Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Nov 1929, p. 20

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WILMETTE Miss Jeam1e Culver, 103 Broadway avenue, Wilmette, who is at the University of Illinois, will return to vVilrr.ette to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Culver. Alvin Culver who is at ~otre Dame university, will also be in Wilmette. ~~iss Dorothy Farrar, 1210 Greenwood a venue, is expected to return t<.,l her home on \Vednesday to spend the Thank sgiving holidays with her parents. ~lr. and Mrs. W. A. Farrar. Miss Farrar is in her sophomore year at the l.Jniversit\' of Illinois and is a Pi Beta Phi. . LIFE November 22, 1929 ·= Name Kenilworth Daniel Stecker, Retired Boys' Gym Class Minister, Taken by Death Funeral serevices were held Thursday, November 21, at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church, for the Rev. Daniel Stecker, 423 Eighth street, a retired Methodist minister and chaplain of the \Vilmette Masonic lodge. ).[r. Stecker passed away Monday morning, November 18, at the Evanston hospital fo llowing an operation. . Services were conducted by Dr. .f. L. Hillman, president of Simpson college, a life-long friend o~ Mr. Stecker, and Dr. Horace G. Smtth, pa. tor of the \Vilmette Methodist church. Bishop E<hrin H. Hughes sent <1; eulo~istic 111essage. Burial was at Fmcllly, Ohio ~[ r. Stecker's birthplace. · · I 1{;, Stecker \Vas b.orn February ?5, 18W. Hl' was a g-raduate of Ohio Wt;slevan uni\'(·rsity, and received his professional degr-ees from Boston uni,-,.r..,itY, School of Theology, and. Union Theo(ogical semi nan·. · His fir t active ministr·,. \\'as in 1-ftf\\'attkee and its rnvirnt;s. Later he held pastorates in Toledo and vicinity. His last pastorate \\·as at Can. Ind.. where he was in chargt· oi a ·social service mission. He rl'tin·d and came to vVilmcttc sevc·n I and ;t half years ago. .-\s chaplain of the \\.ilm<:ttc :.lasonic lodgl' for senral yt·ars, Mr. Stecker maintained an artiYc interest in local fraternal work. He \\·as abo intensely interc.:sted in ).[cthodist church \rmk in Chicago a1td the suburbs. He is sur\'iHd by his widow , ~r al H..: I Pearman Stcrkcr. who al\\'aYS had been closl'h· idt.:ntifil'd "it h \f ;, Stcckt'r\ Uliqisteri;d \\ ork. · Leaders Saturday tnlfilish Foster Oxford in Black and Seal Brown Kid or Calf Sleit1 c.- 1. In White Linen $ro. 50 A Fosterized Arch Model for the street and for Busines5 or · Professtoua/ Jf/ omen ~ ITH the Fosterized ~rch the foot assumes a natural position in the shoe with that feeling of comfort so appreciated by women who are uon their feet" most of the day. The Fosterized Arch permits a wide latitude in designing shoes to conform with the best styles in high grade footwear. Leaders' tryouts for the boys' gymnasium classes at the ] oseph Sears sc hool in Kenilworth were held last Saturday morning under th e guidance of Hobert W. Townley, athletic director at the school. The following leader" have been selected for tht various boys' classes: Bon under nine years-] ohn Dea con. )ames Olin, Norman D~:mis and Rilly Taylor; assistant leaders, ] ohn Dix .... Tommy Keith, Warren Knaun and Dana l\forrison. Boys under twelve years-Paul Cornell, Arthur Bonnet, Robert McCloud, Hilly Stebbins and ] olm Sprenger ; assi~tants, Billy \Volfe, ] ack M nvi ~ . Dt'njamin :\1 acKinnon, Arthur Carbon and H. u~sdl Baker; alternates. Hugh Peterson, 1\ichard Holmes, Ct·orgt· Macintosh a nd l{ichards, Gi lbert Junior Smith. BoYs O\'lT t\\'Clvc years-Jack Sinding, ·Laury Botthof, J{obcrt nngcr . Jlh.: lla rri:-nn, \Villiam Blades. Georg · Den:-uu, Tn111 Hildebrand and Car!t<H 1 Ro:-,s: alternates, Stanley Knight, Xick Simon. noh Cutler, 'Dill Hobcrbon . FrcddiL· \\.urkman, Donald Cookl', J:(lh Fulton and Cv '\lacKinnun. Crear intn~st has bct.:tt :"~Ito\\ 1 1 h\ till' hPys in ·the gymnasium wurk an; l tlte group composed of boys m ·rr t wch·c years old has organ i?.ecl a r ··l legiate hash·thall league. The iow tl'alll~ in thi:-. league, and the captain . ; . of ca.rh team arc: Yak, Cy ~fad\: i 1 :ltllt; :.1 innesota, Henry Eggert: Uan ~Ji.,., l\uth luhtht un. 321 ~lt· lrlhL' nhHtth. Stanky Knight, and !\ortlt\\·.:-,: an'lllll', l'enih\:Prth, :-pent la~t \reek- ern. Jack Sincling. L'tHl at l' ll alllpaign <h the guest oi ).[i··s Tht· t<.:tl. eleven, and t\\·elv(; yt·;u· t>l·! Ruth l>ran:r, of \\.ilmette. :\1 i ~ s boys han also formed a league, n ;tmDrayer i:-. ;;n :\lph Phi ;tt the Cni\'l.: !'- ing their teams after certain typt.: . . oi sity oi lllinc,j:-.. :.ti.,\ Johnston at- airplane'. The teams and captain s a rc : tl'ndcd the fll ~ nflis-ChiL· ;;gn gan1c on Fokkcr:-. l~rnce Granstrom; Jutd-:n -. Saturday aitnnnnn rcturnin~ homt.: 11 :1 David Skillin; Spads, Junior ~n,it h : ~unday. She ~ta)Td ,rith ).lis:-. Dray < T Curtis-Ha\\'ks, I aul Cornell, a1 .: at the :-,(1roritY home on the cantpu-,. \\'asps, John Hawley. \\'alter Sh;ttturk t.:ttkrtained htr Miss Charlotte Holg, daughtt:r , .: Kenil\\'orth hridg, · club Tue;-;clay aitcr - l\.J r. and :.1 rs. Charles Hot~. 250 Laurd JH)tltl. :.Jr. and ).lr:;. ~l1atturk have taken an~nnt·. will leave next \VedncsdaY t C1 :.t rs. - 0- ~ a house i(lr tht· \\'illtl'r ;tt 755 GrL·en - . J;end Sl'\'l~ ral days visiting in Detroit \\'Ood an:nuc. Ckucnt.:. and _ ·\nn ArlJor, Mich. We are Open .. Ready for Business onr cnstotners can again obtain the" san1c grade of Dry Cleaning \VorkInanship and service that established our enviable reputation. I ~\' o,,., Appropriate Foster Modes with the Fosterized Arch are produced in JVhite Linen for Nurses and Professional Wotnen. _\ 'phone call brings our representative. ~RTHSIDE J &JfMter ~Yr1omPtllUJ 115 North Wabash Avenue EVANSTON STORE Corner of Orrington Ave. and Church St. CLEANERS 4- DYERS COMPM'Y Telephone: WINNETKA 1987 "Chicago's Largest Cleaners"

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