REAL· ·ESTATE -·sECTION ~F:eb:r:ua:r:y:8:':1~================7=================W==I=L==M=E=T==T=E===L=I=F=E============================================37 FRE~H ~~~~N~~~~SES Anne Wbitmack, Wilmette Librarian, Tells of Changing Arcbitectur-Harmony Needed Miss Anne Whitmack, librarian of the Wilmette Public library, writes an interesting story which concerns architecture and buildings of the present period. Miss Whitmack has treated her subject in fine style and has turned out a story about French houses which all should read. It is herewith presented. I ____ A_n_A_t_tr_ac_ti_ve_H_o_m_e_in_w_,_·lm.,._e_tte _ ___.l m:::~~=lNG Fifteen Permits luued in January for Total of $96,075- · Nine New Residences · If the number of building permits issued in Winnetka during January is to be taken as a criterion, building operations in the village in 1929 bids fair to do some record breaking. According to the January report of Building Inspector A. B. }\reig, there were fifteen permits issued, nine of which were for new residences costing $159,500; three were for private garages, the cost of which is $1,675; two were for alterations, costing $4,900 and one is for the addition to , the Bv AN:r\E \VniTMACK apartment and business block of the (Wilmette Lilwadan) E. C. Weisenberg building at Elm and French houses are the fashion now, Chestnut street, costing $30.000. The as Spanish houses were several years total for the month was $196,075. ago, and in relation to our climate and Addition to Weisenberg Building landscape are much more suitable. The Mr. Weisenberg announces that domestic architecture of a country picahout March first he will begin teartures the life and characteristics of its ing down the building which he now people: whether their days are sunny occupies at 813 Elm street, together or cloudy, whether they are friendly with the four car garage in the rear, and hospitable, or reticent and formal. and on the site of which he will build Their ideals are expressed whether it the addition to his three story buildis Greek temples, Roman forums, or ing just west. The entire fifty feet of Gothic cathedrals. PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER ground space fronting on Elm will be In the United States we have been This re~idence of English design is located at 1340 Ashland avenue. The occupied by the new building. eclectic in choosing the style of our It will comprise two store rooms, on houses, and we find a dozen different c.onstructiou is of heavy timber and stone, giving every evidence of staunchthe first floor, offices on the second r ess as we it as being of artistic appearance. The interior is pleasing. In the kinds in a block. This lack of har!nony ~uggests a definite need of unity basement Lhtre is a lounge with a fireplace and the beams re decorated by and three large apartments on the third. antique work. m vanety. The present \V cisenberg building, on Good Taste Must Be Shown the corner, comprises four stores, 3 What is good taste in a house? It offices and eleven apartments. must be beautiful in itself; suitable and It is planned to have the new addiappropriate to its setting, natural or tion completed about September 1. man-made, and it must be useful. As Dean Bailey of Cleveland would say Mr. vVeisenberg will move his coal "It must be felicitous fulfillment of offices to his building at 658 Center HE heirs of the late ~lary Trapp Members of the North Shore Real street, as soon as he i~ ready to raze promise." last week sold to Robert D. GorFrench architecture does possess don of 921 Private road, \Vinnetka. Estate Board held their annual ban- the building whictt he at present octhis. The grand and monumental thirteen acres of land belonging to the quet at the Club Vista del Lago last cupies. character of the chateaux, palaces and estate located west of Hibbard road Monday evening. the event resulting Nine New Residences cath~dr~ls has been the most exploited. south of its junction with Tower road. in a hig turnout. Sixty were present Permits for the nine new residences including a few guests. and 1t IS only recently that architects The selling price was $208,000. were: have distovered the smaller manors Among the guests were Charles E. ]. B. Stout, for a two story, eight 11r. Gordon is to build a residence 011 and farmhouses. These smaller places Jackson and ·wife of Rockford, Ill., room frame and brick residence, with a portion of the premises and dispose have the chic of a Paris gown. simple Ralph V. Field and Max · Murdock. attached garage, at 1320 West moor with .b~autiful lines, refined and highly of the remainder in tracts of about Mr. Jackson is president of the Illi- trail, costing $22,000. three acres each. sophisticated. nois Association of Real Estate Charles Christo£, for a two story L. Sherman Aldrich was the broker Boards. Mr. Field is executive secreThe vertical is the keynote of the frame and brick veneer, of seven in the transaction · a nd the Trapp tary 'of the association a11d Mr. M urnative French style. The roofs arc rooms and attached garage, at 1149 sharply pitched with pointed towers Estate was represented by Attorney dock is former executive secretary of· Ash street, costing $12,000. Carlton Prouty. the state associati on. turrets and finials. They are lineai Leland Vincent, fl.or a two story descendents from those of the Gothic After dining the members of the frame and brick veneer and stucco, of cathedrals. The dormers are excellent Hill and Stone Report North Shore Board staged a quartet seven rooms and garage, at 412 Berkley The cornices are blunted and th~ singing contest which produced much avenue, costing $11,500. Three Sales of Vacant merriment. Quartets were entered eaves simply treated. ' Christie Brown, for a two story Windows Really Doors Hill and Stone of Linden avenue, from Wilmette, Deerfield, Hubbard . The w~lls a~e beautifully propor- \Vilmette, report the following sales: Woods and Winnetka. The Deerfield frame and brick veneer of eight rooms and garage, at 125 Ridge avenue. costt~oned, wtth deltghtfully fine composi100 feet on Linden aveuue for the warblers were , adjudged the winners, tion of doors and windows. The placing George Glass Estate to W. B. Van- Huhhard Woods taking second place ing $25,000. E. L. Kennedy, for a two story o-f these has been carefully studied by landingham. while Wilmette was third. frame and brick veneer of seven rooms the builders. "French windows" are Vacant property at the northwest and heated porch, at 72 High street, really doors. Shutters made to be corner of Third and Linden for James Crosby Realty Company costing $12,000. closed every night are the custom. J. Kelly to George H. Green. Edna C. Brown, for a two story Chimneys are not emphasized as in 323 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth Reports 4 Transactions frame and brick veneer of nine rooms England. for Elizabeth Wood to Mrs. Ellen Recent sales reported by the Crosby and garage, at 420 Sunset road, costing Native stone is a favorite building Law. Mrs . .Law expects to improve the material, and may be. cut rough or property with a modern i1ome in the Realty company, 566 Center street, $23,000. Albert Busscher, for a two story "Vinnetka, are the Ernest Ellis resismooth. Often it is covered with near future. dence, 998 Chatfield · road, Winnetka. frame and stone veneer of six rooms, smooth stucco and afterwards painted E. Hazlett of Hill & Stone was to Lief Irgens; the Frank M. Brewer at 1519 Edgewood lane, costing· $12,000. white, pale cream or grey. Brick is broker in all deals. residence at 57 Crescent drive, Glencoe, P. R. Cunningham, for a two story not used to any great extent. The to Walter A. Rooney; the Charles H. frame and brick veneer of seven rooms, slate roofs are very dark, in striking . the house a man builds, and I will tell Gyer. residence at 1769 Washington at 642 Elder lane, costing $19,000. contrast to the light walls. street, Wilmette, to Opal J. Powell; A. F. Mecklenberger for a two story To have a successful French house you the manner of man he is." The beauty of French houses lies in the Abrahamson residence, 711 Cum- frame and brick veneer of nine rooms one must have something of the feeling of the builders, for as an old say- their simplicity, the proportion of. their mings road, Kenilworth, to John D. and ·attached garage, at 1201 Chatfield .. road. costing ·$23..009: ·· . FitzGerald.· ing may be pharaphrased-"Show me masses, and their roof silhouettes. state Sold IRealtors Banquet at Vista del Lago; C. E. Jackson Guest T