· W·ILM.BTTE · L .I FB 7 I Hour. Direct ltnporter of Famou.~ Fette Rugs Sup'reme ·in color, design and durability. Chinese S~cial ties. Pagoda Lootn Studio· KATHARINE P. CRANE I 6 3 2 Chicago A venue 1o Evanston Greenleaf 5960 to 5 and by appointment PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS euheHOOVER It BEATS···· as it Swe 1 his G1'~" .t 'l1 ~J.o fiid ()nlY $ s usekeePing (\~ 0 /~ Cuffy and Tuffy, the twins, want to know about that queer-looking gun that never makes a noise. It is the only gun William L. Finley, field photographer for Nature Magazine, of Washington, D. C., uses. Mr. Finley, who is also director of wild life conservation for the American Nature association, will give . two illustrated lectures ,in Wi.lm~tte FridaY:, February 8, ~nder ~uspices of the Wilmette Teacher~ assoctatwn. ~e wtll spea~ at 3 o .cl<?ck in the afternoon and again at 8 o clock that evenmg. A · nommal admtsston . · fee will be charged. Mrs. Myra N. Lee Dies at Seattle, Washington Funeral services were held on DecemiJer .26 at Seattle, Wash., for Mrs. Myra N. Lee, mother of Mrs. Lilla B. vVatkins, 1322 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. Lee died in Seattle on December 24 at the home of two of her daughters. She was 90 ·years old and is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Watkins, of Wilmette, Mrs. I. 'N. Seaman, and Miss Roas M. Lee, both of Seattle. During most of her life Mrs. Lee was a member of the Good Templars and the W. C. T . U. She was a church organist for sixty years, and her daughters were gifted in music. After the death of Mr. Lee they gave · concerts throughout the northwest under the name of the "Lee Sisters." A fourth daughter, Myrtle, who died a short time ago, became a brilliant concert artist in Germany and a distinguished vocal teacher in Chicago. IIIUUIIUIII;I~::I:IIIII~~=~:~IIIII:;"""~~:~::I~IIIIU~:~I:::~:~IIUUIIIUIII r Tenth Street and Central Avenue - Wilmette, Ill. SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES t'r A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sunday School Exercises-9 :4 5 A. M. FEBRUARY 3. 1929 Subject: LOVE Reading Room-r r 6 J Wilmette Avenue as that of an ordinary vacuum cleaner. But The Hoover is d~fferent. It not only has the suction of the vacuum cleaner, and the lintgathering ability ot the brush-equipped cleaner, but it has something that no other cleaner hasthe beating principle ot "Positive -Agitation.'· And only by means of this beating can the deeply-embedded grit so destructive to rugs be comp~etely removed. ' Telephone and we will bring this wonderful Hoover out to your house for you to see before you start your housecleaning,· Only $3.25 down; C<?mplete with dusting tools and floor poftsher. Lt beral allowance for your old cleaner. A·sk us, also, about the famous Model 700 Hoover~ Y OTJ can get a Hoover now for a price as little HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 P.M . . The Bible 11nd Worlu o{ MtmJ Bttket Eddy and all other authorized Chtiatilln Science Litertlture mtlfJ bt re11d, borrowed or purchaed. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT .THE READING ROOM Fo· HOOVER SERVICE CaD Daaaemark Bleetrie Co. 1151 WUmette Avenue :.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllltltllltllllnlltlllllllllllllllllll;flllllllllllllllllllttlllllllllllllllllllllltllllltiiiiiHIIIUIIIUtllllllttlllltiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ Pboae WUmette 2.14