February 15, 1929 WILMETTE LlFE MOTHERS' CLUB TO MEET The next meeting of the Alpha Phi Mothers' club will be held at the horrie of Mrs. 1. F. Matteson, 433 Briar place, , Chicago, on Thursday, February 21. The object of this meeting is to embroider napkins for the Alpha Phi chapter house at Northwest.e rn university. Mrs. Charles F. Hills returned last week from a four months' sojourn in California. She will stay ·at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, 336 Leicester road, Kenilworth, while the Woodlands are in Cuba. 21 Kenilworth Artists Win Prizes at Chicago Show j l. By P. A. Kenilworth is all agog over the recent honor bestowed upon Miss Helen Taylor, daughter of Mrs. William Taylor, Cumnor road, Kenilworth. Miss Taylor is a graduate student of the Art institute of Chicago and in the current art exhibit at the institute, where there is a showirig of paintings by · Chicago artists, ·two of the paintings submitted by Miss Taylor were accepted. The one still life entitled "The Blue Vase" is .a lovely still life painting of flowers, with charming arrangement and very colorful. The other called "Green Apples" is a fine composition. It shows a kitchen table surface laid with simple white cloth, a few homely dishes anrl bone handled knife, over which in a distinctly careless but artistic and natural grace are scattered, as though someone was just about ready to pare a few of them, green apples. This picture won a priz~ and deserves it. It is very well done. At the same exhibit Kenilworth is also represented by two beautiful landscapes, painted by Percy Eckhart of Kenilworth. These show rolling, mountainous country in summer and fall. They have wonderful perspective and are pictures one would enjoy living with every day. The workmanship is splendid. · J. A. Hathaway of Redman, Hathaway ~ Co., Certified Public Accountants, will be at the First ·National Bank on Saturday Evening from 7 to 9 o'(lQck, to answer questions, etc. relative to income tax. To Serve the Women of·the North Shore OCATZ EXCCILlU§ITVE MITlLlLITNEJRY Announce the Fortnal ·Opening · of Thei-r New Evanston Millinery Salon Mr. and · Mrs. Bruce Crandall have moved to California where they will make their permanent home. They ha,·e sold their house at 515 Warwick road, Kenilworth, to 'Mr. and Mrs. Hawley of Evanston. Mr. Crandall has purchased a half interest in a .ship yard in California and has gone into this business with his son, Bruce. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin (Eleanor Eckhart of Kenilworth) are being congratulated upon the birth of · a son born January 28. The baby was born on his maternal grandfather's birthday. -o-~Ir. and 1frs. T. W. Kimball, 333 Leic ester road, Kenilworth, entertained several friends at dinner on Saturday evening, afterwards taking their guests to the Club Vista del Lago for the danc e. - aThe Girls' club of New Trier High school gave a mother-daughter banquet last evening in the Mess hall of the school. After the banquet the girl s entertained the mothers in the auditorium. · -o-~Ir. and Mrs. Bassett Ruf, formerly of Kenilworth, have moved to Cleveland. They left Kenilworth on Monday and are motoring to their new home. -o1\Ir. and Mrs. Mark Cresap of Kenilworth entertained a few friends at dinner in their apartment in Chicago last Saturday evening, afterwards taking them to the theater. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stevens of the Orrington hotel are moving back into their home at 330 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, this week. -o~1rs. de La Chapelle of New York is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jacques de La Chapelle, 132 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth. -0- Saturday, February 16th With a complete, advance showing of Spring millinery, representing the modes . of the country's foremost designers, .as well as creations from their own workrooms. Public ·acclaim is responsible for the slogan, "KATZ FOR HATS," that is on the lips of women throughout Chicago and all its suburbs. Always first to meet the demands of the public, Chicago's largest Excl \lSive Milliners have sensed the growing needs for an Exclusive Millinery.Shoppe to accommodate, in greater comfort, their many patrons of the north shore. J Your Attendance is Cordially Invited .... Mrs. George A. Stockton, 120 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, has just returned from a two weeks' trip to New York. -o-Mrs. Frank Fuller of Indian Hill has gone to Coronado Beach, California, to spend three months . --a-Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilworth, has returned home after spending two weeks in the south. 1607 ORRINGTON AVENUE AT DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Main Floor, State Bank Building STORES ALL OVER CHICAGO