Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Feb 1929, p. 12

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· Latest · [ School News VOL. 1 No. 52 JUNIOR . LIFE · ·· 1 upetcJt~ton o f W1·1mett e Playground and Recreation Board Told by_ I the Pul!!!!_J Published weekly by the school children of Wilmette undet WILMETTE, ILLIN9IS, FEBRUARY 8, 1929 . Spell-Down Holds Pupils' Interest at Stolp School P:wi~. who teaches spelling :tt gaYI.' u ~ a ~ pf' lldown Tuesday, Jannarv 29. C'f'dl \Villiams and Elt>:mor .T:~ ek:'lon Wf'rE' cn ptain~. At first C· ·t ·i l's ~Ide was aht~ nd nml kept ahead for niJ"ut t Pn · min utt>!'l. Th f' n it was a ti e for :1 hnut Sf'\'ctl minut t>s. OnP side would ln so ' a couple and then the othf'r did . F:aally C'ecil's sidt' got smallf'r till it w n:; <'ic;ht to five with 'Eleanor's sidP in th~ l~· ;ld. Then se\'f'ral had to sit down ft·om c·ac·h sidt> all at oncP. A 11 the re WHe left were thr<'e on Eleanor·~ and two 1111 Cecil's sidt>. Cn Cecil's side WH l\farjut·it> ~~ · uhold and Robert Flf'tC'her. On E l eanor·~ side W~I'P Eileen nurl\(', Angus Rt Yen, and Hoge r Fridman. 'l'lwy l\t·pt up for at lea~t 10 minutes which ·mad thf' ~pell down get r~>nl intereRting. Then Robert Fletcher missed a wonl. Eil n from Eleanor's side missed, follow<>d by Ang-us. Left "'tanding now were· Marjorie and Roger. Then It was exciting! It was at least fl\·e minuteR bdore the spelldown came to a final (·Jose. Marjorie misRed on n' Rponsihi li t~·. hoger Fridman had stay d up thf' loug·eRt and Eleanor .l aelo;on's si<lt- won .-- Bt>th ::\f 'Ilrnith , SA Stolp. ~tolp, Mis~ SA Stolp Basketball Boys Trounce 88 Team SA Rtolp fit·st t('am won an eaRy game In basketball from SB Sto lp '~ first tt>am laH \Vednt:.>sday by a score of 16 to 3. Joe Hayt s })layed jumping centt- r for the SB t<'am and C"eC'il \Villiam s was l1is opponent t·n th e SA team. · t:·cil 0Utjump£'d .lo ' ry time, althoug-h .Toe playt'<l his lwst. Hohert Whit t· of the SA team had se\'en free throws a.nd made four of tht:.m. Charles Knapp of SA made two baskets and ecil ·william~ four. There wt>t' quite a few jumps and outs. SA's lin eup was: Cecil William, center; Rober·t White, forward; Charles Knapp, forward; Allen Hossman, guard ; Charles Leonard, guard; Briggs s ubs titutf' for Leonard; \Yai<l ner substitute for Rossman. ~B's lin eup was: Joe Hayes, center; Herbet·t 1'\apf'r, forward; Do u a ld ( ampbell, forward ; Howard \Vildins, guard ; J errett Lake, g uard.-Hoger Palenske, SA Stolp. Forego Music Study for a Glimpse of "Slides" Janua1·y 29, w e were jus t about to b e gin mu:-:i c t o u ur g r eat <listres~: , wht·n 1\1 r. Todd came in. "Children," h e ~aid, ··1 know .\'Ott <lislik f' t" 111iss mu~ic, but I h a ,.t- a h ard t a:-:k for yc.u to do. 'V t' are g-oing intr, .Mi~s Coreornn·~ room nnd see ~nmt:· slidt:;;." Delighted with C1ttr "hard" ta::;k, Wt' went into Miss Corcoran's room and pro·ceeued to find a ~-;eat. B~lt h l'>ixth gTade~ b ing th · rt~ it was quite :t difficult task, but finally we b came settled. The slidl'S Wt:-re about plact>s w would study later and a few were of )l aces we had aht.ady studied. Miss Larsen t o ld abuut t·ach pictur· while ::\Jr. Todd showed th m and I am sut"t· wt· all t·nj oyed tht' m . -Yirgillia. Ut'ct.·n, Howanl liB. LIKE SJIAKESPEARE PLAY Th e eighth gt·adt-s of Howard went to see ~hakespeare's "::\1 rchant of Venice" at the auditorium, Saturday afternoon, January 2 . The co turning was Yery beautiful and the whole pia~· h ld a charm. The ·centlT wa~ ~hiftt · <l in about ten seconds and it was all very interesting. The eighth grad\.' has b een studying this in lit rature and ~o we understoc,d it } kr! ·ctly. -Jt ·:-:~ i e ~lt.·t>h·, 1 lowanl school. CHANGE SCHEDULE The prvgram of the Byron Stolp school has bH~n c h angt:d s lightly. The Uirls' Gl t: club will met:t (·\'ery Ft·iday in Mrs. Clark's room lnstl:'ad of · w ednesday and the .Boys' Ule club will m~::et o n \\'edtlt::-.1\ay instead of Friday in Mrs. C lark's room. The girls are working on "Strawberry Fair," a three part song, which they hope to sing at a P. T. A. program 800n.-Eleanor Ricks, 7A Stolp. Raturday the Howard eighth · graders went to the Studebaker theater to see George At·liss in the "Merchant of Girls are stronget· than boys! M~·~· V!'nice." It was a Yery busy day for Mr. Harper, superintendent of .the Wil- some of us·. Vernon the 7A Stolp teacher, and the ~~ mette Public schools, was born m Gr·een In · the moming tht>re was bask etball git·ls c~me to that conelusion N!"onday, county, Ohio, on a farm. H.e went to a -practice and we only had about three January 28, and this i~ the way tt hapsmall country school nt-ar hts home and quarters of ~ n hour to to get home, pened. to ("edet·ville colleg(' in GrE>en county. Monday noon one . of t lv~ girls_ (){ tlw change our clotht>s, eat dinner and get H e thE>n w ent aR a po:;;t graduate 7A class asked ::\In;: Yenton whtc~ 'va:-: l'itudent at th , University of Chicago. to the north shore station by one o'clock. the stronger ~ex. Mrs. ,. t~I' Jl(Jl1 dtd nnt · The play was wonderful. The rostumAfter teaching a f<·w years in a small ing '\vas elabon1te through the play. Shy- lmow but she said that thPY eoul~ St-1:' collegP in Rup('rior. WiH., he C'n me to lo<·k was wond el'ful whil e La unc lot was which could k N'P the quit·rPst unt!l tho· New Trier Jlig-h sc·hool wlwre h P taught a good actot· wh en h e was talking about tardv bell rang·. EYerybod;; waa warned phy~ics ahd chemi~try for two and onehis conscience. fira.tiano was a good ac- abolit talking when thr.>y c ntNell th half years. tor hut Ba:-;:--anio w:um't ~o good. He room. lfp was aRkNl to tal'e 1\fr. A. E. <'lropped hiR ndce at tlw f'nd o( each One boy d~>cidt>d that h ··. did~'f: like t., Log-it>'s position as Ruperin,tender;t of ::-:pe<·<:h nnd h(' didn't talk plainly. EYt'r_ysehools in Wilm<'ttt· wlwn ::\[r. Logtt> rf'- IJody had a goc,d time through the tl'lp. keen still so he ~tarted wh!::;pent~g. 'Ihen the- tardy bdl rang a nd the, ~trl!'i won . . signed. Th fot·mer superinten<lent is :-:till Aftet· we got home some of us had The 'b,>VS do not :t.:?:i'(~~ t" taHs b<>canse a t'P~idt·n t of WilnwttP. . to put on our scout uniform~ and go up they l'aid it wn.sn't fail· t" tPll th:1.t wu.y. WhPn Mt·. Harpe r fir~t C'ame to 'Vtl- to Glf'ncoe for the court of honor.- Fred-Ele:t nor Uietcr;, i A Stoln. mette the only school huilding on thf' ('ast t·rkk Lea:-:;nn, SA ll oward. ~ide of tht> railroad tmck was the Centrnl s<'hool. Rix yean; aftPr he rnme th<' Rtol)l school and gymnasium a ncl Lalll't>l Rchool wt>re huilt. ).fr·. Tla nwr's opinion is that the childrt·n han> more knowledge now than thf'Y Mr. Ball haR the "·ilmette lightweight~ The Fighting· 'Vaniors of RB Rtolp dirl beC'ause tlwy r ea cl more ancl haYe played meet o\'er at l lowarcl ~ \·e ry S;:ttun:!c; .r their first basl<dball g-anw at 'the more new su hjects, su<'h as physicn 1 ~toip gymnasium Tuesday, .Tanuat:y 22. morning at !l o'clock for basl<etball pra :·training, gcn ral Rcienee, manual trainTh ey p layed the Hor~c·fentl1 r~ of. ~tf!lp. tic ·. ' Ve han Yery ~tiff g-ames and 1 n int::·. mu~i<'. nnd social !':r-:t·nce. ..\ t the nd of the half tlH' Ftghtmg th em we learn to shoot, eo,·er ~Ito ts, :1nc~ V!' hen 1\Jt·. Harper first ,·ame hcrC' the W:trriors ert:' leading with a score of sink free throw:-:. After a goo1l hour ol total t-nro llment was 701 and now it b 6 to 2. Thw e sc·ore nt the e nd of th(' game this w e run arouncl .the floor three tinw~ 1,G!l2, an · increasf' of n ra r l y 1,000 in nine- was 16 to ~ in faxor of thP Fighting and th f· n go down and tal~ t' a r· n irl sho\vet· tt'en years. following a hot one. Warriors. ThP rlisciplinf' is mort- f>!ls il~· handiNl Th e players who do not .1dng- :1. t(·\n·l The players on the Fighting 'Varriors now than \Vllf'n he C'anw.- Bob Tf<' witt .. R were : Jean ::\Iunro, fonvanl and e nter; are kicked out bf'cause it is v~::ry nccpsRtolp; Lawr<'J1C(' Budm1astet·, ~R Rto}J1. .Jane 1\Ioort.·, forwarcl; '\farjery Houghton, sary. To play with the Jig·hhveig-ht:-; · y ou forward ; 1\laq:nlt:'ri t t' 1\Io klPr, gun rd; have to haYe at least "G" in manual Ella J ea n Portt·r, gua nl; Estht~ r ~Ic traini ng. Jf you do not ha \' o~ thc-~w two thing~ you cannot play.-G e0 l'f."e Fackt, Keighan, g-uanl. sn i~ n·ry pl'()url of their tPam and SA Stolp. wh.;hes tlwm lu <· k in . all other ganws. " '<'dllf'Rday, January 30. Stolp SA Dorothy Jan(' OtT ~H Rtolp. played Stolp SB first team in bask thall. Th f' gam at the Vt'l'Y start seemed as though it was going to be very interesting for SB as RA mad n haRket b e7A. Stolp boys defr.>ated 7B Rtolp in forf' one minutf' had bf'en played. Lasl\t' tball Monday, January 2X. Tlw As th<' game progre:;;sed SA ht>gan pilTt sun·ly is toug;h luck for the p f>ople sc re was 14 to 1. At the half 7A wa~ ing up bnskets so tht' half endt>d S to 1 whn h a\'e a habit of coming tardy ewry leading 2 to 1. \Ve then played as har:l in SA's favor. Wh<>n the st-cond halt so often to GH rJrJ\vanl. Th <' 6R dub as we cou ld a11d they substituted and Wt· opf>necl 8A set>mf'd to be starti ng for an · has made sonw 11 t'\\' nrl es and among ran up the score to 14 . '\\' . . · always h nd oth er set of baskets but hefore they th f' m are: the advantage as w e had talle r 1111.' n thnn, woke up SB made a. ba skE>t len Ying the 1. If tardy Yl·ll mn:--t pay fiye cents in- they did and \ W could alway~ get th e Rcore 8 to 3. But that was not a.ll. SA sidf' of a we k frnm the time you w ere rebound. :;;tartrd playing furiously and piled up tardy. 7A second ti:'am a lso d efeated 'iB ~ee e ig·ht morf> points before the end of the 2. Dues must be in by the fifte e nth of ond t eam 9 to 6. 7A was leading at th game. Bob White, SA's left forward, had ih · month; if not tlw,\· will h t> doubled . h a lf 8 to 0. 'rhe n 7A put in some su J, _ seven ft'('f' throws but only mad four of -Herman l\feyer, 6B Jlownrcl. stitutes and 7B sank Rome mor.. basl{ e t~ tlwm. The g-amf> c losNl with the score and th(' game ended with iA thrl'e noints , A, 1G; SD, 3. 'rhi s i~ SA's second vicahead. - Hilly l\relchior, Stolp 7A. tory this y ea r . The first g-ame they beat . t. Frn nci~ ll to 8. \Vt' hope fot· the TE :\CJIER IS POET s hi t> ld in ba~k et ball. -Phil ip Osbom, SA The Howard sch ool not on ly ha s a lut Rtolp. Else '\·onReinspPrg- of 7A :-it.olp haR a ' of capable teachers but a lso a noet. Tht> g·ood ch ance of getting a pair' of :;;ilver following poem is one that the Howard WORK ON POSTERS She ent red t h e Herald and sl<ates. The Howard eighth grade boys have Examiner let· Carnh·al and quali'l:ied school social !'-;C'ienee te.trher wrote: A small gift from mt> to you; startf'd 'vorking on posten; f or the annual for· the finals which. at·e to be h<'ld on 0! the taslu; that it will do, Garden Market. There will be two prizes. January 30. ln th<> prt>li mitt[ll'i E'~ she · 'Tis a little ::;ponge nf metal Th<> first will bf> fi\'f' dol1ars and the came in Sf>r·nncl. Thmugh a misfort un e It will clean a kitd1 e n k e ttle. l'>t·cond will be two ..dollars and a h a lf. ~he onl y placed fifth in another rare but The hardest job you need not shirk Only finished p oster!'< will be con s idered :-:ht: st ill has a chnnri:' in tlw final:-;. Tlw~e shining <'oils will do the worl-:. as onf' year a half fittished poster won - Florentine Rtrube, 7A ~tolp. -Yirginia ::\Jain(', 8A Howard, first prize. Many o l'iginal ideas have b een workNl out. - Albe rt Arkerma nn, JTowPROFUSION OF SKATES BEGIN C~GE SCHEDULE anl 8.\ . The rooms of the two f·ighth gra1l ·s at \Vp haYe bven practicing basketba II !Toward are littered with :;;kates of a ll for fo ur weeks and nE>xt week we Rtart "J·OOR PAJ·A" si?:es. The ice skating seems to be more ~Iiss l-:ik idmor e ha ~ Ln~t ni~ ht wh t'll T camf' in from Rl<at- popular than other winter sports with our regular games. ing- I Wt' nt in tlw house and Dad ~aid, the A girls of I loward. Lillian Hoar, helped us on Tue::;clay afternoons and told us the rules of the game and how w. · "Let me see thoRe skates." Ro I pnssed a , e;irl in the ~ixt h gTa<lt-, fell flown and t he skates ovf'r all(] h e sa id: "Those are vau s d an ugly cut on her knee last Tues- s h ould guard. She a lway!-! starts us out l't·rla i nb· good s k ates. \\·h y , when T was day on the b ack playg-round of Howard with passing and s h ooting and then we J :1 boy 1 had a pair of wooden skates that hut lnok in g at tlw ~-;hining smooth ice always ha ve somp scrimmage awhile. !a!':ten.:d o ver th f' to and in step and if was tf'mpting for h f'r and ~he h as been hope we. will win a ll of our g·amcs.-1\farany one eY r ~am with a. pair of steel skat in g with an injured lm ee.-Virgi nia jorie Warble, , B IIowat·d. ~kates they w t> r e just it. You children ::\faine, SA Howard. ~ut·d y ha Yf> wondtrful oppo rtuniti es." DAD REl\liNISCES - D tty ' Kirwan, A Howard. '\Vh en I g ·t my new suit my dad ask ed SAJ,E~[ JXXS WI:\" The Sa l m Inn basketball tt-am f!f . 'tolp me to let him see it. "Whe n I had given JA~ES HAS SC~RLET FEVER 7A nnd thP Over-The-Edg team of Str,lll it to him h e said , "You children s urely Jnmes Kraft of llownrd B was sent 711 had a basket',;lll g-ame Tuesday. Thf\ h a ,·e fine clothC's. \Vhr.>n I was a boy wore h ome-made clothes and wore home 'fhursday with ::;earl t f ever. He sC'Ot'e was 6 to 4 in · nl e m Inn's in ,·or. had taken all of our WILMETTE LIFE arti- rt was a close an d <·xciting game as the a pair of overafu; a nd a labo riously hard<.:lt :-: home to look th em over as he Is end of the first half the RCOl'e was a tie. made p ai r of shoes in winter. Now you can go to the :-;tore and get any kind of Pditor. Today WP have to write all of --llt>tty Palenske, 7A Rtolp. c lo thes and sh oes ready made."-Spencer o ur articles over ag·ain. '\Ve are glad to Norrington, Howard 8B. h ea r that h e is not v ry sick.-Marjorle DlTlUB·BELL DRILLS 1 lYerson, SA Howard. The eighth grade boys of Stolp ;-;tarted dumb-bell dl'ills of January !l. The se h ool THEY WERE TARDY GF.T ~1-~W IU: POUTER got a bunch of new ones which are Ye ry Following is a li st of the tardy folks ::\Ionday, January 2 , we voted f or a easily handled. It was not very · J asy nt in Howard SA : Carl Anderson, twice ; new r eporter for o ur room. Alan Hen- firRt but soon the boys got it in their Walter Haas, once; Marjorie Iverson, rickson was ou r reporter befot·e but he h eads they h ad Lo do it. Outside of once; Raymond Jones, once; Fred Leawant<>d someone e lse to take his place. dt·opping them a few times and gpttin~ son, three times; John Pearson, once; Howard Ball is our new reporter.-Jane hit on the h ead it has been a great Evelyn Howard, once.-Robert Klemm, Elizabeth McMillan, Howard 6B. · Ruccess.-Robert Hewitt, 8B Stolp. ' 8A Howard. An Interview With Mr. Harper Girls Stronger Sex 1 Eighth Graders Enjoy "Merchant of Venice" That's IJ!hat Teacher of 7-A Class Says Mr. Ball's Lightweights Fighting Warriors Win Have Some Tough Games Game From Horsefeathers SA Stolp Cagers Win · From Rival 88, 16-3 Assess· Fines for Tardy Pupils in Howard Class 7A Stolp Cage Teams Annex a Pair of Games Else Qualifies for Big Chicago Skating Event "·e

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