February 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFB omics, Northwestern university, speaking on "Reconstructing the Tax System." A. R. Ellingwood, professor of political science, Northwestern university, will open the round table on aspects of legislative propos~ls by discussing "Constitutional Aspects of Municipal Home Rule." Luncheon will be served at the University Church of the Disciples at 12 :30 o'clock. Among the members of the Wilmette League of Women Voters who will attend the institute will be Mrs. Merle B. Snyder. a member of the bulletin and publishing committee; Mrs. C. P. Evans, and Mrs. William ]. Weldon. WOIE" VOTERS TO HOLD INSTITUTE OF POLITICS Noted Authorities to Speak at Seaaiona Next Week at University of Chicago ') I· ,. . < · An Institute of Politics that will be practically a three-day college course in governmental and administrath·e problems confronting Chicago and the state of Illinois will be held by the Illinois and Cook County League of Vvomen Voters at Ida Noyes hall \)f the University of Chicago Februarv 19, 20 and· 21. The speakers will J)e authorities in their respective fields, a majority being members of university faculties. Members of the Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Winnetka Leagues of Women Voters plan to attend the sessions. The institute will draw a large audience of members of the leagues, club women, and others interested in the problems confronting the city and state. Round table discussions of various topics in which the audience is interested will be conducted undt'r leadership of the guest experts. Miss Bertha Bidwell, president of the Illinois League of \Vomen Voters. will preside at the opening session Tuesday, February 19. which opens at 9 o'clock in Ida Nm·es hall. Frederic Woodward, acting -president of the Univers!t:v of Chica({o. v·ill welcome the memberc; of the institute. At 11 o'clock there will be a round table on taxation, opened by ]. E. Leland. research professor in taxation of the U niyers!ty of Chicago, who witt di~ cuss "Sorne Fundamentals of Tax<·tion." At the same 1ime. another round table on legislative proposals will be conducted hv Harold F. Gosnell. assistant nrofessor oi nolitical science at the l'1iiver"itY of ChicaQ'o, who will talk on "Revision of Election Laws." May Wood-Simons Presides Mrs. Mav Wood-Simons, chairman of citizenship training, lllinois League of \Vomcn Voters, will preside at the afternoon ses~ion opening at 2 o'clock . Leonard D. \Vhite, professor of political science and executive secretarv of the Local Communitv Re search colll mittee of the University of Chicago. \Viii speak on the committee's program. Sophonisba P. Breckinrid!!e. professor of social economy at the 'C'niversitY of Chicago; Mrs. Kenneth F. Rich, director, Immigrants' Protective league, and Spencer D. Parratt, . resc2.rch assistant, Local Community Re search committee, will be other speakers. Thrre will he a dinner at 6:30 o'clock at the Hvde Park Bapti.~t church. "Citv-State Relations" will be the subject of a discussion in the eveninQ', with addresses . hv Dean \V. B. Philip, of Bradley Poivtechnic Institute, ;:~nd Charles E. Merriam. chair - ' man of the department of political sci ence, Uni\'eniity of Chicago. George 0. Fair":eather, chairman of the Joint Com" ·' ., ion on Real Estat r Valuation, wi1 onduct a round table on taxation, h especial · reference tn the pending ogram of assessments and revaluation, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. At 11 o'clock there will be a round table on legislatiYe proposals, with a talk on "Reform of Civil Service Laws" bv F.. 0. Griffenhagen. president. Civil Serv1cr association of Chicaf!o. and a discussion len b,· Leonard D. White, University of Chican-o political scientist. In the afternoon. the general suhiect will bf' "Adn-iinistration of Justier." with E. W. Burgess, professor of socioloP"v at the Univer. itv of Chica~m. discussin~ p~rclo11s ::~nd paroles. and Judcre Frederick L. F" kc talki·v" nn revision of thf' criminal code. An informal tea will be held at 4 o'clock Thursdav's prorrram will be ooened hv another round tahlP 011 taxation with F.r.nest Hahne, professor of econ- - From General Motors comes the announcement of the Cold Control [i] Offered only onFr£gidaire.Gives automatic regulation of temperature in freezing compartment. Speeds freezing of ice cubes. Makes dozens of new desserts possible. OLD Control is a simple dial that ooables you to regulate the time required to make sparkling ice cubes ... unusual frozen salads ... delicious new ices and desserts. C If it's afternoon, you can have ice cubes for the dinner table ... perhaps a delicious new frozen dessert. Simply set the lever at colder ... the point that's "colder than cold" ... fill the ice trays with water .·. put the material for your des3ert in another freezing tray. Sparkling full-sized ice cubes ... the frozen dessert ... all will be ready. Such exclusive features as these have m.ade Frigidaire the choice of more people than all othtr makes of electric refrigerators combined. Frigidaire prices today are so small and its savings so great that it starts paying its entire cost the day it is installed. A small deposit will put Frigidaire in your home tomorrow. Stop in at our display room. · FRIGIDAIRE The QUIET Automatic Refrigerator STOVER CO. Michigan Ave. at Randolph St., (151 N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph ·4950. Evanston · 1631 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 4480 Highland Park · 382 Central Ave. Highland Park ISO Hubbard Wooda · 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1512 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, At all their offices.