February _ 15, 1929 New Trier Quintets U. of I. Art Committee Holda Annual Sessions Win Two-Ply Victory Thursday and Friday of last week Over Deerfield Men the Art Extension committee of the By Winalow Wriaht For the second time this year Deerfield's basketball quinteh went down in defeat at the hands of the New Trier cagers at Highland Park Tuesday afternoon. The New .T rier heav: ies, displaying a good brand of basketball, jumped into an early lead, which they maintained and won by the comfortable margin of 23 to 15. The Grey and Green ponies, on the other hand, played away below par and after trailing most of the struggle came through with a last minute spurt to triumph 15 to 12. The heavyweight affair started off with both teams fighting hard and playing a speedy game of ball, but neither of the teams were able to find the basket, until finally Borncamp commenced things by making a nice long shot. Deerfield then lessened New Trier's scant advantage with a free throw by Thomas, but then Borncamp, also sunk a free throw, and thereby again gave New Trier a one basket lead. Thomas then retaliated with a short shot and the hard fought quarter ended in a 3 to 3 deadlock. In the second quarter, New Trier began to find its markman ship eye and the teamplay improved and through the baskets of Thompson, Xew Trier found itself on the top of a 10 to 7 score at the end of the half. The second half found the Indian Hill boys functioning still b"etter and although their opponents were also putting up a better fight, they were unable to cope with th e attack that 1\ cw Trier was flashing. Thomas, Deer· t~ e !d's center, managed to add a few more points this half to the Highland Park boy's score, but Thompson of New Trier, aided by his teammates rang up more points and New Trier conquered 23 to 15. The first half of the pony game little scoring was done, for both teams passed badly and the shooting was none to good. Captain Saxton put New Trier into a slight lead with a free throw but this lead was immediately taken away, when Leo Zanier of Deerfield sank a long. Through the baskets of Cummings and by stalling Deerfield kept the lead for the first half, leading the visitors 8 to 4 at the close of the half. In the second half with the score 9 to 5 against them, New Trier started a rally which proved to be successful. Two baskets by Saxton and f~ee throws by Thompson and Mcf;ean tted the score and from then on tt was a real scrap. McLean and Saxton each made a field goal and as there was but little time left to play it appeared as if New Trier had the game sewed up, but a free throw by Jackson and a basket by. Joe Zanier cut New Trier down to a 13 to 12 lead, but then Saxton of New Trier came through with a ringer to give New Trier a 15 to 12 game. · The lineups are as follows: Heal·les NEW TRIER University of Illin~is held it'3 annual two-day ·meeting iri Chicago. The various meetings of the first day were in and near the University of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Western, of the North Shore cemetery attended this winter gathering. The Art Extension committee is composed of voiunteer citizen·s representing almost every section of the state who are interested in anything that tends to make life worth living, such as sculpture, paintings, model schools and their equipment, public parkt3 and playgrounds, wort'h-yvhile cemeteries, communi-ty houses, home landscape work, etc. This group has for its chairman Lorado Taft, Chicago's talented and esteemed sculptor, and for its active manager, Dr. R. E. Hieronymu3 of the University of .Illinois. Funeral Services Conducted in a Most Exacting Manner UR forty-fi.v~ years of scientific research in this field qualifies us to render a O most careful and conscientious service. A graduate lady assistant will be in attendance whenever required. ·This new funeral home is under the management of Mr. M. H. Lieber of Winnetka. AMBULANCE SERVICE A modern invalid coach in charge of courteous attendants will be stationed at Hubbard Woods ready for instant response at all times. TELEPHONES -WINNETKA UNIVERSITY Girls Begin Basketball Practice in Kenilworth Girls' basketball practice started at the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, this week. Several games will be played between the ·.seventh and eighth grades, and a team will be picked later to play the alumnae. The Haven school of Eva nston will meet the Kenilworth girls' teams on March 8. Miss Gertrude Herrick, literature teacher, is in charge of girls' athletic activities at th e Joseph Sears school. DEERFIELD 1065 3375 ROGERS PARK 0071 North Shore Funeral Home WEIMESKIRCH ~ SONS F. Zanier, r. f. . ......... 0 L. Za nier, 1. f . .. ........ 2 F.G. F.T. 0 1 2 1 0 0 4 P. 2 3 2 0 2 Forty-Five Years on the North Shore Jackson, c. . . .. ....... ... 0 Cummings, r. g. . . .... .. 2 Jordan, l. g. . ............ 0 Darling, r. f . . .. . ........ 0 928 Linden Ave., South of Gage Street HUBBARD WOODS 0 9 · -· CHILDREN S. SHOE SALE. ftl. I dJl(ll PRESERVm fJ. SHOE~-··._,Sturdy wear-resisting shoes built to care for growing feet. The prices are most unusual for shoes of such obvious quality. $3~ Sizes 8Yz to 11 Patent Ties Tan Calf Oxfords Patent Boots Tan Calf Boots ALMOST ALL SIZES Sizes 11'/z to 2 Tan Calf Oxfords Smoke Elk Oxfords Patent Boots Tan Calf Boots F.G. F.T. 0 1 5 0 0 NeilSon, r. f. . ........... 1 Hicks, 1. f. . .. . . . ........ 1 Thompson, c. . . . ..... .. 4 Borncamp, r. g. . ....... 1 Schroeder, 1. g. . ... . ..... 1 Schuttge, 1. g. . .... . .. . . 0 8 1 7 P. 1 0 2 4 1 0 8 P. 3 0 The February Sale for Men and Women Continues DEERFIELD F.G. F .T. 0 0 3 0 0 2 5 $&!l THB $g.ss Seyforth, r. f. . ........... 1 Hubley, . 1. f. . . ...... .. .. 0 Thomas, c. . .... . . .. ... . 3 Hitchcock, r. g , . ...... . .. 1 Segart, 1. g. . . . ....... . . . 0 Maimem, I. f. . . . . . . . . . 0 5 Lights NEW TRIER 2 2 2· 2 11 Saxton, r. f. . ........... 4 Reed, 1. f. . .. .. ... ... . .. . 0 MacLean, c. . . .......... 1 Berol, r. g. . . . ... ... ..... 0 Thompson, 1. g. . ......... 0 Hart, r. g. . .......... . .. 0 5 F.G. F.T. 2 0 2 0 0 P. 1 2 4 0 f1RCI1!!~~Jl 626 Cbueb Stl'eet Mew Cui80D Bldl· EVANSTON 3 1 5 0 10