Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 46

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Latest School News YOL. 2 NO. 33 JU·N IOR LIFE 1 upetvuion Told by the Pupils I ~ Publilhed weekly by the achool childten of Wilmette under of Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board . WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, NOVEMBER 1, 1929 · Th <' Howard ~chool liA won tlw fnllthnll C'h:unpion:-:hip . \Y<' w~·re to play .six gnnw:< hut we had to po:-:tpone> nne nf t lwm . Thf.' fir~t g-nmf' WI' pla~· NI w :1s with ~t. Franci~. T~H· y had a g-nod tt·atn anrl almo~t tied tlw ~C'ort>. Tlw:r had llw h:tll on tlw g-oal lint' for fnur ~owns b11t \\'t' hvld t ht·m . ( n t ht· first of th t> dOW'lS t;lt ' Y c·:\llll' up tu thl:' lint> nf S<'rimmng-e. (In tht· :'l'l'Oild 00\\'11 0111' of tht-il' llH"1 \\':1,; coff ~d<lc · anfl tht·Y We·n · pt-·nalizPd £1\'C' Yil I ' Cb. ( )J1 t he · third down tJwy lllaflc' ahout a ~· : tr<l nr two and on t·lll' fo111'tl1 <IP\\'11 tlw whi:-tle · blt-w fm · tltc· half Tn the· !'t·<·nnd half the ·y kid\('d to.Fr:tlll{ l~m·nt · n, our c ·tptain and fullha<'k "·ho r· t't'h·t·d it nhout ron our ii'i yard Iilli' lit · rnn it hncl\ a],,,ut fift~·t·n ~:ard~. ()~ tlw llr);t <lown ~>UI' right half took it :tround e·nrl for alu·Ut thrt·e· ,\'<ll'fl~ lntt tht·n IIlli' fuiJf,:t· ·k t1 ·ol.: it f,,,. alH·ut !'iX ~:,I'd!' . Tlkn ,,.,. int ·ornpldt ·rl a p;~:-s to right· f'nrl. C ·n tht· Jli'X t rlo\\':1 Fran!' 1\ ne ·nt ·n, our· fullha('k . t111·l.: it around Pllcl :·1 d madt> t\\·t·nty-fiu· y:1l'd!-' :tnd on tlw 11t xt 1lown he · mad" a t I·UI'hd 11 w 11 . a rHl tlw fin ;tl !'('tlrt· wa!' li ,,, o. Thl' );pf'ontl g:lll1t· Wa!' with <'e' 11lJ'al ft .\ . Tht·~· l\it·kt·d tct u:-: . tlur clllaJ·tc·rh:u·k l'i> ,., .i,·t>ll it . Tle · ran it ll;lt']\ a g11otl t1i.~ l:tl11't· . On t ·~lt · lkXt pl;ty ""' madt> fir;.:t :trHl tt ·ll. Tll· ·n Wt· mn..d t· an11thC't' g·)nrl g . : i 11 t · n l h ·· t hi rd a n <1 on t h e· four t h "'P \l 't·l't · lw!1l . Tt \\'as tht·n tht .'ir hall. On th C' fir s t tlwy trit·tl :1. pa!'s <t lHI our r ·mt :1in llllt·n ·t·ptt-"11 it :ttHl ran lot' a tout·hdnwn : t~1d Ilk halfJ,nd\ put ,,,.t'l. a good drop l\i(·k. . In thi" !'Prond half, \\'· · madt · anotlwr touchdown hut that tir1H· " ." tri"d to rtJ !.lJ it hut It dicl not work . \\' t· won 1 :~ to 0 . Th e· thir<l game · wa:- lht · c1nt · we· h :ul to Jl··stJu·nf' . It wa!' to tJ, . with fi(' ('c ·ntJ':ll. Tlw llt ·Xt wa~ with Rt. .Jo:-;<·ph . Tt was a g-ood g-atll·· tr1n hut W<· won . Tilt·\' ki<·kf·<l tn ll~. Our h:tlf rt·C' t·i\'t ·d and ran · it tlnwn to t!H·ir :10 yard linf' ancl tlwn "" ' ~.;ot a hout Rix yard:- <·n a <TPRshw·k . On tl11' 11t'Xt play, 0111' halfh:ll'k }lilln~· c·tl t'OI' :1 11ltll'hc1own. Th< ·n tlw half <·n<l··tl . Tn thC' S<·r·orHl Wt· kkkt·rl to tll"ll1 . Til ., . ht<lll tlw hall for quilt· a whilt ·. This \\' .IS h " t'a IISC' "tlwir intc·rft·l't-'I1C'C' was \'t·n· ~·nn·l. l!ut tht ·n tht ·Y ln:-:t tht· hall :11111 w~· ;.ott'tl not flo Y< ·ry lllll<'h hut tht ·Y we ·J't · hut tt ·n :-;anls fn1111 t·hc·iJ· I·Wn gonl ancl tlwn til ··\· furnhle ·<l twir(' nncl nut· right hl'ldt· ; ·i: 1111 thf' hnll and tlH·n about six downs and t ht· whist It· hlt·W n nd \\'e · won 12 to 0 . Tht·n \\'t' playt ·d IIlli' own !'Chnol. Tt was t;B . lt w:ts :1 \ 't·ry ha<1 da~· and y , ·u <'nulcl not g-1'1 a good ftHtling tn h " :th!·· to run hut Frank Kot·rwn n ·<'t·h·<'cl nJHl on tl1t · nt·xt <111\\'ll Wt · maclc · a tmll'ltc1ci\\'J1. Tht'!l wt· marlt · tlH · g o :tl . lt w:1s nn t·;1 s\· ~>JW . Tlwn aftt·r wt· ki<·kt ·tl tlwy trie·tl p.ts~ on tlwir :-:· · r·t~n<l <lown ancl out· <' ' I'll 1in intt·rt't·ptt ·<1 it nntl madt' a tou('h tl .. wn Th<tt ma1lt · tllf> !'C'nl'<' 1 :1 !11 o nncl \\'t' g-ot tht· /!'IIH] lcoc l. .\ft< ·J' th;tt tltt· g-am~ ~'".:·=-' \'e·ry t·as~· an~) the· final s < ' ··rc · \\'.ts - ·· tn 0. Our· ne·xt ga!ll· · was with tit·· <'t·ntl': t l li £1 . Th<'~· kil'kt-<1 tn u:-. On our St' ond down . That mach· ' the · :-t·r,rt· 1:~ tn 0 and l\\'t·h ·e· (\r tiftt·t·n yartl:-: Tltt· nt~ xt plHY v ·: ts a run h~· our fullhaC'k for ahout fnrt\· ··r f11rtr-fi\'t· ~· arcls . On tiH· JH·xt plaY, t1J~ · ldt hnlf took it around lt>ft Pnd ~or :. 111tH'lt<lnwn and m:tclt- tlw g·nal. Til·' l't ·st of tht· ganw wa!' \'t·n· t·as\' ancl tlw ~t ' IIJ't · t unwcl c,ut to ll "'. 1;~\ Ho.wartl, ~0: c:H (\·ntral, II . .-\nrl this was tht:> g:tlll" that \\'tll1 our c·liampi11n;.:.hip f11r IIA. Tl1 .· lttUI'llflowns wt·r · m:ul<- h~· Hitlr \\'a<lt. half ~ : Frank l~~~~·ne·n . ~: c:c·ral<l Spin'1·'1' 1 anrl that 111atk tltt· :lO ll:.JT~· Kran.lc·r, il_.\. Hm\'al'll Howard Grid Squads Jane's Hallowe'en Prank Howard School' 6A Proves Decided Boomerang A Mystery Story Play Evanston and Wins Sixth Grade On Hallow e't·n mv motht>r w:un e d us that there wns to bf' no soaping of winKenilworth Elevens Grid Championship·---------· flow:;; and immediatf.'IY .1' laid plan s Thursday, Octobf' r 17, th e fl·atlwrweight my ThPre> wns mystt-ry in tlw big·, lon ely ltouse' down t ht· stre<·t. All tlw p o ple in t ht· neighborhooll wondered who origina tt ·d t lw t <' t'l'ihlt- scre am. Our hous e wa s ahrJUt two <lnnrs from tlwr·t· so my hrothL·r ancl I d ec ided that w would look into th e mystl'I'V. :\ly hrntlwt· ·and I krH'\\' hn\\· to g-d in · throug-h a basement window . .Su with our flashlights aml ntht>r paraplwt·nalia \\' 0 C'limbc ·cl into th <' bHSl'nwnt. \Y'l' :..v e nt into the· kitclwn . Pht ·\\' ~ lt was stuff,· aJHl C'llb\\'t·h:-: \\'t:'l'l' h:1 nJ.:-ing- a 11 11\'t' l' t lw ·pl<U't'. Tllf'n we ~ot our· first scar~· -hig, mtt n-~·dzl'd foot prints ip tilt> <lu:-;t. \\'l' follo\\'Pd t-lt e m to thP l,uilt-in stairC'ase. Tlwrt' tlwy stoppNL l:oy, was I ('\'t·l' Sl':tl't·d . I wantt·cl to run hut my hr·oth\·r ht'll1 1111' hal'ic Ht·'s bigge ·r t h: ! n I. Ht· was r~· ( · linA· around the s tairt·as ·. All ,,r ;1 sudclt·n the l>~irt of tltt' stf'ps t'IO~t'st to th<' t1o11r w"nt up. \\'t'll, my ht·art we·nt kf'rtllunk rig·ht down tn lhe l ·ot tom of my shot·s when T saw an o}wni11g to a passagt· rig·llt in front of my for th e e vt>ning-. That nig-ht I af't i"cl \ 'f' l'Y slt>epy and prete ncl E' rl to g-o to h d. Hut l re>ally di(ln 't go to hNl. I \\':litt·cl in my room until the whole fnmilv \\'t' l'C' itl bed :1ml thl·n with a piece of ,;o:;p in rn~· hancl I slipp d down stnirs an1l so:qwd tlw \\·indow:-; until tht>\' looked a:- if lht.·\· h<~d ht ·<·n coverPd ·wit11 white p:tinL . Tiwn I v: ent upstairs to ht·d anxious to ~t · t · what tlw morning- woulcl hl'ing·. Tlw 111·:>:t morning- 1 w rt.' surpri!;N] to find it ha1l tunwll hitlt'J' cold and had sno\n·tl in tlw night. \\"h f' n r had drel'S t? d and I \\' t:' llt d i! \\'11 stnirs f a c ted \'t·ry !11U<:h l'UrtH'is e·O to find th winrlows had h<'en Sl!:\])t>tl. Aft f' t' brenkfa::;t, I \Yas surpri!'t·11 t(J hc ·ar mv mother say, ~'.Tnne, as long· as you han' nothing- else to do this morning- n nd the front windows han· b e('n so:l)ll' cl you mqy wash them." It ".:HR so cold lltY hands Jll·:t r·J:-· froz <' nnd the joke was nn 111 ·.-.lant· .. \. "·t·IH'r, llo\\'al'd sn. · · ~· t·:-:. HowP-rd SA Plays Last of . F·ootball Games on Slate and th e p eew ee foothall t e ams had a game at Holtwood fit:'ld with Nichols sehnol. The peewe es c ame out in a 6 to !' ti e but the ill fat e d f e atlwrweights lnst B to 0. The first half of th e ftcatlH:rwt'ighL g-ame th e Ni<'hols t'i e vt·n 1N1 by 7 to 0. 'l'hen adding- six morf' points ttw s econd half t-nded thP massacrt · wi.th tlw scor(' m e ntion e d abon·. Saturday, Octobe r 19, w e played at K e nilworth. Th e sid(·s w t- r e quit t·\' vn as far as th e g.tme was con<·enw<l but th e \Vilme tte fe llows didn't like thP Kt·nilworth l'('f erces. But aftt> r all th e gam e c amt- out a 0 tn 0 tif' with bflth Pee·\\r"Ps and the fcatherweig-11ts. T·h e linvups for both game s werP as follows: The first ganw : Allwortll, lt ·ft t'IHl: Crcen, left taekh· : Hobinson, left guard: Hoelz C<'nter; :\laxwC'll, right guard: Booze'r, right ta e klt>; Stackhouse , right e nd; IInrYey, fullback; \·t·rhalt·n, right half; Young-, left half : Son!t·, quart··rback with ot11er substitutions. Tlw sam· · lint·up was for tlw g-anw wit·h Kc·nilwot·tll. - Philip Ho e lz, R..\ Howard ·. Howard Seventh Graders · Study at Art Institute \\'e · walkt'd (10\\'11 tlw pass: q.~· tl to a little· l loward 8.\ has finisllt·d ttw footi>ftll 'l'h( · first g-ame was with St. 1c1om wht·n· a man wa:- sl t>e)>i'ng-. \Vo>ll, g·nnws. we· lnst no t imt· in gt·l ting out nf t·h at .Jnst·ph. Th e Sl'OI't·,; of tht· gam·~ an' n.' liflllSt· an<l llown to th 1· polil'e· station. t ollows : .\ftt·l'\\' :trd tht · polic'" saicl tltat lw W< ts a ~ .\ lloward, St. .Jo:-e·ph-l'alle> d off: ~. \ roltlwr wa ntt'd for a $ 10,1100 rohh(·r:-·. Tlw I !n\\'arcl 0, RB Howard tl, lost; S.\ ][owrohht·r himst>lf said he sert>an1t'd bt·C<tU!-it' :· I'() .J::, Rl> Stolp 0, won: :\ llownnl. :U~ llt · s tt ·ppc ·<l on a tack . Stolp , l'all('d of(; RA Howard 1) , St. Fr:uwis - Paul Kruppa, sn lTtiWHI'll 7, lo:-1 : ~L\ How:trd 14, RA Stolp 20. los: : X.\ Howard, SC Stolp, won ])y foJ' ft? it. \\~t> won two gnnws. \\\· lost thl 'N' :.rn nws. Two ganws \\'t' l'l' l'alll-d off. l·:ig·ht :\ did not win a:-: matt\· g :tnws a:.; \\'t·J'(· t'X)H'C ·kd. \'r(' ltop 1· \\' : h:t \. · ])f'!On Thursday, O<:tolwt· 2·1, 1lw lloward tt ·r· . lui'!\ in tlw other sport:-:. 7B we>nt to the Art in:-:titutt' . )ft·s . :\fa:-:on, Edwin· llorn, S...\ Howard our art tt·adwr. ha<l to ill \1!-' to ht·gin c1 111' ;I rt pi('ture hO(J]<:;;. . ..\m11ng these pirtut·es \n·n· tlw pil'tttt'f'S nf tlw Rlwims cath Pdral and th·· !':tthPdral of ::'\ntre D:1m e. A lad\' <111\\' ll at th e· .\rt institutt · showed us tlit> hugt' doon The Howard RA C'h1 sR w:t s not ~o su cflf St. ( iille'l' Catlwdr:tl and toi<l us :tbout thC' monk St. Gilks after whom ct·!-'sful this year in football as " ~ m!ght hn.Y e b N ·n. Out first ganw was with ~t. this ('athNlrnl was namNl. This l:td\' tht·n show('d us a ·niniatur~ .lflst·ph hut was cal!t-d off on at·c·ount 1:f nf tlw <'atlwdrnl nf l!lwi1n». Tlw minia- rain. Our second g-anw was with IIO\\' ;tnl tur·p was m:11le hv Rtuclt·nts of tht· an·hi- H.; and w e lost 6 to 0. Our third g· c~mt· was t,·l'lural cl:tss a't Han·ard 1·uin·rsiry. with Sf> Stolp ancl Wt:' won .JII to 0. Out· Among- tht:> other n r'l'l1itt·t·ura 1 thi!1g·R, four·th g·nme was with St. Franc·is aml thi!-i l:tdv l'howed u:- wa:-; tltt· huc:e \\'l' lost 7 to 6. Our fifth g·a nw was \\'Lth hingt·:-: oi1 Xotn> Dam t·' :-: d<HII' :·.nd told Stolp S.\ and we lost 1!l to 1:1. Our sixth t:;-; tht· !'lory of lht · m;d.::t·r· nf th(':-t: g-;,m e was with ~tolp SC a11d we won 12 hin~· t·s . 11 was Slll't·I:-· \\'forth l.::nowing-.-- to o and our se\·enth ganw Juts ~·d to (·ome.-\Valtf·r Fo:-:lund lloward S.\ . ( 'atht · J:,itlt' ltt·Ynnl(b, lloward 'ilL Assembly Programs in New Howard Unit Interesting :\ " 'e·el< ago Frida~· w1· had an asse mloly which was lwld in tlw nt>w audit c> rium . "J lap," th e lH,ys· gymna s ium instru<:tor, g-a\'t· a dt ·monstralion with th P littl t- plant ·s that tht· Wilnwttt· Ae·ro duh marlt>. Tlw <:luh meetings are ht·ld at ~tolp s (' hool. Any boy could join if he wanted to. Th e plane s wt·r e ahuut n foot !l!ng· and \\'(·t' e madP of litth strips uf wood. It was a \'ery int e re:<tinA· sight . L:~ s t \\' t·ek was <: i rl S('OU l \\'Pt·l<. TIH· t iirl S C'nuts show ~d u s how a nk. d ing wa s held by the ir troop. AliC't~ lJe rnt>hl, 111'long·ing- to Troop -l, ga\'t' a little ta~k :d,out tlw C:irl Scout s whi<.·h \\'as abo \'l' l':> inli.'I'Psting. Anna Herr, 8A 1 foward Howard SA Grid Season Somewhat of a Failure Girl Scouts Dedicate New Meeting Room at Church Tlw (iirl Sc·out!' dt'di(':ttNl their ~l'OUt t Ol!lll la:<t Sunday. Tlwre \\'t<l'l' a lot of \'i ~ itors watching our <kclivation . \\' e canw man·hing· in with f1Ur troop flag·!" at tlw front of t-aC.'h troop. \\'(·. ~at1g· snnv· ·~ and lit the fire. \-\"e had poems r e rtd ~~bout wh:H a Scout should lw. .\I is:-: llumph rit·s, our <.:aptain, told ahqllt Juliett(· Low, the found(> !' of tht· Girl Scouts. The last thing· on tl1i" progT<~ m ,. as taps whieh were played by Janet \-Vrig·ht on a · hug! . After the dedication the Scouts had tht<ir pidurt-s tal<en. 'l'hi....: dosed a. Vt'I'Y nic(' afternoon. -Phrllis Carldon, RC' ~tolp , ....___ _____ a Sixth Graders May Carve Teachers at Howard School Statues from Soap Cakes Schedule Homework Nights 1 n ~I iss Larson's room , \\' e ha \'t' two st:ttut·:-:. One:> is thf' "J'ortrait of a Lady" and the other Oll l' i~ tht' portrait ·of two nwn wrest! i ng· hel'H u St' t ht' Y n re hoth lwn<ling ·nver and it looks as thoug-h t IH·y \\'t·t't· wrestling. llut hnth statues :tre· n ·ry lH·autiful. :.\Ti:-:s L:tl 'son sai<1 t lw t la!'t :·t·ar wht>n !'IW hacl sixth gTa1le lhat l'fllllP one enr\'t·cl tlw statliL' of the l\\'1· 11H' n in soap. Slw saicl that this :-·e·:tl' if \\'e· wantl'<l to \\'P (':til <':11'\'t· it i11 Roap if \\'<' wish OJ' th · otht·r statue in s<,ap . -nornth~· l\Taxxig·, Gn llo\Y:tl'cl. 'I'If: WITH XH'liOJ,S 'l'lw Pt·t'\\'t.>t·s tit>d ::'-li<:lwl:< ::-11 in fiHit l.:tll on 'l'url'd:tr, Odolwr lti. :'\it-hob get t lwir toul'hdowu on a luck.'· p:\!-.s which w:t~ l<nol'l\t><l out of anotht"l' ~it'hol~' l·o~· ·,_ h:lll(l~ into the l nd'!-' hand~ and h~ r.. aclt· :l" tuuehdowu. - flill Cond~· . 7.\ ~t11lp 'ti~OU lHFt'lfTI/fY <lilt · day \\'· · h:td ('ompany fot' dinrwt·. Tltt-t:t · Wl'l'e · th t· lad~· atlfl tht> man :111<1 '1'0 I'L .\ Y si·El~DH . \1,1 , ,,,." C'hiltlrt ·ll , eoll· · fc·ur and one· tlH'l'. <ln \\"t·<llw:-:da~·. Ot:toher lfi, "ll:tp," our \\-, . happ.-!1· ·<1 tr1 ha\'t· c-hit-kt· ll ftll' din·h'l'. :.:.,·m teaC'lwr, tnld us \\'(' \rt're nut g-oing· HJ :t fte·r whil<· IllY lll··lht ·r a:<kt>d tht> ol<lt ·J' l·l pia~· );fHTt'l' thi!' YPHI' hut \\' t' \\'t'I'P I·Jle· hrow lH· lil\t~ d tht- c·hkk··n. II<· s:tid g11ing- to pia~· spt·edhall. "llap" told us it wa:- fine ·. Tlit ·ll !'ht· askt·d tht> \'Ollll!..!'<·l' lww to pia~-. tht>n we plnyed a little . .-\nd (dl·' lt1ow it w:t~. He · s:tid it wa:-: ·flnp hut r thinl< it il' more fun than soL'l'Pr. the· Jlt·e·lillg- was hard to g"t·t off." -Hob Edmonds, 6B l fowanl -- :\larjoric · ~tauhitz, llnwnr<l 11.\ S.\ YING l~OR PARTY ( ' JIOOSJ: 'l. Ol.LF. YR.\J,J, f'APT .\IXS F1·anl< Christy, our elassroom treasur,·!', ThE-' girl!-; f·f 'iA St(·IP ha\'(· dwst~n tlwir said we ha\'e about $7.50 in the treaSUI'\'. c·aptainl'l for w'll(·yball. ?\fary .TPan LP\\'is \Yp ar(' charging 2 cent!'; a day ror dues i ... (Jnf' antl !'hE-' g11t tw··ln· Yotes. Yirgini:l that art< not broug-ht in on time. \\' w:ll Ann Snorf rt-ceived six \'ottos. ThP t"·o h a\'t:> a lot of money for n party ·tt c·n.ptains haYe sf'le<:tt-cl tlwir g-irls. t I a llowe 't·n. Cc ·orgett Dt<ekt-r, 7A Stolp. - Reg·inald Green, Howard SA 'l'tw fifth g-rnde end<·d the football f.if·ason and ii(' 1 foward won thE' C'hampion:-:hip. \V e played six ganws and won :111 of them. EYery game we won without ll>t- othN t am making a ~corf'. Our lin<·up is Hnrold BoiTt>, captain, fullllnf'k: THa:ttS J,OSE AfL\1~ Ont· cl:~:-· around our n('ig·hborhood we· Tiolwrt ,...Steffpn);, halfback; .Jan1es Vt·rcinn, \\'a11t('(l a foothall ('a}Jtain, so we vott·d rig·ht l'nd; nohC'rt Christie rig-ht taclde: :\larshall Pdt·rsori for our captain . liP Pnul Ka~par, <·t>nter; Louis Crane, lc:ft tPI<l nw tr· g-et c·vl'ryiJOdy who wantf'rl h ~· uard, and Philip Samu('lson, left end. rla~· on our ti.·am. "'t> got tog-etht r ahtltlt :\Tiss Theman, our teacher, I~ Vf'ry happy ....-Rohert Christie thirte('n bo~·s. We had our first gatll" a:~d so :tr<' we. with the Fiftl>enth street squad and he:'l VI, A X JL\LLOWJ~'l~N Pll.OGRA ~[ tlwm 24 to IR and tht·Y wanted mw m0r<' On Hallowe'en nig-ht, Oetober :n, at gam(· so Wi" pla~'ed them and this tinw \\'t" ht·at them :J2 to 6. '\Vv n:uHed our 7 :::o o'docl<, thf're will bi" a mnYing pic .. ture show at Howard l'C'hool. 'l'lw pir·tt·am the> :.\laple - A\'enu(' Tig·prs. ture will he Rex, "king of tl1<· wild -Haymond Peterson, 7B Hnwnt'll horse:-;," '\ in "Hooflwats of Vt·ng-panC·""' with .Tac·k Perrin and HelE>n PoRt(·r and JL\LJ,OWF.'E" Oswald, the lucky rabbit, in "TiidP ·~m. llallm\'t·\'n is drawing Jlig·h. l'lowho\·." Admission free. 'Tis tlw day when hats o'er lwnrl d11 tly, · -:\{argard LiYely, 6A Howanl .\nd tlH' witl'l1es :tnd tlw goblinl' .\ re hi(ling· in tht- ('Oal him;. c:hosts come round in ho sts. JIA 1\IXG LEAF JlOOKS Tht·J'e is no rca!';On why In our science class we are m:ll<ing lt>af The l'hildren are afraid of Hall·l\\·e't.·n. r,otebooks. In them we are going to ~PJt -:-Mildred Farmer, 7.-\ Stolp pressed leas s and blue prints. We are mounting the pressed lenve::; on white ~WHITF. GHOST S1'0RIF.S va.per, the smoked prints, too. '!'he blue W, are starting to write stories of prints are to be made on a special kind ghosts and witches for ::\Iiss Perrlng. We of pnper. They will he very interestir~g nll like to write -stories of that sort. when th ey are finished. -Jean La wn~nc:e, 7 A. Stolp -Mary Louise Schaeffer, 6A Howard The Howard sehool h·:tclwrs got tng'l_'tlwr and piC'kt·d a night !'or ttwir ni~ht of homework. :.\Irs. (; ro\'t·!' wanted :\I cmday night for social sc.:it:>net:>. )I isR ~fnd Si.·n wanted 'l'uesda.y nig-ht for !!.Tamm:Jr. :'lrr~ . .Jones wanted \·VednN:da~ · night for nrithnwtic and Thursday nig-ht for sp e lling·. Tlwse with tlw PXtra studit·s thrown in mal{t· a. fairly good program. :.\larjorit> Taylor, 8..\ li·1ward Howard SC Wins Fifth Grade Football Title ..

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