36 WILMETTE . LIFE November 15, 1929 Artists attd Art Patrons Attend Shawnee Reception Large Card Party Artists of Note to Benefit Club Join Ranks of Brides-~o-Be · Exhibiting Work ·Building Fund at Shawnee Club.· - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - · By Vera McDermid .\ l'l'Cl' Ption allCl tea were given at ~hawnce Country club last Sunday afternoon in honor of . several prominent north shore artists, who are exhibiting some of their canvases in the ballroom of the club. Doth l\f r. and '\ 1rs . Frank C. Pcyraud (Elizabeth Kn ·sher PnTaud) have several of their Wt'rb hl'n< among which arc "Sunny Da,.,, .. "Late Afternoon on the Skokie," "\\:inta :\ftt..' rnoon," and "Earlv ~nnw. :\nrth Shore" 1)\· ~fr. Pevramf: and .. Pennie .. " "Last Fiowers." "\lice," and "Tulips," hy ~f rs. Pcyraud. The fl)flner is not onlv a noted teacher. hut painter as well~ and exhibits in all the siH)\\'S at the Chicago Art institute . ]lis favorite subject is the Skokie ticld and marsh, which he gets in all its· moods·. He is ktwwn particularly for his perfect compnsitinn and for the Yitality of his work. :\ very great compliment wa~ paid him when it was said that he had much of the George Inness in him. Also. there in pn~t n. was Hcmy Salem JI uhbcll. who has many of his lakst and choicest portraits on cxhihiti\Hl. Jlis painting of :\fiss Cnrnclia Gra\· Lunt nf Evanston. which was ~1r. and Mrs. L. E. Go~s. 520 lrnt. hY the Cniycrsit\· guild. is an ex- ~eventh street, announce the engag·equisitc thing. lie !{as also portraits mcnt of their daughter, Lisbeth EttJ.. of l{a\'lnond Ickes and "lohnnie" to Kenneth A. Stixrud, sen of Mr. and loaned ln· ~frs. Han1ld Ickes ·of \Vin- ~frs. Joseph V. Stixrud. of \Vinnetka. 1wtka: J)wight Heald Pt.' rkins llf EYan - The. lfetrnthal was announced at a dinston which was toam~ d 1)\· the Chicagn ncr g-i\'en in October hy Mr . and ~Irs. chapter. of th<' .-\mericai1 Institute of ~tixrnd on the occasion of ~1iss Go:-; s' A.rchitects: four nwmhers nf the hirthda~· . Xo plans for the wcddinl{ Charlc~ Hutl Ewing iamily nf Lake han" as Yet been made. The britl<' . Fnre:--.t. \\'hich were clone r<'ccntly: ekrt attended the Southern seminan· ,limmil· 1bwlrig11, l(1aned hy ~I r. .and at Buena \'ista, Va .. and ).f.r. Stixru(t ~Irs . James~. Hawkigh of \\'i nnctka: . is an alumnus of the l'niH·rs ity of Illi and f111ally a splendid portrait of Juclge nni~. and_a _ nl~l~h ~_ r_ n_ i_~~ _1\: < q)pa P.;i . Orren X. Carter. loaned 1)\· \f r. Car ter . :\1 r. Huh hell attaim ,,ita! rcal Evans ton Junior League i. m in his works. and always a YiYid likt..·m·ss of the subject. Gives Dance December II The names of s-cn·ral of these <ir The Junior League of E,·anston i.; tists were received ton late for publica - planning a Lidn supper dance to ')e tion last week. gi\'(:' n Drccmhcr 11, at the Sha\\·ne<> Rudolph Jngerlc ni 1\a,·inia. whP wa ~ l'ountrY club in \ \ ' ilmct tL' . 'I' hi:-; · will not able to attend the rrceptinn. has hl' the -league's annual dance tn rai:'e h)ttr ui his landscapts at Shawnec funds. to assist se,·eral F\'atl~tnn chari · anl\Hig " ·hirh are threr -:\nrth Caro- tics . lina mountain . n.·m·s . \1 r. Ingcrle cerThe cnnnnit tee in charge of the tainly has a (kpt h and richness of color in hi: \\'Orks that impn·sses one at dance includes ~[rs. \\' illiam Sta!1l. Jr., general chairman; ~frs. Alfred H. once . Carl ~perlrL·r Campht:ll. \\'hose charm- Taylor, assistant chairman; ~[rs. H:uing s t itl-li h' s an· heing sho\\'n, was old Blakney. music; ~frs. John Carter, presen.t to renew acquaintance with I r. 'of \Yinnetka, dccoratinns: ~I r~. old fril'nd:-. and to med those intcr- Francis Huffman of ClencOl', t ick~t-; : estt'cl in hi~ worb. Jre has some de- ~Irs. \\'illiam ~1. Parks, rdrl'shments; lightful paintings (lf lilacs. peonies, 1f rs. Donald \ V. Rogers oi Glen cor. publicity. 11 rs. Louis Tilden is presi hydrangea~. and some dahlias cutlcd dent of the Evanston league. frl1m the gardens of tht' Tlarnld Trkes' place . Four -.plcndid painting:' hy Percy n. Issue Cards for Dinner Eckhart of Kenih\:ortl~ a.r.e,. also )>~in~ '[ I '[ _, \\"II' Lr , · .r 1 tam ~1. ~tctn l·· ~hn,,· n. among wh1ch 1~ 1 ranqtnllttY ·' r. atH . ., 1 s. and "~un l'p, Carolina." · ·400 Central a\·en_ur and ~Ir. and ).[ r~. There were manv interested in the Jack r'rankel. o~ 5~0 Central a\:emll' l.'xhihition, particularly in meeting- the'-t:ave J ss_ue<~ '.11 VItattons for a dtnncr e:-.llihitor-. and a good crowd was in ~aturda\ · I\o' em her 23. at the Georg atten<lancl' all afternoon. Mrs. Edwin Jan hoteL Abo~J,t one h_undred gue_sts Hl'<lrick oi Kenilworth was in charge are. expe~ted. 1 here ~\'111 he_ cl~nclllg of th(' tea tahle. whitt: her assistants ~lurtng dtnner, and hrrdge wtll iotlo"' tt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - were: 'f ·' r .. P erry S · mt'tl1crs, '[ 1\ rs. '\.f"J m 1 cs ~fcDnnald. ~frs. Charles \\'. Triggs, and ~1 iss Elizabeth Ro!Jl'rtson. Boza Oumiroff, Chicago lllliS!CtatJS, Among those whCI were seen at the· Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Heald Perkins reception were Oscar Gross, noted Chi- (Lucv Fitch Perkins) and ~Iiss Eleanor cago painter, an<l ~fr s. Gross, ~fr. and . Perk~ns, ~1rs. Louise Ayres Garnett of ~Jrs. :\ntonin Sterba of E\'anston, ~frs. Evanston and her son and daughter-inHarold Ickec; of \\'inn e tka .· ~fr. and law, Mr. and l\1rs. Gordon Garnett. 1\frs. Jam<'s C. ]~well of Highland Park, ~fr. and Mrs. Edward Price Bell of ~Ji::.s Jessie Lac{'y, an instructor at thr Evanston, Mr. and ~frs. Robert H. Chicago Art i11~tit ute. ~- Dcames of Cault of E,·anston, Mr. and Mrs. Percv Evanston . . culptor. :\lhin Polacek of E~khart of Kenilworth, Mr. and Mrs. Evanston. ::.culptor. :\1 rs . ~1argucritc J m P. Oleson of Kenilworth. Mr: \\'illiam s. art critic for the Chicago at d Mrs. Sanford S. Holden of KenilDaily Kcws, Professor and ~{rs. James· worth, and 1\fr. and ~frs. Auguste C. Lardner of E\'anston. :\fr and ~Irs. Babize of Glencoe. The next large ~vent which the \V oman·:; cluh of \Vilmctte is sponsoring iur the bcndlt oi the building fund 1s au eYening card party. This will be given Frtday, December (), at ~ o'clock, at the clubhouse at Greenleaf a venue an.d Tenth street. Onl' uf the uutstanding attractions ui the afiair will bc the display of beautiful and useful prizes which the merchants ui \\'ilmctte, other north shore vill;~gt.:s, and Chicago stores are donating. Otll: of these prizes will be given tu thl' \\'in ner at each table. 'l'ickeb arc being sent to fht cluh nH' mhcrship this week. In order to a\'oid coniusion the evening of the card party, th<· committees asks that checks be sent to ).lrs. John\\'. Behr, 1627 Forest aYenue \ 'ilmettc. Tables, it will be annott;lced, will be rese rved in the order in wl1ich reservations arc rccei\'cd. Last vcar the club was unable to accumnwdatt..· ~1ll \\'hu came to attend the party. hut thi:--. Year the beautiful new clubhou se pr:m·i(Ies more spac~, space \\'hich, ~he committee hopes, wt ll be adequate t ur all \\'ishing to attend. ~Irs. Arthur Lee Fuller, chairm~1ll ni the committee in charge, is being as .>i:--. tt:d in carrying out plans and arrangemcnb for the affair bv Mcsdam1..·:--.: Elbridge C. Allen. Elbert· M. Antrim, Raymond \\r. Armstrong, John Bartholcmew, John \\' . Bchr, (~onion Culver, F. Earle Dav ('nport, \\'illiam H. Evans, Tirrell J, ferrcm , Charles E. Gcissc, ~1. C. Crcigg, \\'illiam Harridgc, Frederick C. Hipp, (~corgc F. 11"-f, F. L. 1fcCrath, E. Earle ~lcDow, · Leslie \V. ~\lilbr. I Tarry \\'. :r..·l<ms, Theodore .1. ).l, )r~..·att, Harry E. Hohrcr, Arthur C. ~ciJ ,,·a rm, Carl H. \~an Sindcn. ~I r. and ~Irs . Frederick C. Little of .114 Essex road, Kenilworth announce ------------- ---- the engagement of the,ir daughter. Hrkn, to Dr. l~ov E. Brackin of Chicago, son of ~r. and ~lr s. F.me--.t Brackin of Oskaloosa, Iowa. Sponsoring Card Party . to Benefit War Vets . \ card party \\'ill he held Frida,· a itertliHlll, ~<wember 22. at the \\'il- a mcttc \\'nman\ cluh under the an:-;pic-es oi the ' \\ 7omen':-; Catholic Cltth of \\'jj .. mettc . The c,·ent \\'ill he conducted a:-; a benefit for disablecl. and llL'e<ly cx:-il'r\'tce men and .arrang-Lment:; ~tre under the direction ni the club cutJllllittee on fri<.'tHIIy cooperation " ·it'1 ex~enice men oi \\'hich ~f rs. T' . ' ~f cGurk is chairman. The other mcn;hcrs of the committee arc ~Je..; (! ; tlllL"' !larry Hettinghaus. C. F. Btll~tv, Charles Hauber. P . ]. Joyce, E. F. 1-\elh-. Herman Lersch, ~[artin LYnch, Fd,,:ard. J . ~fc :\rclle. J. ]. ~[ills, I-f~:nry Pro:-.ser. Enthusiasm Greets Fall Events at Vista del Lago The Friday bridge luncheon at Club \'ista del Lago is proving ·One of the most enjoyable and best patronized of the social activities on the cold weather calettdar. The bridge tournament, now in progress as one of the season's club f<.:::ttures, adds marked interest and pleasant stimulation to the weekly event. ~~ rs. Charles Swift t)f Evanston presides as hostess on Friday, .i\oYcmber 15. Luncheon is planned for 1 o'clock to be followed by bridge until 4:30. A most attractive evening feature was inaugurated NoYembcr · 12, when ~f rs. John C. Marshall of Hubbard \Voods was hostess at the first of the family bridge nights scheduled for each Tuesday throughout the winter months. A buffet supper was served at 11 o'clock The splendid attendance indicates that these social evenings arc to be favorably sponsored by the members. Mrs. Evan Leslie Ellis of \ \' ilmcttc will act as hostess Tuesday CYening, November 19. Bridge will begin at 8:30 o'clock. The Saturday night dinner dan~~ continues as a welt .established and popular weekly activity at Club Vista del Lago. Reservations stilt are being received for the evening of Saturday, :\"ovemher 16. Entertain at Shawnee :\ llltmher oi private dinner partil'c; \H' re cyi\'en at Sha\\'nee Countn· club last s;t urday during the fashion reYie\\', and among- those ,,·ho \\'ere hosts and hostesses to groups of friends \\'Cre: ~Jr. and ~fn. H.\\'. Alger of K~n iI\\'Ort h, who en tc rta i'ned as th 0i r guests .M r and ~1 rs. Clyde Ro;;s, ).f r. and ~frs. b"rt A. Cro\\'e, and ).fr. at1d ~Irs. Alex S. Joslin. ).f r. and Mrs. .\dolph F. Klocss entertained a group of friends. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Guthridg~..· \\'ere host and hostess to t..·ighteen of their friends at dinner. Mothers' Tea at Shawnee :\1 rs. Charles H. Kraft, 1236 Grl'en\\'l)lHl an.·nue. and Mrs. Harold \Vatt oi EYanston, were hostesses to about thirty-fi,·e members of the ~1 others' wellesley Tea Nov. 2 5 club of Delta Zeta 's orority atHl. to the The ~ 0 vember meeting of the North lllothcrs of the new pledges at lunch- Shore \:Velteslev circle w.ill be omitted. eon and a program Tuesday of this the chairman, 1rrs. George E. Bliss of 'reek ;l~ Sha\\'nee Country club. Highland Park, announces, and it s members are urged to attend the fall Gives Shower for Bride tea the Chicago \Vellesley club is givMiss \Vinifred Smith of 63 Abbotts- ing Monday afternoon, November 25, ford road, \Vinnetka, gave a kitchen at 2:30 ~'clock, at the Chicago College sho"·er and bridge last Saturday in her club. Miss Ruth Hypes of Evanston home in honor of Miss Kathryn Mer .. -will sing and Mrs. Frederick G. Atkinrill of Evanston, formerly of Kenil- son, alumna trustee from Minneapolis, worth, who is to be married the latter will bring the latest interestine: news part of this month. from college.