ' will be hostesses. mouth. North Shore Artists Exhibiting in City Woman,s Catholic Club Plan Club Institute Has Impressive Program and District Board Meeting February New Garden.Layol:Jt Planned for Show 2o r · a c: