WILMETTE LIFE February 1. 1929 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ llllini Relay Carnival to Feattire Speed .and B.revity New Trier Natatots Splash to Victory Over.Morto=n Teams By Wiaalow Wricht At the Indian Hill poo( Saturday afternoon, New Trier's Junior and Senior swimming teams waxed · victorious when they splashed with Morton in what was the New Trier team's third league a·t tempt · of the season. The New Trier Senior team swamped their. opponents by the score of 32 to 27 while the Junior aggregation mana~ed to triumph by the tune of 23 to 21. These wins give both the Grey and Green teams a record of two victories and one loss. In both Junior and Senior divisions all the meets though fairly close, were decisively won. The most interesting feature of the meet was the sensational · diving of Don Granstrom, a member of the New Trier Senior team, for Granstrom anne:xed the ·largest number of diving points that have been made in the New Triet pool for six ~ears and his diving was a ~ig factor in the success of the Semor team. Norm Ross, another star of Senior squad helped chalk up some need.ed points when he won the 40 yard swm1 with a time of 20 seconds. In the Junior n;eet New Trier managed to place first in every event but the. relay, but all tl1e second and third place finish<:>s went to Morton, thus . accounting for the closeness of the score. The :mmmaries are as follows : Senior Meet Relay : Morton. 'l'ime 1 :26. Diving: Granstrom (N) Morries (N) Kepner (M). 40 yard Swim: Ross (N) Lamer (N) McDonald (M) Time :20. . 100 yard Breast Stroke: Sprenger (N) Heieman (N) Kepner (M). Time 1 :25. 100 yard Back Stroke: Schradle (M) N. Granstrom (N) D. Granstrom (N) Time 1:16. 100 yard Swim : McDonald (M) Roos (N) Morris (N) Time 1 :1. Medlay Relay: New Trier 2:21. Relay: Morton. Time 1 :35. 40 yard Swim: Wilder (N} Voyt (M) Vohae (M). 40 yard Breast Stroke: Zinner (N) Strazek (M) Matthies (M). Time 29 :3. 40 yard Back Stroke: Rompel (N) Witt (N) Feborek (M). Time 29. Diving: Barnard (N) Vackac (M) Thomas (M). ~~s~ f6?AJ1urlnq f11Boo druJB ··a1 ~ WLO· f&.,.J pr .. ~ · · pur~ ~rnQ.rlOOI\ frock. and coaL rruxla. 3~ a mart ~ are . arul. l!U5tanlf.t ~~ ~~ 'JOOJ t.cd.e l fo~ ~. p~urg tn r·'OA..>u t.L, · lE~ ~wm KARON SCHUR am/ SporifsWMr EVANSTON Op~n · To run off the largest indoor relay meet in the United· States in the limited time of two hours may seem a formidable undertaking, yet ·!this is the promise of the managers of the University of Illinois indoor relay car· nival ·which will be held in the bi11 Illinois armory March 16. This plan has been carried out successfully for several years and never vet has 9:30. o'clock swung around uniess the starter's gun was cracking for the final event, the thrilling mile university relay. .. · The main meet, compnsmg the fou~. university relays, the special shuttle hurdles relav and ten special events, will be held at night, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. In the afternoon the college and high schoOl rela.) :, ? 't~e ~11 around championship and prehmmanes in the special events will be contested. Upwards of seventy-five institutions, represented by about 750 athletes, are . expected to enter. The field will be headed by the pick of the. Big 'fen, Big S.ix, Missouri Valley, Ltttle Nmeteen and other middle-westeni conferences with representation also from the south and east. The Illini arc offering a new trophy for· victorious :lay teams. a bronze plaque, modeled by Prof. C. E. Bradbury qf the department of art. .. The design, which shows the tradtt101~al Illini Indian welcoming the relay runners, will also be used on the carnival medals. Albert H. Ullrich left for New York this. week to be joined later by Mrs. Ullrich. From there they will go to Miami Beach, Fla., for several week.;. --oMr. and Mrs. Robert G. McKay, 823 Chestnut avenue, will leave next week for Miami Beach, Fla., to be gone several weeks. - HO JH SHORE HOTEL - 1605 CH ICAOO AVE. SatutdtlfJ Eoening1 until '· Junior Meet The ARCH PRESERVER Shoe ANNouNcEs ITs Shop- ------- February Sale Oi the Stylish ~ 1\.. R ell SHOE PRESER \Tbb . c& $9.85 $11·75 Vitaly Schnee, pianist, has been secured to give a recital in Kimball hall Sunday afternoon, February 3. Mr. Schnee appears under the direction of Bertha Ott, Inc. --oM iss Dorothy Jean Barker, who is a teacher of English and ancient history at Milwaukee Downer seminary, was the guest over last week-end of the ]. A. MacLeans, 924 Greenwood avenue. -o-- $7.85 $8.85 Mrs. S. S. Dingee of Wausau, Wis., is visiting friends and relatives in Wilmette. She spent several days wit.h her sister-inlaw. Mrs. Charles Dingee, 912 Lake avenue. Wardrobe Trunks for Southern Tranlers FOR MEN AN.D WOMEN Our entire stock is included in this sale, which assures you the choice of a complete style range. Enjoy the utmost comfort which Arch Preserver Shoes afford now at these very moderate prices. Only Twice Yearly Are These Exceptional Savings Offered fj fi · RCHPRFS ! Shoe.Shop 626 CbaHbltNet