Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 44

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W I L M E' T T E LIFE November 1, 1929 ESIHER. GOULD~S iRAVEL CORNER THE FIRST OF THEM Po lo was the first of them~ His successors haven't a)w;:tys been so· courageous and I fear often no more truthfu l. But it is fun to go hack to this first author-traveller and hear his naive accounts of his wanderings. At least he g-ave plenty nf time to it. unlike the moderns \\'ho.; e idea of tran'l is t() capture a speed recnrd. ~·1 a reo's trip was twenty-six years. It is rat her startling tu come upon the ~tatement that "then continued to· navigate the Sea of Tndia for eightt·en months more before thcr arrin·d \\'hither the\· were hound,',. and this was on1y nn~· lap of the joumey. Think of the sensatinn of hearing fwnt a t ra n ·ller who had been in t hcse m\·sterious nmntrics. \\·ho had sailed m;er these uncharted seas. !\o \nmdcr ' the natives of Venin· cnnnled round making :vt arcn repeat his story until in self defense he had to write it <hnrn. Only the arrival of a man frutll ~fars tnday could he comparahle to the return nf ~I arco. Sometimes in reading- the lnng Ltnsmiling p'ages of thl· honk onl· \\'t·ndcrs what has kept it so very much alive through the years. Perhaps it is rather the lq~·end of Marco Polo ·h:tt Old Some Suggestions,. Wilmette Readers, For Fall Evenings To st imu la t e your readi ng on a ut um n eveni ngs Miss An ne L. Whitmack, librarian at the Wi lmette Public libra ry, has selected the fo llowing sample sentences from three entertaini ng hooks to be found at the lib r ary: October makes me think of cats tlMt \\'av. He'll sho\\' his \Yhite teeth , · just a little mite on a frosty morning; a nd then some noontide he's warm n' sleek as ~ person cares to touch-and last thing he gives a great leap out o' the sunshine into cold, misty clouds. October is sleek to the touch , b ut he'll bit~ , nu as soon as anything.-Maristan Chapman in "The Happy Mountain." :vr arco RAYMOND-WHITCOMB lives t ha n the hook itself. For it is not particularly exc1t111g readin!:t; Marco had no publ ish~rs to suggest !le "jazz it up" a little. Its charm, like that of its maps, is most nf all ·in its quaintness. The Prologue opens: "Great Princ""· Emp.erors. and Kings, Dukes and Marquises, Counts, Knights. and Burgesses~ and People of . a ll degrees ..vho desire to get knowledge of the various r1ces of mankind and of the diversities of the sundry regions o the \Vorld., take this Book and C(!Hse it to be read to vou," and we realize . that we have stepped hack into a time \\'hen pcopll' cpuld not read. \\'hen miracles hap pcned. when the grave of Adam \\'as one of the sights to be ~een as toda'· · tl -f Col 1 · IS lC grave o ttm Hts . E D·I - God thought of citie in man~· \\'avs. For the cities of Asia were carven wells of white jade from \\'hich the We:-.t drew li\'ing waters in urns of such pure and perfect shape .a~ Asia never knew. i\nd .the marble c1ttes of Greece wer~ l amaz1ng la~nps. of .hea~tt~·. made f01 the worlds Jllum111at10n. And the cities of Egypt lay, dead-gold shrines of antiquitv older than time. keeping the immen-lorial wisdom of a magic GUIDE -LECTURE TOURS Kcxt \\'cek's guide-ll·cture tour~ inr that is the onlv possible converse with the public at Fi~ld ~l11se11nt oi ~atmal primeval night. And the cities 0f History will begin ~~ onday, :\nvcmLer Spain were the cast les of love anrl 4, with 1'Art of the Plains lndians" ;tt death whose foundations \\"Cre prid~..·. 11 a. m. and '"African Animals" at 3 But thr cities of 1talv God made for p. 111. Other da,·s at the same ·homs sheer delight.-Rarhcl Annand 'fa,·lnr subjects will he -: Tuesda\'. .. ).[ us·cal in "Leonardo the Florentine." Atl\·. man \\'ho can organize all hi:-; urges so that they find an outlet in his environment and can. the same time. protect himself there against his weakness is sure to achieve as much happi ness as his nature permits.-\ Valtcr B. Pitkin in "The Psychology of Happi ness ." TERRANEAN CRUISE .& THE ITINERARY-To an already comprehensive cruise. . route are added to our Winter· Mediterranean Cruise the Island of Rhodes and Valona in Albania. .& THE CRUISE SAILS from New York on January 23 on the famous Cunarder "Carinthia". The rates are $1 000 and up. N OR TH T R AV E L St;\tt· H a nk & SH ORE S ER VI CE ( 'o ·· l: l' l ll t~tll n OJ7icial A.(}f'l/18 fur .'1/1 ,'\ft' I/111SII1}J J,iiii 'S ltllli Tourist Compallit ' .'l 'l' ru ~ t 'r t·lt·JI IW ilf' 0 rt't' lllt·U f ;)000 Fares at ' l'ari .U' 1-:oft ·s fnstruments" and "China.-.: \\' edm·sday, "Reptiles an<l ln :, ects" and "Egypt.,; Thursday. h\' O general tome; of the museum: and Frida,·. "Cll~Hal Geologica l Features" a;1d "Early Man." These tours of museum c..:hihits. conducted by staff. lecturers, arc free. Parties assemble inside the north entrance. Do Your Christmas Shopping NOW for ROUND SOUTH AMERICA A complete visit of the South American Continent, sailing Feb, ruary 1on the "Samaria". Limited to 280 members. $1250 up. Photographs Eyes that have OTHER CRUISES for 1929-1930 Round the World North Germ~ Lloyd S.S. " Columbu·· January 21- 106 days- $2000 up ~cw Holland-Amcrica,Line S.S. "Sta.tendAa.. Decm1ber 21 (,. January 9 (16 da.ys) January 29 & Februa.ry 25 (25 days) "IT" "IT" .. . that subtle something which attracts others . .. usually lies in the eyes. Don't be discouraged if your own eyes are dull, lifeless and unattractive. A few drops of harmless Murine will will brighten tbeni up and cause them to radiate "IT." Thousands upon thousands of clever women use Murine daily and thus keep their eyes alwayr. cleart bright and alluring. A month's supply of this longtrusted lotion costs but 60c. Try it! Insure most artistic results by arranging · for your s1tt1ng now before the rush begins.' This Christmas photographs - the gift no on. e can duplicate. You may select from our beautiful mountingst frames and portfolios to give added worth to your gift. West Indies Spring Mediterranean Cunard S.S." Carinthia."- Aprill North Cape-Russia S.S. " Carinthia."~une 24 S.S. " Franconlat -June 28 MEXICO AND CAUFORNIA LAND CRUISES ESCORTED TOURS TO EUROPE VISmNO THE PASSION PLAY AT OBERAMMERGAU INDIVIDUAL ARRANGEMENTS f'wTRAVEL THROUGHOUT THE WOUJ) STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON All UNES AT REGULAR RATES Fer l .. .U dif_,_. To encourage early Christmas sittings we offer our Special Christmas Miniature for ··· $12.50 j,, Raymond & Whitcomb Co. 176 No. Michigan Ave., Chic.so Ttl Scat. 1615 lJRIN£ f.ORYOUR EuoENE L. RAY PHOTOGRAPHER Evanston Phone Univ. 2238 1606 Chicago Ave. EYEs

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