Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 20

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WILMETTE LIFE November 8, 1929 Central-Laurel P.T.A. A very delightful tea was giYen PH October 30 .at the home of ~ir s. lf. J. \Vright, 1316 Ashland fl.\Tllll<'. fnr ~{ iss Brown ·and moth ers of the fifth gr~de pupils. Mrs. C. H. Ma.\·er, 247 Laurel a\'enuc, was hostess at a tea on i\uvember 1 ft r Miss Van · Horn ~nd the mothen of the third grade pupils. ).) is's ~[Olll'<.'. supervisor of th e dcmentan· grades , \ras im·it ed to talk to the mothns . \1 r..;. L. R. Holme s \Yas assisting ho stc~:;. On November 14 ~fr. C<.'l)rge ~. ' F(l:-;, 1317 Elmwood an.: nu c. \\·ill entnta111 Mrs. Jones and the teachers and mothers of her X-A pupib. Assi:-.ti·ll~ hostessr will he :\frs. Frank :\11\\<)rth and ~f rs . F. C. Dierks. · ).frs. C. H. Jenkin . . (}30 Lake aH·nuc. \\·ill entertain the mothers and teal'!J noi ~Iiss Daris' 7-C pupil:; (lll ::\nn: mh !.. T 17 at a tea at her lwmt·. The assi:-.ti11g hostesses will he :\f rs. ( :l'O!',L! t n. \\'il liams. Mrs. A. ]{ichanbull. \frs. 0 . i ~. Koeg·il, and Mrs. R '1'. lfuft' . These room tea-.. " ·hich kn·c !Jl'l'll cs tabli -;hcd in the last fl'\\' \Tars ha' t· pnwed a delightful' and runrenient \\':t\· fnr the mothers and teachL·rs to get together and discuss their prnhll'lll" They particular!\· gi\·r tilt· mnthcrs an l)pportunity t n become arquaintC'd not onlv with the t<'achrr:; hut \rith til~ 1)thrr 1iwthers a..; well. \ \ ' eclnrsda ,. a itcrnonn. Oct ohn 30. ).f rs. Herron, teacwer ni . . tTtllHl grad(' at the T.amcl school. and mothn s ni · the chi ldr en in her room \HTC enter ! tained at tea at the hPmt· (If ~frs. \· .A. ]e,· nn of SlX l.inclrn an·ntll'. \lr . . . C' . S. Jones of 622 Crre1dea i aHlltH' :t . . :-.isterl the hn. tes s. .\Irs . R. R. Lippillct,tt. 113.~ ,. \ . . ], l;ll ld a\' c 1111 e . \ r a s h P ~ te :; ~ at a h : ;1 \\ · r rlu ·· -day afterttnnn f11r ).fr~ . Clrtlllll a11d : ·.,. mnt!Jer.., l)i hl'r fnurth c.:r;trlt- p11Pi1-. . Intramural Grid Race Is Closely Conte"sted at N. T.' Two teams were tied .for first pl.tr ,. in each section of the it1tramural fnt 11. ball tournament at New Trier Hi ~" school when the fifth week of pia '. ended last Frid.ay. This is the si:-;: 1 t and final week of the tournament , j, . which most of the boys in the sch o,·.: who are not on the varsity footl1 ;tq squad or taking part in so me nth· ··· spo rt arc participating-. In the hcavy\veight division Yal e :lll· ' Princeon w ere tied for first place \ri! "t t\\'enh·-four poinb each at the rlo"t' r.!· the fi ·it h "'e ek u i pI a.". \\' h i 1e i 11 1h· light\\'cight division Indiana :llld Tlt i~H·i each had a tnt a! 11f h\·etlty-elght prll n', Fnllu\\'ing wa:-. the standing at the ··n, ; oi t ht' fifth week : llt·a\· \· \ni~hf~ FOOT INSURANCE FOR THE FUTURE Perhaps you're shy of style shoes. All too often those lovely fashions betray feet into days of discomfort. But Foot Saver is the exception. It's a style shoe created for teo--easily fatigued feet. It's a style shoe. with a patented, inbuilt constrLctic,;. that is a 20th century miracle or com.. f0rt. Our salesman will explain why. \\,.on l'rillt 'f·t"n Y:tlt · I I :· n ·:tnl jl;t l 'l illlllllll ;-, TiNI Losl ::? ~ () ""'II' :!4 :!I ,) 1 I 1 1 I.IA"ht ,\ t·iA'ht s \\ ~, ,11 f llilllli:-: Foot Saver C!Jl J· l(li:tna ~. ort ln\·t·:--l··l'IJ .\I j,·hig":lll \\ "isf'l·n:-dtl l ' urdut· .. 7 ,, ·) ' Tit·d 1-··st I II I 0 ll :!It 0 o II -10~ FOOT SAVER SIIJESHOP The Shoes with n Snttt: FitlittJ: Heel Sc()res ui rt·rellt ga111cs: ~l l111da'. Xo\-cmhci" 4- lltinni s 25. ~~ ichi~an 13: :\orthwestern !8. Tndiana 0: \\'i ~ron -i' ' 7 Purdue (): Friday. . ·o \·etnhl'r 1 PrincetPn 7. Dartmouth 0; Yak 1 ;. Har\:ard 0: )..[i ch igan 7. Purdu r '·· \ V <.: d n c :-.day. () ct n her 30- \'a k 1(). t h r \·ard 6; Indiana 20, \\ ·i~cntt~itl ll . \I i~:-. Path· Fl·rc:-.mat·J. 515 F :-.:-.ex n 1<Hl. 1\: cn il\\' orth. · ha~ returned to her honw ·1 ftcr a three \\Tch' "()junnt at Hnt ~pring s . \ ·a. ).f r. :tnd ~~ r:'. \ \'a rrt 'll ~lrC'rackl· n. returned \rith ).fi ss Fore:-man and are now at their hom e in Ch i·:t!.!< '· ).f rs. ).fcCracken is the inrnl\'r I ),.n,thy Foresman (,f ~ct~\\'llrth_ . _ ............ 634 CHl'HCII ST., EVANSTON ............ UNI\'E HSJTY 971 I A Christmas Greeting that you alone can send CARLOS presents the rnoderne in << holiday remembtances a greetjng card that includes .a photograph of the sender or of the family group. ~:~ These portraits (made in your own home or at the s .tudio) are reproduced by a direct printing process in colors o~ your own selection. The Hundred: FIFTY DOLLARS TO BE ASSURED OF TIMELY DELIVERY, YOUR APPOINTMENT SHOULD BE MADE NOW .J. ·C ARLOS p IH I 0 ~T 0 s MIRALAGO BLDG.: 1647 Sheridan Road at the Lake, between Wilmette dnd Kenilworth 0 pen Evenings «» Telephone Wilmette 650

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