Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1929, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE . lt~cbruary 8, 1929 URGE LEGISLATURE TO ·PUSH GRADE SEPARATION (Continued from page 1) have thi s plan completed by April or soon thereafter. It was explained by ~Ir. Tenney and by Francis X. Busch, attorney retained by the grade eparation committee to handle legal phases oi the project, that ii the Illinoi s Com merce commission orders a separation of the grades, some oi the cost would be apportioned among the n orth hore communities. "The problem ." said ~{r. Busch. "is to rai -e th e necessan· mone\· without placing t he villages In debt beyond the con titutional limit. " Thi ~ involves 'legal difficulties which the grade se paration committee, with ~Ir. Busch's assistance, is endeaYoring to a\·oid. An optional bill permitting the villager to levy a spe ci<d tax for grade separation purpo es has been discu ·sed. \\'illiam T. Hapeman, oi \Vilmette, attorney and expert on special assessment~. al o wa~ one oi the speakers. Hoyt King, chairman oi the ci\·ic committee of the Chamber of Commerce, wa s in charge of arrangements ior t ht· grade separation meeting. Citea Wilmette Stand In the discussion which followed the ·p eeche . Earl E. Orner. president. \Yilmette \-illage, read the follo\\·ing statement, which he precedented with the as urance that the Wilmette Villaqe board would approve any plan for grade separation that has the endor. ement of \Yilmette citizens: "Grade separation in \Yilmette and the ,·illages to the n orth is bound to come, and I am heartilY in favor of ;t. Of course. track ele\·a-tion or depression wi11 present manY problems. One is that of finance. The cost of the actual work of raising or lowering the tracks will be met b,· the railroad companies. The municipalities must bear Wilmette 3700 New Books The Flight of the Southern Cross C. E. Kingaford-Smith and C. T. P. Ulm miles ~cross thr P~cific -the greuesr flight in the history of ~viation. McBride . : . . .. ........ $2..50 8 .5 00 The Dagger Anthony Wynne A. Dr. Hailey derecrive novel. Lippincou ... .......... $2..00 First Love E. M. Delafield Harper ~ Brothers ....... $2..50 Queen Cleopatra Talbot Mundy Bobbs-Merrill ....... .... $2..50 Expiation By Elizabeth; the author of Elizabeth and her German Garden Doubleday, Doran . ...... $2.. 50 THE HOUSE THAT WHISPERED By Samuel Emery A ghost-mystery story, set in a deserted New England farm house. the e~pense of adjusting street c~oss ings, re-locating sewers, water ptp~~, street lighting system, and other utthties. "This expense will be quite large. In \\'ilmette the amount required may be $100,000 or ~ore. I am pleased to say, however, that \Vilmette's bonding power is practicallv intact. We have outstanding only $i8,000. The Village has the power to is sue bonds up to S600,000, subject, of course, to the approval of the majority of o11r voter s. So we will ha,·e no trouble on that score. Foil ow Public Dictate "The question oi creating another taxin~ district. uch as has been sugge_ sted this evening, to provide for th e co t to borne by all the municipalitie s as a whole ha not been presented t o our board. I have li stened to the di · .cussion with great interest. "It will be the duty of the Yillage board to gh·e the plan careful consideration, and to present the matter to our citizens in order that theY rna\· be fully advised. I wish to as-s ure - vou that the board will be in heartv s~·mpathy with any plan which has the -endorsement of our own people." Urge Public to Act To date , it was brought out at last ~1onday's meetinO', all the towns bet\:o.·een \Vilmette and Highland Park. inclusive. with the exception of \Yilmette, ha,·e definiteh· subscribed to the proposition of pre.paring plans for a grade separation project. Plan s no"· being drawn up by the engineer retained by the grade separation committee take into account ev~n· community, excepting only \\'ilmette. It is the opinion oi leaders in the communities endorsing the committee's plan of procedure that the initiative in any grade separation action mu:;t come from the citizens. while \Yilmette officials appear to adhere to the opinion that pressure should be brought to ~ear uoon the Illinoi s Commerce Commission to compel the railroads to produce their plans. which. it i- ·stated. have for some time been in hands of the Commerce commis ion. Youngman, son of Mr. and E. Youngman, Hibbard road. entertained six of his friends at dinner ~londav evening on the occasion of his eleventh birthday. -o-~{rs. Albert X. Page, 901 Ashland avenue. left Tuesdav · to attend the Dartmouth carnival at Hanover, ~. H. ~~ rs. Page's son, Kenneth, , is a senior at Dartmouth. -o-~frs. E. ~L Antrim of 1136 Ashland avenue entertained tweh·e guests at the bridge luncheon at the Club Yista del Lago Friday of la t week. ~~ rs. G. IN BETHLEHEM XMAS EVE The Albert Nallwick Dillings of 454 Essex road,' Kenilworth, whose children always accompany them on their travels, regardless of age, just , have returned on the Ile de France with Kirkpatrick, age 8, . and Elizabeth Jane, age 3, from an automobile trip through North Africa, a tour of Egypt and Palestine, where, on Christmas eve, they attended the midnight sen·ices at the Bethlehem Church of th e Xativity built over the grotto sta ble where Christ was born. LEAGUE TEA NEXT MONDAY The Wilmette League of \Vomea Voters will be entertained at tea at the home of ~frs. Emmett D. Yarian, 1021 Central avenue, ~fonday afternoon. February 11, at 2:30 o'clock. ~f rs. Frank France is assisting hostess. ~fr s. Xorman \V. Graham, state chairman oi living costs for the Illinois league, will speak, and a music program \\'ill be given. In place of the regular monthly meeting for February, the Korth End branch, Friends of Chicago Junior school will celebrate with a birthda\· dinner which will be held in the Salle rO\·al of the Hotel Sovereign, 6200 Kenmore avenu e. Februarv 12, at 7 o'clock. There will be varied entertainment. ~frs. ]. \V. Parks, 7712 'X. Ashland a\·enue, Chicago, is entertain · ment chairman. 727 Elmwood annue. i leaYing for Florida. wher(' she \vill travel ext'ensiveh·. She wilt return to \Yilmette about- the fir t oi April. ~frs. Elmer E. Campbell of ~finooka, Ill. was · the guest of · her cousins. ~Ir. and ~Irs. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 ~frs. \\'. H. Shellman, -o- -<>- Elmwood avenue, the early part of this week. -a-~{ary Farmer, · daughter of the Fred Farmers, 915 Elm\vood avenue, re· ·turned to Purdue universitv ~Iondav after haYing been home for a week during the . mid-semester. ~1rs. Jack -oA. ·P . Ogih·ie. 318 Greenleaf The Snake Pit Sigrid U ndaet Alfred A . Knopf ........ $3.00 avenue. has as her guest:; ior se\·eral \veeks. her father and mother. ~fr. and ~irs. \V. J. Farquharson oi Tampa. Fla. ~Iiss ;lary Jeanne Tan sill. 602 Lakl' avenue. \vent to Pasadena, Cal. Tue~ da,·. to be the guest of her aunt. ~[r5 . -o-- E. P. DUTTON & CO. N.Y.C. R. H. Smith, for four months. ~fr. and ~.frs. A. G. Keck, 912 Green- Souvenir Floyd Dell Doubleday, Doran ....... $2.50 --o- leaf avenue. entertained at a formal dinner party and bridge for thirty-six guests last Saturday everiing. The Miracle Merchant Concordia Merrel Doubleday, Doran 8 Co ... $2..00 WAR PAINT By Dane Coolidce The Law of the Land! A Wild \Vest thriller of the days when cattle war .raged on the New Mexico frontier. $2.50. The Village Doctor Sheila Kaye -Smith Dutton Book of tbe Month for Febru~ry ........... . $2.. 5o E. P. DUTTON & CO. N.Y.C. Amazon of the Desert Duffield KraunoH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2..50 PLUCK THE FLOWER These ~re but a few of the m~ny new books received during the past week. By John Brophy The intensely story of two who clashed in business, dramatic brothers love and Loop etations at Randolph e Wells, Madison & Wells, Quincy & Wells, La Salle & Vm Buren, Stare-Dearbcm. LORD'S-BOOKS $2.50. N.Y.C. I c.at I naidt tht Wnt D11vil Sttlft Door. E. P. DUTTON & CO.

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