Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Nov 1929, p. 12

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ll W I L M ~ T. T ~ ~IF :E ·Novelnber· 8, 1929 ---.-------....,'Members of B. P. W. C. Paving of Coventry to Have Noted Speakers Road in Kenilworth Th e c~ tension o f Coventry road across Block 36 :11 Kenilv.:orth to \\'est Railroad avenue and the paYing of the new stretch of roa d was expected to be completed by th(' e n ~l of thi s week. The original Block 3(), hou nded by Ashland a\·enne, Glen<!ining ro~d, Kenilwort.h an·nne. and \\ e~t l{ailrnad a\·enue, ~" tntcrsect.ed hy Co\'C~nlry road a·~d :orms th~·. stte of a proposed new kcnth,·ort 11 \ lllage hall and fire stati on. Grading ope rati ons arc Utt<kr \\·ay on the si te, and the llC\\' road arro.-.s ~frs. \Villiam Kinney, 12r, Ahhinl-!tnn th e bl ock probably \rill be l)penrd to roacl Keni lworth. \\·as hn-.tL"" .;t a trafl1c in ahnttt a month. .\11 buildings brid~e lunche11n nn Friday at the Kenil- in the block, includin g t" o garagt·s. a plumbin g shop and ot her small build worth Club. ing~, kt\' C been rcmo\'l'cl. \\'h en the ne\\' road is · opened tu traffic next month Kcnihrorth rcsidl'nts li,·ing ca:-.t nf the tracb \rill ha\·c a direct outlet to Hidgc road and puint:; DELICATE~SEN so uth, since CoYt:ntry road extended Home Baking and Cooking forms a continuation (li that portion of K(·nih\'orth <L\'l't ltle \\·hich rutt~ in THANKSGIVING a northeast-south\\·est directillll l':t't J,t'Ul'(' your ortlf'r nnw ior of tht.: tracks. Mrs. Pearl Kinman of Sherida!1, \Vyo., at1d Dr. Annie R. Raines <;>f Chicago are to be guests of the Wtlmettc Business and Professional \ Voman's club on MondaY, No~·embcr 11. ::\lt·s. Kinman who is Xational Emblem chairman of the D. P. \\' . C., \\·ill explain the significance of the o\;ariou s figur es on the emblem \Yhich represent the high ideals for which the club s ta2~d s. Dr. Raines is chairman of the F tr ~ t Division of Illin ois dub s. This diYisi dn include s clubs in congressional districts 1 to 10. Dr. Raine s' talk will he along th e line s of cxtcn~ion in the incli\'idt!al clubs and organizat ion of new clubs. INEW TRIER PLAYERS TO Nearing Completion . .GIVE .' DISRAELI" TODAY Drama· Made Famous by George Arliss to Be Presented by High School Drama Group BY K ·. K. · Lnt1i" Parker's we ll -k nown drama, "Di:-.radi," is b eing · presented tonigh t and ~aturday night by the Xe\\' Trin Dramatic' club at th e high sc hool auclito rium. ft is this play that Ccorg~..: ArTi ~~ made ~n bmous in the Lnitccl Statv .-. wh en he toured the co untn· with it in 1910. ::\lr. Arli ss, of course, pla.\·c<C the part uf · Benjamin Disral'li. that shrc\r<l pretnicr of England \\'ho J!tlr ·· cha~ed the S uez cana l for hi:; count n de-.pite till' great obstac le s placed bt·fure him. \\'hile Disracli's brilliant co tl\'crsa tiPtl and n:partce easily make him tlh gn·ate.-.t renter of interc. :; t ther e is a]'ll the beautiful yuung Clarissa Pl·,·e n-.l' :-. · whn Hit~ through the spy- laden atmll' phne :t~ a swallow thr ough a -.111<.1\ t· pall. not to mention her \Hntld -hc hu... lJand. \ ' iscount Charles Dcciord. ( )t tt· of the remarkable things about Charles is his vocabulan·. \\' hi ch it rt·quin·:-. the C()mhined eff(lrts oi Clar i--:-.a and Di~racli to tame. · Of Cllllr:-.e Di sra cli is a mndnn rltarartcr hut tH ycrthcless, while th~..: pl:t~ \\·a._ running in this cmmtry. a young l'hiLukl phia woman cnnic-.scd .. f r<"all ~· dllll .1 knn\\' \Yhcthcr Disral'li i~ in th~..· ()Jd ·r t hl· ::\ e\\' Te s tament~" · The Cast l'ot·ttj;unin Disraeli Ruben :-)tnith Lach· Clarissa Pt·\·cnsev . . _fane Copthnr ne Tltl' I )uke nf Clastonburv . . . . ..\!fred 1~ <11llil{ Th e Duchess of Glastonbury Ruth· Scribhin-., Char](·~. \ ' iscount Dcdord Alan Rnl>itbtlll :\dt,Jphtts. Yi scount Cudworth .... Don \I inl'r Lach· Cud\\'CJrt h Charlotte IT(llg L o r~! Brooke Kenneth ::\fndkr Lach· Brooke . El ::\ora \\" tid Lacl;- Beaconsfield Anne l1 oddie :\frs. :\o<:l TraYcrs ~fary (~lea:- o n :-;ir ::\[ichael Probert .. .... ....... . . . . . . . . Philip nm :\mm< 111 ::\fr. Hugh \fey('rs Henry Fnstcr \I r. Lumky F t1 ljambc Norman Hl)OS \I r. T ea rie Robert \I n ·cTs Perkins Paul X etterst.rnm na~cot Jack nr nad Potter . \\'ill iam Cage Flnok:.; . . . John nanicn < nc:,,· REMIND 'EM YOU'RE LIVING WE heard a man say ONE time that he had ONLY six friends left Jnd HE was saving them for PALLBEARERS and if that IS the case we certainly WOULD recommend that HE send each of them an ENGRAVED Christmas GREETING card as he can· t AFFORD to lose a single ONE of them and right NOW · is the time to BEGIN thinking about that SUBJECT because the HOLIDAYS wiJI soon BE here. We are SHOWING something UNUSUAL in that line. this YEAR and if you come in EARLY we can order your CARDS embossed or ENGRAVED with your N:AME and you would BE surp.rised at the MODERATE cost. Or if YOU prefer to select a NUMBER of different DESIGNS you will find THEM here at all prices. I 01 DISCOUNT on all ORDERS received before THE I Oth of November. Moral : No friend is too dis tant to be remembered with at least a card once a year. ASH'S )JIJH'C or P11mpkln Ples-}' rult ( ' ak·· ~JH'(·Jal Jfomc )ludt· Su usngt· ~anti wlche s and Coft'ee at all hour s. Ucllrlou~ w NlJtc·stluy-!oiatu r~lny Open all day Sunday 736 12TH ST. WILMETTE 3931 ///4o/I//////!///////!I/7&/!/////////!/!@/I/1;7Zllj. ---------------- }.!iss DL1rotln· Catnpbell tll 12{)() Greenwood avenue ant! :\li:-.s J I<1IIY :-)hin' h entertai ned <tt a lunchenn at1~! bricJg· ~ at Sko kie Cuuntn· club 'l'hur-. da,·. October 31. in ho n\lr 1)f ~I i:- :-. Kathrn1 lla\1 oi 1-:nn-ttlll. a cfinnouncinf{._ ()~()~JTl!ATI()~ ~[ALT~IZ~~ Tuesday Wednesday Novern.her 12-13 Henry K. Urions Move Into Indian Hill Estates Home ·Ifcnn· K. Crion and famil y arc ll1 l· \·inl-!' Saturcla\· into their n e\\' homL· ;;t Hnha\rk and Iroquoi s roads, in the In dian I !ill E state s. The Crion hou se t-; in the iront rank of th e earlv American t\'pt home~. not onh- in the l·:stat('-; cntnmunit\· but in the en tir e countr\·. It is a lit eral cornr of th ~ ance st ra l hnml' of ::\f rs. Urian in Fitzwilliams, X. IL \\'hich wa s built before the American re\·olution. In the living room of the new home is an old hi storical matH<:l bought from an inn that sen·ect travellers on one of the pre-rcvolu tionan· post roads. In the dining room is an original Dutch oven from \Yo:cestcr. Ma ss. The Vrions ha\·e thre e ~o n s. Paul, Henrv Kimball, Jr., and Phillin Allen. Their former h ome wa s at <JR<) Chern· street, Winnetka. ~fr. l:rion is a member of the law firm. l,;rion, Drucker, Reichman · and Boutell. You'd never dream that so delightful a feeling of fitness and vigor would follow a few minutes of exercise and mas· sage with the Master Healthizer-unless you've tried it. We now present you the opportunity to see how the Master Healthizer re-invigorates and stimulates you, as a result of its health-building applications. Come in to our store where you can enjoy a five-minute [or longer] trial of the Master Healthizer that may be a revelation to you. l ~t PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Central and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 1141 Central Avenue Wilmette, Illinois 1£ r. and Mrs. Raymond G. Kim hell. 422 Forest avenue, returned last Friday from a six weeks' trip to the we stern coast and the Panama canal. returning hy way of New York.

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