F. ebruary 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 7 Monday and Tuesday, February 18 and 19 · Muslin, '!nbleached, lSc quahty, . 10 yards . . . . . . ON'T FORGET THE DA ~ TE SI 0· 0 o· · · I I ~ingham, 3?c value tn small platds Sl and checks, 5 yds. · oo PRINTS in all the new English designs, 5 yds.. . ............................... $1 CRETONNES, 35c and 50c quality, excellent patterns, 4 yds·............ $1 LINEN CRASH, all linen bleached toweling, 30c values, 5 yds·......... $1 BED SHEETS,. two sizes, 81x90 and 81x99, $1.50 value, each ............ $1 PILLOW CASES, 42x3 6, bought for this sale, 4 for ........................ $1 BATH TOW· ELS, extra heavy double thread, 25x48, col. b.orders, 3 for ... $1 Linen Lunch Cloths in attractive colored .borders, 4Sx45. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ··' Linen Glass Towels, pure linen in asst. colors. 17x30. 3 for. . Bed Spreads, Plisse, in Blue, Green, Rose and Gold Stripes, 80xl 05. Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sI oo sI oo sI oo .· · ~ Cretonne Garment Bags. These will hold eight garments and are made of a good fabric. Ea. Rag Rugs, hit and miss pattern. s I oo . · ~r;:~.t.~~~~· .. ~~~~~~ ..... SI~OO Cocoa Fib~e Door Mats. You will want one of these when the warm days come. Each . . . . . . Women's House Dresses in ·prhtt fabric with small cover apron to match. Dress and apron . . . Women's Rayon Bloomers in Pink and Peach shades. Exceptional values . . . . . . . . . . Smocks in white broadcloth. All sizes. Special for ·Dollar Day, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ruffle curtains. Scrim curtains with valance, ruffle trim in colored edge. Blue, Rose, Green. $1.50 value. Pair . . . . . . . . . . . sI oo ., · sI oo s I oo sI oo sI oo · · w · Hand Bags. A new .lot of asst. shapes and colors. Each . . . . . sI oo Silk Scarfs in asst. designs and colors. Triangle shape. Very special, each . . . . . . . . . . . Sl oo · · CHILDREN'S DERBY RIB HOSE in Beige Colors. 5 pairs ............... $1 WOMEN'S PURE SILK full fashion HOSE, odd lot. Values up to$ 2. Pr. $1 WOMEN'S UNION SUITS, wool and silk · and wool. Valuesto·$3.50.Ea.$1 ODD LOTs·OF WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR to clean up. 2 gartnents ... $1 CHILDREN'S KNIT SLEEPING GARMENTS part ·wool. Each ......... $1 Worthen·Carrieo Co. Pboae Wilmette 511·519 1146 Wilmette Ave.