November 15, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 1001 9 Mrs. Helen J. Cook to Miss Kathryn Hall I Entertain 0. E. S. Today October Bride Becomes Bride of Mrs. Helen ]. Cook will entertain ·T homas -Singleton ------~---- the members of Wilmette chapter. ' Vednesday evening,· November 6, Miss Kathryn Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Hall of Evanston, became the bride of Thomas B. Singleton, also of Evanston, and son of Dr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Singleton of Logansport, Ind. The Rev. David Hugh Jones officiated at the service which was read in the chapel of the First Presbyterian church of Evanston. The reception followed at the Evanston Comitry club. The bride was gowned in ivory satin with a sleevleless overdress and · train of palest blue panne . velvet, and ivory tulle trimmed with pearls and orange blossoms formed the veil. She carried a shower bouquet of sweet . peas, valley lilies, and gardenias. Miss Janice Hall, who attended her sister as maid of honor, wore yellow satin and tulle and the three bridesm'aids, Mrs. Waldo A. Fisher of Chicago, Mrs. Richard C. Evans of Evanston, and Mrs. Beringer Alexander of Highland Park, wore pale green satin ar.W tulle with caps and slippers of gold. Bronze and yellow pompons and Pernet roses were carried hy Miss Hall, and chrysanthemums and Talisman roses by the other attendants. Dennis E. Singleton served as best man for his brother, and \Valdo A. Fisher, Richard C. Evans, and Beringer .\lexander were ushers. Mrs. Frank G. Hall, the bride's mother, was in pink velvet and Mrs. Dennis E. Singleton, mother of the bridegroom, wore a blue gown of the same material. Roth Mr. Singleton and his bride were graduated from Northwestern university. The former is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity and the latter of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mrs. Raymond W. Armstrong of Linden avenue will entertain m~mbers of the NorthWfSt circle of the Congregational church at her home Order of the Eastern Star, at a card. Friday, November 22, at 12:45 o'clock. party at her home, 930 Seneca road, Assisting her will be Mrs. E. H. PearWilmette, today, from 2 until 5 o'clo~.;k. son of 422 Tenth street. The hostesses are Mrs. Minnie Kuelzow, Mrs. Gladys Shellman, Mrs. Rosella Hall, Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Mrs. Caroline Converse, ai1d Mrs. Adelaide Scott. Mrs. Charlotte Me .. DELICATESSEN Clure is chairman. Home Baking and Cooking ASH'S Purt Pork JOINS REALTY COMPANY Irwin Hale, who was formerly with the \Vinnetka ·State bank. is a new ·:alcsman at the Heinsen Realty company, 720 Elm street, Winnetka. The Reading circle met ~[ouday with Frank J. Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue. \Vilmette. ~f rs. ROME MADE SAUSAGE Evuy WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Open all day Sunday 736 12TH ST. WILMETTE 39· 31 (Underwood and Gnderwood 1-'hotn) One of the most charming bride-s of the autumn season was ~I iss J ea11 Keller of Evanston, whose marriagt' to \Vinfield ·Taylor, son 'o f Mrs. D. L. Tavlor of \Nilmette took place October 26. - \\"hen Mr. and Mrs. Taylor returned from their wedding trip to Boston and other places in the East, where thev now are motoring, they will stay at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Keller, ·of EY- . anston, until Christmas. ~SHOJES for . Shoes with a vogue you have dreamed of to give the last touch of distinction to that new costume. with a comfort you have never imagined. That is what Certified. PROVEN ARCH Shoes will bring you. Even if you have not had foot trouble, the Certified PROVEN ARCH will bring a new spring to your step, and a youthful grace to your carriage. There will be none of the fatigue and nerve strain you have come to expect as a result of a strenuous day. PROVEN ARCH .Certified M LADY ... Club ~f JUST As members of the $100,000 Thrift Wilmette. have· that "satisfied feeling" regarding their investment, just so you can have a "satisfied feel· ing" if your ice cream comes fron1 Hammonds. Uniform high quality at all times. neceeaary .. HAMMON[) Ice Cream Kitchen 727 Main Wilmette 3122 · 1123-25·27 Central Ave.-Phone Wil. 1914 Member T A n!t!:cto!ro!' ' s