Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Feb 1929, p. 8

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· ANNOUNCEMENT we wish to announce the opening of Evanston'·s Newest WILMETTE LIFE February 1, 1929 Garden Talks . Wilmet'te Garden Club) L---------------------------~ ( C(mtribttted by the Th~se · of you who came to our Wit. mette day 'luncheon at the Hotel Sherman during the Flower show last year and the year before know what a big friendly, neighborhood party it was and what a delightful time we all had being together at the huge U shaped banquet table in the Bal Tabarin, and afterward going through the Flower show together. Last year each one of us wore a carnation as we left the luncheon and looked very festive, indeed, among the crowd of persons who did not live in Wilmette and who consequently had no ·carnations. The day this year is Wednesday, February 27. The hour i& ' 12:30. We thought that hour would be more convenient for the 'men. At the -same time it gives everyone a longer afternoon in which to enjoy the exhiqits. \Ve hope that any Wilmette residents intending to go to the Flower show will plan to ·be there on that day and to attend the luncheon. Our new garden club, the Evening Garden club, will of course be with us. It will be an unusually nice party-as we know . from experience-and a perfect luncheon. for Mrs. John Clark Baker, our social chairman, will be in charge. 1ust telephone your reservations to her-\Vilmette 4262. The sooner the better-. For of course we are liOm what limited as .to the number of re sc nation s that we may take, as the Hotel Sherman has not as much dining room space during the Flower show a s at other times. ' Our third :wnual Garden market will !>e held on May 11. and you will be mterested to know that we have asked the Evening Garden club to share with us .the pleasure of conducting it. Mrs. \\'e~.:don has appointed Mrs. Charles Ewer chairman of the market. The Wilmette Garden club's Garden market is now a well established, annual event, and w"'lll grow in value each year Mrs. Edward Moore deserves great credit as chairman of the market the first and second years of its existence when it was being establi.shed. I SAINT.AUGUSTINE'S . ENJOYS BANNER YEAR ' Strides, Reports at Annual Meeting Show £piscO,. Parish Makes Notable RADIO SALON 15 21 Sherman Ave. Cor. Grove St. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd Showing a Complete Line of the Newest and Latest AU..Electric Radio Models rn SONORA HOWARD FRESHMAN We carry an All-Electric Radio priced within the reach of everyone $100·00 to $1000·00 Cash .or Easy Time Payments TABLE MODELS- CONSOLES COMBINATIONS WITH EVERY RADIO WE SELL REGARDLESS OF PRICE WE GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE YEARtS SERVICE BY A RADIO EXPERT ~f rs. Grant Ridgway, 207 . Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, left Tues~ay evening for California. · She will 10111 her daughter, Jane, who went to Pasadena a few weeks ago, where they ha~e .taken an apartment there for the remaltlder of the· winter. . -oFrank ~· Fridman, 242 Greenleaf avenue, sa1l~d on January 29, on the S. ~· Scythta. for a Mediterranean crUJse .. He wtll be gone until the last of Apnl. St. Augustine's Episcopal ·church, Wilmette, Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector, has just closed a very successful church vear, according to reports presented at the . annual parish meeting Friday, January 25. Carleton Kaumeyer, chur~h treasurer, annonnced that a total of $3,800 wa s contributed to missions and the work of the church in general during the year, and that $3,300 had been raised by th~ variOlJS parish organizations,· the ~em bership of which total§ about 600. Dr. Carleton cited several instance s of how advancement has been made in the work of the parish. On lb.e Sunday before Christmas more men, women and .children were baptized than h:lcl ev·er been the case since the church was organized. On the following Suliday fifty-seven became communicants of the dlurch at the confirmation by Bishop Anderson of the Chicago diocese. This was by far the largest confirmation class the church has ever ha(l, being exceed~d by only five parishes iu the· entire diocese. A third record was established on Christma3 when 249 re ceived the Holy Communion, the large st number in the history of the church. Attendance Increases Dr. Carleton also commented on th e increasing attendance of young people at the church services, and stated that those under twenty-one yean repre sented more than fifty per cent of the a'ttendance at these services. The following officers were electec for 1929: wardens-Lester G. Wood and Robert Stoddard; vestry-]. C. Comfort. F. W. Feurmann, Henry Fowler, · Carleton Kaumeyer, Edmund Vv .. Pridmore, Robert Stoddard, J.'i? .M . Throckmorton, and Lester G. Wood. Hear Numerous Reports R eports were given as follows: rectors' report, Dr. Carleton ; treasurer, Carleton Kaumeyer ; \Vomen 's Associated Guilds, Mrs. Richard \Vilson, secretary, and Mrs. A. E. Logie, treasurer; Ac9lytes Guild, F. Z. Favor Jr., Girl3' choir, Miss W ·innifred Mickey; Boy Scouts, Clark Leach; \Vomen's Thank Offering, Mrs. R. N. Wade; Daughters of the King, Mrs. D. ~f. Mickev; Chase House Social settlement,- Mrs. R. G. Read; St. Mary's Home for Children , Mrs . H. B. Snyder, House of Happiness, Mrs. M. D. Mickey. and Cathedral Shelter for Homeles s Men, Mn. ·Royal D. Smith. -oMrs. ChC~~rles E. Nail of Mansfield, Mrs. Al?nzo Coburn, 915 Linden Ohio, is the guest of her parents, Mr. a':enue, wlll entertain her Reading and· Mrs. John A. McLean, 924 GreenCircle Monday afternoon. wood avenue, for a short time. Don't Be Misled! See and Hear the 1929 Models at the Highest Grade +I RADIO SALON (NOT INC.) UPHOLSTERING Cabinet ·work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order 1521 SHERMAN AVE., COR. GROVE ST. PHONE GREENLEAF 2464 l - OPEN EVENINGS- Aak for Free Demonstration in Your Home SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL SALON H. _G. LINDWALL I Highest Grade Upholstering Established 1895 808 ·Oak Street I, Ph. Winnetka 145

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