Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 44

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ISch~rQ Publiahed weekly by the ~ehool children of Wilmette undtr 1upl rviaion of Wilmette Playground 11nd Recreation Board \YIL~fETTE. J·UNIOR LIFE · 1old by the Pupils ILLINOIS. NOVEMBER 8. 1929 One day, a. I wa~ thinldn~ of somp:. thing to do, 1 'thought 1 wt~uld Yi =- il an ait·pot·t out we~t. ~o 1 startPll with " friend of mi1w. \Y ~tarterl t11 tlag- t'nr a ride. We WPre t:·Xt't' <'clingly lud~~· and ob tained a. t"ith· all tht- way to llllt' · dl:'stination. \'\' e walked up tn the entranve whE.'r · two men stood. \\·l. thought Wt> would have to pay a ' quat't~·r to get in :ts th t· \\'t· t·a n; did, but w e wert> wrun ~. walkPd down th e long mad a11d went oYer to a large Rton(:' hang·ar anrl lo~oi~ P d around. \Ve saw tht> "\\'t· \\.ill" whir·h had tried for a new l'(·t·o ru and is t··-ported to he trying- ag-aiu a ft· ·r it!'; ltrst failure. \Ve walked oYer to wlu·n· a lat'g'o· Trl motor was making· a landing-. \\',· wah'hed it land and tlwn tal"' off a~ 1111 fr,r another trip. A man in unifor111 w :1" standing in back (Jf a tid·a·t IH·oth slwuting, "Five dollars for n riclt' in the ht~· tri-motor over tht· Ntwth !-ihore." \\·c walked around and <"anw to a l:1 ··~ ·· anrt modern looking building. \\.t· t ntt:>red and found at one Pilei of th t· ,.,,1'1. a store, with sou\·enir.· strewn about tlu· .eounter. \\.t' found an t·ntrann' to tl.t· up~tairR and went up. \Vr> walkP<I i11, ·· a lwautiful reeeption room with tncHl e t'l' · i~tit· furnilshings. \\·., found a door alld wt: nt out on the roof. Tlwn· we saw two .army planes going up. Tlwy m:HlP all awful drumming noist·. Tht>Y lool, e d a:,; :if tht:>y would tul'll ow1· as tlwy rost· U)J a nd at the sanw t inw turning \\'t> watched them dl~apJ)(·:tr trom our \'iew . ·ThE.'n we Htarted for honw Frail){ :\lay. J loward SA . S~lect Voices for Extra! Another Carnegie Frank May Visits Bombshell Is Exploded Girls' Glee Club Airport and Gets .. A Sailor's Tale Not .satisfiE>d in finding athletics in th(' unclE.>an, the Carnegie Found;lat I/ oward School Plenty of Thrills._ _ -- - - - - - - · colieges tion sent a Junior investigator tu dis One day whil e I was on my Y:u::1t ion. I g-ot out of bed pretty early . Tlwr·~ was a littl e breeze out so 1 rlPeith.·tl to g-n out in t lw sn il boat. J w t- t1t down ancl had hr·'aldast and rem e mbt'red that th(:' tidE.' wa!-: not in . Jt was coming in fast, though, so I <lt·<·ided to find ~omething to do. .1 had been doing diffE>rent things for about an hour wlwn 1 went down to gel th e sailb11at. I got it o ut nne! was sailiug- :1 ronnrl. I \Hnt uut pr(:tty far and tlw wind start~d to <li t> down. Ro I ~tart<'d itt. ] wa!'; not \'t>I'V far nut when the fog that hilll lJ('eil settling bE.>came thi c l\ e r. Tht're \vas not much wind at all by thnt time. The bont had a littl(:' leal' in it that was not IJacl hut it wn.s gt'lting· big·g·vr. By that timt> 1 was trying· t () narlfllt·. 'l'lw fog· ht·came so thiek that I t'tllil ·l hardly st·l:' tht- shot'(' , 'Vhen it \\':ts :-;11 thi ck I coul<l not Hee t lw fmll t "r tlw boat 1 threw out th e :-tnchor. I hat! to l'tart hailing· fot· about l\vo hnnrs. Tho·n thP fog beg-n n to lift. It was 1101 Ion!!' in lifting-. Finally I got to s h .. r,· anrl that was tlw last tim e I W<·nt 1111t i·· a slight hreezr. - .l:tL'i\ Edmond s, .'11: 111 ·\\',lr<l cover conditions in the 'No'rth Sho1 1t· Grammar school leagu e. Out of the four competing· ~l'hools it wafi found Wilmette was the onl~· ~l· hool with a clean slate. Several days ag·o it wn~ t·umnn·tl that Pete Fylasco of St. ,Joseph was ;..:-1 ·ing; to play with K enilworth . This mn:.· tH·t be true but at the :-;am c tim(' Kenil\\'mth used 1\'ew Trier· nwn to · pia~: on tlw i1· bask tball t ea m, o that giYt·s Kenilwm:th a blnck mark on h e1· slate. At Evanston last \vee!{ aftl'r a g·:ttll l', Coach l'ntt.e r son was SE.'f'll t o be haudingmoney o ut to his play el'l'. 'nwn que~ tion ed th ey said it wa s ear iare. This may be true but nt th e same time w11~· w e r C' there cars oa rl·ed to tak~ tlwm h om '! Th ey answC'red this ttuestion h,· saying it wns to push Coac h Patt erson·~ cat· hnm e.-\Vhif'h could han· Iwen tnu: all right as can ht' S('t'll :1ft··r one g-limp·~~~ at saiu car. .Judging from thel"e fa c t l' you l':lll thiltl; what you like about th ese :-whools. nes pectfully ~mbmittt·d, .Junior Carnegie ln\·e:stigat ut·, Frank Chl'istit'. SA llowart.l . About thre e or four weel<s ago, l\Trs. Clark, the music teach er, t es ted all th ·· voice~ of the children in the seventh anrl eighth grades. 'Ve had to sing up tl}t' scale two octaves and down two oct a \'t·~ by ourselves. 'Ve al~o had to sin~ tht· fir~t verse of "America the B~aut i ful." Last Wf' k 1\lrs. C lark told UH whn was to be in th e Glee club. Th e girl~ had their first m ee ting Friday, Octnher ~5, at remedial p eriod. .l\Trs. <'lark h;:t~ chosen about l"ixty <·hildren fm· the <Het> duh. Bhe told us it would not bt· all fun in th e club. Th e girls will have to WC'ar white 111i<l· dit:' s, white skirts, white ~tm·kin~s. and n·d thrt' t·-cot·ne1·~'d S·('arfs.- :\Iargut·ritt· l't· lt·rst>ll, 7B Jlowa rd. I Kansas Gets a Boost in Reverse from Bob Willis ~"'·cral years ago WI' w e r e on our way through Kan!"as bounrl fm· Mesa VPrcl··· Th r day had been a bad one as tlw m e rcur~· wa s hug-~ing the post at 113 and we had ha<l four punetqre.· and two blowout~ on th e sa tn e tirf'. It was nnw 7:~0 nud w e w ere holtling· fin(' . E\'f·rvone \VH!-: in th.t' hest of spirits . " XCt·pt D:ui. H e kf'J)t l\n or· king 'on wood ht'<·a uRP a bl:wk c 01 t ha<l c rossPd ou 1· pa th J:iO mil~· s haclo; . lit · wns rhdlt in hi~ Slll>l'I'Stition f<~l' at ft o'c loek it was raining pi.tch forks an d :1xe h :mcll<' ~. At 11 o'l'!od;: Wt· h a 1l :n10ther putwt 11,!'<' ;~till harl to ('!HIIl g-t· tireR in a clou<lhurst. lh nn\\' wt · \\'(·re lo10cldng; the l"talt.· of K.tt 11~: 1 ~. .\ t tlw twxt town W (:' found that a hritlge had ht:t.·n \\':1!-;h , d out :11111. thc ·rt · was a 2~-mi.le d eto ur. H e r t:> :tl:"o ,,.,. l't~llllrl that the ga::; stations all clos(·fl :1 t !t o'dnck and it wa R now aftPr 1~ .\11tl_ f., top the climax, the hot t> l harl lwdhn g:-. ~t· \\'t· !< lt·Jlt in a leaky l>a l'lt. - Rnh \Villb. ·Jloward ~n. Play Proves Feature of 7-A Hallowe'en Festivity Ol1 Tlall nw·"<· n tlw cia!"~ of i.\ I I· ·\\':11:;1 had fun nt tlwit· I'OOJII Jl:ll·ty. Th· · lir~t .T:tme~ Catherine Won't For get That Trip to Sky Harbor ··\ :" \\'t · ··titt·n·d t h· · ;.:round~ · ,f :-;Jn· llarbt·r. \\'o · llt':tl'd a lt·t'J'illr· IH·i~·- an;l ltlllkitq..\ Ill' WI:' :":I\\' tilt' IJi~· Fot'tl u ·ipl :t llt·. lt llad ju~t tal\1:'11 t·l'f an d it h· ·ing· ld111l .,f )t,\\', !"t·lllt'fl lhiit it \\'<l~ l'ig"ht !J\'t'l' IIIII' ht ·afls. \\·,. h:u..t llo ·:tn·d th·· duhh· ·ll~t· when \\'t · ~:t\1' l:i;..: l:(·n, an c·r;LIIJ.!.t' a11tl hltt· · rdu..Jin~-=. pi:IIH· that was ju~t 1-!"ill).!, tc· n·l'11t·l tilt- t·lldlll'HIH ·.... plan..... \\·, . l1 :t tl Ill>[ llt 't'll tht ·l'·· llll·l't' tllall ll:'ll llliWII4 ·S Wh t-'11 tiJ,.. ll'i)ll:tlh- \\';1~ ~ightl'd :tlld \\' )WII it lanclt·d . - rh.- wi11rl :uHl ~an d · ·: tnH· th·in~· into 1 >Ill' t·~·c·!' :t ncl fa(·· ·s. Tilt · 11111111.1'!" :111cl tho · Jll'll)it·~lt · l' \\'t ·l't· !11Hkin~.; ~11··h :t llf·i~t · tlt:t! \\ ,. thtll l).!) !t 411 I' ,.. :! 1' diiW.II :I" Tilt· p:t:-;~t ' ll!.:t ' l'~ \\'vro · !-:··ill~ to t,ut ·:-- t . 1":!11·· ··ut l"t·hing \' t · r~· l·n ·: lthle~:- :1 ... 1 h:1ppy. !"c, th4 ·y 11111 ... 1 h;t\'t· t·nj .. n ·d tl 1··i1 trip. I \\' ill ;tl\\';,~ · s n ·mc-·llt h c·r ·Ill\' !li ·" ' ')sit II· ~l ·: y Ilarl,.,r r·1· t .. :1 11~·. :Jii·p .,. , l a tll· ·l'lll4 · J~· · ~· t11drl:--, ll~~warrl 71:. :Boys Make Flytraps But Teachers Frown on· Venture The boys in the SC cia!-:~ han' bt>c·n wry busy making fty traps for tlw past wee ks. They first take a largt· cork and cut it in half and tlwn thE.'~· :-ha \'P them off until they arp about one-halt ineh thick. They th e n ~tick co mmot1 pins around the outsidt' edg·t> of 4Hit· ·Of them. This makes the top or t hP .cage and bars. Then they stif'k th P ·pin~ into th e oth er J}iPce or (·ork. thus .making the bottom . \VlH'n it is <lonf' ·there is a cork to-p a cork bottom arid t h e barR. The pinR mu~t be close t"noug-11 · to~fther so that the ca ptive can't ~qiiN"Z · through. Most of the teaehet·s don't lik e thiR be ·ause they belieYe in ··pre,···ntion of cruelty t o ani mal s." I11 onlE>r -to put a fty in the trap tht>y must t:tke out seYeral of th pi11s. -Eleanor Tiit-l,s, ·SC Stolp. -GOT LO!i<l'f - .\L1 UOST I was visitin~ m~· co usin in l~· wl\furd. ~he had just mu\'ed t het·e so she did unt 'kno w h er way to town or any otht·t· !>lace. \Ve w ere tirecl of sitting n t·out HI ·so we went for· a littlt· walk ab6ut :1 n'clot"k. \Vl· did not car(' where \\'P wrnt hut she had only l>et: n t(l town o tH' t' Jwfore and that wa~ wit1-1 her father . \V ~-: -<'o uldn't recall tlw way we canw . \\' t> walk f' d up sir(·N :11111 down street. Fi11:11IY J lo.tJkt>d down a Htn·Pt a lld Haw ;I g·a·s statiOn. It lookecl juHt like tht' ot~t- two hl··cks away from hH h ousf'. :-;Jw wns :-urt· it waRn't. I saicl that it woulcln't hurt to go that WilY. As ,,.,. r· .. ac h ·rl it ~lw I'(·C(I£:'lliZt>d t}H- tiE·i~h1Jo1·hoorl. ,\t 1:\~t l'f'achC'd h onH' at 4 ::Hr. l~t·itl~ ;t\Y:Iy :111 lwur and a half. lt sun· l\'· did ·.t>t ·lll t..:onfl to sit cl n wn aft · r walld11g a ll ·ht· whiiP - JAiR f'andberg-. Howarcl SH. on th e J1l'OJ.:I'l'<llll was a llallo\n,.l·ll 111:1\·. Tlw chnractt·rf!. Wf·rr Pat llt ·t Hirit·l' ""~' Bul'<kttP, Billy Kt·1T, a11rl llt-rht·t ·t ::'llt·yt·l'. x .. xt was a month organ :--.. !.. hy lta:nnond En·l '!" . I J, . pl:1y .... d "(lid l:l:tt ·l· .Tof·." Tlwn !~ill:-· L..tll· · ;..:-:t\·,. :1 radio JH'Ogt·am whi<"h was \'l·ry g·ootl .\.ftt·t· the prn~ram WI· hntl rt"l'r··~hnwnt" . \\'e all had ln~ o( fun .- .Trnn Pen·i!J. 'j;\ ]lo\\·anl. f Mrs. Groves' 7th Grade Goes to Art Institute Ortobr1· 2!l. ::\ft·~. Grm·l'~' !"1'\'t·.nth g-r:Hit·l of Howard Wt·nt to thf' Art. ln~!ttut··. \\ t' went on tlw Xorth ~hon· lin(' in :t pr ·h :1 t · o·;u·. \Yh(·JI We got tlll'l't ·, ::\1 i~!" t·)ll4 ·II . an Art ' l11~titut t· tt ·adl··t·, !"hll\\'t ·rl 11 " on original nf :i \\'o·altll.\' )lt-l' i-"11 ,.f tho · middle ages, nr clark :tg-f'!'. lt hacl :1 huge fireplace . of lllJH ·. TIH · fit '!·pl:ll'4' would have to h(' hiJ.:.· in Rllf'h a hig l'tH·III . Jt wns heautifulh· fut·ni ·ht ·d with a f,.,,_. chnirR, tapf'Stl'i(·S·, r·lrl \\'OOfl ('n t·ahiJWt!" . trunks. It \\'a!" "" !'\' hf'autiful. ~ht·l i!lRo s h owed u~ tlw r'n.nt 1 1oon: of 1111Cathedral of ~t. f':ilt>!". Our t11p wa s' , ·etT intt>rt>sting, --:-;hlrlev I..t>ason. -;A 1 lownrd. · Finds Program on Safety Is Really Very Helpful Thtlr~d:t, .. Odnhf'r ~1. tlw !-:t-l1iOt' assembly t·ttjoyt·;l a Jll'(JgTam g·i\·t-11 hv SH. Tlw pr .. g r:·11 1 wa:- ahout saft· tr. Th C' t't· \\'<'1'1' ttiiH· rlit'fHi·nt rase~; that is, th~n, \\'l'.!"' nine cliffHPnt pnlict>men wiH· IJruug-nt up 11i11c · rlift't ·l'Pilt pf'OJ)) e to tlw l'hiPf n!' Jtcdic ·, .. Tht ·:-'1' r·hilrln·n cli<l l'OI11C'thi·"' a~:lin'<t :"afl'f~·. \Vt' :tll c·njoyNl this pr11gTam anrl Wt · ~;ot a l11t out of it. \\'t' hop·· th l-' llt·xt prog-ram will Iw as ~n~·rl n~ this (lilt ·. - .It·an ]'c·rrill. iA H o ward . Dorothea Hands a Little Dig to Her Dear .Teacher T1wsrl: t ~· . ,,.P hnct a lit~l·· zoe. . liP had :1hout twPnty <liff4·l'f'llt kind~ of animal~. nnt' tla:r he ~aid then· was ~oing to tH· a pknic in tht> afh· rn oon. Tie a!-lkf·d nw if I woulrl f'ome. I told him. yt's. I < "H ill\' UJ1 there and th e (·\"(·ntl"' wen· n !.all g-ame. a grl·al'wd polt-. <·tr. l had to dimh t111~ pc,le t c, win thf· rl onko·y. Tlw man said we werf' going- to start. J C'limberl it fivf' titltt-s until I <·anw tr· tlu· tflp. \\'h e n J gnt thtc1'f' I harl to J1ull out a flag . - Boward Ruff. 7 A Hownr<l. If t:RE·s A :SF.W l'UVIL The 8 Stolp ha!:' a n e w pupil. His name i~-; Jack 1\fillf'r. H<: has come from the ~t. Francis s<'lllHil tr. prepart> .,..-, .. ::-.;E.'w Trier. He iH a gc,ocl .Jlupil and :} good player for any t ea ms. ,,."' welconw Jtim.-Jfarry Hughes, S Stohl. Pff' ~\"lf' 1~ ('AJII' Thi!' ~umm('r 1 wa~ up at a c·:ul)p on :-;tomy Lakt·. Th(·l't· wa~ a man wlw (.Jdnb· ·l' :!:!, :.\tr~ . ,J.,IH'"' l1:1 tl in b:1c ·l\ of I toward -.~ · 11 .... \. It w:1~ Yt ·r:-· wiiHl:-o· th at cia\· :t" 4' \t·rrbnfl:-· '"11·~\·~. Th f· (':\1' \\':1~. )l:ll'l\t·tl ,;II top of :t Rlll!tll hill. ::\Trs . . lllllf ·" l·ot ·;..:. .. t to put on hf't' PnH ·rg-I ·JH ·r l.r:tl·· · that d :t ~· ancl whilt· she was i.n st·ht~rd 1111' \\'ind .Tr.Sl: ,\X]) ,J.\('K C"am~ n ln!1g an<l bl(·w Jt rl .. wn 1,fr t h· · IIi II. r 11 :1\'t · u larg·c· hla<·l' collie. Hi~ ll:tllll' I tlunk !f ::\Irs. Jones fc,rg·t·t!-: t11 Jlllt r111 hPr Pm· ·rg·enc v bral;t· t·\·,.1.,. winch cl:t ,. i~ .IH<"I; . .l;u·l\ and 1 :11'1' good frit!ncb . ~h will hnYe.to hny .... a hit('hing· I;"" ' t;, \Vlwt1 I w·1s 1111 in 'YiRf·onsin h e wa~ (lUI' clog i!:' \·rry ~m.,t · t STORY 0}' .\ S'I'OR1[ tie lH'r c·:1r to J )c , rt~thc·:t 11 :11'1\··1'. 7.\ m~· pl:1ymatto. and lmows mnnv tl'iC'kR. Hf' ('all sit up OnC' ~ummf'r day as Wt· were dridn~: n nwa nl. and ~Jwak. sa~· ·hi:" prn~-p 1·s and he t 1~11 hom e from <'amp th('re ·wa~ sucldf'nl\' tn clm:p n 1lnor if sonH"hn<ly forg-ets tn. I llh' hP heard a terribl t> c lap nf th und t- r ·and .\X EXCI'fi.:VG TU.IJ' l nv r Wl'11t fot· a walk in the woods . .Jn<"l\ .it start(·d r:1ining YE.'ry 1!:11'(1. ~o hn1:t1 in " ' lt f'n, on my vacation in -:\Iichit.: ;t n. 1 c fa('t Wf' could not !'lee> , :rrv far ahead went on :t weenie roast with mY fri .... ntl o( 'coursr "·as hound ·tn follow. Thii-i was of us. \Ve WE're frightf'tWd ·by a sucl·len m~· cousin , a nd my :~unt. \Ve · w .. nt !1· way up in Xortlwrn \Yi!-'consin. On tho · fuzzy h <·:ll'. !-:<TPam of wind. TreP~ Wf'1't' hlown down 1\Iifldle lak e to ron~t nut· w<'eni es. ""! wa v wP nwt n. ni('(· larg.Jack and the bear it~ front of us. !'OO \Ye hnd to stop, as had rolls to put 11w Wl'enics on wh r n Hn\-: W al' 1 s!'an ·rl. <ltd n ll the rf'!';t of tht- (·a 1 ·s. Once whil(' the~r were done. \Yo · \H·nt in my frh·ttd;R got intr· a fig·ht and finally coming hac·k w e werE> stopped a hu ~P tree was struck, <'a1· and I fia t in lh · rllmble Rent. rt we wr·nt ha<'k to tllC' hotpl. \Ye did not so c l o~p a large bnuwh jn~t missc·d th e started tfJ rain on tht wav home and go to tlH' wonrls a!{ain whil f' w p Wt'1'!' i11 ca1· ns it fell. We wen· juRt thrl't· hnut·s I ~ot wet hecau~r I \\'ns sitting \V.ithon t \'·:i ~t·l·n~ ill · .1\lllt · .\hlstratHl. 8n Howarrl . latf' g"('tt ing- hom e and 1 had f'XPe ri t.'11Cf'd fl roof O\'f'l' my h ea d. I had a \ 'f'rv E'\'TEHT .\IX WITH Plo\YS one of the worst storm~ I, as Wt>ll a:-· PX<'iting- trip that clay. 1Tary . LnnisP Tht· ~(' l' ln :-:s will e nt f' t·tain thP ~tolp llw oth e t· boyR, had seE-n or h t>e11 in. ~<'hal'ff'1', 6A IIowar1L n~st'lliiJI\' dull next Tu es<:lay with tw o . -Mac Hutchin!';, SA Tlowarcl. plays. 'one is ~tng-ecl and ·directed bv W J\ 1'1\I:Xs cn.1:: "" J:XCITIN4 ~, I'X HEl~D! Thi:-: Hmnmer my family wc·nt fHI :1 Ali<-t· Freem:111, the ot lwr by Ruth Brh;tol. \\' hile we we>rt· away visiting- my trip Ea~t. Ancl 1111 thP W:t\' hon lt' "'" Tlwy an' both I Ia llowe't>n plays . Our g-ra tHlm oth e 1 ·'s farm a tht·illin~ itwhh·n t !-: IOJlJWd at \\'n tldn!-: r:t .. n, ·xl·w York. chai'rm a n of the l'lltertninme nt commitltappenNl. ~ly fallwt· was g-oi ng· !11 draw \\-atkin:' Glt' ll is :t pn·tty YallC'y through t e . Dick Hall, also prE.'~iclent of th e asRome wat(' J' from th e W('ll tlwn· . 1 re \\'hic·h a vet·y f'lf·ar s t r t-am flows, whkh sembly elub. has <· harge of it. Th e playhad hi s .watch in his Yt'st Jloc kt>t a 1111 ns ~·ou ca n f o llo w UJ1hill for five mileR. As en; have not had mnr·h time to practt..'4 ' hr bent OV('t' t o dt·aw thf' watH 11p hi ~ it is · a ~tntr pari\, tlwre :tl'l' walk~ nn but it iR exp ctc·d to have a vflry goorl watc h s lipped ont of his JHiek et anrl <lown hot h sidl'~ of tht · s.tream. Jn one plat'C show.·-H any Jlughf's, SC Stolp. into th f' WE'll. Th t:'n clad w ent a1Hl got therE> ns a hollow in whi<"11 thtol'l' is It a ~coo p atHl dug- up a lot of dirt. "T lw sidt"walk. On(' o11 e sidE> ther·· i~ n fall LF. .\RXIXG ":SEWS" wate1· waR about fift Pen f et> t deep. All and if you dnn't hurry you will get wet. Over at Howard school w e are havii.1J..:" of a sudden Dad's watc h appE.>arell . That - Gf·or~t> Colt on, 611 llowarrl . an intere~-;t lng p e riod from Miss Lar:;.;o:'. f' surely was an exeiting incident ~Yir gi nia It is called "things of inte rest tleriod." Olson, 6A Hown rd . CO~CLlDE li<IHAKESPE~RE We get c lippings out of th e paper ~ncl Th e Howard eighth gradE>~ hnw finally study them and we have a period to llOVES TO CHICAGO finished the "Merchant of Venice ." The t e ll about th em. W e learn a lot because Fran ces Schuman, one of the b est pupil ~ c harac ter ~ are Antonio, Salarino. Salanio, it is n ews.-Edw i~ Colegrove, GA Howard. anti b est lead E.> rs of SC Stolp has moved Bassnnio, Lorenzo, Gratinno, Portia, Nerto Chicago wh ere she will attend sd1c>n1 issa, ~hylocl<. Prince of Morocco. LaunceCUBS IN VOLLEYBALL ~he has attended ':~nlm e tt e school steadil~, lot, Old Gobbs, Leonardo, .J ssica, Prince ThurF:day, October 31, we voted for for over seven years. She has alwavs of Arag-qn, Tubal, Ballha~ar, Grolet-, Duke our volleyball captain. Our captain is b eE.>n a lea der in any enterprises which of Venice, Salerio, Stephano. All the Jane Innes. I hope she is a good captaip. have come up. We certainly do dislll<~ childrE>n have taken parts in the plav. The name of our team Is the Cubs. to lose h E.' r .-Harry Hughes. 8C Stolp. -.Jack Stein, SA. Howard. -Eleanor Herbon, 6A Central. lwe r·a 1· Jl:~rl\t tl

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