Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1929, p. 16

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WILMETTE LIFE February 8, 1929 News of Interest to the Chutr:h-Goers of Our Village Wilmette Baptist ..Full Time Without Pay" Is the subject of Dr. Allison's sermon Sunday morning. It Ia a study of one of the most perplexIng of the teachings of Jesus, "The Parable of Extra Service," Luke 17:7. 'nle worship service will be full of Inspiration and blessing. The children's sermon is entitled, "The Log Cabin and the :Mansion," a comparison of Lincoln and Wat~hington. The kindergarten durWednesday the mid-week meetlng will ing the sermon time enables parents of be held at 8 o'clock under the leadership email children to give their whole at- of Mr. Loper. tention to the message. The Board of Deacons will hold its All depar·tments of our Church school regular monthly meeting immediately meet at 9 :30 Sunday morning under the following the mid-week meeting. direction of Earl C. Carlson. The Boys' club will m ee t Thursday at Wednesday evenings are busy times at 4 o'clock at the church. the Wilmette Baptist church. We have our pot luck supper at 6:15 followed by The Junior choir will me t for r ea Big Sing, and inspir·ing address by a hearsal at 4 o'clock. Christian leader from foreign fields and a Bible exposition by our minister. The The Senior choir will meet for r eboys and girls busy hour comes immedi- hearsal at 7:30 P. M. ately after supper. They will hear· s tories and make posters. Til~ Committee on Helig·ious Education will meet in the church Parlor at S Fellowship and service meet Sunday o'clock. afternoon at 5 :30. The leader is Mrs. James H. Hebert and the topic is, "New Friday the Blue Birds will meet at the Year and a New Life." church at 3 :30. The Young P eople's meeting will be held ln Children's hall Sunday afternoon at 5 :30 in charge of the Devotional committee, Betty Clar·k, chairman. There will bt' a Mis!-'ion U nion meeting Tuesday, February 12, at the Beldon Avenue church. The Sunday Evening club presents Dr. Alexius M. Forster· who will ::;peak on "Health- Our Greatest Asset and How to Keep It." The musical pr·ogram will be rendered by the St. Olaf Quintet of St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minn. The Junior choir meets Thursday evening for rehearsal at 7 o'clock. The Boy Scouts ha \'e thE:' it' rl'gular weekly meeting Thun;day e\·ening at 'l :30. The choir, under the leader::;hip of Madame Scott, will r ehearse Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Club, the Boy Scouts, the Sea Scouts and the Men's Club and all Fathers and Sons who are connected with these organizations or with the Church are invited to attend. There will be short speeches by S. J. Duncan-Clark, editorial writer of the Chicago Evening Post, on "The Greatest Partnership in the World" and by Myron C. Rybolt, Scout Executive for the North Shore area. borhood House. Mrs. David Moreton, 431 Laurel avenue, Wilmette 3664, will receive contributions for this cause. World Day 'of Prayer for Missions, Friday, February 15, at the First Met~odist Episcopal church, Clark and Washmgton streets, Chicago. Morning session, 10 A. M. Dr. Ida Scudder, Arcot, India, speaker. Afternoon session, 1:30 P. M. Address by Bishop Samuel P. Spreng, and an hour with the missionaries. For those who are unable to attend either of these meetings there will be a Prayer !-'ervice held in St. Augustine's Episcopal church at 2 P. M. in which all churches in the Village will participate. English Lutheran sunday, FebruarylO, QulnQuageslmat 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. .Joseph· Johnson, superintendent . . J.1 A. M. Morning Worship. . , Sennon: "Jesus Cures Our Blmdness. First Presbyterian Ninth street at Greenleaf avenm· Hev. Clyde H.andolph Wheeland, D. D. G34 Sheridan road. Evanston Sunday, FtJ.H·uary 10, at 11 A. M. A on the Foundation of Success~ul service on the Foundation of successful. lives. Dr. \Vheeland plans a day ~)f I'ecoo nit.ion of the place of our youth m the · Kingdom. Thenw: "Honor 'fh~' Father an<l Mother·." All peopl of the community not identifit>d with son_1e other durrch are invited to all the services and al'tivitie!'; of the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. We are pleased to note the increast' in attendance. Thoroughly organized departments for all age~. Bible classes for men and wome11. Christian Endeavor at 5 :30 P. 1\t. Georgia Burch, leader. Subject: "Servi~e." Fellowship hour will follow the meetmg·. ~E:'rvice Mid-week m ee ting, Wed1w ~day at . 8 The Wilmette Baptist chun:h is the P. M. The lectures on ~h e Book .of church of the lighted cross at the corner Revelation ha,·e prove n wtensely ~n teresting, attracting the largest madof Wllmette and Forest avenues. week attendance in the history of ~h (' dmreh. Printed copit·s of the E~t'mng Studies are furnished evt>I'yone m attendance. A cordial invitation is given Vere V. Loper, Minister· Bible Students, Teach ers and . those W. E. McCormack, Minister of Education ali intere:;t ed in a Spiritual inteq)l'e tatwn ~f The Woman's guild is meeting at the the Scdpture, intimately r e la~ed t~' th.err church today. There will be a book re- live~ . to join with us in this Jllumtnatm~ view in the morning of two chapters of study of a difticult boolc "'Youth and the New America" by Mrs. The quartet will render th e following 8. R. Mason. The Board will meet at program at the Sunday morning st·n·ice: 12 o'clock. Luncheon is to be served by Organ Prelude- "Allegro YiY:l.Ct:>" and the Crescent Circle at one o'clock. Mrs. "Air" (\Vater Music) . Handel Vere V. Loper will lead the devotions at Anthem- "Magniflcat" <radsby the afternoon meetitrg and Mrs. R. L. Anthem- "Lincoln" ... "' Iokey Rogers of the state committee for Box 01·gan OffertoryWork will speak on this phase of the . . Handel 'Air" (Rin:tldo) Guild's work and also on some of the Duetneeds of Ellis Island. "The Lord Ts 1\[y Slwplwnl" )[atthcw:-Miss Bushousc and "i\lr. )lillt' l' The Church school meets in the follow- Organ Postludeing departments on Sunday: 9 :30 A. M.Dul>ob "Toccat.a in G" Primary, Junior and Intermediate de- Quartetpartments; 10 :45 A. M.-Cradle Roll and ratherine llushouse, soprano Beginner~· department ; 12 Noon-Senior Ho:;:;e Lutiger Gannon, contra Ito department and Forum for Adults. .John B. Miller, tenor Edward Otis, bass On this Sunday preceding Lent, Mr. Enna E. Rounds, organist nntl dil"t'(:tor Loper will preach on "Lent- A Season ot Preparation" at the mor·ning worship Presbyterian Union banquet, Monday, service at 10 :45. February 11, in the Hotel LaSalle at 6:30 P . .l\1., speaker, Dr. Robert E. Speer. secThis church co-operates with the Wil- t·etary Pre::-bvterian Board of Foreign mette Sunday Evening club which meets Missio~s. Subjf.ct: "The :M issionary CounIn Its auditorium at 7:30. This Sunday cil in Jerusalem." the meeting is devoted to the ParentTeacher Associations, and Dr. Alexius M. Annual Praise meeting· of the Woman's Forster, head of the Cragmor Sanitorium, Missionary society will be held in the Colorado Spr·ings, Col., will speak on church Tuesday, February 12, at 2:15 .,Health-Our Greatest Asset and How P. M. Mrs. Lannen, our Foreign Misto Keep It." In addition to Dr. Forster's sions chairman, will have charge of the talk the St. Olaf Quintet of St. Olaf program. Mrs. M. R. Barker will conduct College, Northfield, Minn., will present a the Devotional period. Dr. Wheeland will program of songs. The St. Olaf chorus be the speaker of the afternoon. Subject: recently appeared at Orchestra Hall and "The Missionary Spirit Makes a ConIs considered one of the greatest musical tented Heart." Following a brief busiorgag_tzations of Its kind in the world. ness meetinP," there will be a social hour and tea served by Spoke 10. All women On, Monday the Wilmette Business and of the congregation and their friends are Prof~sslonaJ Women's club will hold its Invited to attend. recular dinner and meeting at the church at t:30 P. M. Recreational program: Monday, Troop I . Boy Scouts, 7 :30 P. M.; Tuesday, men's,. TJI!e Wekecatlla Camp Fire Girls will 5, bowling; Thursday, Young Peope's night, mee~ at the church at 4 :an P. M. bowling, volleyball and basketball ; FriI day, Junior Hikers at 7:30 P. M. TQeaday evening the annual Father a..J Son banquet will be held a:t the February is the month designated by elliln'lda at a:30 P. M. · This banquet is the Woman's society for renewal or new IMW ""'a.!et the auspices of the Boys' Auxiliary memberships for Howell Neigh- First Cong'l Church · Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Our Lenten program will be sent to your home before that time A mid-week service will be held every Wednesday beginning at 8 P. 1\1, The subject of the discourses are : Wednesday, Februa·r y 13"Conviction of Sin" VVednesday February 20-"Confession of Sin" Wednesday, February 27"Contrition for Sin" Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Wednesday, March 6Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor "Change of Will" 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 VVE:>dnesday, March 13-Church telephone 3111 "Change of Mind" Wednesday, March 20SERVICF;S "Change of Life" Sunday Quinquagesima 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible Anyone desiring to prepare for church classes. membership will find this course of 9:45A.M. First service and sermon. services very helpful. We will be very 11 :00 A. M. Second service and sermon. happy to have those who. are trying to Se.rmon: "Love Never Faileth." find God attend these service~. The general theme, "Come unto me," expres~es LENTEN SERVICE the kevnote of these Lenten talks. 'Ve W dnesday evening, February 13, at are still worshipping in our bungalow 7:45 P. M. chapel at fi21 Seventh street. Sermon: "God's Will and the Prayer of Christ in Gethsemane." Th e following committees have been appointed for the year 1929: · Finance committee-E. B. Knudtson, ~fEETINGS Monday and Friday at 4 : · Cla sses for chairman; Walter Kehm, Charles F. children. Brandt. Churrh Property committee - Walter Tuesday at 7 :45: Meeting of th e CongreKehm. chairman; J. T. Peterson, H ergation. man Kieselbach. \\red nesday at !) : Sunday school t each er .·. UshE:'rs committee Arthur Starl<, Wednesday eve ning, F ebruary 13, the <:hairman; Chester Stark, Wallace Stark, mid-week Lenten services which are an Fred Abbott, Carl Nordberg. institution at our church will begin. The Music committee-Charles F. Brandt, pastor will deliver a series of sermons chairman ; Mrs. A. D. Gash, l\lrs. E. B. on the Passion of our Lord and Savior. Knudtson. · Not only the mE'mbers of St. John's bU:t Committee on Evangelism-A. D. Gash, everrone is invited to attend these chairman; Mrs. W. W. 'Vinberg, Paul A. servtces The choir of the church will Kier, Josf'ph Johnson, Miss Helen Myelsing one of Rarh's chorals at every land. Lenten servic(l. Th e sermons SL'r·i es folBenevolence committee- \Villiam )Jellows: bye. Sr., chairman; Dale Gash, Jr., Mrs. Wednesday, February 13: }<""'rank M. Hayson. God's · wm and the PrayL·r· of our Committee on Church History-ClarSa\1or ence Lineberger, chairman; Miss Marion Thy will. not mine, be done MelbyE:', Mrs. Frank Staab. F ebruary 20: 'Vilmette Church Federation rept·e:;entaGod's inYiolate ·word and th e Suffering· tive-E. B. Knudtson, chairman. of our Sa vi or The ScriJ>tures mu.·t be fulfilled The Men's Brotherhood will m 't't in February 27: the church Monday, February 11, at 8 God's Son and the Confession of our P. M. Savior We in\'ite those living in Wilmette and I am the Son of God March 6: North Evanston, who have no church God's Kingdom and the Crown of our home In the community to worship with Savior us. \Ve believe the Word of God and preach the Gospel of salvation through 1\fy King-dom i~ not of this world l\Iarch 1~: Jesus Christ. "Forsake not the asGod'~ CurRe on Sin and th e Cmss of sembling of yourselves together as the custom of some is."-Paul. "Come unto our Savlor me all ye that labor and are heavy laden And he went out bearing the Cro!'is and I will give you ,rest."-Jesus. March 20: God's Boundless Love and th e l\ren·y of our ~avlor Father forgive them Maundy Thursday: Sunday, February 10, will be QuinGod's Table and th e Dody and Blood quagesima Sunday. There will be a celeof our Sa vi or bration of the Holy Communion at ~ Good Frida_y: o'clock, Church school services at 9 :30 God's Lamb and the Atoning Death of o'clock, and Morning Prayer and Sermou our Savior at 11 o'clock. The sermon will be preached by the rector; the subject will be "CharTh e ng-ular monthly meeting of the acter and Insight." , ·ot t:" rs of the cong-reg-ation will be h eld The Rt. Rev. Sheldon Munson Grison Tue::-day eYening, February 12, at 7 :45 wold, D. D ., Suffragan Bishop of the o'clock. All voters should be there. Diocese of Chicago, will administer the sacrament of Confirmation at a sen·ice Tht> l!ntire choir of our church will to be held at 4 o'clock. Bishop Grisattend thE' concert of the St. Olaf Col- wold will also preach. leg e Choir on Monday evening, l<'ebruary 11, not for the mere enjoyment of an The first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday. evPning- of superb music, but for edu- will be February 13, at which time our cational and especially inspirational Lenten services start. On this date there reasons :ts well. wiU be Holy Communion at 7 :30, held at this hour for the convenience of busines::; The Senior and Junior Young People men ; Holy Communion at 10 o'clock, a are giving a Valentine Party on Friday more convenient hour for women, and a evening, FE:>bruary 8, to which all the Penitential Service, with Litany and Ser·young people of the church are invited mn, at 8 o'clock. The Rev. David I. Gibregardless of whether they are active son, well known throughout the Diocese members of these societies or not. Ad- for his splendid work in the Cathedral mission charg - a big, broad smile. Shelter, will preach. The service will be concluded by following the ancient rite All meetings of a purely ·social char- of anointing with ashes. On the followacter will be dropped at our church dur- ing· Wednesday evening, February 20, the ing the Lenten season. This however, Rev. Charles T. Hull, rector of St. Paul'::;does not affect the regular meetings of by-the-Lake church, Rogers Park, wlll the Ladies' Aid and Missionary society, preach. the Senior Walther league and the Junior Walther league. The members of the Union Sunday school visited our Church school last Just two hundred mothers and daugh- Sunday, which was a most happy occaters were present at the banquet given sion for us. Our little church was filled last Friday evening, at which the fathers to capacity. Dr. Herbert L. Willett, and sons did the serving at tables. The pastor of Union church, and the rector entertainment could not have been more of the Church of the Holy Comforter enjoyable. spoke to the united Church schools. St. John's Lutheran Kenilworth Episcopal ...

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