I November 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 15 Business Club Enjoys Hallowe'en Party ANNOUNCING Lectures·on the Famous WORK. WYMAN. RICHARDS CONTRACT BRIDGE SYSTEM Monday · and Tuesday November 18 arid 19 10:30 ·A . M. and 3:00 P. M . DRAKE Mr. R ichards , associate of Mr. Work and assisted by Mr. McKenny, offers this opportunity to all those interested in improving their bridge game. Admission, $2.00 per lecture Entire .course, $10.00 ... ., <Photo by ~taff Photog~apher) Shop Business and profcs. iunal women of \Yilm cttc laid aside their daily responsibilities to frolic at a co!'tume Hallowe'en party ~fonday evening, October 28, at the residence 0f ~!iss \\'inifrcd Rowan, 924 Fifteenth street. The decorations consisted of \\'Cird and spooky ghosts ; ske!eto ns, and \:vitches, while game~, iortunes, stunts :wd Hallowe'en refreshments all contributed to the great sucrt:ss of the party. tour at the Art institute next Tuesday morning at 10 :45 o'clock. They will ~4 study the American Oil exhibit. Edward J. F. Timmons will gi\'e a promenade lecture. These tours are always \\'CII attended and need no special comBy P. H. ment. For information one may call On Tuesda\' afternoon of this week l\Irs. · Launder. the members -of the Neighbors listened to one of the most inspiring of talks, given hy Dr. Allen D. Albert, assistant to Rufus Dawes, president, on "The Chicago \Vorld's Fair." It has been the privilege of· hut a fe\v to hear of these early plans for the coming fair in Chicag-o in such an intimate way, and it may we II he regr<:tted that Dr. Albert cannot rC'acll every person in the · city of Chicitgo with his word picture of the ,·ast plans now well ' under way for this great event. It was a thrilling talk. Hi , outline of the exhibits to be sho\\'n, th e architecture o f the buildings, th e out la y of the grounds, the conveniences to be offered to the visitors, the exhibits to bt: displaved. the achievements in scien..:e. art, music, transportation, poetry is to0 vast a conception to outline in a brief paragraph or two. The public \viii doubtless have great opportunit~r to Commencing November 18 read of this work and to know of the plans. in magazines or newspapers. as the time nears for the opening of the Centennial Fair but those who h ad the pleasnre of hearing Dr. Albert on Tuesdav afternoon not o nlv hav e a clearer 'vision of the work pianned and the scope of ground to be covered bet PERMANENT WAVE have a glimpse of the real inspiratitmal They leave soft lovely curls that nucleus from which the World's Fair frame the face. Done by expert is evolving and developing. operators with 1 o years' experience. Mrs. Wentwor'h, a pianis.t of great merit, gave an opening group of five Manicure ......... SOc short numbers. She played with great Marcel ............ 7Sc verve and precision and her numbers Rest Facial ...... $1.25 were so well chosen that her audience Shampoo, ,s hort hair SOc was delighted. Mrs. Alexander Jo ~ lin v.·as hostess for the day. Finger Wave ...... 7Sc ·A t the next regular meeting ·of the FOR APPOINTMENT Neighbors on November 26, Mrs. \Vat Phone Wilmette 191'1-1133 ter Launder will present Dr. Louis Anspacher who will speak on "T!le Entrance Spirit of Modern Drama."· Dr. Anspacher needs no introduction to the club. Most of the members witt recall his brilliant lecture given several years 417 LINDEN AVENUE ago. The Drug Store Jn the Middle of The art and literature department of the Bloek the Neighbors will have the annual All silk chiffon hosiery with picot top and narrow heel. Every pair is perfect. Shades to match your ensemble. $}.60 PAIR t the Neighbors 1 15 9 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE 4370 ... Glf'TS Or ENGLISH SPECIAL All This Week CHINA· $7.50 CRYSTAL· OR ART LAMPS· NOVELTIES ROCK EUGENE or FREDERICK W : iitberg's Drug Store TATMAN A Recognized Authority on Correct Table Settings