WILMETTE LIFE February 8, 1929 February Calendar Lists Club Benefit, Play for Children. Announce Names of Actors for ·~~Lombardi, . Ltd., I In Charge of Revue ·11 Engaged I ~~Fire King, Will · Appeal to Both · Child and Adult "The Fire-King," which will be presented by the Student Players of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at Harrison hall on February 16, is an original dramatization of the juvenile classic, "The Nurnberg Stove," a story that has an appeal for children of all ages and for adults as v.;ell. The sympathy of the children is immediately with August ~trehla. the artist-child of Hall, Austna, w!lO sn }o,·es "Hirscln·ogel," the m~gmficent stO\'<' forming the center of .hts .humble home. that he cannot part wtth 1t when it is so ld 1)\· a bankrupt father, but rc~o h·es to t-ra\'cl inside the gr~at firebox wh~n the traders carry tt a way to :Munich. Tears chang<.' to ~h o nts of laughtet: " ·hen the hov August crawls out ot the stove in a curio:;ity shop in ~~ unich, and rubbing his eyes sees the can~lela hra dancing and the Dutch and ~egrn figures sw in.~i n g to th e harks ~nd ~·owls of th e stone dog and the chtna cat. The thrill · of romance is present when in the last' scene August is di scoYered inside the fire-box by the King whose minister has procured the sto,·e from the sly traders. only to learn from the heroic child that this work of art which has cost the King 2000 ducats. was purchased from. the boy's father for a paltry · 200 florms. The payment of a large sum of monev to the poor father and the promise of a home for August with his beloved "fire-king" in the royal palace. leave s the children full of ' ·onder and joy. The story has been dramatized by Clara Belle Baker and original dance ~ have heen added by Etta Mount, who is directing the play. BY JEAN TEN BROECK Only a · few days remain before "Lombardi, Ltd." makes its premiere in Wilmette, but that intervening time will buzz with pedal acttv1ty, extra rehearsing inte.nsive rehearsing. the collection of stage properties, finishing touches. dress rehearsal, and a final impetus to the selling of the not-so-many remaining tickets. It is on Tuesday and \Vednesday evenings, February 12 and 13. · that the production will he given at the Woman's cJub for the benefit of it s buildin~ fund. It will he a community affair. The Barnstormers are the act o r ~ who will bring the clever, attractive play to life. Queries have come of "\\'ho are the Barnstormers ?" They are defined for you in the following paragraph that comes to our desk: ·'The Wilmette Barnstormers is an in formal and loosely organized group. including lawyer . physicians. busin ess men. club women. and young people of \Vilmette and neighboring village s. As the name indicates. they do not take themselves too seriousl)·. confining their efforts to farce comedv. Thev .have given many original one-act play-s for both private and public entertainment. but this is their first atte~npt at a thre~-acte~. They ha~e heen d1re~ted at vanous ttmes bv M1ss Maud Mmer and Miner Coburn- and have the direction in this insta'nce of Mrs. Charlotte Chorpenning of the Northwe stern university playshop." One has only to drop in at a rehearsal immediately to become aware of the enthusiasm. interest and aliveness or Mrs. Chorpenning and to know that her direction will show in the fini shed production. The trials of Tito Lombardi. an Italian modiste those atelier in Ne"· York is the scene of his amusing and oerplexin~ experiences, make the plot. The cast is composed of : Yvt>Ue DorothY Rohol l\furlel . . . Mary Martin Daisy . . . . . . . . . . . l\farlon Ortgeffen James Hodgkins .... '\\~llliam F. Weldon Expre~sman . . . . . . . Mayland Challlnor Tito Lombardi . . . . J. Lincoln Gibson Norah Blake Mrs. George Lamb Phyllfs Manning Mrs. Mayland Challlnor Mollie McNeal . . . . . . . E~ther Gilbertson Robert Tarrant . . . Fred Borgfeldt Lida Moore . . .... Mrs. John W. Behr Riccardo TossPllo John B. Panu~hka 1\lax Strohn .. Dr. W. W. Hawkins Mrs. Warrington Brown . . . . . . . . . . Mn~. J Nye Macallster ElolRe . . . . Anne Boddie Photo by .John R. Marshall Mrs. Nellie A. Hanna is in charge of the fashion revue that will take placr during the presentation of "Lombardi. Ltd." Tue sday and Wednesday eve.ning, February 12 and 13, at the Wit mette Woman's club for the. benefit . . . . of 1t s lnnldmg fund. Mrs. Hanna Js also in charge of the costuming of the play. ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - Pho to by Ray So much for the actors. The shop of Lombardi, a dealer in antiques, will he enhanced by antique furniture and hangings loaned hy the \'On Ammon shops of Chicago and Spanish court. and the costumes will be furnished bv the N. A. Hanna company of \Vihnette at Spanish court. Ko small part of the evening's entertainment will be the fashion revue talcing place between acts. Professional models, displaying what the · beau monde ,.,..ill wear for sports, street, afternoon, and evening, as interpreted b\' the advance spring modes from New York. will be costumed by Mrs. Hanna. Mrs. Knight Blanchard is assisting Mrs. Hanna in the staging of the fashion show. Th~ Barnstormers, in "Lombardi. Ltd." are betaking themselves and their sta~e accessories to Great Lakes next Friday evening to give an eveniOR of pleasure for the disabled war veterans in the hospital there. Cooperating with them is the American LeA"ion post which is assisting them in their journey. Those in charge of tickes sales announce that only a few scattered tic- Mr. and Mrs. James T. Fulker, of Evanston. announce the engagement d their daughter. Anna Baird, to Charles \Vatson Kraft of 1236 Greenwood aYCnue, Wilmette. Miss Fulker is a graduate of Northwestern universitv. while Mr Kraft wa s graduated from the Cniversity of Elizabeth Brown Becomes Illinois. The announcement was made at a hridge luncheon which took place Bride of James 0. Brooks at the Lake Shore Athletic club SatMiss Elizabeth Brown of Kenilworth urday. was married to James Oliver Brooks last Saturday e,vening at the home of Board of woman's Club the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J . . ~f elville Brown. 99 Robsart road. KenE ntertarns New Members ilworth . Thp Rev. Vere Loper of the The board of directors of the WoWilmette Congregational church offiman's club of \Vilmette entertained the ciated at the ceremonv. after which a wedding supper and - reception was new members at luncheon and bridge· at the club Wednesday, February 6. held. The following new members were Miss Ruth Hanna of Waukegan. who guests ·at that time: attended as bridesmaid, wore a gown .Mesdames \Villiam I. Arnold, C. F. of rose taffeta and tulle. and carried a bouquet of pink roses and lavender Bachelder, John I. Booz, H. J. Brandt, sweet peas. The flower girl. Betty F. J. Bristle. J. E. Connolly, Harvey Thomas, of New Brunswick, N. J .. a Craig, J. D. Dingle, M. C. Greigg, C. cousin of the bride, wore a dress of H. Jenkins. C. A. Kopke,]. M. Melone, pink chiffon. The bride's gown was B. H. Miller, J. K. Parshall, P. I. Reidivory satin with a yoke · of duchess lace. fern, Francis I. \Valker, J. C. W:!kins, and her flowers were white sweet \Villiam Wurth. peas, lilies of the valley, and white roses. The improvised altar and the Club Dance February house were graced with red roses and To add to its swelling building fund ferns. the ways and means committee Joseph Glover of Winnetka . served through its dance chairman, Mrs. Earle Mr. Brooks as best man. D. Lyons, is giving another subscripMr. and Mrs. Brooks have gone to tion dance Saturday evening, February New Orleans on their honeymoon, and 16, at the clubhouse. This will be the will be home after March 15, at 544 sixth in the series of eight given Chestnut street, Winnetka. throughout the winter and early spring season. March 16 and April 20 will Plan Infant Welfare Tea be the occasions of the two remaining dances. The Wilmette Senior board of the Infant Welfare society wilt entertain at a tea \Vednesday afternoon, Feb- Dinner for Dr. Soper ruary 20. at the Woman's club at 2:30 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Kimbeil, o'clock. Miss Sara B. Place. superin422 Forest avenue, entertained several tendent of Infant Welfare, will give an informal talk and a music program will guests at dinner at their home last Saturday evening in honor of Dr. Edbe given. mund Soper, president of Ohio WesThe affair is planned for the Junior leyan university, who had come to Chiauxiliary and friends of Infant Wel- cago to attend an alumni convention fare. and who spoke at the Kenilworth Episcopal church Sunday. kets remain unsold for Tuesday night and that tickets will not be available Mr. and Mrs. Miles ]. Phillips, 1003 at the door that evening. More tickets Michigan avenue, entertained twenty are on sale for Wednesday evening, guests at dinner and bridge Saturday and some will be on sale at the door. evening, February 2. Senior Welfare Board Will Meet All Day February 11 The Senior board of the Infant Welfare society holds its next meeting Monda, ·. February 11. at the home of Mrs. Charles Eldridge, 1029 Lake avenue, at 11 o'clock. Members of the board attended the annual luncheon of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago held Wednesday. January 30, at the Stevens hotel. Dr. Isaac Abt. child specialist. was the speaker of the day. Lucius Teeter. retiring chairman, who had been in office eighteen years. was made the recipient of a gift by the society. Phillip D. Armour, III. is the newly elected chairman. ' ) 16 To Sew for Commons Sewing for philanthropy is scheduled at the Woman's club of Wilmette all day Friday, February 15. Any woman in Wilmette, whether affiliated with the club or not, who takes interest in doing her · bit for charitable organizations in this way, is invited to come to the clubhouse. Luncheon is served at 12 :30 o'clock. .Sewing next Friday is to be done for the Chicago Commons, and is in charge of Mrs. Charles F. Brandt, chairman, whose committee consists of Mrs. William Tucker, Mrs. Edward Kuntz, Mrs. Harry Nevins, Miss Caroline Norris, and Mrs. John Hueber. Bridge Tea for Visitor Mrs. Frederick 0. Ebeling, 726 Ninth street, will entertain at a bridge tea Monday at her home in honor of Miss Alice Carter of Boston, who is the guest of Mrs. Ebeling for a few weeks.