12 WILMETTE LIFE November 15, 1921) Dancing Clua for Married Couples to Meet Each Week AWAY BACK WHEN EVERY good soul took DOWN his trusty gun WHEN he started to church. PARTICULARLY so the PICTURES reminds on THANKSGIVING. THE . picture.s never show HIM toting 3ny Indians BUT frequently a turkey. THAT put the tho_ ught IN our head that our GOOD friend Parson SMITH might have a WAITING line outside of HIS church if he gave a TURKEY to every family CAME to church on THANKSGIVING Day. BUT the point we wish TO impress upon you is THAT we can furnish you ON Thanksgiving Day or ANY day for that MATTER WITH Delicious Fresh NUTS, Candies, and PlaceCARDS and last to crown THE dinntr Our Special . ICE Cream. COST no more than the ORDINARY kind. TASTE! But fly special request from the class members, the Friday evening dancing class for married couples, conducted by ARCEL DCPRF; of the Paris Conservatory and organist of Notre Dame the Playground and Recreation board. cathedral. will gin a recital in Christ church, \Vinnetka, Monday evening, will meet weekly instead of bi-monthl\' November 18. as was originally planned. ~Ir. Dupre has long been considered .one of the finest organists in the world. · and his masterly improvisa Thirty memhers were present at the first class meeting last Friday evening . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , tions have placed him higher than almost any other organ and unanimously voted for the change ist in this realm of music. in meeting. The class has met with He was born at Rouen and a great deal of enthusiasm and the came of eminently musical Recreation staff was well pleased with ancestry. His paternal grand the success of the first class meeting. father, Aimable Dupre, " ·a:-: Howe\'er. Director of Recreation organist of the great organ Daniel M. Davis announces that the of St. Maclou at Rouen for .17 class must have a membership of at ,·ears. His maten~al · grand · least ten more couplrs to he a finaniather, Etienne Chauviere. cial success and to guarantee a secot;d was choirmaster at the Church term beginning after 't he Christmas of St. Patrice at Rouen for holidavs. 30 years. Dupre's father, :\1 J eatiettc Act land of the Adland bert Dupre. a member of tiH· studios, Chicago and Evanston, perRouen academy and a famou s sonally conducts the class which is conductor, has been organi!-t held from 8 to 9 o'clock for members :)f the beautiful church of St. vvho have never danced or want to Ouen for 11 years. He wa ~ learn modern dancing after ha\·ing a pupil and a close friend o f lH~ en away from dance floors for several the great Guilmant, and th · \·ears. The fundamental!; of dancing traditions of this master han: an· taught during the first class sesbeen handed down from sions hut more complicated steps will ·ather to son. Dupr~'s muthn. ht' taught later in the season . Alice Dupre, is an acrom :\ foUr 1>fec"'0fchestra furnishes plished pianist, cellist, an d music for dandng from 9 to 11 :30 singer. G 'clock. Director Dads sums up the Cnder these circum:-.tant'(" :;alitnt point~ of the class in this it is not surprising that ynun gfashion: ~[arccl should have gin1 1 "The teacher is a fine one. The signs of his predestinrd \'OGI. orchestra is a good ouc. The floor is tion at an early age. \\"lH' n a slick one. .\11 \\T need is ten four vears old he heard \ \ ' icouplrs paying us nine ones. That's a dor phy at the qedication ni terrible one. I'll admit. hut people do the great organ at St. Oul'n. not realize just how \'aluahle the class and immediately determined is and how· much fun the members are to .become an organist. :\ t 1-):n-ing. ff they did we'd have enough Marcel Dupre ~even he commenced the sttuh· memhers to ma 1'e the class a financial . · . of music seriously. At tigh.t :;uccess and we'd he ahle to guaranteche played . lor (,t~.hnant , \~·ho comrnted to take him as a pupil. At ten he a class for after Chnstmas." apJ~eare~ puhltc as a nrtuoso, beginning a career which has been a lonK ~cnes ot tnumphs. :\t tweh·e he was appointed organist of the Grand organ Mr. and Mrs . LeRoy Afinor. 929 1ll the church of St. Vi\'ien at Rouen, ~hcridan road, Kenilworth are spendmg a week or two in ~ew York The,· becoming a pupil of Guilmant at the the Paris conservatory where he too k will visit their. daughter. Sarah, who i-s same timl' . His first impqrtant com- the first prize in piano whe·n 19 yt·ar:-; a student at Briarcliff. The,· left \Vil- position, an oratorio, "] acob's Dream." old. first prize in organ under Guilmant mette on Tuesday and ,~· ill return was performed in 1901. when Dupre at 21, first prize in fugue under \Vidor about a week from next Mond.ay. was fifteen years old. He then entered at 23, and at 28 won the supreme honor' the Grand Prix de Rome, for his cantata "Psych~." His extraordinary feat of playing the entire works of Bach from memory in a series of ten recitals at the Paris conservatory is a matter of history. His American debut was in the Wanamaker auditorium in New York City in 1921. The recital has been arranged through the efforts of A. Iver Coleman, organist of Christ Church parish, who met Monsieur Dupre during the past summer while abroad and persuaded. him to include \\'innetka in his present Thr~c h~<Httiful Chrysanthemums are the stason' ...,:. h. nes,. t American tour . Marcel Dupre, Organist, in Recital . at Christ Church Next Monday Night M .... .... I u: ... GORGEOUS MUMS! H. uge and Handsome In all the wanted colors-large and pompom ,·arieties. Roses . \nd all other cut flower~ 111 Benefit Performance to Be Held for Sisterhoods season. ~Irs. ~fax Waldenberg of 1168 Asbury a\·enue, Hubbard Woods, is north shore chairman for the benefit performance to be given at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. November 24, at the Erlanger theater. Acts from different plays now showing in Chicago, with most of the big stars playing in the city at that date will comprise the performance for the scholarship and emergency funds of the Illinois State Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. Potted Chrysanthemums - Begonias Cherries- Ferns- Primroses- Ivy, Etc. \\' e are no\\· planting Pine and Spruce trees m \\·in dow boxes and n rns. .... OH, What Difference in WEST END FLORIST· CeDtral aad Wilmette AYeauea Phoaea Wilmette 28 aad 29 Phone Wilmette 1943 Glenview Road Open every et·ening until 9 o'clock ~Ir. and. Mrs. Harold Tideman. 13R Abingdon road, Kenilworth returned on Tuesday from Menominee, Mich., where they went to spend Armistire day. Wilmette -oHugh Peterson and his Slllall son, Hugh, 212 Warwick road, Kenilworth left Monday night for a ranch in Arizona where they expect to spend a month.