Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE LIFE November 22, 1929 Benefits Now Are· Predominating in .N. S. Society Circles Evening Party Is to Swell Building Fund, Verse States (Contributed) .\!cmbr1·: rou ll cm·d about otw pm·ty last ycat" I f 110t, it is really ,·ather queer: rm· merchants, so kind, did gralld pri.~es donate. 1\'r hop e that you, got one, 01· wet·e 1101t too latcf J'lli,<~ year Ollr new club1101tsc 1n·ovhles more room . 1l ' ' 'll accept ~Jour check (mel ?'cservaHon , if uon'll l et us know soo1r. i)Cf'llllllrr the 6th i8 to lJe the date\\'c c.r prct to begin pla]li·?t!l canls at 1'< <tl' I Engaged I Lorayne Greenebaum Is Announce Cha~rmen Bride of Kurt Friend and Commtttees for l'i(Jht. ,;11..,t look at the pd:;cs will mo1·c titan 1·cpay. 1-' 11closcd ftnrl tickets. so 1oft lwut delay .~·n ul a check. It will boost tile {m1cl for the new club btd.lding, ..t 1i d lJcsidcs yo1t 1oill lw1 ·c lots of fun fn the doing. tu This is the jingle which went out to each member of the \\'oman's club. to all those on the waiting list, and to the members of the Junior auxiliary of the club. Each letter " ·as accompanied by four tickets, and it is hoped that each member will make use of or dispose of these tickets. 'This party is to be one nf the uut :-tanding social attractions of the year. ~tcrchants from Chicago and all the villages along the north . horc arc verv The engagement t'·f ~liss Huth )..!cnerously donating prizes. There will B~.wer, daughter of Lorin A. Bo\\'cr oi be a prize for each tahle . \\ llmette, to James LeRoy S~urplrs-;, . . · ~on of Mr. and Mrs. James Surples~ . Amo~1g many mterestm.~ a~1d attrar - ~ of the Georgian hotel. Evanston, \\'as t~\·c pnzes arc a canary bird Ill a hcau- announced I; :-ot Saturday at a lunchron tlful cage, a ton o.f \\'Ood for the fire- at the Lake ~hore Athletic club. ~ o place, a douhlc wood basket. a turke,·. date has bel'n set for the wedding. and severa l hams. Perhaps ~· ou \Y.lnt ~fiss BO\nr i~ a graduate of 1\ortha new perman_cnt wa\·e or a l_Jca.tcr ft·r western unh·c r:-ity and is a member of ,·our ~uto.mohtle or an ell ~tnr tron m the Kappa Kappa '(~amma sororit \'. 1\f r. a curhng tron. Come. to t1 11,\ part\· and Surpless is a graduate of Han·ard. l.!l't one of these pnzes. I hen therl' '________ -·-~lrl' the dozen Victrola record~ and the Orinctal pillow and the andirons or the Name Assistants for Tea drip roffce pot. The~c are only a yen· for Elt"nor Rew NOV. 2 9 fe,,· oi the man~· worthwhile and attract i,·e prizes. This week bring . ., annutttlcemcnt of There is another angle tc., this pa rl\ the name~ oi thosl' \rho \\· ill as~ist at \\-hich one should not forget. refrc~h the tea ~[r. and .Mrs. lnrin Rew oi menL. The committee in charg·e has i<:Yanston arc giving 'J'hanksgi\ ing da _ ,. heen dropping many interc . . ting hints at their home in EYanston for their datt)..!htcr. \1 i:--:-- l·:litwr. wh11 ha~ heen in that direction. Thi~· event is open nut on1\' tu lllt'lll · att~nding tht Sarah Lawrence rollcgt: htr~ of the club but to all friends and in the Ea~t. t·) a m·onc interested in the work oi ~frs . Ralph llobart of \\'innetka. the club. It will a IT or<l a splendid ~lr~. \\'altn Fisher oi Hubbard · Ppportunity for inspecting the ne\\' \\'ol)(l~. 1fr~. :\lden ~,\·i it of Lake Forest, ~fr~. _ltlllll H. ~. Let. \Irs. Rayr 1uhhonse. Tickt ts mav he ~l'rur~d irl·m \1 r-;. mond Cnok and ~I r::-. A. 11. Crnss of 1ohn \V. Behr of 1(·2i Fore:--t a \ 'C nttl". 1-:ran:--tnn are iriends ni \Irs . l~ew who \\'ilmcttc. Resen·ation:' will he made \\ill as~i~t hn. in the order in which t lH·\· arc rccein:><l . A llltmber ui twrt h ::-hur~ and Chi\f rs. Arthur Lee Fuller is chairman cago debutante:- also \\'ill he in attenciof the committee for the e\·rninQ" c-ard ancc during the tea hnurs . The\· arL' _ pan,·. to he: the ~I i-;se:- Roseman· Banr. l'arol Bourne. Ruth L·:mel ine Bush. l'arol Bu h, Henrietta Countiss. Issue Cards for Tea Clara Elizabeth Dixon. oi Chicago; .\I i .. ~ Rt1th Hypes. ~I is:- \1 miel Ruth Fisher of I fubbard \\\)ods. VirHypl·.... and Miss Janet Childs oi F.r- !Iinia Hobart of \\'innetka, Phoehl' an-;ton haYc issued im·itation . tl) a tea Logan of Chicago, Betty Jane Xorcott they are giring for their friends Sun- of E,·anston, Emil~· Pope of Glencoe da' afternoon, November 24. from ~ and Chicago, Marianna and Virginia un-til 7. in Mercatino, their Italian shop l~uffner of Highland P~rk. Roseman· at 16JK Chicago a\'enue. E\'anston. ~idle\' of Chicago, :\arcis~a Swift nf :\ .. i!-ting the hoste~scs during- ~he Chicago, Bettr Alger of Kenilworth, tt·a hour will be Mrs. Samuel Loomis and Th~-rza Shumway of E"anston. Hypt . of Glencoe. Mrs. Carman Ltttk in oi E\'anston, Miss Juliette Brown 11i Chicago, Miss Clara Hart of Ev- Hostesses at Tea anston. Mrs. T. Samuel Par. on s of Mrs. David G. Netherct)t of 1034 F,·anston, and Mrs.\\'. 0 . l.;:t?r.tz of Chern· street and her sister-in-law, \\'innetka. \f rs. )ohn Harold Balch of Evanston (Betsey Nethercot of \Vinnetka) entertained at a large tea at the Balch homP. Sold Out for Benefit Tuesday. Mrs. \Villiam ]. Hough and The Erlanger theater wa... reported earlv this week to he entireh- !-old ot1t ~1 rs. Hinners of \Vinnetka were fur the vaudeville perftlrmaitce tn 1 1e among those assisting the hostess. ~inn there at 3 o'clock ~unclay aittTnoon for the benefit of the scholarshin Plan Calico Hop and cmergencv fund~ of the Jllinoi~ The Woman's Catholic club of \VilStatt Federation of Ttmple sister - mettc, under the auspices of its philanhood . The north ~hort responded thropy department, will give a Cat:co particularly well, under the leadtrship hop the evening of December 7. in the of Mr . Max \Voldenberg of 1}(,~ As- \\roman's Club building. Mrs. George bun· a\'enue, Hubbard \\'nods. Ludwig is chairman of the affair. Miss Lorayne Greenebaum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Greenebaum of Last \\'eek heralded the announce·~~hicago became the bride last Monday n·ening of Kurt Charles Friend, son of ment of the Evanston Junior league ol .\[rs. Clena Friend, 410 Washington its annual dance given to S\\'ell the avenue, \Vilmette, at 7 .o'clock in the coffers with which it carries on its Crystal ballroom of the Drake ho~el. work ior charities in Evanston, chariLouis Kopald of the North Shore ties in " ·hose interest many north shore Cong-regation Israel assisted by Abra- resident~ work. This affair, always ham Hirschberg of the Temp 1c:· one of the most britliant of the preScholem performed the ceremony. A Christmas events, is to be a Lido supreception and bridal dinner followed per dance \Vednesday evening, Decem the sen·ice. her 11. at the Shawnee Country club The bride's gown was of ivor~· satin in \\'ilmette. This \\eek word comes ~ri~h a long train. Her rose point he~ of the chairmen and their various com\'cil. an heirloom, was caught with mittces. nrangc blossom~ . Mrs. Martin \Veil. ~frs. Francis Huffman of Glencoe is the bride's sister, matron of L.:mor. ticket chairman, with Mrs. Thoma . \\'Ore a blur Yclvct gown and carried Chace, Mrs. Julian R. Norris, Mrs. a shower bouquet oi talisman rose s. ~tanlcv K. Peirce of Glencoe, Mrs. ~1iss Jane \\'eillt·r. a cousin of tht 1nhn -Hutton, · Miss Anne Bradford, )!room, as maid of honor. worl· tur- Mrs. Ralph Maxson, and Miss Virginia quoise blue moir~ as did all the Troup the members of her committee; l·ridesmaids, Miss ~I inn a Speigcl. \f iss Mrs. John Carter, Jr., of \Vinnetka Sdvia Reinhold, Miss Bcttv Kahn of is chairman of the decorations commitLa ke Forest, and Mise; Marcell Sein- tee. assisted by · Mrs. Harry R. Kim gold. They all carried yellow roses. . hark of Indian Hill, Mrs. 1ohn ~~. \I r. Friend had as his best men, Searle of Winnetka, Mrs. John Baker. I.C\Yis Greenehaum and Sid.nev Greene- .Mrs. Th01/1as Chace, and Mrs. ] . hauln, brothers of the hricle. The · Larned Ferguson committee member~; · ushers were John Edward \\'cillcr of Mrs. Harold Blakne\' of Evanston is \Vilmette, Tillman . Magnus. Samuel in charge of the entertainment and ~r agnus of Huh bard \Voods. and Bert music committee. and helping her art Klec of E\·anston. The hallrnmn \\'as Mrs. Kenneth Burns of \Vinnetka . handsomely d.ecorated \\·ith palms. Mrs. Henry Cooper, and ~frs. \V. C. ferns, chry~anthemums, and autumn \Vinterhalter, Tr.: refreshment comleaves. mittee, Mrs. \V-illiam M. Parkes, chair_.\ fter an exten sive \Yedding- journey man. with Mrs. John G. Searle antl !t· the \Vest Indies ~[r. and 1frs. \f rs. Leslie Wagner her committee. Friend will return to 111ake their home .Mrs. Blaknev has planned some exiu Chirago. pert di\'ing exhibitions to entertain thr !!\tests and \Vildcv and Neville will Supporting Performance ·sing and pla~· in the lounge of Shawne·e to Aid New Day Nursery hct\\·een danrcs. \1rs. \Yilliam Stahl is general chair~r r~. Ernest J. Brasseur, 333 Sheridan rnad. and !\f rs. f. V. Edgerton, -tJ6 man of the supper dance and Mrs. ~unset road, both ni \Vinnctka. are Alfred H. TaYlor. 0 oy Scheidcnhelm) arti,·cl" supporting a theater party to is ast'i~tin.l! hrr. Mrs. Donald W. l,e 1-!i,·en for the benefit of the Sarah Rol.!ers of \.h'nrnl' ha~ chr1rg-c of puh11 a(kett ~tcvcnsnn memorial. 2412 lirih·. Prairi~ a rrnHc, Chicago, Tuesday, D~ ct·mher 3. !\~ member:-. of the tick~t At Shawnee Club l'llltlmittl'l' headed 1)\· ~Jr..,. RO\· 0. Cnmmencinl" Saturda \', S h a"' 11 <' <· \'LTC'i111 nf Highland Park. they arc (\nmtn· club\ calenda r indicates :t :--rl1ing and giving 11ttt inr sale tick,~ ts hus\· Thanksgivinrr week. Not a dinttl ··r fumirirle," in "·hich \\'illiam Ho<lge l·e r ·danc-e. hut a \f ilitary Ft1chre party i::- 11nw appearing at the Garrick. has hrrn ;trranve<l inr Saturday eveThe mcmnrial. established in 1893 ,,:ng, ~n\'emhrr 23. Sunday. Xovemher t\l shrltl'r dtstitute \\'Omen ldt in Chi - 2-t. is the next music hour at the clnh. cago after the \\'oriel's Fair, now lodges \\'ith Anna Burmeister of Chica!Io, t~1e an a\·crage of fiity-t\\'0 \\·orking arti~t. 11i~s Burmeister is well known mother~ and their sixt\·-seven children. tn north shore audience~. and has ap\\'hill' the 11111thcrs a~e at work. the p('an·d tl\lmcrutts times hei ore the Snnrhildren nf prc- ~chonl age arc cared d< l.\' Fvc11ing club. ior ll\· trained worker~ in a daY nur\\'<-<l11es<lav. ~ovemher 27, the cluh s~n· . Supervised play is provided for \\·ill hold 01;cn house, with cards and the older children until after the din- dancin~ planned for the gne3ts. ner hour, when theY, as well as the Thallks!..!·i,·ing ·dinner ,,-ill he served at. hahies. return to thelr mothers for till' the clnh from 1 until 9 Thursday, ·and nil!ht. the c-hildren of the sixth, seventh, and The proceeds of the theater benefit t·ighth !>Ta<les will have an informal " ·ill go to\\·ard the building of a ne\\' dance FridaY. November 29. A childa ,- nmsen· and dormitories. ·lren's party with entertainment and ref reshmcnts is scheduled for SaturIn Wedding Party da~ · . Xovemher 30. 1\fiss Evelvn Randall. daughter of t be Rev. and \1 rs. Edwin J. Randall Events at Vista del Layo of Evanston. will become the bride of The Vista del Lago club is holding Halph Myron Smith of Tacoma, Wash .. Saturdav evening, Novemher 23, at its reg·ular luncheon and bridge toda,· 8 :30 o'clock. in St. Luke's church. with Mrs. \V. Rilev Harvev of GlenBishop Charles P. Anderson will offi- t·oe tiJ,e hostess, assisted by -Mrs. L. L. riate. assisted by Dr. George Craig Wells of \Vinnetka. The Tuesday ni~ht bridge this week departed from the ~tcwart. The reception following wilt hr held at the Evanston Country club. regular pivot j:!ame, and ·was proThe bridal procession will include Miss gressive. A buffet supper was served Ruth Mehlhope and John Mehlhope of at 11 o'clock. The cluh is having fo()t\Vinnetka and James M. Hacllev of hall night Saturday, November 21 Glencoe. Junior League Ball Dr. Luncheon for Bride Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Zabel of 1247 Chestnut avenue entertained Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Page and Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Lester at a d.inner and box party at the Opera Wednesday evening la :;t week. Mrs. Jack Leimert of Evanston is giving a luncheon Tuesday at the home of her mother. Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of Kenilworth. in honor of Miss Alice .T o·s ephine Creher of Evanston, who ,,·ill be a Thanksgiving day bride.

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