February 8, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 9 St~rt Race fo~ Basketball Title Wi~h Victory Dr. Stephen A. Llo:vd Comes Back Home for a Rotary·A·nniversary Dr. Stephen A .. Lloyd, former minister of the First Congregational church in Wilmette and now minister of the Congregational church in Pontiac, Mich., returned to the north short for a day last week to act as toastmaster at a Rotary dinner given at the Moraine hotel in Highland ·Park commemorating the first anniversary of the institution of the Highland Park Rotary club. The dinner was attended by members of the Wilmette and Winnetka Rotary clubs, as well as by representatives of Rotary International heade<J by Secretary Chesley Perry, of Glencoe, District · Governor Rennolds, and Vivian Carter, editor of The Rota~ian, official organ of Rotary International. Written messages and verbal expressions of commendation directed to the Highland. ·Park club were received from numerous Rotary clubs in this vicinity. The prinicpal speaker of the evening was George S. Dalgety of Northwestern University. Dr. Lloyd was formerly president of the Wilmette Rotary club which sponsored organization of the Highland Park club. · ERE'S a picture of the Mallinckrodt High school "varsity" which is striving- to bring a championship to the Ridge Catholic school. The schedule calls for contests with several Chicago and suburban girls' Catholic school teams. Mallinckrodt's first game resulted in a victory, 25 to 23, over St. Scholastica of Chicago. The players in the picture are: First row (left to right)-Dorothy Smith, Eleanor O'Brien, Helen Deinlein, Olive Oelerich, Geraldine ~ eber . (captain), Grace Ludwig, Francis Thurston, Margaret DeMarco and Helen Spillane. Second row-Mary Falasco, Elizabeth Faber, Mary Lynch, Rita Weber, Mary Jane Seng, Marcella Kummer, Betty Barry, Marian Pearson, Ethelmae Schaefer, Anne Stemple and Mary Louise Byrnes (manager). Insert-Coach Helen E. }ans. H Photo by Staff Photographer PUPILS' RECITAL Miss Lois Hammett, teacher of piano, presented her pupils in recital last Sunday afternoon before a group of parents and friends. Those participating in t he musicale .were : Doro~hy Reinwald Bobby Bolhnger, Geraldme Cox·. Ma;celta Schneider, and Mildred Borre. Miss Hammett also played the "Tarantella," by Liszt. · 1 Give Mid-Year Tests for Pupils of Upper Grades Arithmetic and grammar tests for seventh and eighth grade pupils at the Howard school will be given soon. Lowell F. Todd, principal, announced this week. The tests serve as a mid year checkup of the standing of students who expect to enter high school within the next year or two, but are not given as semester examinations. Helen Newey, daughter of the F. ]. Neweys, 436 Lake avenue, ,\-·ho attends the University of Illinois. spent sev-· eral days at home this week during mid-semesters. EXHIBITS IN CHICAGO SHOW \:Vinifred Wilson, \Vilmette artist, is exhibiting one of her paintings in the Chicago exhibit current at the Art institute. Her picture, somewhat impressionistic in it· 3 interpretation, is e~titled "A Peon\' Bed After a Ram Storm" and is picture of the garden of M~s. James T. \:Vray, 57 Crescent place, ~' ilmette. Mrs. \Vilson is a Mrs. Arthur L. Fuller, 915 Tenth member of the North Shore Art league. street, Mrs. Raymond G. Kimbell, 422 Forest avenue, Mrs. Arthur C. Mrs. James vV. Shedden. 1215 Chest- Schwarm, 925· Ashland avenue, and nut avenue, entertained twenty-eight Mrs. Alfred M uellt!r of Chicago wiH. friends at luncheon and bridge ~red- leave Monday on a motor trip through nesday. She is also entertaining Florida. They will drive down the twenty-eight friends at bridge this East coast and up the West coast, and afternoon . 1 expect to be gone several weeks. a Mr. and Mrs. ] ohn Cutten, 1226 Ashland avenue, left Tuesday for Sarasota, Fla. to be gone several CLUB PLANS VALENTINE PARTY months. The Business and Professional Women's club will give a Valentine party Monday evening, February 11. Th~ j members will dine at the Wilmette j cafe a.t 6:30 o'clock, a~d t?en adjourn :to Mtss Emma Schremer s home at 1110 Greenleaf q.yenue at 7 :45 o'clock. ----------------------------- III !I 'l II I I I .I All Children Smile for Bernie BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE BERNIE CAPTURES THE ELUSIVE CHARM OF CHILDHOOD f f Your orders are what we obey We're careful too-so folks all aay. You're the boss. Give us your order over the phone. We'll gladly give you an estimate and promptly attend to your work. Mrs. William M. McKnight, . I 04 I Seminole Road, Indian Hill Estates PHONlS·WILMETTE 32. UHIVERSITY1311 OtAIRS &o TABLES- FOR.. R.ENT R:.w:.;~a STORAGE JANET MCKNIGHT BERNIE STUDIO EVANSTON Tel. University 8998 MOVINQ PAC.te.l NG ~ 521 MAIN SHIPPING STR.EET WllMETTf.IU.. 1623 Sherman Avenue "Better Pictures-Better Values"