I CHORAL CLUB CONCERT 'T he Chicago and Northwestern railWay Choral club will ap~ar in concert at the Bethlehem Lutheran church, 58th and Wells streets, Chicago, Tues:day evening, February 5, from 8 :30 to 9 :30 o'clock. WI~MET.,-E LIFE · 'Februar)' ·1, ·1929 \ . . .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-SERVICEOa All llalea of 011 Baraera NO 8.A.LE TALI Mrs. Walter Hanna is in California taking charge of arrangements for the wed~ng of M~s Eliz~dh Hanna of L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kenilworth, who is to become the bride of Louis B. Roeser of Boston this month She is returning in time to complet~ her ·plans for the fashion r,evue, a part of the benefit performance for the Woman's club building fund, and of which she and Mrs. Knight Blanchard are in charge. Mrs. B. Frank Lewis, 610 Wa~hing ton avenue, entertained her club at luncheon and bridge Thursday. NOW IN CALIFORNIA · "I Play Jt4venile Lead.and Ingenue Plloae Edrewater 7111 Ull Llneola An., Clllearo, IlL CLEARANCE REDUCTION Special Line of Felts $1.95 and $2.95 Pattern Hats Formerly · Up to $15 Now $3.95 A. L. MCMAHON Photo by R eick WORTHEN~CARRICO . 1148 Wilmette· Ave. CO. Phone Wil. 58 8 John B. Panushka John B. Panushka is taking the leading Juvenile role and Miss Marion Ortseiferi is playing the ingenue in "'Lombardi, Ltd.," the ·clever play that will be presented in Wilmette Tuesday and Wednesday, February 12 and 1.3, as a benefit for the building fund of the Woman's club of Wilmette, a buildin~ which plays an important part in community activity. Tickets for the play _ are on sale to the public. Miss ·Marion Ortaeifen Photo by Wilhite HOLLY HILL INN DAVENPORT, FLORIDA HEALTH. REST AND GOOD GOLF IN WARM SUNSHINE Mr. and Mrs. Harry . W. BettinJ;haus, 1231. Ashland 'avenue, return ed last · Tuesday from Springfield, Ill.. where Mr. Bettinghaus attended his brother, Erwin, as best man at his mar·riage to Paula Betcher, daughter cf Mr . .and Mrs. C. E. Betcher of Springfield, on January 12. MRS. HORACE PHJ.LIPS DIES Mrs. Horace Philips, sister of Mrs. D. E. Allen, 209 Fourth street, died suddenly Monday at her home in Topeka, Kans. Mrs. Philips had mat"!Y friends in ·wilmette, for she had often visited her sister. She was buried Wedne.s day in Topeka. .At the ~ Vanity ·Box WHERE MANY NORTH SHORE PEOPLE ENJOY THE WINTER The Perfection of the Finger Wave Large, soft waves accent the beauty of hair that has a tendency to curl or lend a semblance of natural grace to permanent waves--they are skillfully arranged by deft fingered experts who understand that the finger wave bas become the modern interpretation of the coiffure. This week only, special $1.00 Personality Haircutting $1.00 Exquisite Manicuring 7 5c Pierre-Dumond Powder Permo-Parin and Realistic . · . b~ended . to ~uit the Permanent Waving at lndtvtdual colonng, $2.00. special winter prices. American Plan, moderate rates. Fresh Florida fruits Sunand vegetables. lighted, a i r y, outside rooms. Homey atmospbtrt. Beautiful, sporty 18-holt golf course, with wide, heavily turfed fairways and large grass greens and tees. Fishing and other outdoor sports. In South-Central Florida. Paved highways. Dixie Highway. Main line Atlantic Coast Line R. R. 10 days from Chicago. Booklet and ratP.s on nquest. ~ ~~t 636Guuch~ ~ ~9100 Entranee-Carlson Building-Suite Z2 Z ~ --