Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 59

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~ovcmber 1, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE : Health Center News Establish ·a Contact With the Living God Tl!i~ perfec tly delighted and delight iul yo un).{ lady is celebrating her first hit t hday. She is the pride of the Cru:,se Point Health Center, as she · ha:-. l>ct.' n a regular attendant since shr \\ =t~ t\,·o weeks old, and is a glowing namp lc of what proper care can help to d.L J\emc mber that the " ·o rk o·f the 1!ealth Center is financed hv \'ari ou: or.~aniza tion s of o ur village. ai1d bv th e Chica .~o Tuberculosis In stitute. Earh :-l.'a! that you buy - helps maintain tht· hl' alth nf Your own community. Rel_ igion is defined as "personal contact with the living God.' ' That contact is established and maintained through Jesus Christ, the Lord of Life. The desire of millions to make that personal contact come true is .the foundation upon which the Christian church has been·· built. ? XMAS SEALS ARRIVE Chris tmas sea ls to the number of 115 nJ!l liun have been received at th e office ol the Chicago Tuberculosis ln ~ titut e, .h () \; . .\1 ichigan avenue , Chicago, !ur t hl· December campaign. Thi · driy c is I l'll ttd_uctt-d _a nnually ~rom Thanksgi\'ing I tc· \ t \ \. 'r ca r and I S the ole source · (/i i unds for the public health work oi t ltl' in:-,t itut c in Chicago and Coc·k r ·illll t \'. This is it s t \\.e'n t, ·- !-> e co 11 d "car. The ~ea l s are o htaii1 cd from. thl' .t i. 111al Tubercu los is a!'sociation in \ t \\ Yor k.. of which th e Chicag(l 'fu ll\ rr ult1:-.i:-. In stitute is one of th t 1.-HlO / ',: .tJll·hr--. Posters and other ~upp l i.?s :tr. a!"" prepared nationalh·. T l1c dc!->ign is that of ·a mcd il'\·;1! '· 'l ith ringing a church hell-0r JH'l·!J.q,., it is a town-hall bell. At an\· ~·.11 1 hv is !Hi lling a rope . 'l'h~ \'CIIow .t 11 d rtrl ot the costum e a.~amst th e tJt:..'lJ t-l> luc skv make this tim· o bl~'n g :t < cdoriu l sp;1t for the ador;1ment oi ;, l ' hri~ tma s letter or package. i" he curative and prev entive se n-i ce Jlr .. ,· icie d 1)\· these littl e sea ls ha s r, ·, dH.:d such proportion s not on!\' :n th:- roun tv hut thro ughout th e Cnitc<l ::l:t tt·-; and even in foreign countries. t ' :1 1 it ranks with the most important !":' die health work; the amaz ing dr 0jl 1 1 ·· the tub erculosis death rate-50 to ;:: pn re nt-a nd th e improved condi t ' ·J h in sa nitation, child health. etc ., ;, .. ,. ~ ignificant of its achievement . . \ Irs. Theodore B. Sachs, supcrinten1' 11 t of the Chicago Tubercul osis Tn ' 1 ' ute. hope s for greater r eturn s than 1 ·. IT from the sea Is: the need, she a vs. 1:· l·ps on increasing with the populat ·' ·ll and with the demand for "better :1, alth for everybody." 1 Churches of Wilmette offer you the immeasurable joy of a full-rounded religious experience. Do-not neglect the precious opportunity! ! I COME TO CHURCH and SUNDAY SCHOOL .Directory of Churches : St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer Wilmette Avenue Rev. Hubert Carleton The First Met~odist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Vere V. Loper l·:dward F. Hamm, 517 Sheridan road·, I~en ilworth has returned to his home ., i t('r a business trip to Tulsa. Okla. \fr . Hamm makes the trip ahout once ;. mon th. After this trip, however. ~fr. I 1 :t t~tn came back to Chicago hy plane. }, ·;tvmg from Kansas City. Mo : After '11;~n ksgiving, the Harnm famil. v plan to !'\'. Ill their new home which they have 11 · 1tlt at 123 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Rando~ph Wheeland Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street Rev. Carl I. Empson . The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues Rev. George D. Alli1on ~fr. and Mrs. C. Hendricksen, who l ;~tvc recently moved from Evanston to lt07 Lake av.enue, Wilmette, were surPnse d at a housewarming party hv twc ntv of their friends last SundaY c.t the ir home. -o-- Published by the Interchurch Advertising Committee, Wilmette Church Federation J I l~!i15ilt&liffi~W~lt!~~~ll1\'ilirtil~llh"iit1,

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