Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1929, p. 51

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February 1, 1929 '17 FOR SALE HOUSES WILMETTE FOR SALE-VACANT · LIFE FOB SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 51 101 EXCEP. ATTRACTIVE 8 RM. SHINGLE HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUcolonial with 5 bedrms., 2 baths and tif~l lots left of the few remaining in heated sleeping porch ; canvased and · W~nnetka. Building restriction. On ~ stippled throughout. FriJridaire and QUiet drive-no trees but a beautiful FOR SALF...-C}JILD'S BED COMPLETE, stove. Owner moving out of town, willoutlook · at a price at least $30 a foot 6'4x36 inches, excellent cond. Ph. Wiling to sell at $25,000. under' anything comparable. Address mette 3287. 102L19-ltc White frame colonial in A-t condllion Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc with unusually lge. roo~ns,. 2 sun 10:1 WANTED TO BrY-liiSC. por.ches, 3 b~ths, 4 bedrm!-'., attached 1 car garage. Many perennials, shrubs, · \VANTED .- CLEAN. 'VHITE RAG~. rose bushes. etc. . H~ rdinge Oil Burner. HALF ACRE-BEAUTIFULLY WOODtOe. per lb. 1232 Central A \'e.. Wiled, highly restricted, on private roadPrice $30,000. ... mette. 103LTN48-tfp . way, surrounded by fine homes-close to schools and not too ' far from transportation- to acceptable purchaser only, ]f):; JIISCELLAXEO"CS at lowest price for high-class property lnc. HAVE SEVERAL FA XC Y DRESS in Village. · Address Talk A-221. 746 Elm Street Winnetka 1617 costumes, all new. m en's, s ize 38 and 78L'fN13-tfc 77LTN19-ltc 40. Ladi e~ ·. size 34 and 36. 'Viii rent to re~pomdble party. Call Wilmette ~~~ WA~'n~n TO REN'f-llOUSES 3730. 105L19-ltc IN WINNETKA VACANT. 125xl60 WINNETKA LATEST ~ewing MODEL ELECTRIC WHITE machine with extra chain stitch attachment. Machine never used. $165 value for $130, a saving of $35 on a new machine. Call 'Vilmette 24. 102LTN19-ltp D. A. R. Finds These Filma 0. K. for Our Movie Fans Mrs. N. D. Chapman, national chairman of the D. A. R. better films committee, recommends these pictures to theater-goers, with the following comments: "Alias Jimmy Valentine"-M. G. ·M. Intensely interesting detective story with happy ending, showing the ennobling influence of love over hardened criminals. Adults. "The Flying Fleet"-M. G. M. Ramon Navarro in a clean, wholesome. educational picture dealing with peace-time aviation. For everybodv. "The Glorious Traii"-First National. Interesting story concerning the establishing of the first telegraph Jines. with raids by Indians. Best for adults. "Hey, Rube"-FBO. An entertaining drama of carnival life. Suitable for the family. "Interference" - Paramount. A splendid all-talkie film with William Powell, Evelyn Brent, and Clive Brook. This ts very serious entertainment and decidedly not for children. "Mickev's \Vild \Vest"-Darmour Productions. Very entertaining comedv for all. "\Vh-ozit" ·- Educational. Clever trick photography. "America"-United Artists. Romance of American revolution. "Abraham Lincoln" - First National. Drama of Lincoln's life. "George Washington Relics"Standard Motion Picture service. Landmarks in Washington's life. "The Higher Mercy"-Edited Pictures. An episode in Lincoln's life. "Washington, Father of His Country" - United Projector and Film corporation. A short reel. "American Statesman Series" Edited Pictures. George Wa.5hington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, and Daniel \Vebster. VA CANT-WINNETKA · MUST SACRIFICE ~33,000 SE\T l~RAL OF OUR CLI- \YHY LEAVIKG TOWN, O'VNER ~lUST SELL his char111ing house, not three ypan; old, near ~chools and transp.~rtati on. Huge living and dining l'(:'lms ; ston.~ fireplace; casement windows; 4 :-: 1 q)i~g rooms: 2 tile wall baths; lavatory: oil heat; 2 car garage. .Many unusu :ll and attractive fe'a tures. Fixlun~:-; ~. nd interior finish the best. Grea~ o:trgain. Phon~ for appointment. ents desire to rent houses ranging fron1 $125 to $300 per n1onth. List your house \\·ith us before they decide. \·~;oRRY ABO'C'T STARTING your car in zero weathe r wh en vou can buy a heater for $10 which is th e price of one garage bill? Guaranteed ~atis fact<'ry m· your money back. If intere~t e d for d e mon~tra tirm ca ll \\'ilmette 2062. \Ve also in~tall outlets and receptacles and r epair e leetrical appliances. 105LTX19-ltc 1-IEINSEN RE:\;\L'fY CO. 720 Elm St. Winn~tk:t PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. 418 Linden .AYe. \VilnH·t i" !H) liLT. ·:9 -lt (: 254 !lLTNlO-ltc ~OTI('E ~otie e i~ h en·by g-i\·~n by thE> UIHlPr~ig-ned that the co -partn e r~hip lately suhsistin~ b~tween U!-i, uncler th e firm nrtme and styl of KLTXGE ,~:,:_ "'HITE. engag~d in th e bu~in ess of r etnil 0\VNER LE~L\ \~~I~G 'fO\VN ..... ' MGST SELL 9 ROO).! COL. FTIAME, center hall. 3 bath~. H. W. hr·at, 2 cat· garage. Enst. Price ~:!S,OOO. PosH. now. Inspect this. Winnetka 15H 77L1'Xl ~i-ltc SPECIALS 6 room brick on well landscaped lot 70x132. 2 car garage ; canvased walls ; extra lavatory; radiator cabinets; electric refrigeration ; gas stove. Price $25,000. Also Attractive 6 room shingle. Garage; splendid location; gas stove; Ice box; carpets and drapes. Price $23,500. groceries and m en t market. in the Yillage of "\Vilnwtte, at 81!1 Rid~?:~ avenu<>, in the C"ounty of C"onk and State of Illinoi~, was, on the 24th day of January 1929. disHolYE>d by mutual const>nt. ' The unfinish~d bu~ines~ and affairs of the said co-pnrtnershin will be attended to by GEORGE E. \VHITE. nne of th <> nnilersigned, and thE> said GEORGE E. Inc. 'VHTTE i~ h E> reh~· authorized to collect. receive and r~c e ipt for all moneys, goods 746 Elm Street 'Vinnetka ·winnetka 1617 and property du e or ncC'ruing to saiti <'089LTN19-ltc nartnership, and to discharge all obliga ... tions of said co-partnership and perform WX~· 'l'ED TO RUY-HOU~t;s 96 all its unexE><'UtPd contracts. DATED AT \Yilmette. C'ounty of Cook, 7 On 8 ROOM HOl\lJ.~ IN WILMETTE, and State of IIJinois. this 24th day of \Vinnetka or Glencoe, with 4 bedrooms January, 192!.'1. nnd ~ bath~. Heaso nably clo~e to .:\XXA KLIXOE transp. Brick pre ferably, $25,000 to GEORGE E. WHTTF. $35,000. Mu:-t he good buy. Write \VilL19-ltc mette Life A-270. 96LTN19-ltc A l\fODEHX UXFURXISHED HOME IN Xnrth Kenilworth, vVinnetk:t or GlencoP for a dist'riminating client who mig-ht purc ha~~ latei'. 4 bedrms., 3 bath~-; and library. l\lay 1st possession. IHI ©Jk~IID~@IITl ~ JJ ®Irll1k~ 100 FOR SAL F.-llSEHLD. GOODS SMITH & BROWN, INC. 736 Elm ·st. FOR SALE-I ironil)g machine used 1 year, irons, e·v erything, $50; 1 breakfa~t set. $5; l mahogany and leather Winnetka 142-147 ann chair, $:) ; 1 wicker :tn<l oak table, 77LTX-lt~ $2 each; 1 glass cabinet suitable for t'hina and so forth, $10; Yictrola and records, $10; walnut radio e'lhinet, $5. Wilm tte 2iii. 100L19-ltc ... FOR RALE- B.ARGAIX IN DUTCH FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL SOLID WALColonial situated in th e heart of the nut da YPnport tnblt> in perfec t condibest northeast section. Lot has 60 foot tinn . Yalue $150 will sell for $50.00. frontage. Price $18,000. ~lust sell. See 100LTN19-ltc FOil BALE- COXWELL CHAIR & small ottoman, $1!\; pull-up chair, like ne w, $12. Abo dining rm. set. Tel. \\'inn. 1255. 100LTN19-ltp :\ICST SELL DDIEDIATELY, BABY g-mnrl Knabe piano. Very reas. Tel. "·inn. 1251. lOOLTN 19-ltc SOL1D MAHOGANY TRIPLE MIRROR dress ing table, $15. Single mattress, lik e n w, $3. Tel. Glencoe 121. 100LTN19-ltc 0\'EW:n'CFFED CHAIR IN PERFECT eo nclition. Tel. \Vinn. 2444. 100LTX19-ltc 340 Linde11 A \'e. \\.ilmette 6S i7L1!1-ltc AT GROUND \~A.L'CE 10 ROOM SURSTAXTTAL BRICK RESidence. 6 bedrooms and 3 baths ; H . \\'. oil heat; 3 car garage. 25,000 squan.· feet of superbly wooded ground~. Choicest ea~t seetion. $40,000. Offen; invited. Offke open Sundays from 10 to 5. HEINSEN 720 Elm St. RE~L\L'rY CO. \Vinnetka 254 77LTK19-ltt: \\"1LL SAC'HlFl E Sll\IPLEX MANGLE, ----------------PXvt>ll~nt C'Ond. Also ice box & fireless t·onlH·r. TPI. Glenc·oe 1407. 100LTN19-ltc FOTI SALE- 6 RM. BL'.NG..\LOW . 07\' large lot. Desirable neig-hborhood. WTil. '1'0 BUY-HSEHLD. GDS. Price $12,500. Very ear-:y tt"rm~. t\'o. 1111 broker:,;. Wilmette 1582. 77L1 !\-lt(' \\'.\:\TED TO BUY SECOND-HAND fumitun· and other household goods. l"OR SAJ,J<~-YA('A~'f ' 11 ighe:-;t prkes for s:ttne. Crost Furnitun' Htor('. 1004-6 Emerson St., EYanston, 111. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc ::X THE 'VIL~IETTE STATE BANK NOTICE OF IXCRF.ASE OF CAPITAL STOCK STATE OF ILLINOIS l ss COUNTY OF COOK { . Public Notice is hereby given that at the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of The Wilmette State Bank . n Corporati0n duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of tlw State of Illinois, held at the Office of snirl Bank, Wilmette, Illinois, on the tenth day of January, A. D. 1929, at the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P. 1\1. a RESOLUTION wa~ adopted increasing the capital stock of said Corporation from One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) consisting of One Thousand (1,000) shares of the onr value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each to Two Hundred Thousand Dnlhu~ ($200,000.00) consisting of Two Thou~and (2,000) shares of the par value of OnP Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. Thrtt Seven Hundred Seventy-four (774) ~hares bein~ more than two-thirds of the whole stock of said Corporation were rE>presented at said meeting and that all of said stock voted in favor of said RERn-' LUTION. That Certificates of said increase of said ·capital stock have been filed in the Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois and with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, ~s required by law. DATED this 17th day of January A. D. 1929. JUDSON F. STONE. President. F. D. ANDERSON, Cashif'r. L17-3tc Book./tems HARDY'S LAST POEMS "Winter Words m Various Moods and Metres," a volume of poems by Thomas Hardy, prepared for publication shortly before his death. "Winter Words" has just been published by the Macmillan company. Here is one of the poems : I watched a blackbird on a budding svcamore One Easter Day, when sap was stirring twigs to the core; I saw his tongue, and crocus-colored bill Parting and closing as he turned his trill: . Then he flew down, seized on a stem of hay, · And upped to where his building scheme was under way, As if so sure a nest were never shaped oo spray. No sea storv that we have ever read is more packe-d with incident and color and adventure than "John Cameron's Odyssey"-and it's all true. There is mutiny and ship,w reck, there are typhoons and coral islands, there are lots of liquor and lots of fighting . . . Captain Cameron tells the story of the wreck of the 'Wandering Minstrel,' of life on the island, and the forty-three day trip in an open boat which brought him back to civilization, and makes as thrilling a sea story as anything Clark Russell or any of his followers ever wrote.-From The Outlook. "John Cameron's Odyssey," transcribed by Andrew Farrell, was recently published by ·Macmillan. 1-'0 It SAL J<~-JJI~('. ONE OF THE LAST HEALLY FI~E residential lot~-; available in \\'ihlh' ttt' not on a heavy traffie Rt. Heaulit'ully wooded corner 73x160. Further p:!l'ticulars on application. l·'OH ~A LE- BEA l.JTJFUL MENDOZA lwa Vt' I' fur voat, brown fox collar. Perfpl't coJHl., ~ize 3S-40. $95. 225. Tel. Winn. 102LTN1 8-ltc ~ll'i'f1) ~~ .@_ fFO IQ)llllil<9..\.li U. ~ ~@ ®®~ n rr Iffi~o E\·an~ton ·(.~,,u .. s FOH. HICYC"LE. COST $45. USED only twit·e, will sell for $25. Tt>l. Winn. 1301. 102LTN1fl-ltc 1564 Sherman Ave. Univ. 285 Miss 1fary \Volf, 1352 Chestnut avenue, Kenilworth, entertained at a sleigh ride on her birthday, Saturday, Tanuar.v 26. for some of her third grade friends. -aPercy Eckhart, 206 Cumberland avenue, Krnilworth, exhibited moving pictures of a "Cruise Throught the \Vest Indies" Sunday afternoon at the Central Eleanor club. -0- P. o:n:? 7 LTNlJ·ltC' n. SALE- GARLAND GAS H .\NGE $X, and child's marmot fur coat, size 10. Wilmette 1482. 102LTN19-ltc Sx1~, VACANT· - $300 CASH AND $25 PEH mo. buys landscaped lot 66 ft. x 187 ft. All improvements in. Price $2,800. No brokers. Wilmette 1582. 78L19-ltc RuG, Mr. and Mrs. Murdo Ross, 211 Seventeenth street, are being congratulated upon the birth of a son, Allan McDARK B R 0 W N VELOUR, Donald. on January 25, at St. Francis practically new, $12. Wil. 4317. 102LT19-ltc hospital.

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