Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1929, p. 50

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50 WILMETTE LIFE HELP W ANTED-FEliALE 11 February 8, 1929 SITU..\ TIOY WANTED-MALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS charged only Evanston to recular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or Glencoe tncluaive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are GLENCOE NEWS. · , · MAID, WHITE, FOR COOKING AND CARPENTER WANTS ODD JOBS. downstairs work, must be good cook Call Wilmette 4407. 61L20-ltp and have good North Shore references. Winnetka 2422. 56LTN20-ltc St SITUATIO:Y 'VANTED-lL\LE WANTED- FIRST CLASS, MIDDLE aged colored cook. Must have N. Sh. references. Tel. Winn. 1090. W.ANTED-IXTELLIGE~T. General N otict--to Classified advertisements will be residents of the district from 56LT~20-ltc WANTED-JA.."ITOR WORK & GARdening. 'l'el. Glenview 26-W-2. 61LTN20-4tp Ratll-15 cents a . 30 cents a line In one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. Une In all three papers. JIINI.MUJI CBA.BG E iO eeats. Averace of tlve words to the line. No blac~ face type used. 10% discount on all cash wtth order advertisements when brought to our oftice at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY . RELIABLE Cleaning woodwork or windows and white girl. Care of 2 c hildren and waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT20-2tp some upstairs work. Refs. req. 47 Indian Hill rd. Tel. "\\.,.inn. 2965. FOR RE:YT-ROOli _ S 88 56LT~20-ltc Deadline for Insertion· Classified .,--cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papet:s; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK an~ Friday 5 o'clock tor the GLE~COE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. PI..EAS .\~T FRO~T ROOM, SCITABLE YOUNG LADY, PART OR FULL TIME, for 2. Wilmette 623. 66L20-ltc to r epresent well known firm in this locality. Refined work, no door to door FOR REXT - LARGE FRO~T ROO~l. can\'assing. Very profitable to right also a smaller one and garage space, person. Write Wilmette Life A-274. 130 Cen tral Ave., Ph. Wilmette 299. 56LT20-ltc 66L20-1tp W .A~TED-WHITE l'OR SALE-ACTOS 30 ~!AID FOR GENeral housework, 4 adult~. Ph. Winnetka 1057. 56LT~20-ltp LOOK :\T THE:\! ·23 Packard 1~ouring .. $250 9-B Franklin Sedan ... $125 '25 Olds Coach ........ $325 ·25 Buick Coach · ...... $425 North Shore Buick Co. OPEN EVE~NGS A~D SU~DAYS Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages 545 Main St.. Wllmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc liUSICA.L INSTBl."':liENTS MASON HAMLIN AJ.~D STEINWA Y Grands. Each less than one-hair price. Practically brand new. Spencer Piano Co. Greenleaf 168. 35LTN20-ltc 10f7 DAVIS ST. EVANSTO~ 4L20-ltc USED CARS HANSON MOTOR CO. Special This \ V eek End 19!6 Jordan Coupe $500 It PETS ltJS Hup Tourtnc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J.~5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rlckenbacker Sedan . . . . . . . . . . · . · · · f75 RED MALE CHOW, 4 MOS. HEAVY C&dlllac 5 pau. Coupe · · · · · · f75 coatoo priae Peke. Both reas. 688 Center St. Tel. Wlnn. 3085. 39LTN1!l-2tc Winnetka 330 555 Chestnut St. <&L TN20-ltc U BAD'IOS PONTIAC DELIVERY (PANEL) .. $350 19%7 DODGE SEDA~ 400 MASTER SIX BL"IC.K COACH 300 WHITE GIRL FOR COOKing and downstairs work, experience and references necessary. Ph. Glen- PLEASANT FRONT ROO~£ FOR ONE coe 541. 56LTN20-ltc or two adults, also single room. 731 Tenth street, Wilmette. 66L18-4tc EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR housework, no laundry. "\\T ilmette 3993. FURNlSHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS 56L20-1tc employed; light and pleasant; hot and cold running water. Garage space if de!ired. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp WANTED , WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework, assist care of child 1 year old, 2 adults, $12 week. Wilmette FOR RENT- 2 FURNISHED BED9-t!!-R. 56LT~20-ltc rooms, with kitchen privileges. Tel. Wilmette 3851. 66L20-1tc ".ANTED. A HIGH SCHOOL OR COLlege girl to assist a young mother in TWO FURNISHED R 0 0 M s 0~ exchange for room and board. Wilsingle and one with twin beds. nefermette 3340. 56LT20-1tc ences required. Will give breakfast and dinner. Pleasant home surroundings. WANTED CAP ABLE WO)!EN TO Ph. Wilmette 1938. 66LT20-ltc represent smart ~orth Shore dressmaking studio. Young matrons, with limited FOR RENT-FGRNISHED ROO~! ~EAR budget and a little spare time, can earn transportation. Ph. ·wilmette 2399. splendid money. Whit'fen Studio, Shel~ .... 66L20-tfc drake 10290. 56LTN20-1tp I W.A~TED, NICELY FUR~ISHED FROXT BEDroom, in private home. GaragE: ~pace if desired, gentleman preferred. Wilmette 3328. 66L20-2tc FOR REST-COMFORTABLE ROOM RADIO BARGA!~ BEAUTIFULLY NEAT, WHITE WOMAN. ~IORl'i"lNGS, for 1 or 2, convenient location, east side. carved walnut cabinet, wonderful tone except Sunday. All day Friday. Ph. '\\,.ilmeue · 1940 . 66LT20-ltc quality; worth $125, price $60. Ph. ·w ilmette 388. 56L20-ltc Winnetka 2198. -42LTN20-1tc W .ANTED-WHITE GIRL, 'l'O ASSIST PLEASANT ROO~!. NEAR TRA);S~1. ~IcDO~_l\LD with g eneral Hswk. K enilworth 19 i 4. portation, reasonable, 1520 \Valnut, Ph. -IS REPA.IBI:SG A.:SD BEFIYISHIYG aGLT~ 2 0-ltc '\\·ilmette 3001. 66L20-ltc wn. 224 1019 Davi~ St., Evanston -4LTN20-ltc FUR~"'SHED ROOM, \VELL HEATED, 1 block from transp. Reasonable. 629 11 BUlLDING & CONTRACTING _i;_ _ _ n_E_LP_w_Tn_._li_AL_E_ ____. Park Ave., Wilmette 2345. 66L20-ltc WM. O'M"EN, MASON CONTRACTOR. 994 Linden Ave. W A~TED - EXPERIENCED DRIVER, New and repair work. Get our estimate. who would buy part interest in small LARGE, LIGHT, Ft:'R~ISHED ROO)!, Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc DOES EXPERT UPHOLSTERING A~ laundry business. Address Wilmette private bath, garage. Ph. \Vinnetka. f'urniture repairing. Estimates on drapLife A-263. 57LT~20-1tp 1543. 66LT~20-ltc eries, slip covers, etc., given by :\.!iss ELECTRICAL REPAIRS n Roes Obermeie. Branch store, 426 LinLARGE ROO.\!, EAST, I~ PRIV*TE den Ave. . Wilmette, Ill. CLOCKS REPAIRED BY &'XPERT. Phones Wilmette 296 or Winnetka 155 SO SIT. W A.YTED-FEliALE family, near transportation, also garClocks called for and delivered. Paul Night Phone Wiln;tette 2989. 43LTN20-lt ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - age space. Wilmette i79-R. 66L20-ltp Davey. Jeweler.· 1165 "·ilmette AveW A~TED- P 0 S IT I 0 N AS BOOKnue. Phone Wilmt>tte 6. 23L34-tfc UPHOLSTERING AND MATT RES S keeper & typist, capable of handling 17 FOR .R'ENT-A.P A.BTXENTS renovating, by expert at your home or switchboard. Tel. Glencoe 1103. ----------------our shop. In Evanston since 1916. M. 60LT20-ltp Okman. Unlv. 5676. 43LTN18-4tp I~STReCTOR OF PIANO, IRMA Odette Robinson. Oscar Dd~ Studio, 'W ATCH REPAIRING DO~E BY E-"X- CO LORED GIRL. GE~ERAL HSV\-K., 1137 Central Ave .. "\\·ilmette. 2 half hr. pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. all ~o und cook, reference:::. Drexel 1831. LARGE A~D \VELL ARRASGED :! lessons a wk .. $1.50: will go to the Paul Davey. Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette 60LT20-ltp room apartment:::; dressing roo m, sun home if desired. 2 half hr. lessons at Avenue. Phone "\\·Umette 6. 43L34-tfc parlor, in-a-dor bed. Butler's pantry U.OO. Ph. Wilmette 113·t 25LT20-ltc :\IIARCELLER - ALL AROI:~D EXand dinette at $60. perience, desires position. :\-I. C. 1102 Large 4 room apartment. 1 bedroom. inJ~TEBIOR DECOBATI:SG .Ash St. , Winnetka. 60LT~20-ltp a-dor bed, sun parlor. Plenty of closet SILv'"ER PLATING HAVE YOL'R space, at $80 and $85. good old pieces renewed at a reason- WAXTED-WASHL~G & IRO~ING TO The above apartments are all in excelable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 take home. Call for and deliver. Tel. lent condition. 1 block to Davis transWilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. Winn. H68. 60LT~20-ltc portation and shopping facilities. ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL45A-L34-tfc ways react to the appeal of beauty. A .NA~TED, POSITIO~ AS PRACTICAL room ls attractive when Its lamps and !:.(t GE:NEBAL BEP.\.IRS nurse or as housekeeper, in motherless shades are In perfect harmony. We ... home. Wilmette 3851. 60LTN20-ltc ~gtfRY?~ht~=~=. ca~: _E_W_E_L_R_Y __ R_E_P_AI_RI_N_G--A-N-.-D--R-EUniversity 8080 110~ Da vi~ St. modeling by a craftsman of rare abil67L20-1tc ity. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 wu.:. REFI~ED LADY WANTS ME~ING, ~r.ette Avenue. Phone Wllmette 6. plain sewing, or care or children eveUZ Church St. Greenlea.t o16 50r.,a4.tfc nings, in exchange for pleasant rm. 27LTN20-ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ furn. or 1.mfurn., preferably 3rd floor. Life A-276. 60LT20-ltp F. S. BRASOR ART STORE LOST A~D FO£'ND Silhouette·, Individual Z, 4 and 6 ROOMS CUttlnp by Appointment LOST-LAST SATURDAY, W I R E WASTED, WORK BY THE DAY. 131% Chlcaco Ave., EVANSTON. Univ. haired fox terrier, white with black Washing, cleaning. Ph. Wilmette 1890. Here in Wllmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will ftnd well-ar1119. ~~4-lltp spots. Answers to name of "Toucb7." tiOLT20-ltp ranged apartniP.nts. All apa.rtmenta Uberal reward. Tel. Winn. 2-!30 . have outside rooms which provide an LOANS 55LTN20-1tc EXP. COL. WILL COOK A~D SERVE abundance of light and air. Ample ----------------your dinners. Greenleaf 5855. closet space. Schools, churches, and $25 REWARD FOR RETURN OF 60LTN20-ltp shopping facllttles within immediate ON FIRST OR SECOMD MORTGAGES Irish setter puppy, missing for 2 weeks. access. See tbeae apartments today. 5 months old, female, dark red In color, at reaaonable ratea, quick, courteous, YOUNG VllOliA~ WISHES Agent on premises. with long shaggy ears, answers to the RELIABLE conftdentl&l Mrvice. . care of' child~n. afternoons and eve.. name of Patsy, no questions asked. L. nigs. Phone Wilmette 779-R. G. Briggs, 433 Oak Ave., Highland 60L20-ltp t24 Linden Ave. Wll. 460 Park. Ph. Highland Park 1692. UU Orrtncton Ave., Evan·ton, U niv. 8383 55LTN20-1tp 67LTN2-tfe 30LTN18-tfc A FI~E HIGH SCHOOL GIRL. CARE , of children evening~. Call Wilmette FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE 2212. ) 60L20-1tc apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette LAUNDRESS-BUNDLE AND FAMILY 1800. 67LT20-tfc This O.t will accept classifitd advtrtising to be ran wash, dried outside, high grade work. N. S. ref. Call and del. Ph. Wilmette a FOB B.ENT-BOUSES ia THE EVANSTON REVIEW, rtacbing 16,000 fami2623. 60LT19-2tc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . : : . '. 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, TWO CAR lin in Evauton. REVIEW copy must bf in by 5 p.m. attached garage, oil burner, frigid air, E;'CPERIE~CED WOMAN W A N T S on Taaday. two baths, sleeping porch, kitchen tamlly laundry work. Will call for range. Two hundred per month, for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 647. one year or longer. Teleplwrut owner, 6L20-1tp Longbeach 0753. Chicago. 69LT:'120-1tc C. THE NE\V HVBB:\RD \\'"OODS SHOP PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER :=zeJ GOODRICH STUDIO LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE .. MONEY TO LOAN McKENDRY REALTY CO. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. ·----------------------------------------------------------------------------~- . . . . Ad . . . . . . . . . . teo - - - Trlepbone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 -

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