Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Nov 1929, p. 27

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November 29, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE CHAMBER MUSIC GUILD Zl. Services Held Sunday for Mrs. Eva Manierre Dawson The funeral of Mrs. Eva Manierre Dawson wife of George E. Dawson, former attorney for the Chicago Sanitary district, was held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from her late residence, 552 Elm street, \Ninnetka. Mrs. Dawson, who was 79 years old, died at her home last Friday after an illness of three days. She was a native of Chicago and a lifetime resident of that city, having mo\·rd to Winnetka during the past summer where she and her husband lived \vith her son, Mitchell Dawson. ~Irs. Dawson was the daughter of Edward M anicrrc, an earlv settler in Chicago who served as a;t alderman and also as Chicago city treasurer at one time. She was an accomplish{'cl pianist and an active worker ior women's suffrage. Besides her husband and hn :-nn in \Yinnctka, she is sunived ll\· another -.on, ~lanierre Dawson of f.udington, \[ich., one sister ~lr s. Charles \\'~lrC < ,f Kt·nilworth, and two brothers, Dr. .I ohn T. Manierre of C'hicagt). and <:eorge \V. Mani e rre oi Pasadena. Dr. Herbert L. \Villctt of th(' Kenil worth Cnion church otiiciatt-c\ at the iuneral services. llurial tnnk plarl' at <:raceland cemetery. Announcement is made of the formation of the "Chamber Music Guild of New York," sponsored hy Max \V. Stoehr. The organization led by Karl Lorenz, 41 Sou1 and Body" was the subject of will give its first concert December 3. in the lesson-sermon in all Churches of Hotel Astor, New York City. Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, November 24. The Golden Text was, "My soul, wait thou only upon God: for my expectation is from him" (Psalms 62 :5). Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "For we ar e His workmanship, created in Christ j.csus unto good works, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom yc also arc builded ~u gcther for an habitation of God through the Spirit" (Ephesians 2 :10, 315 21, 22). Cumnor Rd. The Lesson-Sermon also included the following- passages from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by .!\1ary Baker Eddy: "Life is, alw:tys i1as been, and C\'er \\'ill be independent of matter; for Life is God, and man is the idea of God, not formed. materially but spiritually, and not subject to decay and ~~st" ( p._200). __ Christian Science Churches GUABAIITBBD MOTH .. PROOPDIG IRED ALB WILMETTE lilt PHONE .New Management Since July 1st KENILWORTH INN Kenilworth 167 Meals Served Quiet Environments . Mrs. Verta H. Pfahler Taken by Death Nov. 22 .\1 r:o;. Verta 11. Pfahler, 5H, ui 20-t ;;ix th street, \\'ilmcttt·, died at St . l·'ran ri~ ho spital in l ·:,·an~ t on Fridav night . .\'ovember 22, foiiP,,·ing an opcr< tli()n 011 \\'ednl'sday . .\lr ~. Piahle:·, \ \ htr was a member uf the \\'ilmettl' l're~l)\· tnian church and tlH: \\'on1an\ rl ul> ,·~~· \Yilmcttc had ht'L'll failing in JJ,:a 1t h ior ~ncra l nwnt h ~ . ~he is survived ln· her hu~hand, 1 :ra n k .1 . Pfahler, and t " " 1 ~on:-. Frank .1. Jr .. (lf \\' ilmcttc, and J<lhn \\· .. llf J·:,· an~ton. ~I r. and ~~ rs. Piahlt:r came l<l \\'ilnH:tte eight year~ ago in1m J.:,·_ a 11~ t1lll, \\' hne they had 1 in ·d j, )r fourt t'L'Il Years . ~f r:. Pi ahkr wa:- IH )fll ;11Hl r;;i:-.cd in Kan sas Cit,·. ).fo. The i uneral sen·ires ,,:ere condurt . .·<l L,· thv l~e\· . Clvck Randolph \\'ht'l'land :t t the \ \ ' ilmette Pre:-bvtcrian chur._·h l'uesda,· afternoon at 2 ·()'dock. Hurial t·11lk place at ~{cmorial Park Cl'tndc:·y. HOLLY HILL CLUB DAVENPORT, FLORIDA NORTHWESTERN NIGHT :\ ~orthwcstern night program ent\.'rtained Evanston E lks at th eir regular stated meet ing \Vednesday. Dick 1lanley and Tug \Vilson were gut>sts ,)f the evening and Cheerleader Jimmy < l'Kl'efe was also present and led hot h Korth western and Notre Datl!e nlls . The famous Bob James' Blue -.\1 oon orch estra IJrovidcd music during t ht' cyening, a nd the (~old ' Dust Twins performed the entertainment feature. l ~roup singing oi I\'ortln";estern a.nd · \'otrc Dame songs interspersed wtth ,·beers for both teams completed festivitles. THANKSGIVING GUESTS .\mong the twelve gues ts ~lr. anrl ~lr~. Harry R. Hargis, 1420 \Va shing tdn a\'enue, entertained on Thanks.~i \·i ngday were the former's brother, l,awrcnce Hargis of Hammond, Ind., nallanl Hale, and hi s two daughters of Dayton, Ohio, Frank S. A\rcs of Chicago, and his mot her, Mr:'. T~. Lark (lf Paris, Texas. Rohert Garretson, wh n ha s hee n \nlrking in Hoopeston, Ill. since. his graduation last ] une from the l!nt\·ersity of Illinois, returned to \Vtlme~te th{s \\'eek to spend Thank sgiving wtth ltis parents, Mr. and 1frs. C. R. Garretson, 509 Linden avenue. -0- MAKE YOUR HOME HERE THIS WINTER Popular among North Shore residents who winter in Florida. Refined appointments. Exclusive Clientele. Light, Airy . Outside rooms. Excellent cuisine. Spacious grounds. High altitude and healthy climate. Central to all Florida points over paved highways. On the Dixie Highway. state road number 2 and the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. Among the hills and lakes of the scenic Ridge of Florida. Delightful drive of only 30 minutes to Bok Singing Tower. "You'll enjoy the winter here." Attractively Furnished Housekeeping Cottages Centrally Located at Reasonable Rates December 7 Special Round Trip Rate Chicago to Davenport $44·76 Tickets good for 16 days First Class December 7 SOME WILMETTE FOLKS AT HOLLY HILL CLUB 6,600 Yard, 18 Hole Golf Course Also an 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course Carlylc G. Duncan-Clark returned .th.e tarh· part of this week from the Umvcrs-ity of Illinois to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Mr. ~nd Mrs. S. John Duncan-Clark, 228 \\'nod court. Only three blocks away. Exceptionally beauon the beautiful. large lawn of the Holly Hill Club. Uniqu~. sporty and fascinating. Appeals to all tiful and o;porty. One of the finest in the state. Operated by and for the Holly Hill Club. classes of players. "You must play it." ALEX LAW, Professional. Electrically lighted for night playing. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Address William G. Colvin, 58 East Washington Street, Chicago. Phone Central 0922

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