February 8, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 11 At the Neighbors The members of the Neighbors are reminded of the meeting of the department of art and literature February 12, at the home of Mr·s. William E. Healey, 205 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. F. B. MacKinnon will give a report ori a current art exhibit and Mrs. J. Dean Vail will give a review of a current book. The next regular meeting of the Neighbors will be its birthday party on · February 19. Mrs. Harry Weese will be toastmistress and Miss Charlotte Dakin, a reader, will give a program during the afternoon. R. M. Plaister was the speaker at the meeting of the N eighb0rs Tuesday last, lecturing on "Alice in Financial Wonder land." Kenilworth Club Gives · Luncheon and Stag Dinner The Kenilworth club gave ·one of its largest bridge luncheons last ·Friday when 140 members and guests gathered for the Valentine luncheon served at tables decorated with red tulips and hearts. The array of prizes was beautiful. Mrs. John White and Mrs. Sanford l:lolden were the hostesses. The stag dinner bridge that evening was well attended also. Sanford Holden, Herbert Taylor Louis Jones and Noble Gillette were hosts for the' evening. .ei~iiiiii!iliiiii·-.. Give Your Party Here! M~ke your dinner, dinner-dance or luncheon a really different and distinctive affair. Whether yours be a party of 5 or 500, Sovereign facilities, Sovereign service and famous cuisine, insures complete success. Private rooms or the magnificent ballroom afford ideal settings. And a convenient location is an additional attraction. Telephone or wire for suggestions and prices. · GARDEN CLUB TO MEET The Home and Garden club of Kenilworth will meet at the home of Mrs. Richard Johnston, 321 Melrose av:enue, Monday. Mrs. Charles Howe wtll repeat her paper on "Mirrors" which she has read before. The club is busy with its preparations for the third annual Flower and Garden show at the Hotel Sherman February 25 to March 3, inclusive. Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 338 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth has as her house guests, Mrs. McCoy and her mother, Mrs. Robert Olmstead, both of Omaha, Neb. 6:aOO Kl:N~IORF; AVE. NOR1'H 'PHONE DRIARGATE 8000 Kenilworth Scouts Will Hold Anniversary Program Kenilworth Boy Scouts will celebrate the national Boy . Scout Anniversary W'.:ek, February 8-14, by holding a big Scout rally in the new Kenilworth memorial gymnasium Tuesday evenin~L February 12, at 7:30 o'clock. The Kenilworth Troop 13 is divided into two units, A company and B company, each with a membership of thirty boys. There will be short talks by the chairman of the Scout court of honor, Supt. E . L. Nygaard, and the chairman of the troop committee, Harry P. Harrison. Parents have been extended a special invitation to attend the rally. Your inspection of apartments, suites, or single rooms is cordially invited. You'll enjoy living at Hotel Sovereign-there is no servant problem here! ._,_. - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS GIVE TEA FOR BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roeser (Elizabeth Hannah) will be in Kenilworth on Sunday on their way to Boston. . They will spend Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Newton, 306 Woodstock avenue. Sunday · evening Mr. and Mrs. Sam Comly and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Taylor are having a tea for Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roeser at the home of Mrs. Comley, 1017 Grove street, Evanston. ANNOUNCING THE . ( North Shore Furniture Shops 523 MAIN ST. Rensch Warehouse Building WILMETTE Residents of the North Shore may now conveniently choose from a large selection of distinctive . furn~turet oriental rugs, carpets, mattresses, including a very special line of attractive metal beds in many designs and finishes. Operating as we do, with direct wholesale connections and low overmad expense, we are able to sell at practically wholesale prices much below those of the average downtown retail store. If the exact piece of furniture wanted is not in the Wilmette Storet our patrons will also have the added advantage of selecting from our store on Grand Avenue in Chicago, where the company has 10, 000 square feet of space devoted to an · elaborate wholesale furniture display. HAS LUNCHEON FOR BRIDE Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 32~ Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, entertained thirty-six friends at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday, February 5, 111 honor of Mrs. Allen Bultey, whose wedding was last .month. The guests were the young married friends of Mrs. BuJiey's. TO REVIEW NOVELS The Kenilworth Literature cla ss will 1' _et Wednesday, February 13, at the home of Mrs. Guy Littell on Woodstock avenue. Mrs. William D. MacClintock will discuss novels of Virginia \Nolff, "To the Lighthouse," "Mrs. Datlaway," and "Orlando," and Huxley's " Point, Counterpoint." Charles Bemis, 337 Raleigh road, Kenilworth entertained twenty boys at a sleigh ride Saturday afternoon. After the sleigh ride they returned to his home and were served refreshments and entertained with moving pictures. It was Charles' twelfth birthday. -oGeorg-e , Kingsley, 529 Cum nor road, left Kenilworth on Thursday to motor to Florida. Mr. Kingsley has' no definite plans as to where he will go or how long he will stay in the south. He expects to leave his car in Florida and go to Cuba before returning home. Special Values for February A wider selection of specially low priced merchandise will be on display during the month of February. Specially low prices on factory samples and odd pieces. -oMrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex raad, Kenilworth entertained a ff"w friends at luncheon on Tuesday, February 5, for Mrs. McCloud and her guests, Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Olmstead. North Shore Furni ure Shops 523 MAIN ST · -oMr. and Mrs. Allen Bulley are staying in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett, 333 Richmond road, Kenilworth, while M~ and Mn. are in California. Rensch Warehouse Building WILMETTE S~rr~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· ~ .,.,