Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 3

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November 1, 1929 · W'I LME'TTE LIPE 3 OPERA CLUB TO LEARN OF STAGE EQUIPMENT J. J. Carrick to Speak Before Wilmette Group Friday, . Nov. 8, at Shawnee The third program. to be presented this sea·s on by the Associated Civrc Opera · cl4b of Wilmette will be givcrr at Shawnee Country .. club on Friday eveqing; November 8, at 8:15 ·o'clock. This program \vill be presented ·,)y ]. }. Carrick who will speak ori "Operatic Stage Equipment." . Mr. Carrick has been 'identified with the. Chicago Civic Ot")era company for many years. Manv .ha\·e . wondered how certain effects · <)f lighting have been obtained in . op'era and as they have watd1ed dadig'ht fade ·i nto sunset · then twilight and darkness. or have seen the· dav da\\'n thcv ha\·e been conscious- that this has he en accomplished as a part uf · the music . Y ct few know that behind the scenes there stands an assista;lt conductor w hv with a score in his hands watchc5 e\'erv · movement of the conductor bdore the orchestra. Fnr it is the cluty of this a ssistant to give to the electricians the signal as 1u \\'hen changes in lighting should he madt.'. Thi:-. was a more difticult proceeding in the ol(l Auditorium theater as the ~\·~ tt-m of lighting was of a rather antiq.u:'tt ed type. In the new Cidc Opera If ousc there has been installed a most remarkable svstem '-1f electric equipment which is to. be operate<i hY a keY board and will control · tlie :;lightest -deviation of light. This \\'iH be . explained bv ?-.1 r. Carrick. who is trained a~ an electrical engineer and is a close student on the development of stage light'ing ·e ffects. Mr. Carrick will bring with him a nnmher oi stage models \Vhich will shmr some of the most interesting scenes of \Yell known grand operas . Tiefore C\'en· opera is produced a mod~} of each sta.l!r setting is made in miniature. · The lighting effects are tried PUt on these miniature · stages so that the naintincr of the actual scenerv will cnmhine those colors which lend themseh·es hr . t to lighting effects. ·These little stages are made on definite scale and the (!rl'at scenery is painted from them. Tt is in this wa\' the scene shifters are able to · set together so quicklv those r<,>ma.rkahlc. scenes of gra·ul .opera. All this '"ill he \\·orkcd out for YOU 1)\· ~r r . Carrick. No one intf'rested in operatic stage eouipment should mi:;s · this most unttsual and interesting program. Talks to Opera Club A few tickets ar~ still available for the annual Wilmette Chamber of Commerce banquet to be held at the Wilmette Mas'o nic temple Tuesday night, November 12, at 6 o'clock. . The tickets £tre on sale at the Chamber of Com·merce office. · C. of C. Members Prepare for Big Time at Banquet GIRLS SET·RAPJD PACE. IN SCHOLARSHIP lARKS OUtdistance Boys at New Trier High School in F.irst Month of Current· Term New Trier High schobl· girls are setting the pace ior the boys of the · school in scholarship, . it was revealed this week when the honor roll for the first month of the first semester was announced. · The girls are far. in the lead .in scholarship honors, despite the fact that the boys slightly outnumber fllem . Names of eight-six girls appear · on the honor roll, which js made up of .students having an average above "B." There are sixty-one boys on the honor roll. Students who have an average of ·"B" recei·ve honorable mention .. Or. the honorable menti01i. iist the girls outnumher the bovs 78 to· 55. Ten Have Straight "A's" Fi\'e New Trier students. · three sophomores. a junior and a freshman, had straight "A" a\·erages for .the first month of the year. John Dernehl. a sophomore. was the only hov in · the school to attain this honor. The fv-ur girls with straight "A" averages for the first month are: ~1arjoric Seubold, a freshman. Grace Bartling a-nd Jean Brownell, sophomores. and Dorothy ""inzenberg. a junior. · Foftowing is the list of honor students at New Trier for the firsl month of the school vear: · The entertainment planned for the banquet is said to be the most elaborate ever undertaken for such an event in Wilmette. Stars of vaudeville ~nd an after-dinner speaker of wjde prominence have been engaged for .t he banquet. · J. H. Hudson, of the Illi;lQis Chamher of Commerce. is · the speaker, and the et~tertainers include the intei·nationally famous Gold Dust Twins Frank Salemo, recording accordionist: the Premier quartet, singing instru~ncntalists, ~[iss 11aida Firman, piantst, ~[iss Alma Clausen. prima donna.Howard and Hill, comedians. foe Paul and company in a comedv mu-sical act · Lorenz, comic \.vaiter, ancl ~fiss Agnc~ Frank. acrobatic dancer. Joe Bren, of the ~~ usic Corporation of America, wiH he master of ceremonies. . One of the unu stJal featmes oi the entertainment will he the acrobatic dancing of Miss .-\gnes Frank. fourteenyear-old EYanston sclwol girl. Miss Frank has appeared hdon.: audiences in the _principal Chicago theaters and ( ~r offet Photo) bef?re many clubs and similar organi-· J. ]. Carrick is to he the speaker ctt zatiOns. Her moth~r acts a s her acthe next meeting of the As-sociated companist during her act. Civic Opera clu~ oi \\'ilmette FridaY evening, Kovember 8, at the Shawnee Countr.\· club. The meeting begins :tt 8:15 o'clock. ~1r. Carrick's subject \\'ill be, "Operatic Stage Equipment." Four \rurkmtn \\'tn.· injured one vf tht.'m strioush·. \rh~n a· 20 foot section of comhinatio11 retaining sea walt which the\· \rt·rc repairing on the Frank Ketcham prt)perty, -to DeYonshire lane. ·Bids will be received at the 1\oYem- crumbled without warning and huried ber meeting of the Kenilworth Village thl'm ~funda\· morning about 9:30 hoard next Monday for repair work o'cluck. 'l'h~ sea wall. \\·hich was nf around ·the Kenil\,·orth water p1a:nt :-tone construction. has been underwhere the storm of last week again mined by ·the waters of I:ake ).1ichigan took its toll of damage. Th~ Kenil- in the storm of last \\'eek. The four worth board nlans to build a prott.'cting injured were: Tony ).lartino and To,n· wall of interlocking sheet steel piling- Romaino, both of 882 \YiTI<"" roa<L around the intake well. \\·hich was seri- \Yinnetka; Herbert Kelson, 1635 O,tk ously endangered b,· the most recent street. Evanston; and Tony Franzeso. Lake· Michigan storm. Construction of 1759 Pleasant avenue, Ravinia. 'fh~, a higher and more !.ttbstantial pier were taken to the Evanston hospitai. paralleling the present pier to the north Franzeso. \\·hose head \vas badlY of the \\·atrr plant is also contemplated. crushed. was the most seriouslv injure;l. The men · w'e re working- tor Jo~ : n Davies·. \Vilmette contractor. Kenilworth to Build Sea Wall Around Water Plant Incendiarism· Seen as Fire Damages Vacant Residence 'i\'i lmette firemen were called 'tn Twenh ·-third strC'l't and Chestnut an·nue at 7 o'clock 'Tuesday night. · where they fought a stubborn blaze in a yacant house for t hrec hours. The roof of the huilding \\'a" entirely destroyed and the interior damagt.'d h:v smoke and water. The fire \\'a:' of incendiary origin. according tn Fire · Chid \\.alter - Zihhfe. who · statl'~ ' tll"t ne\\·snapers onlv a week old were !'nuncl stnffrd between -the hnsr>ment criling- ami the floor. The \\'ilmctte Fire dcpartm<' nt also resnnmh. 'd to several other calls of minor importance this ,H·ek. This Trio· Will Sit in on Purple-Illini Clash Wilmette C. of C. Holds November Meeting Monday · . Wilmette Chamber of Commerce \vill hold its regular November meeting iu the council room of the Village hall Mon<iaY night. November 4. Plans for the Chamber's annual hanCJuet to he held · on 1\o\·ember 12 will be present by Dr. C. H. Eldred, chairman of the entertainment committee, and discussed bv the members. Other importa11t business matters are also on the docket. including passage of the by-laws and voting on several applications for membership. I 1 i eo . That long awaited clash between t.he Purple ' \\'iidcats . atl(f the fighting Illini this ' Saturday afternoon at . Dvche stadium will find thrr l' ,-illagers occupyi11g enviahle positions of vantage for the consideration of no more cost and effort than the formality of milling through the vast throng that will witness the encounter~ \\' hat we're attempting to say is that they will attend the game as guests of \YIDI ETTI~ LIFE · in consequet.l ce of having been the trio to solve or most nearh- solve lac;t \veck's Football Con.t est m \\'IUfET'l'fo: LIFE. The fortunate persons are: _ E rnest Meyers, 411 Main street; Elme\- Berol, Jr., 414 Gregory avenue; Else vonReinsperg,' 726 Laurel avenue. )Jext in line will he a Football Contest appearing in the :\ovember 8 issue of vYrT. ~rETTC Ln'E and which will bring tickets to three WILMETTE LIFF. guests at the Xorthwestern-Indiana Homecoming game Saturday, November Hi. vVatch next week's issue for the contest rules! Ellen K:=tti . . Lorraine Meister, Ba!·hara Minor, Harriet Pos~e. Ruth Rcnbbem:, ·A nnP Rherwin. Betty Bayliss, Annt> B.oddie. l-{plen BMlt>y, Jean Forrf'st, Elizabeth Haack. Charlotte Hamilton, Ernestine HeJ'man. Betty .Johnson, Ruth Kanberg. Rhea Koll, Helen Reinhardt, Helen Sinclair, Lotta Stern. Ethelbf'lle Glnss. · · , .Honorablt ~rentfon :\fargaret Brown, Grace Cluc::t!'l, Emilie Ed,~rt, Alice. Fle!'lch, Ruth Hanison, ' Ann Lolllse Hankt_ns , Margaret Hauber, Louise I~ub~c~. M~non Langdon, Mary Nie~tadt, f atncta Ohver, Janet Orwig, Gene Paddock, Margaret Pick, T£:rma Scheck, Dorothy R,...hoenfield, Georgia Schoenthal, J~!le.t Rhepard, Jean. Thackery, Harriet ~ IlllamR. . ,JUXIOR GIRLS · Jronor Roll Dorothy \\Tinzenberg, Ruth .Tackson Fr:~nces Lutz, Jan~ Orr. Louise Wagner: A;nta Watson, Rara Lindahl, Victoria Dteball. Helene ..Adler, Amy Clagett, Gert~ude :\fcAdam, ::\1ary Jane Mess, Marlon :'\ettl~m~n: Ethel Pie1·ce, Elizabeth Potter, ytrgmta Preston. Virginia Reitheimer LOUJRe Shepard. Claire Simon Marge_i Small, Martha Wilen. · · r························~ Honorable 2\fentfon · 1 ~a~sy Boylston, Hop~ Canoll, Theda f'.~Jl<~!': .. Mary Ferrarini, Amelia Jacobs : trgtma . Jenk~M. Georgia Lloyd, Ange~ lme 1\hts~rovttch. Katherine Maxwell, Mary l\felvm, Polly Miller, Helen Parsons, ::\Tanon Popt>er, :\Tnry Jeanne Tansin. R~1th Tay, Su~an Turney Harri~tt '\\ e bster. ' '.:..l SOP}[OJTORR GIRLS Ronor Roll G!'a<'e Bartling, .Jean Brownell Betty II:u:1ilton . .Jane Snyder, Carolyn 'Yerkes .Tacmta Kampmeier, Margaret Eberlin~r' Hel~n Green. LtH:y Murdlson. Hele~ Orn~. ~Iary .T~ne Thomas, Elizabeth Balha t<"h~t. Phy.llts Bo!'lley, Margaret Cobb, . BentrJ<'e n,.,,·er. Ag-nes . Fraser, · Agnes Hnlley, Isabel Haskins, Helen Holton F Iorence Olsen, Caroline Preston. Elle~ Sager, :\Tnry Thakg, Margaret Wegner Glady!'l 'Vhite. ' ·-· 1 . Honora hit> l\f t>ntlon · · SylYia Boynton, Sarah Cardy, Helen ( azel, Lesley Champlin. Jane Dement. Martha Erickson, Mary Fowler, Esther goes up and down but Kriebel, Marjorie Leac>h, Ann Boyd Lynn Margaret McKen~ie, Evelyn Otten, Jan~ · classified runs sn1oothly on. Schaeffer, Evelyn Stevens. Elsie Wade. FRESH1IAY GIRLS Buy a litt/p SPACE 011 mar.~in Honor Roll It's to yot~r pt·ofit Marjorie Seubold. Emma Bickham, Catherine Hepburn. Cora Mompier. Nancy Rutledge, Gene James Boyd, Virginia Quick service. Strictest pri\·acy. Vawter, Eileen Burke, Hermona Clark Personal Finanet· <o. Hoom 211 Vinnie Grondal. Margaret Baker France~ Church St: Bldg., 2nd Fl., 708 Ellis, Cynthia Holmes, Barba~a Mun-n, Church St., E\·anston, Ill. Phone Jeannette Post. Louise Thomas, Jean Greenleaf 6081. Open 8 :30 to 5Weber. Sat. 8 :30 to 1. Licensed by the Honorable . rentlon . State. M:ariort Barber, Ruth Bersch, Helen 'Rooz, Annabelle Brown. Allfson Burge. Four Workmen Injured 'as Ketcham Sea Wall Crashes Enclo~on, ~YlYa Bruns, DO'I'Othy Darby, Marie . SEXIOR GIRLS Jronor Roll The Stock Market ~------------------------~ (Continued oH page 8)

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