. February 15, l~ 'WI C M E T T E. L IF E STATE GETS REPORT ON NEW TRIER.SKEETER WAR Abatement District Board Submits Data Concerning Work Done Last Year The No'r th Shore Mosquito Abatebent district, in connection with the law under which the district was organized and is operating, has forwarded a comprehensive report of its first year's operations to Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state director of health, at Springfield. The report shows that, under the . direction of the trustees, field operations were carried on satisfactorily and on an elaborate scale, particularly for the first year, by a staff headed by William Edwards, superintendent. Furthermore, it is the expressed opinion of the trustees that a continuation of the present plan of operation will most quickly bring "mosquito freedom." Reappoints Trustees The three trustees, Paul A. Hoffman of Wilrpette, Howard C. Phillips of Winnetka, and F. L. Streed of Kenilworth, whose terms recently expired, have been re-appointed by County Judge Edmund K. ] arecki, and the trustees re-organized by re-electing the following officers : Arthur Stringer, prestJent; F. L. Streed, secretary, and Paul A. Hoffman, treasurer. Superintendent William Edwards will resume operations with 'the arri- · val of spring, and the present year, it is felt, will show still further advancement of the now thoroughly organized campaign for the eradication of the mos_ {juito pest throughout the north shore area. The report to Director Ra,,·]ings continues: "\Vith the limited funds at hand, · the trustees decided first, on a program of mosquito control throughout the district; and, second, to undertake such permanent control measures as were economically feasible, and thus to reduce necessary expenditures for mosquito control in future years For the most part. permanent work took th~ form of drainage, and, to a lesser extent, filling. Sanitary District Helps "Aid from the Sanitary District of Chicago was enlisted and that bodY. acting- on plans formulated under its own direction, was instrumental in the elimination, by drainage, of much mosquito breeding territory. If the Sanitary District elects to complete its drainage program early in the spring of 1929, the effect of the work already done will be more pronounced." The report covers every phase of the work from the time of opening headquarters in the Forest Preserve, north of Glencoe. throughout the summer's activities of drainage. oiling and inspection work, and the passing of ordinances providing co-operation by the north shore villages. D .OLLAR DAYS Monday & Tuesday February 18th and 19th TRUTHFUL DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS This Dollar Day will be marked by many exceptional bargains in all our various lines. We are listing six samples of our particular line of money savers. These items are all rare buys, and these are just a few of the many that may be found throughout our store. Dollar Days are truly going to be truthful days at W oHI-Griffis Hardware Store. Come in and see what we have to offer for your approval. Adjustable Ironing Board This adjustable ironing board is a household necessity. The height may be adjusted to the size desired, thus making it possible for the person ironing to either stand or sit while at work. This is an exceptional bargain. Folding Step Stool A step stool that will fit into any nook or corner when not in use. Indispensable for house cleaning. This stool will do away with the use of unsteady chairs when it is necessary to rea.eh a curtain, or any other high spot. Comes in all colors. Unfiaished End Table This table comes unfinished. It may be painted or stained to match the other furniture in the room. A very attractive and useful piece of furniture may be made of this table. It is fin~ for filling the vacant corner at the end of the davenport. Foot lit Garbage Can This garbage can is absolutely sanitary. The lid cannot be removed by dogs or other animals, t h u s protecting you against a breeding place for flies and disease. Colored to match your kitchen. This may be purchased on dollar days only, for Door Mat This mat will not show wear as quickly as the usual ·door mat. It will retain its nap and fresh appearance for an indefinite period. Buy this door mat now and be protected against the muss sure to be dragged in during the spring months. · OPEN MILLINERY SALON Another attractive shop in the State Bank building, the Evanston Millinerv Salon, will be opened Saturday bv Katz Exclusive Milliners, a firm which has been in busines.:; in Chicago for the past fifteen years. The shop is located at 1607 Orrington avenue. This millinery concern is operating eleven stores in Chicago, and is ·exerting special effort to make the Evanston store one of the finest on the north shore. It has its own workrooms equipped to take orders in one or two days' notice, to meet specific color and head size requirements. Mary Jane Thomas, daughter of the E. W. Thomases, 1231 Greenwood avenue, entertained twelve friends at a Valentine luncheon and bridge la15t Saturday afternoon at her home. Nest of Bowls A nest of five glass bowls all colored. These bowls have a thousand uses in most homes. You can now purchase these at a decided saving. The larger bowls are excellent for displaying fruit. WOLFI'·GRIFFIS HARDWARE 1119 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 183