February 8, '1929 WILMETTE LIFE 25 fought one than , the Senior had been for the strengths of the two _teams were quite evenly balanced and it was nip and tuck all the way with both M r1. Gertrude Findltlfl teams working desperately to gain a comfor'table advantage, but New Trier's OMETIME. when the ·question of "where to eat" Leading swimmers of the 1929 North:. winning of the relay clinched the meet is under discussion, settle it by coming here-western team, which is reputed to be bv the close count of 21 to 20. you'll not regret it. one of the greatest aggregations in we serve a Spet!lal Chlt!kea Pie dinner on Sal·r· years, have left Evans.t on for a · Robert- M. Nelson, son of Mr. and days, and our Porterhouse Steaks are ·neq·aUed. sixteen-day invasion of the far _ west. Mrs. Charles H. Nelson -of Kenilworth, Luncheons Dinner S :Jo-8 :oo Eight of the best swimmers, three of who is a student at the Massachusetts Sunday Dinner $1.00 · $1.25 Telephone them national intercollegiate title hold- Institute of - Technology in Boston, is 12:30 to 7:oo P.M. Greenleaf ~ 9 2 7 ers. will make the trip of 7,000 miles. spending the mid-semester vacation at Ten universities and athletic club Lake Placid, N. Y., as the guest of EVANSTON 904 SHERMAN AVE. (at Main St.) teams will be met in dual meets and Dwight Simmons, formerly of Witwater polo games. Those who are rrm~e~tt~e:.:_.-=::::::~;;:;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;~!!~~~!!!!~!;!!!~~~!!~~~!!~~~!!~~~!!~~g~~~ making the trip are Capt. W alJy Col- bath, Richard Hinch, AI Schwartz Omar Miller, Donald Peterson, Mark Wicks, Edward Lennox and William Covode. Coach Tom Robinson will lead his charges. in the journey and Max Hayford, ticket manager of the university, will be in the party. Coach Robinson has built Northwestern swimming teams into national recognition. During the past sixteen years they have won 67 out of 80 dual meets and captured the Western Conference cha~pionship nine times, placing secon? m five other years. ';I'he championshtp was won .the last ttme in '25 and in '27 and last year the teams 'took second place. Three n a t i on a I intercollegiate championships have been brought to Evanston while Tom Robinson has been in charge, in 1913, '24 and '25 and last year the team finished s~cond to Michigan. This year's squad boasts three national intercolJegiate ·record holders. Al Schwar tz swam to a new record this season in the 100-yard free style covering the distance in 52.9 seconds: bettering the mark set last year by DarneJI of Michigan. Capt. Wally Colbath holds the nati~nal intercollegiate diving championshtp for the second year in succession and Dick Hinch set a new mark last year in the back stroke to achieve a national college record. He traveled 1SO yards in 1 :42. During the western trip the schedule of meets wilf be as foJlows : Northwestern Sends Its Swim·ming Stars on Western Invasion S NEW LOW PRICES simply emphasize Frigidaire's unequaled value Now every home can have Frigidaire T Feb. 11-0regon Aggies at Corvalis. F eb. 12-University of Oregon at Eugene. Feb. 14- L eland Stanford at Palo Alto Cal. ' F e b. 15- Los Angeles A. C. at Los Angeles. . Feb. 16- Long Beach A. C. at Long Bea ch, Cal. Feb. 17- Univer s ity of Ca lifornia, t:>O uthem branch, at Los Angeles (polo only) . :F'e_b. I S-University of So uthern Caliform a at Los Angeles. F eb. 19- Brigham Young uniYersity at Provo, Utah. F eb. 20-Univer sity of Utah at Salt Lal<e City. . F eb. 2:!- George '\Vashington univerSity at St. Louis. Frigidaires are in use today M ORE than all other electric refrigera- tors combined. And the New Frigidaire has brought still greater public preference! As a result of this tremendous volume, Frigidaire prices have now been lowered ... in some cases as much as $90. Now every home can have the , benefits and great economies of Frigidaire. Here is value you can see Look at the New Frigidaire. You can see the difference. The New Frigidaire compressor is out of sight ... and out of the way. This compressor is incredibly quiet. It gives you surplus power ··· power that keeps foods fresh and wholesome ..· power that makes the freezing of ice cubes and desserts quick and certain. The lining of theN ew Frigidaire cabinets is of seamless porcelain enamel with rounded corners-easy to keep clean. Shelves are waist-high, and removable. Call at our display room. Let us tell you about the new low prices and easy terms. Stop in ~oday. New Trier Swimmers Sink Proviso Teams in Tank at Maywood . By Winslow Wright New Trier' s tank ers shoved their league record up to three victories and two. losses, when both the Junior and Sen10r teams submerged Porviso in defeat at Maywood Thursday afternoon of last week. TllP Grey Gn l.! n swimmers in the Senior meet managed to amass forty-two points to their opponents' thirteen, while the New Trier Juniors managed to get by on the slight margin of 21 to 20. In the Senior affair, New Trier managed to triumph in every event but the 100 yard Breast stroke, in which race CampbeJJ of Proviso came in ahead of Sprengr of New Trier, but in a]] the rest of the events through the worthy efforts of the Granstrom brothers and Norm Roos, the Indian HiU boys were able to finish above the Maywood aggregation. The ] unior contest was a harder STOVER CO. Michigan Ave. at Randolph St., (151 N. Michigan Ave.) Randolph 4950. Evanston · 1631 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 4480 Highland Park ~ 382 Central Ave. Highland Park iso Hubbard Woods · · 890 Linden Ave. Winnetka 1512 Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, At all their offices. .., 'econr FRIGIDAIRE P R 0 D ·u C T 0 p GENERAL MOTORS --------------------------------~------------------------------~---------------· 3161