Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 45

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WILMETTE' · LIFE 45 Blcser~Knqbel Wedding Takes Place on Nov. 2 The marriage of Miss Irene Bleser and Karl G . .Knobel, son of Mr. a11 d ~frs. Charles Knobel" of 204 \Vood court, vVilmette took place last Saturdar afternoon at 5 _ o'clock at St. Johns Lutheran church, Wilmette \vith the Rev. Herman . \V. Meyer performing the ceremony. A reception and wedding supper immediately followed the service at the home of the bride's paren ts, - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bleser l-l35 Central aven ue, \Vilmette. ' The bride wore a handsome white satin gown mad~ princess style with a large rose point la ce bertha. Her long veil of white tulle was fastened with a spray of orange blossoms ·to a ~ mall cap o f lace and ruftles. She carrie d a large shower bouquet ,,f white roses and lilies of the valle\·. The maid of honor, Miss Edna Ric c-r :-.istc r of the bride, wore a gown of coral pink satin with slipp ers to match, and held a large bouqu et of American Beauty roses . The bride smaids, ~~i ss Eleanor Hardt of \Vilm ctte, and ~Iiss ~fabcl Hofstetter of E\·anston " ·ore iroc ks of pale blue satin with slippers to match. They- also carried American Beauty roses. Two mall nieces of ).f r. Knc bel, Ellen Burn and Jean ~fatt hcw , w~re in frocks of pink taffeta, and earned ba ske t s of sweet peas. The be st man for ~[ r. Knobel was Cl'orgc ~I crganthaler oi \ YilmcttL· .· 'I'll ~ u-,hers were Lawrence Kn obel, a brother of the groom, Howard Rie se r, a brother o f the bride, and Frank :\ Itman of Evanston. The ch urch and altar were proiu-.l"Jy decorated with ferns , palm:;, an~l chry sant hemums, and preceding tlw \\·edding ceremony ~lr s. \\' illiatn ~chn: iber of Evar~:-;t o n, an intimate iricr!d of the bride's mother. :-.ang. "0 Promise ).(c.:" and "0 Loving Father." The bride and groom wh n are on ;t motor trip in th e Fa~t will ht· at hume after December 1 at 1315 \\'iltncttc avenue. ~~ r. and ~~ rs. \ \'illiam . :-;chulllackn ui ~f ilwaukee, an uncle.: and aunt Pi the groom, and ~[ i ·s ~I artha (~cr:- t and t ui Knox, Ind., an aunt o f thl' bride, \\'ere among the out of to\\·n gm·:' ts. On Wedding Trip pianist, was accompanist for . Ruth Page, danseuse, and Frank Parker, disc·ur, in two concerts Friday, Novem- 1 her 1, on the occasion of the opening 0f the new .' Chicago \\'oman's club. 1 ,. . 1--------------------~~--. RECITAL ACCOMPANIST ADOLPH BOLM· Miss Paulin~' Pettibd~e, Wilmette SCHOOL OF TkE DANCE 624 South Michigan Blvd., Chlcal{o Wlnnf'tka Community House · ( ' lasst-s Thursday from f to I Ballet, Character Daneln~ For Information. write or phone Chicago School-Harrison 2029 (Photo by Carlos) Xorembcr 2 \ra ~ the occa ·ion oi the marriage oi ~li s Irene Bleser_ ancl Earl G. Knobel, both of \Yilm ette. The brick and (!room are motoring in the Ea ~ t ancl \\'hen ther return fr om their \\'Cdding trip they \\'ill . re side at 1313 \\.ilmctte a\'Cnue. · i Pearl Jane:-· roum \\·ill ha\·e chart£C of the :\rmi~tirl' d<n- a s~e mbly prog ram to be held at the Howard :-chool ).fonda,· mnrning, XoYCtnbcr 11 . This as:;cmbly- \\·ill be for upper grJdl' I pupils tlnly, although Armistice day 1 exercise~ arc to be held in yariut:s rooms oi the school. ~Irs. ARRANGE FOR ASSEMBLY T. \\'clkr Kiml.>all, 333 1 Kcuih,·orth. entertaim:d · thirty ~uest:-i at dinner at their home I ~1 onday cn:ning. :\oyembcr -l. ..,..,..-===--=--=-=--- ~fr. and ).frs. Lcirc~ter road, Aime Palliere to Speak t . at Congregation Israel ' Friday evening, Xovemher 22, ~lon ,ie ur .-\imc Palli cre. famous .French l'a tholic-J cw, will deliY cr a Iccturl' at ~orth Shore Congregati on Israel. Linl'l:Jln and Ycrnon avenue~. Glencoe. "How I Found ~ly \\'ay to Judaism" i-; th e subject on which ).f. Pallierc \ril! address, in English. :\mcrican ~udiences from ~cw York to San Francisco. Pallicrc will gi\-c but two 1 )r three addres ses in the Chicago area, in cluding the address in Glencoe . :\imc Pallierc is the auth'o r of the -.p iritual autobiography, "The Cnknown Sanctuary." the tran slation of which into English, as the translations into many foreign languages, stirred the English reading public ahout a year ago. Palliere, who had expected· to enter the Catholic priesthood, in~ tcad found his way to 1udaism because, as he explained, of its Cniv<:rsalistic outlook is now associate rabbi of the Liberai Synagogue in Paris. Capture Childhood's Charm for the Family This Christmas Photographs of the youngsters-what priceless gifts they will make at Christmas time. For aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, no other gift could please them half 4\S much as this enduring record of childhood's charm. But it must be this Christmas. The ·few· · year .. olds eagerly on their way to Grow· Up..Land will not wait. You must capture childhood's charm now--or not at all. 1 OPENS RENTAL OFFICE \V. H. Claris, who has for some t imc been in · business in the Insurance Exchange building in Chicago, has opened a renting and insurance office at 976 Linden avenue Hubbard \Voocl., and has taken over the renting of the Linden Manor, the Citizen's State bank stores, and a group of stores 01.1 Lincoln avenue, \Vinnetka. He ts the father-in-law of Walt~ Bell, of ~fc Guire and Orr's office, t'¥/innetka. This week, before the busy season, is the best time to arrange an appointment. Mtntature Our Special C~r~stmas $12·50 Telephone today. Phone Univ. 2238 EuGENE PHOTOGRAPHER L. 1606 Chicago Ave., Evanston RAY

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