Feb111ary 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 33 rocks Here at $15 fOVNTAIN SQVARL LVANSTON e J,ewilder.ingly remarkable at $15.· s! Their well-earned fame will en : · ople see the new models. Points sepa ate georgette jackets-in bo lers of gilt nailheads in ith LJackets 1 Ann Pennington Sponsors a New flannel Skirt A tricky little affair-with a deep yoke, button. on loops; and a reptile-grained belt. The sort of skirt the younger generation tucks its blouse into, to enhance .the boyish slimness of figure! $6.95-in green, navy, red, white and gray . Lord's-Second Floor rocks 'with roman-striped tops ,1. · .a brics them'"·tn contrasting colors- les! ouse~ Attractively tailored. at $1 ;, too. ress w rar, for street wear, for Floor Smart Beach Tan Kid with strap and inlay of Beige d'Or. Cuban and Spanish heels, $7.50. lt $15 ~-------------------------------/ I ;. A Y to Wash Dishes '( ith the Conover! I ' I SPRING Advance Cushman Fashion Shoes for Coming SeasQn Decidedly new-distinctly charming, the~e new slippers for Spring. Sunburn or Beach Tan kid, Militia Blue, Lido Sand-with touches of Snakeskin or cleverly wrought straps. Just a sugges-tion of . sandal in their styling. Lido strap snake toe. Sand kid with Tof Beige Watermolded over the Cuban heel, $7.50. now· takes its place with electric clothes washing, electric ironing in the up-to-date home. Yer ~rocess far more efficient ~han the old hand method, but d mlch quicker. "' w fi .ding it possible to wash dishes only once a day, and yet way clean and orderly. They simply store their dishes in of 11 · )e way and out of sight until the most convenient time re Payment Plan Puts Conover ithin reach of EVERY HOME! Lord's-First Floor Sunburn kid and contrasting kid strap woven through side eyelets. Center B u c k I e fastening, S7.5o. Lotd's-Fint Floor