· November ·29, 1929 WIL~ETTE LIFE ,__________lV~e~U~·e~G~o~?~e~r·~·~e·~t~A~p~p~n~T·e·d_C~be·m·l·ca--la________ ,., _.1 Damrosch Programs Contribute Greatly to Work at Howard HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING The Historical socie t y of Kenilworth will hold its tenth annual meeting and dinner at the Kenilworth club on Wedn_ esday evening, December 4. Percy B. Eckhart is president, Mrs. Warren Pease is in charge of the entertainment, and Mrs. Bentley McCloud is in charge. of the dinner. · The \Vatter Damrosch music appreciation hours, broadcast by the Xational Broadcasting company are prm·ing highly successful at the How:lrd school · where a new combination radio and phonograph has been inl\fiss Virginia Healy, daughter of Mr. s talled recently, Lowell F. Todd, and Mrs. \Villi am F. Healy, 205 Melprincipal of the school, reports. rose avenue, Kenilworth is spending The Dam.rosch radio hours are ar- Thanksgiving with her family. Miss ranged in four series for pupils of Healy is attendin.'4' school at Manhat,·arious grades in the grammar school tanville, N. Y. as well as in high school and college: They are presented every two weeks. A.t the Howard school the fourth and t1 fth grade pupils have been listening to "Series A" broadcasts, cspeciallv 1iesigncd for those grades, while the :-ixth. seventh and eighth grades listen to lessons arranged for them and called "Series B." Before hearing the music over the :-adio, all of the selections to he plaYed arc studied in class and the pupils ·hecome familiar with the names of compose rs, the themes of various selections, dlld other points of interest which the music appreciation teacher desires to ~..·mphasize. After hcari~1g the music :> layed during the music appreciation hour the pupils again discuss it in etas with their teacher. The first of the twelve lessons on this year's program of Damrosch radio ru11ccrts was heard on October 11. Eight more concerts wilt he gin'Il, thr · - ·:· ____ C!n~®'IT~~~· _C 0 M PAN V Trlrpbonr Superior 9853 _..___r Oar apecial proceaa of fami1atioa d·troya all moth-Ufe Ia upholatered furniture, ru11, furt, etc. We Call for and Deltver 1007 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO In Our EVANSTON SHOP Orrington and Church BLUE SUITS Plain and .%ncy-- <8ilk and c8elf·<8tripes ia ..,t (lilt' on ~farch 28. 1lac arc the subjects which the i1 n1rth and fifth graders at the HO\\'~trd ~chool will study in the eight r~..·main ing- lessons: the percussion in:. tnmH'nts, nature in music, fun in mn ,jc, animals in music, fain tales from man\· lands, rivers in music, dances <,i ;'n r{'ig-n lands and American dances. Radio music lessons yet to be heard :) \' the sixth, seventh and eighth grade pupil s will center around the following :-ubjccts: the march, the string in:'t ruments, the wood-wind instruments, the brass instruments, the percussion instruments, motion in music. humor in music and emotions in music. c:Xedium and Vark e.Mixtures-vfnd Herringbones GRAY SUITS Wlih 2 "Smoky," Fire Clown, to Entertain Howard Pupils ··~moky," the fire clown whose real name is Harry K. Rogers, will appear at the Howard school Thursday, Dcct:mbcr 5, when he will entertain pupils i rom the second to the fifth grades lllclttsive. Mr. Rogers, who is engineer ,)f the fire prevention department ·of the \Vestern Acturial bureau, developed his original and now famous fire . down exhibition some years ago and has · already appeared before thousands nt school children all over the countrv. He made a previous appearance In \Vilmette during Fire Prevention week last Year. Educators, safctv CtlUncil rfircct.ors and newspaper cr-itics who han· seen Mr. Rogers' exhibition dedare it to he oneJ of the most impres:.i\·e educational novelties yet devised. l Jo,vard school pupils arc looking forward to the coming of the f1rr clt)\\'11. Pair of Trousers Here ar.e a group of Suits, that in Style, Fabrics and Tailoring, would be ab{)ve the average at even without' the extra trousers. But through our new manufacturing ·connections we secured several hundred of these Suits at a very . . attracttve savtng. There are the Blues you want-and the Grays you want. Smart new late Fall and Winter patterns. ·so ~(r .. Jack Leimert, (Virginia Hedrick) gave a luncheon on Tuesday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Edwin 1Iedrick. 304 Melrose aYcnue. Kenilworth for Alice ]. Creber who was married on Thanksgiving day to L~· man P1.HH'll of Superior, Wis. Mrs. Lcimert and Mrs. Powell were classmates at J~~)~'Cemore. TH E;:~::Hua Sl HENRY. C~ LYTTON It , SONS 1 E AND JACKSON ORRINGTON AND CHURCH Chicago Evatlslon Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Evanston ~· ~ ~HA!R~N!'T!J.ES FOR RENT t,,,,,,,,,.~!~~!!I.~~~!!,,,,.~,,~ ! IREDALE