Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 48

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WILMETTE' LIFE November 8, 1929 News_ of Interest to,Church-Goers of Our Village . . "- Methodis.t Church . This chur<'h co-ot>erates in the Sunday E\·ening club: which wJll· meet this week in the New Trier High school audl· torium at 7:30. Burton .Holmes, famou· throughout Am t> rica for his marvelous tr:welog-ues, will bring his moving pictlln's in color, tRking; fnr hi s subject. "Siam-the Land of Chang." The Senior High lC'ag-uC> m ee t s Sunda~· at :i :~0 in their own room. A n·ry largl' numlwr haYe h(··· n present during- the past :-;eYeral weeks, hut tlH·re is still room fot some more l1igh school students. i·\'~· ning Wilmette and Forest A venues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor patriotic progTam of unu:-;ual in_terSunday morning-, :Xovember 10, at 11 C>st will be given ::\Tonday evening at the Howard school auditorium under the aus- o'clock, Dr. Allison will deliver an Armispices of the Am erican Legion Auxiliary tice Day address as part of the special of Post 46. Pa:Jmer D. Edmunds, the ~\nnisti ce Dny sc·rvice which has bet>n There will be n. children's spral<er, will share the program with J·rellared. ~tor~· and appropriate mu~i c offered hy local talent. 'The public is invited. the choir. A Nursery room during the church hour. A trained worker among children is ·in cha.rg·e eve ry Sunday morning. Baptist Church municant members will plan to atten d this meeting which will be held annually. First Cong'l Church Vere V. Loper, ministe r l~lizabl' th B. Wehster Director of Religious Eduea~ion ' 'l'his Friday the v.ro rn:tn' s Gui!cl i ~ holdF.wTyotw having g-u<'sts :1 t tlw C hurc h !"l' hool Is rt·mind<·d of th r new guC>st bpr,Jc ing- its n·g-u!at· monthly lunch eon and :t t the d e~ k . All guests are asked to sig·n rn f' ting in the chur('h. Th e lun ch E>o n will tl,eit· nanws there so that w e m<tv have be ~f'rvc·d at. 1 o'l'lock IJy the Northwest a p('rmnnt-nt record · of all those who Cin·le, following which an unusually inDr. ('(l tn f' to vi!'it our finely organized ~chooJ tcn·sting- program will he givc·n. Albert \V. Palmer of Oak Park will be in this great .building. tltf' principal speakc+ :\Irs. E. L. Scheide nlwlm will preside, in tlw a1Js1·1we of The Lndie:-;' Aid society held its re~·.t the president, 1\Tr~. J . 'V. Fisher, Jr. lar monthly mPe (lng last Thursday at the church. A large number attended the Next Sunday Dr. Loper will JJI'C':td1 an chiPken luncheon served hv the Fnnr~h Armisti c··· nay 1-'ermon on tlw subject. division. · "Tiw <:hurch and 'Vnr!d Pl':l<'('. " Th e morning· worship sf'rYk·· is hdH at 10:15. The 'Voman's Foreign ::\lis~iiJtlar.r !:iOciet~· will meet next Thurl:!day at 10 ::::0 Prilll il r~· · .Tuniflr :t nd Intt · rm('(]i;~ te 1eA . M. at the church. Tlw "·omen will dn hospital work. Ever:ronr is n~kt·d to partm· ·nts of th<· ( 'hurt·h sdwo l will meet bring ber own sandwiclws, and a h ~ t at !) ::10 . A. :\f., <'radlt· 11oll nncl Begindish will be sen·ed hy the hostPssef', Mrs. ners' d e Jmrtme nts at IO:I:i .\. l\L, <l.lld D. A. Stok(·r and Mrs. I... \V. .TonC>s. The Setiiot· d(·Jwrtnwnt at I:! tH·on. Attention JH'Ogram will take plaet· at 1 ::::o P. :\f. should be especially ca lkd to tlw Cradlt> ::\Irs. L. H. Hanawalt will lt ·a d th P dr\·o- TI0 ll <.l Ppartme nt under tho direction of JL provides for tions. Mrs. R. G. Kimlwll will talk on Miss <: ladys Cres~~·. "Expansion of the East m11l thr· f'nuth." children under tlw :1g·<' of four years ?nd 1\Irs. A. N. Page will sp ak on wlH lS<· p:trC'trts wi~h to attP nd liH' morn"European Cathedral!':." };('hot·~ of the iJig- wor~hip sen·i(·<·. A c>hang-t· has h N·n made in th P m<> "tbranch Jn(·cti ng will be h e a rd . "Loyalty to God or to tht· c;ovt·rn- ing pl:u·f' of tlw f'unda~· En·ning club, for Th<:- mf'Pting- next ment" Is the theme for tlw \\'pd rwsda y next ~unda~· on!~·. night ~crvice which will b11 a conlinlln- Sunday is to h P hf'ld in the New Trier fton of the ~tudit>s in the book of J<'re- Hig-h sehool auditorium. wht>rP l\11·. Burrniah. H e askNl and anS\\'('l'Pd thi s ton Jfolnw s will show hi s heautifnl m oving- pictur(·s of "f' ialll- Tiw Land of question. Chang>." Three hundred and fort v-four were !)r esent ·at th e Chureh :-;chool ia ~t Sunday morning. We expect to r eac· h our g-on l Gf four hundred on ~ove mb t' 1i, whid1 is Hom e-Coming- Day for th<' f'hu1·ch school. Thi s l'hould he a great day in the hi s tory of the <'hurch school. It will combine all tht' fC>atures or ParentT eachers meeting·:-;, "Dad'~ Day·· :1 t the uni\'(·rsity, and "Home-Coming n:.-y" at ('ollege. )fond:t\' of twxt wt·t->k tlw lOut> Btrds will mt·1·t :1 t ;1 ::10 P. m. a ntl th e Bo~· s' club All nwmh(·rs or the Juniot· ancl ~Pn ! nt· :->t :::Hi p . m. On Tu<: ~day Hor.st ·\'(·lt TroCtp Xo. 2, Boy l'hoirs are urged to attend tlw l't·hears:-t.ls ~~ · nut:-: H nd St·:t f't'llllt ~hip Xo. i will m eet (·ll Thur~da~; nig·ht- th e Juni ors at ·: c.·<·lo~·k, the .'enior c ho ir at o\:lr·C'ic in the <: hurl'h :tt 7 :::o p, rn. \\'C'k f'acafi la l'a111p Firt· <:iris will hold thei r n·gular nwt't in~!' in t !1 c ('hurch at ·1 o'dot'l~ on \Vednl'sdny. A meeting of Circuit 10 of the Distri c.:t of Northern Illinois will be held Monda~: evening, November 11, at 7 :45 o'clock, ::tt ~t Philip's Lutheran church, Campbell · ~~d Bryn Mawr avenues, Chicago. The r,astors and a number of the laymen of the churches within this circuit will attend. A very interesting program ha~ been arranged consisting of 10 minut8 talks on pra~tical matters connected with The sess ion of the Chureh school will church affairs, which will be followed by ht· lwld at 9 :30 for all d epartments. All open discussions. n~t·mlwr:-: arr rt>mindecl of the rftkit·ll<'Y Thf' ThanksgiYing morning SC'r\'i~·~ ,,·ill ( 1·ntest in each department. b~ ht ·ld ns usual on the laRt 'l'hur ~ day o! the mcJnth of N-ovember at 11 o'clock at The .Juniors who arr m t' m\J(·rs of t I' \' St. John '!':. The pt~stor will deliver tlw "J!usy Buzzer" B. 'C. will meet at the Thnnksgi\'ing sNmon. Tlw Re n· i c(~ will ch urdt Sunday afternoon at ·1 o'clock b be hE>autified hy special choir nnd ;:(llo Children's hall. It wa::; voted ·at the last mu~i<'. 'Vt.·dnesday night meeting- to change thP tim e from 'Vednesday afternoons to SunSt. J<tlm's extf'nds a Ye ry cordial in\'!· dCly. tation to the stranger and visitor to at tend its sen·kp:-:, espec ially to thus <· wlw The n. 1. 1:. P . meeting- nt ;; ::w will be nrt' not connected with any church. Tt i~1 eharge of -th e Felluw:-;hip co mmi ssio n. al!':(l inYit s parents to avail themseh·~--: E,· .. ry young· person in the dmrch is in- <If the opportunities offered by our Sut> Yitt'd to attend the fin e m eet ings th:tt d n y s(·h(H)l and our week day cla:-:ses for <ll't' hl'ld t'al'h l::iunday. The topic for dif:- til.·· Christian edu cation of thl'il' childrt:n. t· : t~siou will lw, ··(Jproutiug- tlw ( ·au:-:· ' ..; .\ny child three years old or ov<·r ma.> C' hildr~ ·r: t·m:oll in thl' ~unday school. ot " 'ar." ~i x n·:ns of <tgt· or on:r are ace pt1·d i!1 .\ \' ry int('J'C':-:ling· :111<1 helpful Ht>ri :·:-: ,( th1· · wf't-1~-da:r classes which are gi\·"q \Yt·dJwsday uig·ht mt·Ptirw:s hav e hct>'l t·n·ry \\···dnesctay at 4 and Saturday nt 9. 1 Ia nn ed llr tht · pastor for the month ·; f ~ow· mlH'r . ..-\11 th o~t· \\'ho l'njoyed the mid-\\·ee k gatlwrings dut·ing· Oetol.Jer :tr.; urg-<·d tn attt-nd tht· :\'o\'t· mbt·r st· l'i· ·~ . ::--;i11th ~trc·d at Grernl af avenuf' " 't: dlwsday, Xovt::' mbet· 1 :~. tht:' <h·:tl:ll11~ l!t·,·. 1 'J~· tk llandolnh \Vh eC' land, U. D. will havr eha.rg·e; a musi\·al ·,.v ... ning- !,..; Sl fi {~I' N' IIW ood avenue . !wing· pht nned fm· Xll\'\'lllht·r :?0: ;t nd (II\ I :t ·:-idt'IH 'l' tt>lPphone Wilm ' tte :12S I ='<1\"t.·mber '..!.7, Thank~gi\· ing en', rt 1 'hurch uflh.: e, 'Vilmette 1575 Th a nks~i\· i ng Tt·sti mony meeting will l1e a fitting dost· to thi~ group of nwl'tin~.,. f'untla:>.. :\'o\'t'mber 10, at 11 a. m .. < ·~~m muninn and rr-t.·t>ption of nt>w mt'tnlJH ·~ \Vt·dnt · ~d:n · aftet·noon. Xo\· ~· mht·r 1:l. Ht int1· ( 'hri~t i;~n fdlowship of the church. o'do<'k, :111 g·irls t rn ~· t·nr.-; and O\'t·J· :t n· invitt d tn attend th ... fir~t llll'l.' ting r,f ~untla\· :--dwol das~('S for all ag-es {lt Troop III of the \\' ilmdt t:> ~~irl Sl'outs. !l ::\0 a.· m . Adult Bible cla::;s in th1 · U!tdt.·r tht· lt·adl'rship of ~fi~s Hoo~ c. c:l]lenr 1·f tht · <·hurch auditorium. Younf.! t:tin. TPil vour friend~ and inYite tlwm r to be J)l' l'~e.n t . The lllt ·mlu·rsllip will ],.. .\l;t ni· ·d Fr ·II,~' clas:-J in the ministt·r·:-; !'tll<l~· . lirnitt:d to tw<'nty-four. First Presbyterian .1uni· q · ('lllll'l'h at 11 a. m. :\len and Young· \\' nnwn J.;xp ·cl of Each Otht·r ·:· · Lt·arkr: 1·:;~ rl Les li e. Y(Jllllg P<~o pJ~,. \\'t·lc·omt·. Tt ·a and ::;o ·in ! hour followin_g· .. ~· · uir·r <·hri:-:tian EndC'avor at ~ultj~ · <·t: "\Vhat Should Young- ii ::1u p . rn . St. John's Lutheran l'r:t Vt·r m eN ittg- at 8 p. m., \\. ·dnesM~·. · \\'i lnwttP and Park nYenu ~. 'Vilmettt· "Tiw · I 'nmlwts of the Bahyloni(\-n./] ~~- Tlw 1-;Pirli-annual Thank -O fft ·ring- meet1 r~· rman \\·. ::\l(·.rer, pastor Plan s arc under way for an ea:· ly lng- of tilt· <'hurch will he hdcl on \\ ' d!1 ef:- ·tnt; Pr:liri,· avt·ntH' T e lephon · 1:;:· ·: i(·tl." t Jw first of whit.:h is ~ahum. Aft··l' nwding of the Young ::\Tarried People's d:n·. with Dr. " ' illiam s. HPard n( Kew tht' f01 II of tlw A:,;syrian powe t· HabyJ(,,l ('hul'(·h t l"lf'J)hone 3111 g:·oup. Wat ch for the announct·mcnt of Yo.rk f'itY a~ the ~ n P:l k e r. Tile cor.y Corrb~·.-; to world command and with th· · na hylonh-h ))11\\' C:I' a n ew school of )!1'1·~ he date. ne r Cin·it· will st-rYt· tht· tlinn(·t· at (> :-I:J Sf·nfc~es plwts with a difft.·rent message dulllinat, ·:-Both th Bulletin-;_nd " 'rLM r·: rn; LIFE· " · 111 · 'l'wvnt ,\ ·-fnurth Sundn~· aftl'r Trinif~· l~t·<t··l's S}Jiritual life. Nahtim JH'(·~<·nt:-; go to press on Wt·dtWsdays, It will !1e!p · On Thut·sda\' at 7 :::0 Jl, m . Troop No. I, :· :::u a. m. ~undn v .·chool and Bib!<.! ar1 int~· resti11g- . ang-1~ on prophe tic mt~ s da!"!"t·s · tl1e se<'retary grt·atly if all noticl's are Bo~· !:kouts, ,~- ill m et> t in thl' church. :-:ag,·s with political sig-nificance. t"h·phnnt·d befon' :: o'dol'k ~>!l Tut·sli:t y !·: 1:; :t. m. Fir:-:t st rvk~ · and sermon a f t· ·ruoo ns. 11 :1. m. ~ et·o wl ~t>rYi<·v and ~errnon Xationa! Prai~H· meeting- Tuesd:1y aftt.·r.Tonior and Srniur choir J'(' hear~al~ \\'ill :0:\'l'llH·Il: "Tilt· ~""hri~tiaq and Jli!-1 TinH·" 1111(111, .:\on·mh(·r 12. at 2:15 o'clock. .:\f i:-s La:-:t Wt.·t·l{ tlw Oirl ~<·.,ut troops f' H- be h <' ld as usual on Thursday. Flon·n<:e Town t' from Erie 'hapel In~t i j,y~·d tht~ tlrst dintwt· parti<·s to lw helrl tute will ha\·t· charge of th e dl'votional The Young- :\Iarri r d Pt·oplc·'s cl ub will )(.-etiugs i·t tllt'ir new room . Th e kit<'11en wa s n ·t·y m eet on Friday, Xovembr r 15, at the IWI' ind . .:\Ir~ . £i t> nry Roe Cloucl will 1J · '"' dl initiated. <'amp song-s \\'1.~ 1'(' sung- hornt> of :\lr. and :\Irs. E . C. Hildrt'th, 200!1 Fri<la~·. Xo,·. S: Junior \Ya!t h(·l' lt:agW' th e HWakt·r of the afternoon. Her hu sat 7 :-13 around th tire pla<'P and man~· plea~ant B echwood avelliH'. Gt·orge Redding wilt :Hotulay, Kovemb<.·r 11, at i ::. : 0: Choir l'E'- l.Jantl lJr. llenry Hoe Cloud, is prt'Si<lent lllt'lllOriN; fill <'d the mind~ of tllt' HCOUtH. of the :-idw()l for Indian bovs at \\'i ·hita. lead the dh;l'ussion nn ":\lussolini nnd the h ea r~ul DiC'tn torship." 1\fr~. A. B. Tuck e r a~d Tuf':-;day, NoHmbt·r 12, at i :-15: 1\I<.·eting- Kansa~. and she will bring us sonw int (·l'Tht· ,\.l ·man's J rome ::\rissiomtr~· socie~y Mrs. Robert Calvert will assiRt in the dl ~ esting- first hand information <·f tltt·ir· of the voting membe rs i!" planning- to send a ChriRtmas box cuslSion. A social hour will foll<·W wnrl< tht>r<'. \\·edn£>1-'d:ly at 4: Clas~I:'S for childre n lf.·aving- here Df'C't>mber l:i to H ev . H. L. the meeting-. 'rt:a will be served by SpoJ.:,· Thursday: Chri.·tma~ ~al~' and l::iUJ)])t::'l' r;rt>t ·r n nd ehildren of < 'omd, ~orth !1. .:\. cordial invitation is extended to ~aturday at 9: Cla:::ses for children ( 'arolina. R(lV, Grt>er i~ a widower with all \\'llllt Pn 1 1f the congregation and thdt· two l.Joys--(ages St!H"!n and 1ifll·t>u)-an d friends. Tht:' annual sale and SUJ)JJer given in tht> two g-irls--(age:; teu and thi.rlt:en). Tl~e Xext fiunday, Xow· rnht> t' 10. _w~ll bf' the 1 ~unday school rooms of the church will h_l:' lp uf each member of .thts ch_urch IS twt> nty-fourth sunday aftt·r Tnmty. There The D1·Y Scouts will met.·t No\·eml.Jl't· s~nl· ·rely ~~ke~ In planmng- th.t~ b~1x. will b , holy eon1munion at S a. m .. ~hun·h h t: hel<l on Thursday after.noon and eve- J.1 in tlw l'hureh parlot·s at a diml<·L ning, ~ovember 1{: lwginning at 1 o'clock ~ a contnbutt~ns ar~d al~_o. dotlung· 1 hat school and Bible claslit-s at !) :4i..l and Tht" par .. nt:-; of the Scouts will be guests ~~ m good condition ts sohettc:d. 1\lr~ ..T. morning- prayer with adtlrps::-; at 11 a. m. The \'ariouH circles of thf' Ladies' Aid l·f th e troop. The medal awards fot · han~ exerted en·ry effort ag·ain to mal< ... . \. l're:-;cott is chairman uf this work. Camp and ~<.:out work will be pre:,;e ntt-d . this undertaking a suc<·ess in e\'ery way Thf' \Vomans' Associ:t ted g-uilds will Christmas Curds m~et FridaY in the club house with lun('b- and loolc for a IJig a tten<.lance. Booths or Erie Chapt'l Institute auxiliary membcr·rdl kinds will be in evidf'nce most of ~hips n ·t·t·i\·ed during the month of No_yTiw Wt.·sleyan St.·rvi<:e <1uild i:-; St.'lling eon at noon. which will be in charge of thP Aid. The < 'hristmas ·ards as a mean~ to help em bt.·J' IJy .:\1 l'H. Earl G. Low, 1706 Fmest ('.t rry on missionary work . H you would TIH' re<'tor delivered an ad(lre:::s at St. Senior and the .Junior Young· People'::; so- a ,·e nut', \Yiltuette 607. C'ieties, however, will each also hav · '1 lik e to S(· · one of the db)llay boul<s, Chrvso~>tom's ehurch l\Ionday eYening and The supper will be sernd from plt-a~P notify a member of this sociE't.y. at St. Bartholomew's on the. south si~e booth. Fo!111wing- is the musical program fnr TIH· liirl Seouts are selling <'hi-istmas of Chirago '\Vednes(lay evenmg. He 1s 5 :30 to about 8 o'clock. !'lltHla~· . Xo\'ember 10: ca rds in box a~sortments of twt>nty-one to bt' the speaker at Wheaton, Ill., next Organ Prelude luH·ly cards. J(lndly place your ord·~r ~unday at 4 o'clock at a combined meetBeginning Sunday, Nonmber 10, tht> "("ommunion in E Mino'r" . . ..... Datbte \\ ith any Girl Scout, who will also ~ell ing- of the Episcopal churches in the Fox rastor will deliver a serieH of three ser- .-\nthem ~-(JU Christmas tags and seals. mons on Chri·tian Stewardship whieh W·' ri Yer Ya lley. "\\'hat of the Xight ?"' .. .. . .. Thomp:-on hope every member of St. John's wili Anthem :\I any thingl-1 ~rc ~till HeedNl in the 'rhe yestry nwt on Thursday eveniu,g hear. The first sermon wili deal with "~oft Floating- on the Air" .. . ..... H11ot w:1y of furnishings for this J.:T1·at tww 1 in the church offices. On Tuesday the the proper and advantageous use of the Offt'rtor.r ~olo l·uilding-. Tlwsc inelude Yarious items of men of the new chapter of the Brother- Chri~tian's time. "In Th(·e, 0 Lord, Do I Put My ft:rniture and fixtur s su<.:h as reading hood of St. Andrew held their second Tru::;t" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FreY dtf'ks, andiron_13, tables und especially meeting and the Acolyte guild met on Thursday evening, November 21, the!'f! l\lt·. Otis <:urtains and stage fixtures for tlw shq.;:\fonday. will be a meeting of all the communicant Organ Postlude upstairH. The Boy Scouts are hoping to members of St. .John's at the Sunda\' "Credo" ............. . . . Haydn l1ave their room furnished very shortly. The Sunday Evening club will me.:;!t school rooms beginning at 7 :45 o'clock. The Choir Con::;ult the pa:;t()r or any of the leadt>rs llt:>Xt Sunday evening, November 10, in At this meeting· several of the officers oi Catherine Bushou~e. soprano it you wish to make minor gifts toward the New Trier High school auditorium the church will speak on matters vital to Hose Lutiger · Gannon, contralto securing some of th('Se needed fixtures. at 8 o'clock. Burton Holmes will give the welfare of the church. This ,will b~ .Tohn JJ. "filler, tenor his travel lecture on "Slam,, the Land of followed by an open forum. St. John·~ Edward vtis, bass .Small children art! cared for in the Chang," mustrated with moving pictures. entertains the hope that all of the comErma Roupds, organist and director. St. ~4ugustine~s Episc._ :h

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