November 8, 1929 WILMETTE' LIFE Columbia University Honors Dr. R. ·T. Ely, Noted N. U. Economist Dr. Richard T. Ely, director of the · institute for research in land (!conomics ~nd P.ublic utilities of Northwestern university, was one of sc\·eral di stinguished alumni of Columbia uni versity to be awarded an honorary degree by President Nichola Murra~· Butler on the occasion of the one hun drcd and seventy-fifth annivcrsan· of the iss uance of th e original charter ~f King's college in 1754. The degrees \\'ere conferred upon th ose alumni "who M allinckrodt News The ~!others' club of Mallinckrodt High sc hool had a mee'ting at t~1e school la st Tuesday afternoon. A"rrangemcnts were made for a card party to be held at th e school Friday afternoon, November 15, at 2:30 o'clock, for the benefit of the building fund . Refreshments will he served and the usual sale of coffee-cake and bread from the Sisters' bakery will take place. At the annua l home -coming of the alumnae of Mallinckrodt High school, the following officers were elected: ·president, Geraldine \Veber; first vicepresident, Betty Ludwig; second vicepresident, Mary Richards; treasurer, Rosemary Bleser; recording secretary, Blanche Keil: corresponding secretary. Gertrude HankP.: directors, Bettr Phillips, J osephine O'Brien, Minnie Coglianese. The Alumnae is speciallv. intere ;;ted in the activities of the present se nior class at ~[allinckrodt lligh · sc hool. which intere st thev intend to ~how in the ncar future. - CoLBY'S in EVANSTON - in th e last twenty-five years ha\'e brought. h<;mor to Columbia and ex tended 1ts mAuence b: v reason of their proic:-;sional capacit.\·, scholar!' hip and public service." · Dr. Eh· is known as one of tiH.: out :--ta nding economists in America and i:-; sa id to have trained a larger 'numJ,er ui the tho se now ser Ying a:; profe:-;:-;or:' of economics than am· ot her .·lllL' man . \\'h en he was hea d of the department of political cconom,· at John:' 1lopkin :-; uniYersit.\· among his ~tud<.· nt s \\'Cre \\'nodro\\· \\"ii ~Otl. AI J,ert Sha\\', now editor of the Rr,·it'\\' oi Rl'\'it\\'S , and john 11. Fin]e,·. a~o.;ne ect ew rier Irs ~· iatc editor oi th e :'\e,r Ynrk 'J'ime-> . Hockey Team for Tourney f le itnliftlcd thr in-.titutc for rrscarclJ Gloria Harrington, Marjorie Mein land ernnomic. and publir utilitie . Laren. Yirginia Reithcimer, Jean ~tt the l'nivnsit,· of \\'isrnnsin ten Thacken· and f.Iargaret \Veber g hav r 'ear-> ag"· T\\'o \'l'ar s later it \ra :-; in- ht·en se(ccted to represent Ne,,· Trier cmporatcd as an .independl'nt l"l ':-il' ar; · IJ 1fil!'h schoo l in the trYouts for the hicrh :t nd tduca ti onal organizatiun and itJ :--chnnl gi rl s' hnckey ·team which is to I'J2.1 he_cam~ affiliate~] \rith \'ortll\\T:--t - 1 plaY a demonstration game in the Midt'l't1 11111\'l'r~lh·. J l l· b al so ntH· ni thr \\'e:--t fnter-City Hacke,· tournament "rl.('ani.l.l'r ~ nf the American J·:cPnumic:- tn he held at the Xorth ~hnrL ('q·_ lP+rv :-~-.:;;oc iation . Dav :-;chool Kon·mber 15 and !1). TrvDr. l·:h· h~ :-; \\Titt ·n exten:-i,-,_. k 1111 outs for the high school girls' te:-tm tn;~ll\ · .!_,hast;- ~)i ~ron()mic~. llv _i-. nn,,. wi_ll h~ held at tl~e E,·anston Townshin 1 1Jtgh :· !'Ch(,o] cdttnr - ln-~· hte! .<~ t th~· J onm_al 111 Land 1 th1s Saturdav mornimr :tll d Puhl!c L tthf\· Lr·lnomtrs. ~onmher 9. present smart furnishirigs at moderate prices sI N T. c· I ' fUEl TIREMHILID (OATS ~~~JIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllllllllllllllllnlllllll!!llllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll/llllllllldliiiiiiiiOIII~~ IN TM E ACCEPTED t-::10DE ~ND AT e,va, ~ ScJuvt, THEY AR.E FEATURED \.JITH POPULAR. AND HAQM0NIZING- FUR!. A typical Colby value, this genuine walnut coffee table. Fine French design, handsomely carved, with a glass ~ray-t?p wh~ch lifts off for convenience In serving. EXQUISITELY CHMM1 NG- NE\J MOD ELf. JOHN A. COLBY AND so:~s EVANSTOt~ 1501 Chicago Avenue at Grove Eva Karon Schur, Inc. ,.,. l North Shore Hotel Building EVANSTON (129 North Wabash in Chicago)