WILMETTE LIFE ' February 15, tm ~enefits · Popularity on· North Shore Continue. tn Will Infant Welfare' Board Seven North Shore to Give Afternoon Tea Girls Taking Part One of the large and attractive social in uThe Fire King" affairs of the late winter season will ·on Honeymoon SpriQglike Touch Prevails at Recent Afternoon Wedding Theresa McArdle was married on February 6, to John Sc\lneberger of Riverside, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. ]. McArdle', 111 Broadway avenue. Miss Mary McArdle, her sister's only attendant, wore a dress of blue flowered chiffon, a blue straw hat trimmed in yellow gardenia·.:;, c:.nd carried an old fashioned bouquet of spring flowers. The bride's gown was of ivory satin with lace applique. She wore a honey beige hat trimmed with white gardenias, and carried an old fashioned bouquet of lilies of the valleys, freesia, and orchids. The three nieces of the bride and groom, who ·s tretched ribbons across the room, wore dresses of bright colored pink and peach crepe de chine. Mrs. McArdle's gown was dark blue georgette, while the gown of Mrs. S~hne· berger, the groom's mother, was tan lace over satin. Richard Schneberger served his brother as be·5t man. The Rev. Bernard Bradv of the St. Francis Xavier church officiated at the ceremony which was held at 4 :30 o'clock in the afternoon. A reception immediately followed the ceremonv, and later a wedding supper for fi-fty guests was served. The sun room, where the ceremony took place, \vas . decorated with ferns, palms, and rose'5. The bride and groofl?. have departed on a several weeks' lionevmoon trip to Florida, Cuba, and New- York, and upon their return will make their home at the DeWitt hotel, Chicago. be the tea and program given by the BY JEAN TEN BROECK Children of the north shore again Wilm(·tte Senior board of the Infant have a play devised for their own Welfare society Wednesday afternoon, pleasure, although, we are told, its February 20, at 2:30 o'clock, at the appeal will be felt by adults as well. Woman's club. The affair is to be and itr. production will be given near given for the Junior auxiliary and at hand on Saturday, February 16, frjenrls of the Infant Welfare socidy. ·M rs Ernau Akely of Wilmette, when the Student Players of the National Kindergarten and Elementary piani5t, and Mrs. Charles N. Evans, colleR'e appear in the "Fire King" in also of Wilmette, will give a musicale, morning and afternoon performance. and Miss Sara · Pace, Infant Welfare These Student Players, whose personnel superintendent, and Miss Taylor, nurse cha11ges with the completion of col- at the New Trier Infant Welfare stalege courses, have staged numerous tior. will talk of their work. Mrs. Akely will play "Humoresque." cle,·rr nerformances in the past and Rachmaninoff; "Romance," by their play each year is anticipated by far in advance. It now is part of the Strukow-Ryder; "Valse Parisien," by college tradition. The presentation Schuett; and Mrs. Evans will sing, thi s season is the signal for all-day "Irmeline Rose," by Wolff; "The festivity. Following the morning per- Little Fisher's Song." by A. Orenskey, formance the luncheon, which wiiJ · be and "The Robin's Song," by vVhite. sen·e<i from 12 until 2, will be the occasion of a number of parties for little Geraldine Crawford Becomes folk. At the close of the matinee refreshments will be on sale in the Bride of Philip Bright, Jr. lunch eon rooms. . Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Crawford of The play chosen for this season, is Rockford, announce the marriage of realty the story of "The NurnbergStoye" beloved by children through their daughter, Geraldine, to Philip many Erenerations, moulded into dra- Vaughan Bright, Jr., son of Mr. and matic iorm bv Miss Clara Belle Baker Mrs. Philip Vaughan Bright, 731 AshPhoto by Reick of the ~~oltege and named "The Fire land avenue, \Vilmette, last Saturdav afternoon. · ~Irs. Ed,vard C. Hintzpeter is the King." o,,·ing to the illness of the bride'· .:; former Bernice Rose Wieland, daughBut v: ~ give no further hint of its plot, leaving that to unfold itself be- father, the ceremony to::>k place at ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wiethe residence of her parents. Miss land, 1111 Sht:ridan road, \Vilmette. fore tlw eyes of its little spectator _. c;::even north shore girls. students in Medora Bright, sister of the groom, Her marriage to Mr. Hinztpeter, who the National Kindergarten and Ele- was the bride's only attendant, while is the son of the Herman C. Hintzmentary colle~e. wiJI appear in the Douglas Borer of Wilmette served Mr. peter5 of 212 Sheridan road, Kenilcast. two performances of which ,\'ill Bright as be.:; t man. Rev. \V. H. Ful- worth, took place the evening of Janbe given in the college building, Har- ton of the First Presbvterian church uary 19, at the Wieland home. The rison hall. Evanston. the first at 10:30 of Rockford officiated at the ceremony, bride and groom are spending two and the ~econd at 2:15. The play. whirh at which only the immediate families munths in New Orleans, California, and Honolulu_ is p-iven under the auspices of the were present . After a short wedding trip the local chapter of the alumnae association as :;~. benefit for the building fund Brights will make their home in ChiEngagement Announced of the rolleg-e. is to he reneated on cago. M <lrc:t 9. in La Grang-e, and arrangeat Tea Last Saturday ments arc under way for its prcsenta- . A nnounce Betrothal tion in other suburbs. · Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tich , nor of ~fr. and ~[rs. F. }. Schcidcnhelm, The r;-.st is comooscd of t\\'enh·-six 80-l Forest an'nue, \Vilmette, announce Fort 11yer , Fla. announce the eno f the most talented student. of the gagement of their daughter, Loraine the engagement of their daughter, college, :no_t of the actor. playing t\,-o Elizabeth, to David Green Shapard of 1fary Louise, to \Yilliam Edmund roles. ~nt! ~ few apnearing in three. Schweitzer. son of 1[r_ and ~Ir s . Richf . ther Christe. 159 Abingdon ave- Shelbyville, Tenn. The wedding will ard J. Schweitzer of Chica~n. Mi s take place in March. nue. I( enil\\'orth, takes the part of The Tich nors are former residents Scheidenhelm is a graduate of \Vellesthe k!~1g who dis ·,1ver-; the little hoY. and a member of .'\lnha Phi 1 - of \Vilmette, and still have many lc_v colle~:re ~ ' Au!!mt. in the sto,·e his agents have friends on the north shore. Miss fraternity at North\\-estern university. pt1rrha"ed. Olf.!a 1fang-cl. -l90 Sunset Tichenor attended the Stickney sc h 90l ~.fr. Sch\vcitzer wa·3 ·- raduakd from road. \'.'innetka. is one of Old King in Chicago. l\fr. Shapard attended Armour Institute of Technology· and is Cole's paves in the picture which Yale univcrsitv and is a member of a member of Phi Kappa Sigma fratercori1e.; to !iff' in the antique shop, the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. nitv. and ~fil(lred 11elonc. 914 Forest ave'fhc ann::>unceme l' t " -as made at a tea nue. \\'ilmette. i" one of the three · l for ).fiss Scheidenhclm's friend at her ~idcller~; in this oicture and later ap- Luncheon for Brtde-E ect home last Saturday afternoon. Those pear;; a a nal!e in the king's court. 'Miss Elizabeth Shipman entertained · assi sting were MP5. A. K. Sheiden-\rmida St \,-art. of Evanston. will on Monday at her home in Kenilworth, helm. ~[rs_ Alfred H _ Taylor, and ~Irs. tak(' ~he part of Erming-ilda. the sister, in honor of Mis s Inabelle Branch, :.:orman C. Clark, of Evanston, and of Au.s:.rust: of the cuckoo clock in the giving a most unique lavender lunch- ~[iss Isabelle Pope of \Vilmette·. ~ntint·e shop and of the je . ter in the eon and shower. Kino.!'s court. Church Dinner Saturday :\"~ncv Rohhins, also of Evanston. Gives Benefit for Home anp<-ars as Maila. another of .'\ug-mt's The first division of the \Vilmette sist<'r~;: the Dutch doll in the anti()ue ~fiss Jean ).f unro. regent of Cam- Baptist chur~h ,,-ill give a progressive ,J,on and a co_urt lady . Jessie Loberg. hridg: chart:r of D .. B. · E ., enteftained dinner tomorrow evening, the first of f.,·anston. 1s one 0 f th<' paP'f's d at fi\ e tables o_f hndge last .\~ eclnes- course being held at the church, the ()ld King- Cole ann Dorothv Rtaine. rlay as. a henelit for the Brtttsh Old sa lad · course at the home of ~rs. of F·:an-;ton . one of the wooden solcii- · People :- hotn5'· at Holly,,·ood, Ill., at her Charles A. Lundberg, 1010 Elm,\'ood ers in the shop. home. 1119 l·.lnm·ood avenue. a\·enue, and the dessert course and proAmon!! the members of the facultv gram at the residence of ~frs. Albert ~nd alumn~e nf the coltrgP and tion of her birthdav; Mrs. ~1anfred N. Page, 901 Ashland avenue. "" ).Irs. mothers anci rhilciren of the demnn- Darnstader of Evanston, who enter- Leonard K. Osborne is chairman of stration school. who are entertainin'! tains seven guests: ~f rs_ \Vatter Ander- the first division and is in charge of ~· lunrhcon and a performance of son of Kenilworth, hostess to six; Mrs. the dinner. "The Fire King" Saturrlav are: ~fiss Milton Friend of \Yilmette, to seven: Vera Sheldon. who is entPrtaining ~frs. S. H. Rolli. ter of \Vilmette, who f"ighteen of her stmlents for whom she entertains six: ~f rs. R. A. Larsen of Give Theater Party is coun~;elor: Dr . Louise Farwell. who Chicago, five: Mrs. Louis \Vehb of Mr. and Urs. Tirrell Ferrenz of 511 will he hostess to a '!roup of fourteen: Evanston, five: ~[ rs. Everett Cook of \Ya shington avenue entertained fifteen Mrs. Florencf' S. Canron. wh0 is en- \Vinnetka, five: Mrs. F. Fabry of Ev- guests at "Lombardi, Ltd." anrl supper t ... rtaining in honor of her niece. Miss anston, five; Mrs. Walter Joyce of afterwards at their home la;;t \Vedf'harlotte Caorone of Milwaukee \:Vilmette, fi, e; Mrs. Paul Dittmar of ne·.sday evening. Downer srminarv: Bettv Dubhs, Evanston, five: ).Irs. Henry Raider of daurYhter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P . Dubbs Evanston, eight; and 11iss Rach c1 Mrs. Philip Hill, 735 Eighth street of Wilmette. who will he hostess to Harlam of Highland Park, who is Wilmette, entertained at a bridge te~ thirty of her little friends in celebra- hostess to eight friends. last Monday afternoon. . 1. 2' L I Church Luncheon Will Be Given at Shawnee The annual luncheon for aU Methodist worr..en living in \Vilmette wi11 be held at the Shawnee Country club March 7, at 1 o'clock, with a program immediately afterwards. · The committee in charge of the affair consists of Mrs. \Villiam Holmes, chairman, and 1fesdames A. G. Ackerman, R. G. BurrO\vs, \V. \V. Baldwin, Samud Darst, J. E. _ Edvvards. H. A. Fanckboner, vV. G. Kimbell, \Vi1liam ).f ason, T. C. Moulding, \Villard Thayer, and Albert \Veber. Mrs. E. M. Stafford, 936 Sheridan road, is m charge of luncheon reser,·ations. Church Links Meeting Link S of the vVilmette Baptist church, ~Irs. J. D. Dingle, leader, will meet Thursday, February 21, at the home of ~drs. Daniel M. Davis, 520 Park avenue. for one o'clock luncheon. Link R of the \Vilmette Baptist church, 11rs. \Vitliam C. Huggins, leader, will meet at the residence of ~'frs. Z. A. Parkhurst, 1450 Lake avenue. for one o'clock luncheon. .' Changes Meeting Day The \Vilmette Infant \Vetfare hoard deems it advisable to ch.ange its meeting day from the first to the second Tuesday in each month, a change which wilt be in effect in March. The board held its February meeting Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. \Villiam E. Harridge, 1400 Forest avenue. The day was spent in doing the usual sewing and mending for the camp. · · Dinner Dance for Visitor Mrs. Frederick Ebeling, 726 Ninth street, wil1 entertain at a dinner dance tomorrow evening at the Evanston's Woman's club in honor of her house guest, Miss Alice Carter of Boston.