Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 15

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November 8, 1929 WILMETTE' LIFE REHEARSE PLAY tended school in the east. Mr. Sanderson . is a. graduate of .the .School ~f The Luther league of the Wilmette Engmeenng of the U mverstty of Ilh- English Lutheran church is rehearsnois a~d is a member of Sigma Nu I ing the play "Safety First" which ~s fratern~ty. to be presented in the basement audtMr. Sanderson· and his bride willj torium of the church on the evenin~s Chicago, will be married to Thomas W. of November 22 and 23. Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John make their home in Rogers Park. C. Sanderson, 2705 Hartzell street, .Evanston, Saturday afternoon, November 16, at the Bethany Methodist Episcopal church, Chicago, at 4:30 o'clock. The ceremony will be performed bv Dr. C. G. vVallenrus, and will be followed by a reception at the Edgewater Beach hotel. Miss Skoglund has chosen as her attendants her sister, Miss Viola Skoglund as maid of honor, and Miss Ruth Hix~n of Evanston, Miss Dorothea Linn ~fiss lttger Clanev 1hs. Otto Enjoy an evening of bowling on Lf ' 'f D. C. H ar b.-' r: enry, ·' rs. tson, anct '"" _.,t rs. our alleys; they are in tip-top V. C. Ueberroth of Chicago as brid e::;· · L · Iflnal~1 s an.<1 anot 1 ter sister, arrame as shape - makes you . feel great! 0\.,:er gtrl. . The best man for Mr. Sanderson wtll be his brother, John C. Sanderson, Jr., Complete Fountain Service while the ushers will be Edward O'Shanncsy of Chicago, Kent Stuart of \Vinnetka, Harold Moos of Evanston, Otto Henry of Chicago, and Jack 729 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 3544 Ashley of Evanston. :\fiss SkoghJnd is a graduate of the Skoglund-Sanderson Debutantes to Wedding Is on Nov. 16 Sell Cigarets Miss Linea Skoglund,- daughter of at Crad:Je B·all Mr. and Mrs. August H. Skoglund of ... 'I I .... I Miss Joy Fairman heads the group of Winnetka debutantes assisting the Junior League girls who compose the cigaret committee for the Cradle ball, which is to be held Saturday evening, November 16, in the Crystal ballroom of the Blackstone hotel. The French and English rooms of the hotel are to be used for bridge, with Mrs. Frederick · Scott of Hubbard Woods in charge. S~pper. \vill be serve~ at 11 :30. Ray 9 Hara s archestra. wtll play for dancmg. . Mrs. Charles Gates Da\ves·. wtfe of the Aml~assador to England, IS honorarv ~[rs. 1 - cha1rman 11 Stof the 0 ball, f E andt 0 1 · ~.ut~ene -'h ·· evenMs L . vanos t .1 15 ac 1ve c atrman. . . rs. . c tgan \Vhite of Evanston is handling the pu·blicitv and tickets. Mrs. Cyrus L. Garnett of Evanston is chairman of entertainment; Mrs. Augustus Eddy of Chicago, of supper arrangements: and Mrs. Henry Dav.-·cs of Evanston. ·.:- f decorations. Among th ose who will be dinner ho:-.tesses preceding the ball will be ~Ir s. J. Frank_ Octigan and Mrs. \Varren J,amson of ~innetka; Mrs. John C. C~ll~ti~ca~g~o~L~a~ti~n~sc~lt~o~o~l~f~or~g~ir~l~s~a~n~d~a~t~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slade, Mrs. L. Octigan \Vhite, and Mrs. Eugene SteYens of Evanston; and Mrs. Augustus White of Chicago. BLESER'S Bowling Academy 1Ir. and .Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 \(tl rosc avenue, Kenilworth, entertained their evening bridge club on 11onday of this week. This club is made up of old Kenilworth residents and has been in ex istence for some time. Until Mr. and :Mrs. E. D. Parmelee left Kenih,·orth, to live in Greenwich, Conn., the club had not been broken up. The place of Mr. and Mrs. Parmekc has been filled bv 1fr. and Mrs. \Valtl'r Shattuck. The First Dry Cleaning Plant with the Chain Store System We wish to call to the attention of our patrons fact that the Cleaners' war in Chicago does not . affect us- our plant is in full operation, ready to serve you. tm ~~Just a Perfect Permanent Wave" -4 tErmiut Q.Tlrautrnf ~ur. Established 192 1 Main Office f1 Plant-WAUKEGA~ 8 WEBSTER AVES., HIGHWOOD, ILLINOIS Phone Highland Park 3 71 0 L ET our Coiffure Artists sug- SERVICE STATIONS gest a flattering new coiffure for you ... one to harmonize with the longer skirts of the season ... and then permanently wave your h~ir along those different lines. We give all the leading methods at the regulation price. Contour Hair Cut Scalp Toning Shamooo Marcels That Last Exquisite · Manicuring WILMETTE 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 704 Phone Wilmette 7 48 WINNETKA 578 Lincoln Avenue Phone Winnetka 63 8 GLENCOE 653 Vernon Avenue Phone Glencoe 865 WAUKEGAN I 07 S. Genesee Street Phone Majestic 16 7 5 75 c ALL OF OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED ~:~· p~:!::;~.~~~~~h·~. ~y cl~~.~d $1.00 ~~!::ei:~~ ~:7:~::.~·~.. ~ .. $1.50 and $1.00 :'ne;;~::.:~~~~~- ...................... $1.00 I..adiea' Plain Silk or Wool Dresses $1.50 dry cleaned and pressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's Overcoats or Top Coats dry cleaned and pressed ... .. .. .. ..... _ 7 .. ..... . up Comforters and Drapes dry cleaned and finished ........ ............... . Add-A- Wave - We are specialists and have the exclusive process of adding new curls to permanents partially g r o w n out. $1.00 u·::;e::r:~ cl.~~~~ . ... . : ........ ·....... $1.00 Auto Robes dry c:leaned 75C and carded ........................ . WE DO EXPERT REPAIRING SOc a Curl Please call the branch 1n your community and our courteous service man will call. 6 3 6 Church St., Evanston Suite 1.22, Carlson Bldg., University 9700 Member National Association of Dyers _ and Cleaners Member Master Cleaner and Dyera Association of the North Shore

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