Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 61

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:November·t, '1929 60 = R. WI~METTE LIFE 6l tt FOB RENT-HOUSES FOR RENT 557 GREEN BAY ROAD, GLENCOE, fl.. room house, two baths, newly decoratecl, hot water heat, extra large lot, garace, available at once. Rental very r~ason able. Call P. M. · Cornes, Highland Park 500. ~ 69LTN4-tfc 70 FOR RENT-FURN HOUSES SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE WILL TAKE CARE OF CHILREN BY hour or day. 35c an hom· or $2.50 a day. Good references. Phone Winnetka 1416. --60LT34-tfc N., EXP., AS COMPANIOK, TO travel or home. Well knO\·:n. eduratea. Rest ref. Salary limited with Pt>nnanpnce. Can take large l'f'!'pon!o;ihilitiPs. Write Talk A-81. 60LTN6-ltp COLORED GIRL WAX'l'~ GEX~RAL hswk. Reference~. Ph. l7niYt>r!'lity 26R4. 60LTX6-1t.n "\VO:\'{AN WILL COOK, . SERVE., OR cleat I. Phone Wilmette 1058. nOLTN5-2tp EXPERIENCED .LAUNDRESS WANTS work to take home, will call for and deliv<>r. Ph. WilmPtfP ~:10!'1 . llOT.'l'X 4~-tfp FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED A'J'· tractive 6 room house, garage. Hubbard Woods. Near transportation. Phone G lencoe 1646 70LTN6-ltp WINNETKi\ SIX ROOM 61 SITUATION WANTED-1L\T,J: 22 YR. OLD WTHTF. ~fAN AS PTilY. l'hauffeur. TP1. Winnetka 323il. 61LTX6-1tc ('TlAUFFErR GOOO :\TEC'TL\XTf'. :-tl!';o willing- to do work abo ut thE> housf>. Spaulding 1544. 61LTX6-1tn C'TfAl..~FFErR. HOl"~F.:\L\X Phon· e Your Want·Ads · i~ the Evening Our c~assified advertising department is prepared to accept adve~ttsements for the current issue of WIDiETT E LIFE everv e' enmg until · FURN. OR UNFURN. MODERN 2 story colonial. near school, fine interior. Owner on premises No\·. 2 and 3 only, or phone Whitehall 4560. 1238 Oak St., Winnetka. 70LTN6-ltc ?:l FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES 9 P. :\1. \VEDNESDA Y TO RENT ON WEST .ELM STREET, Winnetka, well equipped studio, suijable for French or Music teacher, % block to transportation. Piano and blackboards. Will rent 2 or more dqs each week. Tel. Highland Park 1138. 73T35-1tp EAST OF TRACKS IN RAVINIA STORE FOR RENT 15x50 FEET. H. & R. ANSPACH REALTORS . :lS6 f'entral Ave. High. Pat·k 1212 73LTN6-1tc <'1'. Thoroughly f'Xp er . nctka 347. Ref. GARDEX'T'f'l. "'in61LTN6-11p EX1'El1. \YlllTB :\TAX - H ..\~DY hnll!o;<'mnn, chauffeur. \\·rite Talk A-R~. 61LTX6-1tp I'OLOfU~n ~r A X Just Telephone WILMETTE 4~00 T ·. - CORNER STORE 4'4x25, WITH BASEDEf.iiTIEfi PORTER ment. At Chestnut St. and Chestnut Ph. t'ni\·f' t'!'ih· flll~7. court. Suitable for Sw~et Shop, Lunch1 lilT.fi - ltn SS FOR REYI'-HOO :us 67 room or Drugstore, R easonable. Tel. FOR REN'f-APART:rtiENTS Winnetka 194R. 73LTN2-tfc SlT. \Y'Tn. EXP. \\"lTITE ~L\ . · - - - - - - - - - - - - - furnnr· <' nncl hom;:ework T'h. \Vilmf'ttc· FOTI HE~,T-FL"I1X. lH O~JS. \\'t·:Ll. F0R RENT-4 ROOMS AND BATH. modern apartment, heated. Phone Wil- STORE OH. OFFICE. VERY DESIRlwatfld, a lway !" pl < ·nty of ]l r, t wal\·1'. ~2~~ . G1L6-ltn mette 2399 or 3360. 67LTN1-tfc able location, % blk. from center of nr. tranf'p. G:~3 Park An' .,# \\' ilnwt t· ·. tow-n. $65 per mo. Apply 562 Lincoln. 66L6-ltp ..\ -1 f'TL\ l"FFET'R F.X rP.111BXf'Bl Winnetka. 73LTN6-1.!~ TIITIEE HOOl\1 APARTMENT WITH mf'C'hn nic>, fir~t rla~~ 1'(-f. T'h. PniYPrhath n nd large closet, 2nd floor. i30 sitr 4ii:W. GlL'l'::\6-ltn FOI'! HEXT- L.\Tt<;E CO:\TFOJ!T:\HLt·: <\·ntral A\·e., Wil. Oil hE>at, wry plea- 7 7 FOR SALE-HOUSES fr ont ror.m. n ~" a !'. Ph . \Yilm e ttr' :t!Ofi. s:lnt rooms nnd surroundings. Rt>asnn- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( 'lf..\ rFFE'C'R. 10 YP.~ . EXP. REF'. liti LT~ti-ltt · abl t> rent. V ry suitable for married Grt>e nlt.·af 70~4. f'all Hft f t' 4 : ~0 . ~L\ eouplr:. Hef. Ph. Wilmette 2!l9. 67L6-ltp 61LT~6-1tp FOI! JU. . XT- ~:\L\ LL 1!00:\L Bl1IU .'T. l S BEING OFFERED TO DEC. 1ST Ph. \\~ iln w tt l' l!t:l:-.. GGL6-1tc IN HIGHLAND P4.RK l ~T f'L"\ ~~ f'TT A PF.. lTOr~f.:)L\ X. BRICK COLONIAL HOME RPf. GrN' nlen f 192!'. f';11l a ft f' r 6. in Hn.vinia east side district. 2 blocks GlLT:\G-ltn 1 On 2 ROO:\!~. PJUYATE F'A:\JILY. NILES CENTER to lake. Children do not have to cross -----------------Kitch . priY. Atluh~. Prote!'tant. Xr. 4-5-6 room apartments $60 and up, large, Xe w Tri (· r If. S. \Yintwtka 6:17. any hazardous street for school. The A-1 f'fL\ PFFEt~R. \Y 1 L L T X G TO light, modern. Near Dempster "L" lot is 100xl85. The number of bed66LT6-ltl' T'h . rnin'rfiitY t rrtYf'l. reference~ . terminal station and North Shore elec. l'OOms is 4. baths 2. AttractiYe porch fllLTXfl-lt;l 5~53-R. 29 minutes to loop. off living room gives feeling · of spaFnOXT R00~1 1~ J'HlY. F:\:\1. X8An ciousness as you enter. X ·w Tri er and Jn<lian Jlill ~ta . (it·ntl f' - · To appreciate value offered at the price man nn·f. Brli:fst. if rh ·sirt·cl. Ph. K e nof $30.000 cash see this house. ilwo rth 4037. 66LTG-ite Dempster Street at Bronx A\oe EXPEHTEXCED f'OLOTIEn rnrPLE . Phone Niles Center 93 f'haufff'ur and butl<'r. Plain cooking- or FOR TIEXT - F(Tn::'\TSHED IIOl"~l·> !l7LTN 36-tfc REALTORS m:ticl. f'nn giw· lH·!o;t rd. Ph. C:rf'·11l\f'f' Ping· r·o(JI'll [(J lady, $:i . Ph . \\' ilmettP 8 X. Sh eridan Rd. Highland Pk. 1769 h ·a f ~;)!):; or wri tc· ~(I~ 1 D:-t rro\\' .-\ n· .. 17!:1. 66L6-ltc fl~ J.'OU. llENT-FURN. "\ PTS. . 77LTN6-1tp EYnn~ton. \i::!LT::\6-1 tp f'LE.\!':\::'\T Fr.OXT P.O< :\T '\\"l'T'IT FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED APTS. !iEll~L\ X -A ~TERTC.\X eorl'LE \\TI'TT BARG~L\INS f'in . t:le lwd . ~:n 'T'l'llth ~t.. \Yilml'ttt> . for r ent. Smith Bldg. 503 Chestnut. $58 lw~t Xorth Shr,re n·fE'n · n· · · · ~ " ' i!-'h til 66LTG-:?tc· to $70. Apply 2nd flat, 819 Oak, Tel. take ('al'<' of hr,n~f' :l.tHl lawn 1luritl'r S~I\LE -~~-----------.......- Winnetka 1948. 68LTN2-tfc ( J \\'IIf't'·~ ah!<f'llf't~ r,r liYing qunrt; ·r!' in A 'l'TH.ACTIVELY FURNISHED ;') ROOM l'O H H 1-~XT- .\ P .\ U'DI E:XTS vxf'h:111C'<' fot· pnrt tim(· ~t· rYit-· · -< T'" 6i nEXT - X1CELY F'URXTSHF.:D hungalow in northwest Evan:-ton at $90 · "'innetka, 321~ . 62LTX6-1tn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · 1·'01! :! room apt. l'h. \Vilmette 4397. · per month. T\\' (1 Ult :1 lWO:\[ KIT<'IIE:\ETTE 68Lfi-1t·· r"01"PLE \\'AXT~ T't >:-:TTTClX. \YIJ. F: ap:ll'lllH'll1. l~()om:-; (tJ)t'll nntn large C'alifornin. owner reduces brick r esidence 1-!'PlH'l':l.! h~·n\'k. :\f:111 ho\l~l~ lll : lll :1 11 (1 lHil'('h . Oil hPat. in!'tant h t·t \\'att·t·, c>Xin Huhhard Wood~. n eat· transportation FOR U.E~'l'-JIOUSJ~S ··hnufft-ur. T'h. Tlighlanrl Pnrl< JO~. ct·llt·nt tran!o;p . Hd'. Ph \\'ilnwt tP :!04. 6!t ft'0111 $21,000 to $16,000 for ctttick sale. Gi Lti- I l(' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62LTXn-1tn \VINTEH IN BEAUTIFUL PA~ADEXA . Xortheast "~' ilmette on Ashland A venue f'Ol'PLE \YAXTS " ·on.K TX PRIY..-\'T'E \\"ILL :-;L·BLl'.T ~\TTH.·\<'Tl\'E ~ JlO()~l Lf·t u~ assist you in locating furnished in best section. Fine 7 room res iden~e. fnmil:-,·. ~fnn hutlE>r. hou~ r man nncl m· unfurnished; bungalow to :111 estate. apartm t: nt in llt'\\' \Yinnl'tka Bldg. HE'a2 baths,· heated sleeping porch just rhn uffeur, womnn gorocl l .. ,ok , r pJ .:. rPllCf' !-' . S. A. Seaton o., Realtors (formerly !'tJII:thlv t: Oll l'(· s~irnt. l'h n ne (~lf'IIVII(' .t:~!l. reduced to $25,500. Ph . rniwrsitv 66n. . 62L'l'll-1tn Xorth Shore), 329 East Grel· n St., PasaG7LTXG-ltl· d ena, alif. 6!'1LTN6-ltl' Ch:uming English Cottage with . huge 66 FOR RJ:XT-R001rS studio living room, cheerful fireplace, lDL .-\P'T'~ .. llfo~.\T1Y FOJ! OC'CT- FOR HENT OR SALE- 172!1 LAKI~ .\YE. attached garage, hot water oil heat, on p:tncy in tlw lH·\\' \Yf·i!'!'<·niJr rg Bldg., nll Attractive 6 room and sun parlor. H. Ql..T8'1' . ..\T1!00:\T TX XEW HO:\fE. wooded lot, close to schools. tram;porm(lckrn conY., incl. t'lt·c·. rl'frig;. \Vinn vY. h eat. N<':l.l' schools and trans. H.eas. f'(·n,·c·ni(·nt t(l tt·a<·t i \'(> n(·ighhorhococl . tation in Winnetka for o nly $16,000. :l:W!t. 67LT~6-4k Wilmette 4ri:i6. fi9L6-ltp !-;(·hool::; a ncl t rn n~por . PJH,nc \Vi nn f' tkn !} 11 . 6n'l':~:i-ltC' ·w iLL SUB-LEA~E · 7 H.OO:\[ llOUSE; H.EALTORS .\ T'PH...\f"l'JYE 1'!00:\f lX EA~'l' SlDE wry reasonable. 511 Linden A w., Wil- 164 :..1 Sh ridan noad \Yilmette 3740 homf'. TI:1throom f:-tcilities llllllSII<lll~· a rm . flat OYer ~ton · , gas and !'ton' lu·at. mette. Ph \Vilmette 3617 G!lt:rxG-lJJl 77 LTN6-ltc g-oocL C'onY<'nil·nt nll tran!o;p . t:ar:u·r· $4:i On T!iclg-e lt(l., Wilml'l tt> ()pt ionnL R<'f. Ph. \Yilnw tte ~04. $:1fl :i rn 1. flat with hath, sto\' e hvnt nt . fitiLG-ltC' 4 rm . flat, ston~ lwat. Lak· · :\ n· .. $40 EXCEPTIONAL OPJ>ORTL'XI'1'1 FO[{ \\'t·~ L $:Ht right party to rent old residence as low 1~00":\f " 'lT lT Pl11YATE HATH. FOH. 3 rm. flnt, sto\'(' lH·at as $60 per month. Newly df'coratecl. IN A !l ROOM WHITE BRICK COLON~·cnmg or mi<l<ll<·-agf><l " ·com:ln . Ea~t !';idP Conwnie nt east side location; largL' lot ial home. H. W. heat, oil burner, lilc,cation. X E>a r trans. \all \Yintwtl' a Ph Wilmette 1664 69LG-1t<' brary, r ecreation room and 2 car ga..r.~06. 66LTX6-1 tc ~ HE,\LTOH~ age. Situated in beautiful Glencoe on Wilnwttt· :;6~ 803 Ri<lg·r Aw. 62!1 :'IT.\lX 1'EX'l'HAL JJOTEL, n. high knoll. Sacrificed at $33,000. G7LG-ltc T e rms. Hooms hy rla~· or WE'Pk, nll nut~icle rooms, steam h(·atc·d, hot nncl cold AI~TER wat('r. 66 L4 , -tj(' WINNETKA REALTORS Beautiful Spanish home attractively n7 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 l·'OR REXT - 1 SlXGLE AXD 2 DOPDLE situated amid llh acres of landscaped 77LTN6-ltc rnnmR. All conYenicnc('!-', dean a n<l 2, 3, 4. 5 n.nd 6 ROOMS. and gardened grounds. Unusually spankely furnishNl. f'nl1\'<'11il'nt to "L." Here in ·wilmette' s most convement and cious interior arrangement. Garage Ph. \Vilnwttf' :~fiR7. 66L4-4tc exclusive location, you will find wellfor two motors. Sublease ; willing to arranged apartment:-;. All apar.tments sacrifice. For complete details and in- ABOUT THE STOCK MARKET WHEN FOH lli~NT PLEASA~T HOO:\f. you can buy a 7 room brick residence: have outsid rooms which prov1cle an spection appointment phone !';inglp or married couplf', kit chen prh·. slate roof, copper gutters and valleys, abundanCE' of light and air. Ample if preferre d. Ph. Glencoe 976. stone trim. Large living room, sun closet space. Schools, ~ hurcl1es, ~nd 66LTX6-ltp Greenleaf 18fi5 room, 2 baths, lav. on 1st floor, 2 car shopping faciliti es withm imrnedtate 528 Davis St. ' access. See these apartments today. brick garage, choice location, close to 69LTN6-ltc LARGg HOOM FOP.. LlGHT HOU~E station and lake. For immediate sale Agent on premises. keeping, near trans. Ph. Wilmette 1913. FOR RENT, 968 EI..M ST., WINNETKA. $21,500. 66LTN6-ltp $100, 8 Rm., H. W. heat, Brick-stone, 3 porches. House built warm, near REALTORS Winnetka 2033 FOR RENT- 1 OR 2 DESIRABLE ~ Realtors schools. Owner Pavlik Jr., Kenilworth, 5f>6 Center St. Wil. 460 rooms. ConYenient loeation, east side 424 Linden Ave. 77LTN6-lte Ill. 69LTN 4-tfc 67L'l'N1-tfc hom e. Ph. 'Vilm ette 1940. 66I.,T6-ltc an(l jnnitor work. REAI-4 OPPORTUNITY THE BRONX M.]. FAHERTY lLL\RI<NESS & BYRN OFF SEA.SONS OR REKT RILLS REAL'f\T . INC. 735 'fEK'fJ-I S'fRE£1' COLONii\L 5 BEDROOMS, 3 B.\THS , . T. I-L SCT-L\EFEH. & Co ST. LINDEN CRES'J' APTS. Sublease Opportunity 77 Indian Hill Road \iV P. SI\'IITH & CO. \VILl\1ETTE \VHYvVORRY BAIRD & WARNER QUINLAN & 'fYSON, INC. CROSBY R£_1\L TY CO.

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