Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 60

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WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 1929· If~ Going Away? No better time could be found to make those changes; long contemplated improvements in your property than right NOW. "OUR CHICAGO" MOVIES "Our Chicago" and "Story of the Four Seasons" were the moving pictures shown on Saturday. No\'emher New Books 16, Local Children's Librarian Lists Outstanding Books · Miss :\nne L. \ Vhitmack, librarian ~t ln looking- over the new books this the \Vilm ctte Public librar y, ha~ an- fall }.'fiss \Vinifred Bright, chi ldren's nouncl'd the arrival of si~tecn tH'W lihrari:u,t at · the Wi.lmettc Public li . . . hrary. find~ outstand111g- hoob at t\\·o rt·utal fictlllll J')~Oks by as 111any dtfftr-~ classes,, pict}\rc hooks anu. tl\O.Sl' f\.)1' ent authors. 1 he new vohtnlc~ are: old er gu· ls. l h e first are deltghttul and 1 Becl{-Gardf'n of Vision. of great Yariety. From them may he Blake-Third Weaver. chosen Christmas presents for the chilBower-Rodeo. dren . 1 ~~ It Pays to Modernize" ] ames Simpson Theatre of the mttg~~f~ie Se~{~~d~~ ~;1 ~~r~n~~~eet. I Some of the picture bouk s arl' in seum. ~rofts-Che:vne 1\IyF<tery. b lack and white, but most oi them 'lre Hughes-Innocent Voyage. in such cxqui::.ite colors that they (asT1,1is Bureau (not for profit) will Lee-Its a Great War. . gladly help you; ask for Folder Lockfi-Ance~tor Jorlco. I C'jnatc the grownups qUttc a~ lllttch as which tells all about the Bureau. Lovelace-Early Candlelight. the children for whom they \\'l'rt: dt' Merwin- Lady Can Do. signed. There ar.e several hooks ,,·ri t F s 1\lundy-Co('k o' the Norlh. · 1 ·1 f 1 1 J E St-rg·eant-Short As .An:v Dr<'am . · ten ior t te gtr o teen agl', wn .: -; Skinn er - TitJd Willowfi. which one feels are a lasting contr ihun c Smith-Turouoise Co]). tion to juvenile lit erat urc . s 0 W est-Harriet Hume. Following is a list inr , > ldl't' ~ irl..; ~ T Affiliated with the Horne Modernand hovs: D izing Bureau of the Nat'l Building nn u~htt'l' of the Seine, Eaton . Industries, Inc. Puc·hto Girt, cannon. R EAL EST ATE LOANS ('rcmkt·tl AJlJlle Trt~e, :\Tt·ig-s. \·ou )fakt~ Your Own I.uek. :-;ingtn :t;:tc·r. 708 Church Street, Room 250 HaYe funds to loan on );o,·th :::HH!l'l' !lit.t .r, Fi t>ld. re~ idential property at rea!;onable (;oJclt·H <ooat, Hill. EVANSTON. ILLINOIS ratt-l'i. Se us on renewals. :llnglt~ 'l'rall, :\Toon. Established 1889 Also ?lto>'t.IJO!/CS Jm· sale. Shanghai l,a ssn~c·, Pea st·. University 0991 E. G. Paulln~r k ('om1111n)· If t·n r .r }'orfl, Simonds. 618 Grove St. Greenleaf 5600 tO s. J,a Sa lit· St. Franklin ;; &0 Fugitlre ·Freshmnu, Paine. ~OilS Of the 1\fOlllltt'tl ],Oiit't·, I,Hlt~:-tl'· · th . · · ?'...r .JuniJlt'r Green, Keyes. )flenh Clarke, Doyle. 'l'hl' Hrlzzly, Mills. Snfa ri, .Johnson. 'l'afttH'tl )fnn, PeaRe. Sanely Sawyc·r, Frt'shman, l'ain.·. Hook of Art, Conwa~r . ·lnllc·ttf' JJuw nntl thr Girl Srnuts. ('h .. :t!·'. Sttn of J,ll!'ht Horse Hnrr)·, T:arno ·,.:. Trt·nsur(· Vallt>y, Lampro·y. ( 'hit·f of thet' Hcr~l, :!\Juk erji.. )lartln Johnson, Green. First nays of Jrlst nr.r, KUilllll;·r . 'l' n·aii;Urtl of the Chat ... an, Li:-:lt· . Whc·n llnffalo Rnu, Grimw\1. Falc·tml' of }'rancf', Nordhoff. (:ulclsmlth of Flort>nct·, GibRon . LaHC'f'l' of Lyuwoort, Yonge. l.itlh' Storlt·s of France, Dutt li Jt. Littlt> Storf('s of (~t>rmanJ· , Dutt'JIL Picture nook!! :\unt Grl't'n, Aunt Drown, nne! .\uut f.a rc·nth'r, Beskow. Thi::; i~ IJtt<· ot' tlw · l n Y t> li P~ t 11icture book~ that lutH apn· ·ared in t'l·<·ent yearH. Tt has everything- tha't <'hi ldren love--<'olor. action, humr)ur. <tnd ~ itnplicity of lin e. The story of tiH · three old aunts, nnd their little dog, l'··t, th~ rJitl man . who livt-s across the RtrN·t n nd 1n the two homeless children who find Pt<t whf'n a peddler st eals him, mak <' nn entrandng tale. Of this book Clam ·whit··hill I runt says: "I wish every littlt> child in America might find Aunt C:rt'en, Aunt my Drown, and Aunt Lavender· undl'l' the <'ht·b,;tmas tree this year." Ollf"s Ski Telp, Beskow. A fane! ful talt' hy the same author, with great chnrm and dt' licacy of color. Chlltlren at Play In 1\lany I.nntls, Ra·:. r.ay illustrations of children of oth ·r countrii·K my Kurl's Journey to t.he Moon, Lindberg. Tht~ story of a small boy who takes a ride in a soap bubble, and visitR the man and woman in the moon. ~lonkey Tale, Williamson. The' story of .locko, and his life in the jungle. :und, Petersham. A picture book that A community can be gauged by its purchasers. Significant of the high will dt·llght not only little children, but old t-r ones as well. This latest book of type of this community area is the number of leaders from Winnetka , ~laud and Miska Petersham Is one of the bc.>st that they have done. Kenilworth, Wilmette and Evanston who have selected Indian Hill Estates Runaway Sardine, Brock. A humorous for their homes. tale of a discontented sardine, of hi s :tdH!nturefi when he escaped from hi!> tub, n nd of his safe return. The pictures 1.nd Yet is is not ·too late for you to get away from the older congested print are delightful. Vnln Pussy Cat, Moe. Spirited illustrasections and know the recuperative value of living in country parklike Estates tiom; of a vain and selfish pussy cat, - yet only five minutes to the station and twenty-four minutes to the loop. Daddy Bear and sly Mr. Fox, and the lazy young crow. .\ :F orest St&ry, Kozisek. An unusuallY charming Czechoslovakian story book, with no less delightful stories of animals Prices of lawns from $87 .5 0 to $142.50 per who live in the forest. llUJ)fiY Book, Aldin. Rhym ed story of a front foot. Houses already built or built on order mi~chievous puppy, from $1 3.5oo.oo to $78,5oo.oo , each located Fairy Tales J,h·ture 'fates From the Italian, Bot!'ford . in its appropriate zone. Donl'gnl Wonder Book, Mac~1anu s. J,ong Dri~ht Land; Howes. Snnclnls of Pearl, Howe. Enjoy a pleasant drive among Estates any day Fnlry 'fates, Capuana. and appraise its value for your own home. A Princess Comes to Our Town. Uttlp People of the llllls, Choate. ('nllfornla Fairy TaiNi, Shannon . For Llt.tle Children f'hllelren of the CUff, Wiley, J,nrttl of 1\lake-Belleve, Ketchum. 11 OJII, Jewett. Watgs u.nd Woffle, Aldredge, Loop Offices: Del Lago Offices: Indian Hill Estates Offices: ('limhlng Twins, Clark. J,fttle Wltlte Chief, Nida. lo 8 S. La Salle Street g6o Spanish Court Locust Road at Ashland Chihl Life in Other Lands, Perdu<>. State 0266 Charlie and Ills Coast Guards, Hill. Wilmette 3 740 Wilmette 2692-2792 Coeo, the Goat., Wells. Greenleaf 3 144 Lively Adventures of Johnny Plug Wing) Phillips. ~ois:v Nora, Lofting. Amellar-anne and the Monkey, Heward. Little Blacknose, Swift. in the free Raymond Fund entertainment for chi ldren at Field !\fuseum of Natu~al Histor . Then~ wer tw 0 y c pcrfo,rmanccs, O~le at and 011(' at 11 o clock. Cluldrcn tram all parts of Chicago and suburbs were invited. . Th e programs were presented m the :0 North Shore Modernizing Bureau MORTGAGES Construction Loans EYAISTOII BO~ [ ~u I ~MORTGA~ I '1ust a Little Hop To My Friends In Winnetka"- - So said a former Winnetka \\'Oman to a guest in her delightful ne\v home Indian Hill Estates. "Just another little hop to friends 1n Evanston and to the shopping district. I didn't believe Estates could be so handy. '· "Yes." rejoined her husband, " and it takes me five mif1utes less from here to office on North Michigan.' , BILLS REALTY, INC.

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